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12月1日,白羊座会觉得日子不太好过,可能提前一两天,11月29日或者30日就已经有这种感觉。火星是一颗激进的星星,正好和不走寻常路的天王星对冲。因此必然是很火爆的一个时间段。你们会觉得某些人很难搞定,很容易发怒。11月29日到30日,不要像路上情绪恶劣的卡车司机,要控制自己不发怒。那天不是和重要人物抱怨委屈的时候,也不是和老板去谈升职加薪的时候。保持低调,即使你们的老板没有迁怒你们,但也很容易因为别的事情而感到不安,所以不要乱摸老虎屁股。 如果你们或者亲近的人没觉得愤怒,也可能是有身体的不适,记得不要做极限运动或者瞎冒险。这样的日子,最好就是太太平平别干什么事。 











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来自: CrystalW 



11月3 - 4号开始(连续两天)的满月在金牛座十二度开始,并强调资金管理。你将会写支票,谈判筹集资金,或者做一个利润丰厚的销售,给你带来很大的佣金。客户或你自己的管理层不会犹豫不决,而是在11月初做出快速决定。 

十一月的第一个星期是要求加薪的好时机,冥王星在你的荣誉,奖励和成就的第十宫中,将会处于支持新月和太阳的理想位置。这意味着你的声望让你资格获得更多 - 说出来。如果你为自己打工,你可以比平时要求的更多,如果这个职位需要更多的工作。 


在11月4日的满月之后,你会有几个宝石般的日子,将赋予你财务协商的能力。首先,11月7日,金星将进入天蝎座,并滑入你的第八宫 – 他人钱财宫直到12月1日,给你整个月的时间去努力为项目能获得批准。新月是有帮助的,因为如上所述,冥王星和海王星将努力的帮助你在金钱方面的成功。 

双方达成双赢协议的最大日子之一将是11月13日,当时金星和木星联合在你的他人的钱财宫。如果你在按揭利率上讨价还价,希望获得风险资本,或者需要看你的银行家或财务顾问来审核你的投资,那么就在这一天做。另外,在11月13日,你可能想要买一张乐透刮刮票 - 你可能会赢得一个小奖。 



另外一件重要而令人欣喜的事情正在发生,你将在1月11日受益。11月11日,土星和天王星将处于理想的角度,并为冒险创造稳定性。土星和天王星之间的这种友谊是非同寻常的,经历了今年一整年时间。这也将持续到2018年的大部分时间。你将有时间找到使用这个美丽的振动的方法。天王星会敦促你想出创新的解决方案,土星会给你稳定 – 如此令人惊叹的涉及两颗外行星几乎从来没有发生过。你都无法理解这是多么的强大! 

这也许刚开始听起来有些奇怪,更安全的做法是你需要勇于尝试体验自己的职业生涯,以提供创意和创新解决方案,或者如果你是自雇人士,要重做网站或博客并保持现代化。(我想Susan想说的是不要恪守成规,要努力尝试)这样做的话 ,你将会为未来的事业建立一个更强大的平台。天王星在白羊座,指向你的欲望,而土星在你的第九宫广播,出版,学术界,国际人士和地方和移民,签证,绿卡和公民身份。其中一个领域将是你的宝藏所在。 




12月1日是个敏感的日子,很有可能在之前的一两天11月29日和30日感受到。火星是一个咄咄逼人的星球,会直怼不可预知的天王星。这肯定是一个“热”的日子,你会发现一些人很敏感,很快就会发怒。 11月29日或30日,不要引发路怒 – 就是那样的日子。这不是向恋人发牢骚的日子,或向你的上司请愿加薪的日子。保持低调。即使你的老板不是生你的气,他也很容易对生活中其他事情而导致情绪不稳,所以不要捣马蜂窝。即使你和身边的人没有生气,那么你可能在火星的另一面 - 身体方面有问题,所以不要做极限运动或者冒险。在这样的一天,最好保持安全。 



11月是个美妙的月份,重点是金钱。 幸运星木星刚刚进入了天蝎座和你的财务第八宫。 在十一月初,木星将继续滑向太阳 - 这是一个好消息。 太阳将木星的善良,甜蜜和慷慨无数倍扩大。 这几乎可以保证,你会看到一大笔钱在11月4日在蝎子的满月,或在满月后的四天。 如果不是的话,你的第二次机会将在11月18日新月后的日子里有一笔大的进账。 

