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九星批未来五年运 推广





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1月1日后的四天,你们有可能做出决定拿到心仪的房子,或者那天你们已经实际地搬家入住了。同步地,你们可能需要在第一周下单或者受到家具,感谢水逆脱离了逆行状态,而下一次的水逆期会在3月22日到4月15日。  让我们再来说说另一个好日子,1月6日,周六,你们可能在前一天就已经有感觉。星相是火星和木星相合,精准成相,这可能是每两年才会有的事件,但所在的星座往往不同。这次它们都在和财务有关的天蝎座,你们可能会在1月5日或者6日收获特别不错的财务消息。













来自:C rystaiW
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来自: CrystalW 





为了向你展示六星齐聚的可贵,请让我在这里回顾一下过去。早在2000年5月3日,就有七颗行星与金牛座对齐,直立排成一条直线,一个接着一个,就像在银行排队的人。为了讨论这个罕见的现象,我和主持人Paula Zahn一起在CNN,与科学家Jack Horkheimer多视频分享了这个分屏。霍克海默解释说,我们再也不会在一生中看到七个行星齐聚在一个星座,对齐。但是,我们会看到六个星球齐聚在一个星座上,而这将发生在2018年1月16日,在摩羯座(27度)的新月发生。这个时刻就在眼前!



像大多数情节一样,会有一个转折点。令人惊讶的天王星非常生气,因为他没有被邀请到你的第十宫的摩羯座派对。就像一个坏男孩,他会回应,并引发不安,将怒火发在聚集在摩羯座的所有星球。现在天王星是在白羊座,这意味着你可能会突然间从一种职业的状况转移到另一种状态。本文来自星座运势网.你的图表也表明你会带着更多的钱离开。或者,你可能会与客户或经理层意见不一致,以至于你感觉到这种状况发生的太频繁,而这件事可能是最后一根压断骆驼背的秸秆  - 你必须离开。


如果你热爱自己的工作,但却被另一份机会所吸引,那么你一定要确保自己拥有更多的责任,权力和头衔,还有一份慷慨的奖金,也许是一份签约奖金。任何情况下都不要做平级移动。摩羯座的许多星球都暗示你会监督预算或拨款,所以在接下来的几个月里,如果你换了职位,你将负责一个相当负责任的工作。你可以有你的梦想的情况,但你必须呈递你的申请去得到它。如果你是销售员,你可以得到适当的佣金,或者如果一个作家,一个有吸引力的发展和版税率。你的图表表明,如果你有说服力,所有这些条件都可以满足。你很少有这么多的行星代表你的行业来提升你的地位。记住:权力很少被给予 – 你必须把握住他。

注意不要太冲动,因为在这种情况下,你可能会 - 现在你的动作和决定可能会引起相当大的生活变化,甚至会影响你的住所。如果你离开现在的工作,那么你将会高度重视,在你最近的成就中取得的成功,并赢得了你所在行业所有人的尊重。这些行星将像派对上的嘉宾一样,来自宇宙中的各个角落,有些会在一个月开始的时候开始提前到来。这将需要一些时间去准备和组织。这将发生在1月16日新月以后的摩羯座27度。届时,你将在接下来的几天和几周内看到很多动静。

在考虑新的工作机会时,尽管薪酬是一个重要因素,但不要以赚钱为主要优先事项。钱可以走的很快 (财来财去,不知道这里翻译的对不对) - 接受你可以继续你的职业发展和发展你的天赋人才的工作。去做你热衷于做的工作,在那里你可以向那些你汇报的人学习,你觉得你可以做出最大的贡献的地方。


如果你确实从竞争对手那得到一个职业机会,那么你的图表显示你现在的公司也可能会提出相应的报价 - 准备好,了解什么才是自己最想要的(就未来持续增长和加薪而言)。你将处于有利位置去讨价还价。如果你现在的公司发展的不是很好,让你觉得不安全,你可能无论如何也是想要离开的。


1月5 - 6日火星与天蝎座的木星合相是一个罕见的现象。自1982年8月8日以来,这些行星在天蝎座和你的财政第八宫相遇,直到2053年11月24日才会再次出现。

一些白羊座会考虑搬家,如果是这样的情况,事情将会非常迅速地显露出来。 1月1日,火星将与这个满月形成一个良好的角度 - 尽可能的支持。在1月1日的四天之内,如果你一直在寻找并找到了一个满意的地方,你会和说服房东,为新的公寓或房子签订协议。这个时候天上会出现一个美丽的金色三角形,在一点上连接满月; 木星和火星是你在三角形第二点的金融区域,海王星在想象力的第十二宫完成三角形的第三点。这是告诉你,你有天使的帮助,如果你非常想得到这个地方,你可以说服房东。





