时间:2018-01-31 18:16 阅读:414 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广





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来自: 爬爬


































10月14日及前后5天生日的天秤座,2月15日的食相会更加眷顾你哦。对于上升或本命月亮在天秤座21度及正负5度的人而言,亦是如此。如果你有本命星落在天秤座、 水瓶座、双子座、白羊座、狮子座或者射手座21度及正负5度,食相到来的时刻,也有值得你庆祝的事情发生。
















































Your forecast for February is spectacular. Two eclipses are cutting across the most social parts of your chart, sure to stir up lots of news and opportunities for you to find and enjoy love, and to make new friends.

The first eclipse technically appeared last month, January 31, just one day before February dawned. It appeared in Leo, lighting your eleventh house of hopes, wishes, clubs, and groups, as well as the entire range of people you know – close friendships, acquaintances, and even casual contacts.

It appears a social event was or soon will take your full attention, such as a wedding or lavish birthday party, for example, or you may be thinking about working on a political or humanitarian event, or charity benefit. There are other possibilities. You may send your application to join a new club, or to attend a club event that seems quite special. If you are giving a charity benefit, you will make a big name for yourself – you will raise funds and greater awareness for the charity, and later, the top brass will hail you as a rock star.

The fact that the January 31 eclipse was in Leo suggests the large event you attend would have a touch of beauty, luxury, and elegance. The event you are going to (or just did at the end of January) had to have you in the middle of many smiling faces. You will meet new people, too, in coming weeks and months, and the people you meet will be open and friendly. You are likely to meet someone who has a lot in common with you, and for that reason you’ll probably want to know that person better. Having Mars friendly is a big plus, for you will get involved fully, with a big heart.

Full moons are important, but a full moon lunar eclipse usually will carry even more weight and importance, for it comes with the strength of three full moons rolled into one. A lunar eclipse can bring events to culmination and clarity, and give you closure. We usually see time move at a difference pace – much faster – and things we had planned to do in the future have a way of moving up quickly and need to happen right now.

The actions you take at eclipse time have clout, and the events will likely point you in a new direction. You may make a new friend or decide to do a joint venture with a friend. It seems that whatever message this eclipse has for you will make you feel very energized because Mars will be motivating you to get up and go, and it seems you will be enthusiastic about all that goes on.

If your birthday falls on October 4, plus or minus five days, you will almost certainly feel the benefits and enjoy the social environment of this eclipse. If you have Libra rising at 11 degrees or the natal moon in Libra, plus or minus five degrees, the same is true for you. If you have a natal planet in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, at 11 degrees or within five degrees of that degree, you too will have something to cheer about.

Most (75 percent) eclipses deliver their news on or within five days of the date they arrive, and that would be certainly within the first days of February. Others (20 percent) deliver their news one month to the day to the day later, plus or minus five days, bringing your social event to the first week in March. Sometimes, due to triggers in a chart, rarely, some people (5 percent of the time) will notice the effects of an eclipse one month to the day earlier, plus or minus five days. That would have brought you to end of December and early January. However, as said, most people do feel an eclipse on time, but if you don’t, watch early March. This rule of thumb works on all eclipses.



Here is another factoid about eclipses you may find interesting. Eclipses arrive in pairs two weeks apart, and we usually get four eclipses a year. (This year we will see five, as the Cancer and Capricorn family of eclipses will slowly start up, starting July 12.)

This month, the second eclipse will arrive February 15 as a new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius, 27 degrees. Solar eclipses always open a new door and announce the beginning of a fresh, new trend. When the eclipse is fabulously aspected, like this one will be for you, the opportunities will sparkle brightly and dazzle you with their brilliance.

February 6 will be mighty special too, for Venus in Aquarius will tease Uranus, and he will chase Venus all around the thickly wooded forest, like the fairy you see on the lawn at daybreak.

If you feel you don’t get enough romantic attention from your mate, that will likely change now, so be flirtatious – your spouse will respond. If you are single, this exciting eclipse of 2018 will have the power to change that – you need to do your part by going out and circulating. Change your patterns – do something new.

I am particularly excited to see that Uranus, planet of surprise and ruler of Aquarius (the sign of the February 15 eclipse), will be in an especially sweet angle to three heavenly bodies: the Sun (solar eclipse), new moon, and Mercury. Whatever comes up will come up completely out of the blue, in an odd way that you’d have never expected. This is what makes this eclipse so much fun.

