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九星批未来五年运 推广





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专业解盘 占星小屋——


注:本帖   3页, 2个版本,注意翻页










水逆也会给采购节日礼物带来些麻烦。在12月1日之前给家人买手机,电脑或者电视什么的,已经太晚了,要知道整个水逆期间都不适合买电子产品。因此可以考虑用亲友们喜欢的购物卡来替代实际的产品送给他们,会更明智。 买好后,记得拍下卡片的正面和背面(包括条形码),备注送的对象和金额。水星脱线时再怎么小心翼翼都是不为过的。即使一切都看起来完美,但不能保证不会发生快递遗失,因为水星也掌管邮政。













本月,新月发生后的那天,也就是12月19日,我们会迎来一个重要的星相事件,土星将离开停留了三年的射手座,去往摩羯座。因此未来三年,土星还会继续在代表白羊座声誉和荣耀的十宫,一直停留至2020年的12月17日。在此期间,你们会被要求学习新领域的运作规则,被要求达到新标准。 白羊座可能会在原公司朝着更有声望和地位的职位努力,或者是下定决心换工作——此时你们有能力可以做出选择,因为土星终于不会再强迫你们做自己不乐意的事了。









就目前而言,在新年前夜,你们希望新年第一天会远离工作,和自己在乎的人在一起。有些白羊座可能会在新年第一天搬家,如果真有此打算,记得开瓶冰镇香槟, 细细品味开胃前菜。你们正在朝着自己计划的方向努力,而2018年是崭新而富有想象力的一年——各种惊喜会到来,你们在自己的职业领域声名鹊起。 













来自: CrystalW






来自: CrystalW 




水星的这个位置表明你必须努力避免沟通不畅,或将错误的电子邮件发送给收件人列表中的错误人员。你可能会发现,需要在十二月份多次返工 / 重新查询,以修改项目中的缺陷和不准确性,因此要确定计划的灵活性。你需要着重关注细节,以免陷入困境。在做出重要决定前,需要仔细考虑方方面面的环节,延缓决定是明智的。亲爱的白羊,水星会在你第九宫 – 长途旅行宫逆行,最有可能的是你将经历延误和计划好的事情在最后一刻发生变化。 

除了旅行之外,第九宫也管理其他事情。它规定着国际关系; 货物进出口,服务和想法;移民事务,外交以及与学术有关的所有活动。例如,如果你需要参加重大考试,并且可以选择考试时间,或者选择论文答辩的时间,请将这些行动推迟到一月或二月。第九宫掌管法庭,所以如果你有需要出庭,也可能延迟。你无法控制这些事情,所以不妨顺其自然。一月对你来说将是一个重要的职业月份,所以尽管你可以,但最好不要在十二月份给自己不必要的压力。 

水星逆行在购买节日礼物方面造成问题。在十二月的第一天,如果你需要为家人买电脑或是智能手机做礼物就已经太迟了,因为在水逆期间购买电子产品是不明智的。最好在他们最喜欢的商店购买一个礼物卡。当你购买时,复印卡片的正面和背面(包括条形码),并在复印件上写上该人的姓名和金额。当水星逆行是,你需要格外小心。一切可能是完美的,但是快件包可能会丢失。 (水星也管邮件。) 


你的统治者火星将于12月9日至1月26日进入你的第八宫 – 他人钱财宫。不久之后,1月8日,火星将与幸运的木星相遇,一个光彩夺目的一天,特别是有关金钱的消息。在未来的几周里,管理你的财务将成为你的首要任务,也许是因为你将会有一笔可观的收入,让你意识到你应该从一个值得信赖的银行家那里得到关于如何安全投资的建议。这个月你会写很多支票(用火星的位置来表示),但是看起来你的账户里也会有许多进账。 

现在让我们回到12月,一个12月3日满月开始的月份,影响正负四天,然后进入你的第三宫 - 快速旅行宫。这满月可能会使你接近你的兄弟姐妹或表兄弟,因为你的第三宫将被点燃,统治这些亲密的亲属。你可能会被要求签署一份合同,但你最好先暂缓,因为在水星逆行的时候,你很可能会忽略一个麻烦的条款。此外,条款可能稍后会以现在无法预料的方式发生变化,从而使你处于不利地位。 