从1982年8月8日开始,火星和木星在天蝎座相遇,你的财政第八宫他人钱财宫(执政信贷,贷款,佣金,奖金,保险赔付,奖学金和大学经济援助,抵押贷款等等) 。在这些日子里,你可能会遭遇突如其来的财经新闻。确保在这一天签订合同,完成交易,或发表一个需要资金的演讲。

本月的一个突出的一天将是1月8日,星期一,当木星将金色的光束送到太阳。这是一个职业发展的好日子。金星在你的第十宫(在摩羯座的快乐行星之间),并且会接近你的统治者,在天蝎座的火星,给你磁性,魅力和能力,以得到你想要的东西。木星也将接触到金星,所以你受VIP欢迎程度将达到历史最高水平。人生不可能永远是这样的甜蜜 – 要充分利用。










火星,你的统治者,将与美丽的木星,幸福的星球在相合,一次罕见的聚会,直到2053年11月24日在天蝎座才再相遇。在这个满月,尤其是在1月6日,你就像一块虚拟的钱财磁铁。如果你需要房屋贷款,或者你父母的钱支付房屋的首付,或租赁押金,你只要问 就很可能会得到你所需要的。一月份的第一周将是购买,出售,租赁,装修或装修你家的理想选择。你也许很做出一个关于你想要在哪里生活的重要结论。



然而,现在在白羊座旅行的令人惊讶的天王星,将会怒视太阳,月亮,金星和冥王星,并带来一些意想不到的消息。你可能不喜欢你的工作职称,因为它会限制你的表达或减少表达你的想法或个性的自由。如果相关宣传,你可能会觉得记者没有正确地表达你的意思,留下错误的印象。本文转自星座运势网.或者,你可能会觉得赔偿不充足。或者,你可能会惊奇地听到你将不得不搬家,以利用这个机会,如果你正在约会,你可能担心你将无法维持两地分居。会有各种各样的可能性,但你明白了 - 天王星将制造一个障碍。

每个人的本命盘图都不一样,所以你可能有本命星,这个天王星的位置很好地融合在一起,这将减轻伤害度。保持警惕,并提出许多问题。你的地位肯定在上升 - 只要确定它是你想要的方向就行了。你是一个胜利者,VIP们会看到你的价值,并希望能留住你。土星在现在和将来的三年里,正在培养你变的更强更好。如果你想成名,并愿意为之努力,你就可以拥有它。土星会把你变成你的领域的发电机。要确保你所做的工作正是你想要的工作,因为会有很多挑战与机遇并存。这是一个很重要的阶段,保持不变不是选择之一,但是令人高兴的是,你似乎得到了不止一个可供选择的机遇。




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This will be a big memorable month for you on many levels. The most important development has to do with your career. Things will begin to cook mid-month, but you will see glimmers of what’s to come as January begins. As you enter January, you will have six heavenly bodies headed to your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, known as your prestigious tenth house.

To show you how rare a stack-up of six bodies in our solar system is, let me rewind the videotape here. Back on May 3, 2000, the world saw seven planets aligned in Taurus, standing in a straight line in place, one behind the other like people standing in line at the bank. To discuss this rare event, I was on CNN with host Paula Zahn, sharing a split-screen with scientist Jack Horkheimer. Horkheimer explained that we would never again see seven planets aligned in one sign, one constellation, again during our lifetime. We would, however, see six planets in one sign, and that would happen on the new moon in Capricorn (27 degrees) on January 16, 2018. Here we are, the moment is at hand!

That day is quickly approaching! You are fortunate, dear Aries, that these Capricorn planets are lining up in your most prestigious part of your solar chart, indicating rare potential for you to grow your career stature. It looks like you are about to be offered a new title, a promotion, or a professional award, or to get an offer from another company. No matter what happens, this month, when it comes to your career, you should be soon sitting on top of the world.

Like most plots, there will be a twist. Uranus, planet of surprise, is upset that he was not invited to this Capricorn party in your tenth house. Like a very bad boy, he will act out and cause an upset, aiming his anger at almost all the planets in Capricorn. Uranus is in Aries these days, suggesting you might be tearing away from one career situation to another, quite suddenly. Your chart also suggests that you would be leaving for quite a bit more money. Or, you may disagree with a client or management official to such a degree that you may feel that you’ve seen this kind of situation too often, and the event might represent the last straw that wound up breaking the camel’s back – you must leave.