Single or attached, you may have a very memorable and loving Valentine’s Day for this eclipse; February 15 will come within 24 hours of this darling day for lovers. I imagine there will be news of many Libra engagements and marriages. Venus and Saturn will be collaborating flawlessly for those who want to commit, bringing a spirit of permanence and helping you to build a sturdy foundation for the love you feel so deeply.

To my friends in Brazil: I know you have Valentine’s Day on June 12, but you can still enjoy all the wonderful things going on for your love life this month. In other words, you don’t need a holiday for Cupid to come zing you with his arrow of love! Look your best, and remain optimistic!

No matter where you live in the world, at this eclipse February 15, a friend will likely be instrumental to your happiness. For example, if a friend wants to introduce you to someone he thinks you will like, agree to meet that person. If your friend is tugging at you to join a certain club, and it seems like a nice one, listen up! Or if your friend wants you to go to a certain party or gathering, go! It looks like you won’t need much arm-twisting this time. This month is so rosy that you’ll enthusiastically gobble up all that is offered to you. I think this will be one of your favorite months of the year.

If you are attached and hope to have a baby, this February 15 eclipse can work like a fairy godmother – or the stork. It’s time to get serious about your dream to have children, dear Libra. If you have had problems with conception, let this eclipse be the moment you make the appointment with a fertility expert. If you have a child or children, you will hear good news about one or more of them. Something regarding at least one child will likely make you proud and very happy.




If your birthday falls on October 14, plus or minus five days, the February 15 eclipse has your name on it, and will call your name. The same is true if you have Libra rising or the natal moon in Libra, 21 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. If you know you have a natal planet in Lira, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, at 21 degrees plus or minus five degrees, you will also have something to celebrate soon after this eclipse arrives.

Here are two interesting facts about eclipses. First, they repeat in precise mathematical degree and the same sign (in this case Leo and Aquarius) every 19 years. Think back to what happened in your life on January 31 and February 15, 1999. Although the planets surrounding those eclipses in 1999 have since changed signs, it’s still worth thinking back to see what you can recall. If you can detect a theme, it is likely to come up again now, because these eclipses will light the very same areas of your chart.

Here is another rule of thumb for you to meditate about. Eclipses come by in families of signs. Right now we are seeing the Leo and Aquarius series (signs that are 180 degrees apart, or six signs away from each other on the wheel). That series started February 10, and whatever you discussed last year, the topic was advanced by August 7 and August 21 last year. Have a look at your email to see what you were thinking about back in August. Now, the topic will move forward still again. There will be more eclipses in the Leo and Aquarius signs this year, in July and August, and then one more in January 2019, but the sweetest ones are happening this month. Once the series of eclipses in Leo and Aquarius end in January 2019, there will be none for nine years, not until 2026 and 2027.

You might want to check my article “How to Deal with Eclipses” that appears on the lower left side of my homepage if you are looking at my site on a computer. If you have my premium paid version of my app (the one you pay for, say $4.99 a month, or $12.99 for three months), go to the menu, find Life, Love + More, and you will see the words, Susan’s Essays and you will see my article on Eclipses right away. I love how I wrote that article (over the course of two years), numbering all the points, so it’s easy to grasp the information quickly. You will see how powerful eclipses can be.

Most of the month, Venus, your ruler, will be in a loving, supportive mood, with several days adding luxury, pampering, fun, and love, sometimes when you least expect the day to be over-the-top special. Your very best period will be February 1 to 10, while Venus is in Aquarius, but there will be other days too to note for fun.

The first day to watch will be February 3, when Venus and Mars will play tag and up the love quotient on this lovely Saturday.

February 6 will be mighty special too, for Venus in Aquarius will tease Uranus, and he will chase Venus all around the thickly wooded forest, like fairy nymphs you see on the lawn at daybreak.

Venus is very important to you, for Venus is your ruler. While many people will enjoy these days, you will enjoy them with a double dip of pleasure.




Before I continue with my list of all the sweet days involving Venus, I will insert another thrilling day, February 13, when the Sun and Uranus will trade signals. This day practically explodes with exciting serendipity and unexpected surprises that will make you smile, and all of what happens will point to love and friendship and bubbling social activity.

Now back to my list involving your ruler Venus. It’s quite a list! On February 15, Venus and Saturn will buddy up to create a vibration of stability and long lasting love, just in time for you to exchange promises on Valentine’s Day. Venus and Saturn will peak in aspect (mathematically) on February 15, but you will feel their energies building the day before on the day for lovers.

Wednesday, February 21, might also prove to be special for you, the evening Venus will waltz and twirl over the star-studded midnight sky with her partner, Neptune, in a wonder of lyrical flowing beauty. If you can go out after work to have a first date, or a date with your steady sweetheart, or spouse, do, for this is a date not to miss.