12月2 - 3日土星将与水星合相,因此,你在12月3日的四天内签署的合同,规定的计划将极难改变。 一方面,你可能会很高兴听到这个消息,因为你希望这个协议能够长久,但另一方面,如果你以后改变主意,你可能会左右为难。 如果你必须在12月签字,请试着看是否可以创建退出条款。 

12月18日的新月将把太阳,新月,土星,金星和水星全部置于你的图表的一部分 - 你的第九宫 – 长途旅行宫。看来你可能会在一个阳光明媚的地方度过年终假日,因为所有这些天体都将在射手座,一个火象星座。如果你的行程安排在此日期或之后,看起来你有一个目标需要完成,这表明你的旅行可能是出差。想外出看起会有一定困难,因为看起来在本月你的工作量相当可观。 

我说你可能会出差,但这不一定是真实的 - 你可能要去查看你想购买或租赁的,在远离你居住的遥远城市的家庭财产(也许是利用工作机会),这只是一个例子。 



除了旅行之外,第九宫也管理其他许多事情。它本质上是图表中的一个地方,当被激活时(如12月18日之后),思路将打开接受新的概念,学习,并带来广泛的世界观。这就是为什么古代占星家将旅行包括在第九宫 - 他们觉得国际旅行是了解周围世界的最好方法之一。来.自.星座运势网.古代占星家还把大学和研究生包含在这一领域的图表。 

然而,第九宫不仅要从学习或经验中获取信息,还要把信息传递出去,与别人分享你的知识。基于这个原因,出版和广播也是这个宫的一部分。 12月18日出现新月之后,我所提及的任何方面对你都很重要。 



本月,这个新月之后的第二天,我们将在12月19日有一个重大的宇宙事件。土星将离开待了三年的射手座,进入摩羯座。在未来的三年里,土星会留在你的名誉和荣誉的第十宫,直到2020年12月17日。在这些年间,你将被要求在新的领域学习窍门和技巧,也将被要求达到新的标准。你将会在现在的企业中享有崇高的地位,或者你可能决定换工作,为一家新公司工作 - 你有选择的余地,因为土星不会强迫你做任何你不想做的事情。 

我觉得你很快就会接受更多的工作责任,因为你知道,如果你这样做,在未来三年的学习时间结束时,你将成为你的行业中不可忽视的主要力量。你不需要独自拼搏 - 将有一个年长的人来指导你。你将得到一位导师或主管的帮助,因为你将拥有一批信任你的VIP,相信你的才能。 



然而,第二天,12月21日,土星将在摩羯座与太阳合相,这是相当严肃的一天。这可能是很好的 - 订婚,生孩子,升职 - 也可能是坏的,当你感到不知所措,疲惫的时候,这可能是一个非常辛苦,令人沮丧的日子,特别是你的单位的权威人物对你的批评。幸运的是,一分钟的惊喜天王星将处于理想的角度,为这个方面增添了轻松愉快的感觉,这是不寻常的。让我们保持乐观的态度。 


除夕夜是非常特别的。 2018年1月1日,满月将在巨蟹座12度发生。这个满月会落在你的家庭和家人宫,所以你可能在家里喝所有你爱的人一起庆祝。快乐星球木星将在你的统治者火星的两度之内,形成一个重要的数学相位,这表明对你来说可能是一个重要而欢乐的时刻。 



就目前而言,在除夕之夜,你会把工作的事情暂放一边,并被你关心的人环绕着。有些白羊会在这个时候搬家,如果有的话,尝试着赶紧做完,这样就可以喝一杯冷藏的香槟,吃点小点心。亲爱的白羊,你要达到的,在2018年,是无法想象的,不是任何过去一年中幻想的拉伸 - 它将充满惊喜,很快你的名字就会众所周知(好的名誉)。 


随着这个月的开始,在12月3日的满月里,你可以临时需要出差去完成一个项目 / 目标,你可能会因为需要在12月第1周的时间需要完成而压力山大。即便如此,走出办公室,进入一个新的环境将对你有好处。如果你在大学或研究生院读书,你会有考试,你需要努力学习。你的统治者火星将在12月1日与天王星对抗,所以你可能会神经紧张,哪怕别人看你的眼神不对,你都有可能发怒。 