If you love your job but are tempted by another, you must be sure you will have more responsibility, power, and title, along with a generous bonus, perhaps a signing bonus. Do not make a lateral move under any circumstances. Many planets in Capricorn suggest you will be overseeing budgets or appropriating funds, so in coming months, if you do change positions, you will be managing quite a responsible job. You can have your dream situation but you must present your case to get it. If you work in sales, you can get the right commission, or if a writer, an attractive advance and royalty rate. Your chart shows all these conditions can be met for you if you ask persuasively. Rarely have you have had so many planets working on your behalf to raise your status in your industry. Remember: power is rarely given – it has to be seized.

Be careful not to be too impulsive, for under these circumstance, you might be – your movements and decisions now could cause quite a dramatic life change and may even affect where you live. If you do leave your present job, you would be doing so on a high note, with much success in your recent past, and garnering much respect from just about everyone in your industry. These planets will be like guests at a party, coming from all points in the universe, and some will start to arrive early, as soon as the month begins. It will take those little party-goers time to get everything in place. That will happen on and after the new moon, January 16 in Capricorn 27 degrees. By then, you should see lots of activity in the days and weeks that follow.

When thinking about a new job offer, don’t make money the main priority, even though compensation is an important element. The money can get old fast – go for the job where you can continue to grow and develop your innate talents. Go to the job that you are passionate about doing, where you can learn from those who you report to, and where you feel you can make your biggest contribution.

Saturn moved into your tenth house of fame and honors last month on December 20, and in the coming three years, you would work very hard and have your mettle tested in many ways. Make sure the job you are going to next will be worthy of a great effort from you and will be a setting in which you can shine.


If you do get an offer from a competitive firm, your chart indicates that you are likely to get a counter offer from your present firm too – be prepared, and know what kind of offer (in terms of continued future growth and salary hikes) will be required to make you want to stay. You will be in a strong position, so state your terms. If your present company has been going through a hard time, you might want to leave anyway, if you feel your security is at stake.

Let’s backtrack to the start of the month, for we have a full moon in Cancer at 12 degrees, on January 1. I don’t always like to see a full moon on the start of the year because many people go out drinking on New Year’s Eve, and the mix of alcohol and high emotions can be a potent mix. Be absolutely sure you don’t drink and drive, nor are you with a date who was drinking and who will be driving you back after the party. Calling a car, such as an Uber, is a smart move.

Some Aries will be thinking about moving to a new address, and if that describes you, things are going to crystallize VERY fast. Mars will be in excellent angle to this full moon, January 1 – supportive as can be. Within four days of January 1, you can seal a deal on a new apartment or house if you have been looking and have found the right space for you – and need to talk the landlord into giving it to you. A beautiful golden triangle will appear in the heavens at this time, linking the full moon on point one; Jupiter and Mars is your financial area at the second point of the triangle, and Neptune in the twelfth house of imagination completes the third point of the triangle. This is a long way of telling you that you have the angels on your side, and can talk that landlord into giving you the space if you want it badly.

Your intuition will be very high at this full moon, January 1 and in the first week of the month, and your powers of persuasion will be too. If you have found the space you were looking for, you can have it. If you need a mortgage or extra money for deposits, the money will be there for you, one way or another. Perhaps a parent or other relative will see to it that you get it, or your banker will be extra-accommodating of your needs. The Sun will be close enough to trine your ruling planet, Mars, an exquisite aspect, and that’s a big advantage. Your ruler, Mars is now touring your financial eighth house, with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, a financial planet, both holding hands in your house of other people’s money. This is why I feel you will get all the money you need.

January 1 plus four days may be the day that you make your decision and get the apartment or house you want, or it could be the day you actually move in. Alternatively, you may be ordering or receiving furniture in the first week of January. Thank goodness Mercury is not in retrograde any longer, and won’t again until March 22 to April 15.

Let’s talk about another gorgeous day, January 6, a Saturday, and you will be able to feel the effects of this sparkling day one day earlier, January 5, too. The aspect is active Mars conjunct good fortune Jupiter to exact mathematical degree, a rare event that happens every two years, but always in a different sign. This time Mars and Jupiter will both be in the financial Scorpio, so you should hear outstanding financial news on January 5 or 6.

It’s not been since August 8, 1982 that Mars and Jupiter have met in Scorpio and your financial eighth house of other people’s money (ruling credit, loans, commissions, bonus, insurance payout, scholarships and university financial aid, mortgage, and so forth). On one of these days, you may be showered with outstanding financial news. Make certain to sign a contract, finish a deal, or make a presentation on this day – one that requires funding for you.