事情的走向是,你可能会在本月初加薪,之后你可能会从保险公司得到更多的佣金,奖金或金钱。或者,资金可能来自丰富的信贷或有吸引力的抵押贷款 - 有很多可能性。如此的幸运,你可以在这个月11月13日星期一金星和幸运的木星结合在一起的时候去购买几张刮刮乐透券。 

你可能需要合作者,猎头,代理,业务合作伙伴,配偶或其他中间人来帮助你成功。你们不总是意见一致,但是总的来说,当你们一起工作时,你会事半功倍。当你们意见不一致时,试着委婉的表达。不要让小小的差异破坏你们的关系 – 你有很多风险,但这个人可以穿针引线,帮你达成交易。

你的职业生涯应该会非常顺利,因为土星统治着你的第十宫名利双收,现在已经和天王星 – 惊喜的发展行星形成一个和谐的角度。天王星现在也在白羊座,是你生命中唯一的一次,并将在2018年五月开始进入金牛座。 


就爱情而言,如果你正在约会或希望在这个月遇见某人,浪漫将是温暖和亲热的,特别是在11月4日的满月的周末。太阳统治着你的真爱宫,并且将会从幸运行星木星收到闪烁的光束。 如果你已经心系某人,那么你们做好的共聚的时间将在11月7日到月底结束。 

另一个辉煌的日子将在11月11日至12日的周末或11月13日星期一,届时木星将与金星合相,创造了一个罕见的一年一次的五星日子。 这些日期中的任何一天都是出去共度的好时光。 




You’ve made it through a tough new moon, October 19, when Uranus opposed the Sun and new moon, so it was likely that unexpected events surfaced, out of the blue. The topic may have been related to your relationship with a partner or close colleague / collaborator. If this description does not fit your experience, you may have felt unwell and had to petition advice from a medical professional. Now as you enter November, you have a much brighter, happier month in store. While you will still need to attend to the details that arose near October 19 as you go through this month, at least you know the score, and you can plan your life with greater certainty.

November starts out with the full moon on November 3-4 (bridging two days) in Taurus 12 degrees and will emphasize money management. You will be writing checks, negotiating for a raise, or making a lucrative sale that brings you a large commission. The client or your own management will not linger, thinking about things, but instead will come to a fast decision in early November.

The first week of November would be a great time to ask for a raise, for Pluto, in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, will be in an ideal position to support the new moon and the Sun. This means your reputation will qualify you for more – speak up. If you are self-employed, you can bravely ask for more than usual if the job warrants more.

At the time of the full moon, Jupiter will conjoin the Sun, AND the Sun and full moon will be friendly to creative Neptune. This indicates that if you work in a creative job or support artists and creative types in your work, you will likely land an exciting deal.

You have several jewel-like days that will follow the full moon of November 4 that will increase your financial bargaining power. First, on November 7, Venus will enter Scorpio and glide in your eighth house of other people’s money until December 1, giving you all month to work on getting approvals to your deals. The new moon is helpful, for as noted above, both Pluto and Neptune will be working hard to help you bring you success in money matters.

One of the biggest days of the month for a win-win deal will be November 13, when Venus and Jupiter unite in your house of other people’s money. If you are bargaining for a good deal on a mortgage rate, want to be granted venture capital, or need to see your banker or financial advisor to review your investments, this is the day to do it. Also, on November 13, you may want to buy a lotto scratch-off ticket – you may win a small prize.

If you want to buy something expensive and beautiful, such as a painting, piece of precious jewelry, or even a new house, November 13 will also be the day to act. No doubt about it, November 13 rates five stars. Jupiter and Venus will come by only once a year, but always in a different sign, and it won’t happen again for twelve years. Venus rules beauty and also profit, the reason this day is so special. If you need a dermatological treatment of any kind to improve your appearance, you might want to schedule your treatment on this day.

Backtracking a little, if you are about to meet with a high level VIP or a creditor, a government official, or a tax accountant to do year-end planning, do so on November 9 when you will have an exact, friendly exchange of the Sun and Pluto. This is a day perfect for your needs.