除了第一个星期的狂野和紧张的气氛,海王星将通过不明确的客户指令造成混淆,在合同中遗漏了事实,如果与外国人打交道,可能会翻译错误。尽管怀疑,但你仍然可以有条不紊的解决 - 你的统治者,火星,将与土星同步,并会让你如此。 









This month, take things at a slow pace. You might say that my advice is impossible because it is holiday time. You may say that you have much to do and not enough time to get it all done. That may be true, but to avoid frustration, it would be good to acknowledge that Mercury will be retrograde all month, from December 3 to December 22, a trend you always feel before and after its official start and end dates. You started to feel Mercury’s slowdown as early as November 20, because we all would always feel Mercury’s slide retrograde in advance of the actual turn on, in this case, on December 3. We are all in the same boat.

This position of Mercury suggests you will have to be diligent about avoiding miscommunications and sending the wrong email to the wrong person in the list of recipients. You may find that you need to backtrack many times in December, to fix flaws and inaccuracies in projects, so be determined to be flexible. You will have to keep track of many details, lest one fall through the cracks. It would be wise to put off major decisions while you mull over all facets of a deal, offer, or decision you might need to make. For you, dear Aries, Mercury will retrograde in your ninth house of distant travel, the most likely area for you to experience delays and last minute changes in plans.

The ninth house rules other things, too, in addition to travel. It rules international relationships; import-export of goods, services, and ideas; immigration matters, diplomacy, and all activities related to academia. For example, if you need to take a major exam and are given a choice as to when you would prefer to take it, or to choose the day to defend your thesis, put off these actions until January or February. The ninth house rules the courts, so if you have a court date, you may be told you have a delay. You can’t control things like these, so you might as well go with the flow. January will be an important career month for you, so while you can, don’t pressure yourself unnecessarily in December.

Mercury retrograde does pose a problem in regard to buying holiday presents. By the first day of December, you are already too late to buy a computer, TV, or a smart phone, for example, for a family member, because it is never wise to buy electronics during this type of Mercury phase. Choose instead to get a gift card for that person, but make sure you buy it in their favorite store. When you get it, photocopy the front and back of the card (to include the bar code), and write the person’s name and amount on your photocopy. You can’t be too careful when Mercury is out of phase. Everything may be perfect, but the express mail package might get lost. (Mercury rules the mails too.)

On December 1, Mars will oppose Uranus precisely, a very explosive aspect that can be expressed as anger or in physical ways (no bungee jumping for you on this day or anywhere near it). Knowing people will be fragile, go the extra mile to avoid making controversial statements, and be careful how you speak to partners, in love or business, because a person in either part of your life could go up in flames at the drop of a hat.

Mars, your ruler, will enter into your eighth house of other people’s money on December 9 until January 26. Soon, next month on January 8, Mars will meet with good fortune Jupiter, producing a dazzling day, especially for news about money. Managing your financials will become a priority for you in coming weeks, perhaps because you will have a tidy sum coming in, making you realize you should get advice from a trusted banker concerning how to invest it safely. You will be writing a lot of checks this month (shown by the position of Mars), but it looks as though a good amount of money will come into your account, too.

Now let’s turn back to the activities of December, which will start out with a full moon, December 3, influential for plus or minus four days, and falling in your third house of quick travel. This full moon might bring you closer to your sibling or cousin, for your third house will be lit, ruling these close kin. You may be asked to sign a contract, but you would be best to hold off, for with Mercury retrograde, you are likely to overlook a troublesome clause. Also, conditions may later change in a way you can’t anticipate now, putting you at a disadvantage.

Saturn will be conjunct Mercury on December 2-3, so whatever plan you set in stone contractually within four days of December 3 will stay in place forever and be exceedingly difficult to change. On the one hand, you may be happy to hear this because you say you want this agreement to last, but on the other hand, if you change your mind later, you may be in a bind. See if you can create an exit clause if you must sign in December.



The new moon, December 18, will bring the Sun, new moon, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all in one part of your chart, your ninth house of long-distant travel. It appears you might well be taking a yearend holiday to a sunny location, for all those heavenly bodies will be in Sagittarius, a fire sign. If your trip is scheduled on or after this date, it appears you will have a goal to complete, suggesting that your travel might well be for business. Trying to get out the door may pose problems, for it appears the workload you are carrying at the office this month is considerable.