One standout day of the month will be January 8, a Monday, when Jupiter will send golden beams to the Sun. This is an excellent day to further your career. Venus is in your tenth house (among the happy planets in Capricorn) and will reach out to your ruler, Mars, in Scorpio, giving you magnetism, charm, and the ability to get exactly what you want to achieve. Jupiter will also reach out to Venus, so your popularity with VIPs will be at an all-time high with VIPs. Life can’t always be this sweet – when it is, take full advantage.


Another strong day for money talks will be when the two financial powerhouses, Jupiter and Pluto, make a positive, friendly signal of opportunity, January 15. These planets move slowly so you will feel this aspect all month, making your financial luck burn brightly to a high degree. Pluto is in your career tenth house, and both planets are staying put. This is why I feel this month you can name the deal you want, and get very close to your ideal situation.

In a month that has everything, it will end with a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo 12 degrees on January 31. The area in which this lunar eclipse will fall is your fifth house of love, children, and creativity. All lunar eclipses are also an extra-strong full moon, and it will bring your love life to culmination. It may be time to decide whether to bring your relationship to a new level or to end it without regret.

This eclipse will not likely affect your relationship if you are married or in a long established relationship, for the fifth house always points to new love, not committed love, which would be the case for marriage (that is the seventh house, not the fifth house highlighted here). If you are single and have no partner, then you might meet someone on this eclipse, plus or minus five days of January 31. Some eclipses strike one month to the day earlier, and that would have been December 31, or one month to the day later, March 1, in all cases, plus or minus five days.

If the eclipse does not deliver news pertaining to a romantic relationship, news may have something to do with a child or pregnancy, or a creative project that might suddenly need attention. Uranus will be in a bad mood and send Mercury an angry glance. This can be a nervous-making aspect, due to news you get that you don’t expect. You will have to be ready for anything, so keep your antenna up.

The emphasis on career will gradually fade as you get to January 17, when Mars moves to Sagittarius, a good place for you. It looks like you will be traveling quite a distance because Mars in Sagittarius will give you a yen to expand the boarders of everyday life at some point from January 17 until March 17.


The full moon starts the year, January 1, in Cancer, bringing an event that heightens your emotions, not due to a romantic episode, but rather, news about your home or something in regard to a family member. If you are moving, you will do so over the last days of 2017 or the first few days of 2018.

Mars, your ruler, will be beautifully aligned to Jupiter, planet of happiness in a rare conjunction that will not repeat in Scorpio until November 24, 2053. At this full moon, and more so by January 6, you will be a virtual money magnet. If you need a mortgage, or money from you parents to complete your down payment on a house, or for a rental deposit, ask – you are likely to receive exactly what you need. The first week of January would be an ideal for buying, selling, leasing, renovating, or decorating your home. You may also come to an important conclusion about where and how you want live as you move forward.

Something rather extraordinary is happening by the new moon in your house of fame and career honors, January 16. Six heavenly bodies will gather in Capricorn, including the Sun, new moon, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus. The last time we had a large gathering of planets in one sign, it was May 3, 2000, when we had seven planets in Taurus, which at the time filled your house of earned income. We will never see a buildup of seven planets in one sign again during our lifetime. You will have six this month, and all are in your tenth house of professional honors and fame. This indicates some sort of promotion, competitive offer, or honor will come up for you, on the table for you.


However, Uranus, the planet of surprise, now traveling through Aries, will throw a hard glance to the Sun, moon, Venus, and Pluto, and will bring an element of unexpected news. You may not like the title or the job that is being offered because it will limit your expression or reduce your freedom to express your ideas or individuality. If you get publicity, you may feel the reporter did not transmit your words correctly, leaving the wrong impression. Or, you may feel that the compensation would not be adequate. Or, you might be surprised to hear you will have to move house to take advantage of the opportunity, and if you are dating, you may worry that you will not be able to sustain the relationship with the distance. There will be various possibilities, but you get the idea – Uranus will present an obstacle.

Everyone’s natal chart is different, so you may have natal planets that blend well with Uranus’ position and soften the news at this time. Keep your antenna up and ask many questions. Your status is certainly on the rise – simply ascertain it’s the direction you want it to go. You are a winner, and VIPs will see your value and will want you in their corner. Saturn is grooming you for bigger and better things, now and in coming three years. If you want fame, and you are willing to work for it, you can have it. Saturn will turn you into a dynamo in your field. Be sure the work you take is precisely the job you want, for much will be given, but much will be demanded of you. This is an important phase, so standing still seems not an option, but happily you seem to get more than one offer and so you will have choices.

This month has a blue moon, a full moon, lunar eclipse in Leo on January 31 in your true love sector. Eclipses bring major developme

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