Let’s now turn to look at what Mars is doing in your chart. Mars just recently moved into Sagittarius (last month on January 26), and Mars will remain in this perfect-for-Libra sign until March 17. You may find you are traveling more than usual, but the trips will be short distance, not overseas. You generally love to get out of the house anyway, so you will find Mars’ energy to be like a breath of fresh air. You may want to check in with your sister or brother, because your sibling is showing up in your horoscope as being filled with news, and you’ll want to find out about all the good things that are going on.

You may need to sign a contract this month, but if so, take it slow. Eclipses kick up a lot of dust, and it’s hard to see the road ahead. There is no reason to rush, although you might be pressured to do so. Have your lawyer look at all agreements – this is no month to wing it without one. The date I love best for signing a contract would be Sunday, February 25, when the Sun and Saturn will be in sync. If you can’t sign on Sunday, do so on Monday, February 26. On that day, Saturn and the Sun will still be close enough to help you, and the moon and Jupiter will be conjunct. It won’t hurt, either that the moon will be in Leo, a sign highly friendly to yours.

Your career will be setting off pretty fireworks in the night sky too, especially mid-month, near or soon after February 15, thanks to the position of the new moon eclipse to Uranus. When unexpected happy news comes in, you will need to make a decision quickly and turn on a dime. You will, too because the opportunity will be too good to pass up. (If you don’t want to take it, there will be ten people lined up behind you who want it, so no hesitation will be possible!)

As you get to the very end of February, we have a full moon building on March 1, to fall in Virgo in your twelfth house of privacy, rest, creativity, and solitude. You will notice that things are coming to culmination and closure. As you can see by my report for you, you will be very busy, especially socializing (too good to miss!), so by month’s end it will be important to slow down, for you will need to take good care of yourself. Hopefully, if the doctor told you to get a flu shot early in February (or months ago), you did. You will be putting out a lot of energy at month’s end, and you need to pace yourself. Get enough sleep – that will be important. You have so much to look forward to in March!


Get ready for a divinely social month. The eclipses are back, and they are known to almost always be harbingers of change. The year’s first full moon lunar eclipse in Leo technically fell last month on January 31, but as you enter February, you will notice the effects – or replaying in your mind the happy moments that occurred. Your mind will turn to a friend or a memorable party or other event populated by many happy people, or that you will still attend momentarily.



It seems to be a lavish affair, offering beautiful food, wine, and flowers, and attracting an array of well-dressed guests. An eclipse usually brings a landmark event, so chances are, there’ll be something important about the event, and that results will bring lasting effects.

A sweet day, when things should go your way, will be February 6, for Venus in your house of true love will contacted by impulsive, surprising Uranus. Look your best, because whenever your ruler, Venus, is involved you will be vibrant and quite the star. Your level of magnetism will run exceptionally high.

As hard as this may be to believe, you’ve not seen your biggest moment of the month for breathless romance. Fasten your seat belt, dear Libra, here it comes: February 15.

Your next big event will be on the new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius on February 15. This eclipse may be your most important day of the year – it will brilliantly light your fifth house of love, and its only aim seems to be to transport you to an enchanting place of the heart and mind. It will be the only new moon of 2018 to provide such powerful romantic opportunity. This new moon is a solar eclipse too, so it will have the force of three new moons in one.

This eclipse will receive golden beams from Uranus, planet of surprise, which is happy news for single Libras, or attached Libras who hope to have a baby. If you are single and hoping to find the right person for you, make an effort to circulate in new places, and ask friends to make an introduction. If you are attached, you can now have more fun with your partner, so plan something for the weekend after Valentine’s Day. If possible add extra vacation days, February 15-19.

If you are serious about getting married, this Valentine’s Day weekend may bring a diamond ring in a tiny box or a walk down the aisle very soon.

The idea of taking a quick short trip will be encouraged by Mars, now in Sagittarius and touring your third house of travel. If you feel like breaking free earlier in the month, you will have another perfect weekend to do so over February 3-5, when Venus and Mars will flirt in a sweet way, and the transiting moon will cooperate by gliding in the constellation of Libra. The stars will be twinkling just for you, dear Libra.

By month’s end, you seem to be exhausted by the flurry of social activity, so plan to retreat and treat yourself to rest. Lolling on the couch to read, watch TV, and catch up with items on your to-do list around the house seems right at this time. Your work life will get active soon, so in the last week of February while you have a chance to catch your breath, take full advantage. Booking a massage, facial, or other spa treatment at month’s end will be the right soothing treat for you.



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