I say that you will likely travel for business, but that is not necessarily true – you may be viewing family property that you want to buy or rent in a distant city far from where you live (perhaps to take advantage of a job offer), and this is only one example.

If you travel for a personal, romantic purpose, you might be giving or receiving a proposal. Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, will be signaling Venus in Sagittarius from his place in Aries, and that would certainly spell a breathtaking romantic experience could be in store for you. Having support from Uranus will make all the difference to this new moon and bring all kinds of fireworks and surprises.

Something else is due, for Saturn will be conjunct the Sun at this time, so you seem to be in a serious mood when it comes to love, pregnancy, or the care of a child, or the course of a creative project you might be starting at the time. This should not sound ominous, for you may be forming the building blocks of a new life for yourself, and you are justified to be in a reflective mood.

The ninth house rules many things other than travel. It is essentially a place in the chart that, when activated (like after December 18), opens the mind to new concepts, learning, and brings a wide worldview. This is why the ancient astrologers included travel in the ninth house – they felt that international travel was one of the finest ways to learn about the world around you. The ancient astrologers also included college and graduate school to this area of the chart.

Yet the ninth house is not only about taking in information from study or through experience, but also about giving it out, and sharing your knowledge with others. For that reason, publishing and broadcasting are also part of this house. Any of the areas I have mentioned will be important to you after the new moon appears, December 18.

If your birthday falls on April 18 plus or minus two days, you will feel this new moon very directly. The same is true if you have Aries rising 28 degrees, or the natal moon in Aries at the same degree. In a secondary way, if you have a natal planet in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 28 degrees, plus or minus four degrees, you too will find that you have exceptional opportunity at this time, as you move forward from December 18 plus ten days.

No matter when your birthday falls, you will find that the actions you take quickly after the new moon appears will have the power to affect you for a full year, until the next new moon in Sagittarius returns to the same part of your chart, and that will happen next year on December 7, 2018. This is why the actions you take now, after this new moon, will be so critical.



This month, the next day following this new moon, we have a big cosmic event coming on December 19. Saturn will leave Sagittarius, a place Saturn has held for three years, and enter Capricorn. For the coming three years, Saturn will remain in your tenth house of fame and honors, until December 17, 2020. During those intervening years, you will be asked to learn the ropes in a new area, and will also be asked to reach new standards. You will be groomed for a prestigious, lofty position in your present firm or you might decide to change jobs and work for a new company – you will be able to choose, for Saturn will not force you to do anything you don’t want to do.

I feel you will accept more responsibility on the job very soon because you will know that if you do, you will know that at the end of your three-year learning period you will become a major force to be reckoned with in your industry. You won’t have to figure out your new role alone – you will have an older person to guide you. The reason you will be given a mentor or supervisor to help you is that you will have a number of VIPs behind you who trust you and believe in the promise of your talents.

Saturn takes 29 years to circle the Sun, so this is a rare and very special influence. The last time Saturn was in Capricorn, where it was from February 1988 to February 1991, so if you lived through that period, you might remember what happened then. In astrology history never repeats, but you might get a clue of a theme that will surface in this new cycle, from December 19, 2017 to December 17, 2020.

Now turning our attention to other points of the month, you will soon see that December has all kinds of aspects. For example, on December 20, Venus and Uranus will be in perfect alignment, bringing exciting romantic possibilities, especially for Aries born on or very near April 19.

The following day, however, December 21, Saturn will conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, making for quite a serious day. This can be good – you get engaged, have a baby, get a big promotion – or it could be a very hard, depressing day when you feel overwhelmed and tired, and become ultra-sensitive to criticism, especially from someone whose opinion you value, namely, an authority figure at work. Fortunately, surprise-a-minute Uranus will be in ideal angle, adding the possibility of a light, happy touch to this aspect, which is unusual. Let’s think good thoughts.

This year, Christmas Day, December 25, brings the transiting moon to Aries in the United States, so you are likely to enjoy this day very much. Are you in Europe, Turkey, Australia, India, or Asia, for example? Your special day falls the following day.

New Year’s Eve brings an unusual picture to the sky. A full moon will occur on January 1, 2018 in Cancer 12 degrees. This full moon will fall in your home and family sector, so you may be having a celebration for all those you know and love in your home. Happiness planet Jupiter will be within two degrees of your ruler, Mars, making a significant mathematical aspect, suggesting this could be an important and joyous moment for you.

One day near month’s end, December 27-28 (depending on your time zone), will stand out for you as magically romantic. On this day, Mars will contact Neptune when the brilliant stars will be twinkling just for you. To make things extra-special, the transiting moon will be in Aries, too. This is almost as good as it gets!



On New Year’s Eve, someone may give you a beautiful, valuable gift, or you may buy something special for yourself that you have saved up to afford. Things going on at work would certainly be on your mind as the sky lights up with fireworks for the New Year, and career developments will become a much more of a dominant theme in January.

For now, on New Year’s Eve, you seem in the mood to leave office matters for another day, and be surrounded with those you care deeply about. Some Aries will be moving house at this time, and it is possible, and if so, try to work in time to sip a glass of chilled champagne and nibble an appetizer. You are going places, dear Aries, and 2018 won’t be any old year by any stretch of the imagination – it will be filled with surprising news, and soon your name will be on the lips of anyone who matters in your field.


As the month opens, on the full moon of December 3 you might take a quick trip for your work that will come up suddenly. You will have a goal to complete, and you may feel the pressure to complete it during December’s first week. Even so, getting out of the office and into a new setting will be good for you. If you are in college or graduate school, you’ll have exams, and you’ll be studying hard. Mars, your ruler, will oppose Uranus on December 1, so your nerves will be on edge and you may snap at anyone who even looks at you the wrong way.

Adding to the wild and wooly atmosphere of the first week, Neptune will create confusion through unclear client dictates, missing facts in contracts, and if dealing with people abroad, possible meaning lost in translation. Despite doubts, you will pull through because you’ll be methodical – your ruler, Mars, will be in sync with Saturn and will make you so.

Mercury will retrograde from December 3 to December 22. Allow extra time to shop for holiday gifts. You may be counting on having a modicum of personal time to use to hit the stores, but time for yourself will rapidly evaporate due to an increasing workload. If you shop online, don’t be a last minute Nelly, for express shippers will be overwhelmed, and many shipments will be late. Add to this picture the likelihood of wild weather, and the outcome will be that you will see full force the havoc Mercury retrograde can produce.

On a happy note, if you are invited to a holiday party on Saturday, December 2, accept, for it is likely to be to be one of the most magical of the season. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will receive shimmering vibrations from imaginative Neptune, and together they will spin a dream of an evening, perfect for feeling and expressing love.

More travel will come up at the new moon, December 18, and with Saturn conjunct the Sun, you may be swamped with duties that you need to polish off before you head to the airport. At the same time your sweetheart / spouse or you will be in an unusually quiet thoughtful mode or feeling overwhelmed by the duties of the season. Don’t make demands on your partner, for everyone will be feeling fragile, and you may push your relationship to the brink. At the same time, your parent may need your assistance.

You may be looking forward to a leisurely holiday, but need to put that idea temporarily on ice, for in a month with the planetary patterns going haywire like it will be in December, life will intervene, and everyone, it seems, will need your attention. Your sense of humor will get you through, and your holiday time off will be all the sweeter because you worked hard, and achieved much.

On the verge of your departure for the holiday, December 19, Saturn will move into Capricorn for a three-year stay. This is the first time since 1988-1991 that Saturn will visit your prestigious tenth house of career honors, awards, and achievement. According to the office gossip, you are about to get a major promotion and impressive title – this will turn out to be true. The industry announcement will come in mid-January, but a large financial bonus is likely to show up at month’s end or near January 8, thanks to the impending conjunction between active Mars and lucky Jupiter. Jupiter and Pluto will be in fine orientation too, adding to your optimistic financial outlook.

Romantically, on December 27, Mars will contact Neptune and will bring on an enchanting holiday evening, Love and happiness will flow, just in time to celebrate the coming New Year in an exquisite setting of beauty perfect for exchanging words of love.



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