Something else important and gratifying is happening that will benefit you on January 11. On November 11, Saturn and Uranus will be in ideal angle and create stability to creative ventures. This friendship between Saturn and Uranus is unusual and has been going on throughout this year. This will continue through much of 2018, too; you will have time to find ways to use this beautiful vibration. Uranus will urge you to think of innovative solutions, and Saturn will give you stability – a wow of an aspect involving two outer planets that almost never happens. You have no idea how powerful this is!

As odd as this may sound at first, you will be safer to bravely experiment in your career, to offer ideas and innovative solutions, or if you are self-employed, to redo your website or blog and keep it modern, for if you do, you will be building a stronger platform on which to build your career in the future. Uranus is in Aries, pointing to your desires, and Saturn is in your ninth house of broadcasting, publishing, academia, international people and places and immigration, visa, green card, and citizenship. One of these areas will be where your golden nuggets lie.

If you are dating or hope to meet someone this month, romance will be warm and affectionate, particularly over the weekend of the full moon, November 4-5.

The new moon of November 18 will fall in Scorpio, 26 degrees, and again your financial swill be given the spotlight, but this time, you won’t be finishing up talks, but entering into them. New moons open doors and bring fresh starts, so this one will give you the boost you need to do well talks. It may take weeks or months to conclude your deal, but the point is, if you begin after November 18, you will have a good chance of building a profitable relationship. If you are negotiating a new job, this may be the time of the year you talk about company benefits such as a solid health care plan, vacation days, matching tuition funds, and so forth. You’d be quite the lucky one if these topics come up after this new moon.

Mars, your ruler, is now in Libra, reinforcing your need to cooperate with others, a trend that began in late October. You won’t have full control over deals and events now, so don’t even consider making a move to take over the reins so you can get things your way. You will have more say over decisions beginning December 9 when Mars enters Scorpio, but in the meantime you need to be patient and willing to compromise and be conciliatory. This may be easier said than done, but it’s the way you will get ahead.

If you are in the process of a divorce or splitting assets at the end of a business, talks may get contentious throughout November, and until Mars leaves Scorpio on December 9. Don’t wait until December to finish things up, however, because Mercury will be retrograde from December 3 to December 22. You would be best to settle things now, in November, or better yet, when Mars moves into fellow fire-sign Sagittarius, from January 26 to March 17. My favorite time for you to finish up talks things would be January 25 through February 16, for the Sun will glide in air-sign Aquarius, a sign that blends perfectly with your fire-sign element. We have a full moon eclipse on January 31 in Leo, so you may see things end then, including discussion about any custody plans for children.

You have a touchy day coming December 1, very likely felt a day or two before, this month, November 29 and 30. Mars is an aggressive planet, and will directly oppose unpredictable Uranus. This is sure to be a “hot” day, one that you’ll find some people to be touchy and quick to show anger. On November 29 or 30, don’t tempt volatile drivers to exhibit road rage – it is that kind of day. This would NOT be the day to bring up a grievance with a significant other, or to petition your boss for a raise. Keep a low profile. Even if your boss is not angry with you, he could easily be upset about something else in his life, so don’t kick the hornet’s nest. If you or others near don’t feel anger, you might have problems with the physical side of Mars, so don’t do extreme sports or take undo chances. On a day like this, it’s best to stay on the safe side.

The first part of November will be filled with love and affection. I love the full moon weekend of November 4-5 for you, for during that time, Neptune, the planet of unconditional love and lyrical dreams, will be in an ideal angle to the new moon and Sun. Also, Jupiter will orbit close to the Sun at that time, a gorgeous aspect for generating exciting chemistry between you and someone new that you may meet, with someone you have been dating lately, or who you are married to now. Venus will be in your commitment house from November 1 to November 6, another plus for experiencing genuine romantic love.


You are now entering a delicious month with a big emphasis on money. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, has just entered Scorpio and your financial eighth house. In early November, Jupiter will continue to glide close to the Sun – this is wonderful news. The Sun will take the goodness of Jupiter and multiply its sweetness and generosity many times over. This almost guarantees that you will see a large sum of money arrive either at the full moon in Scorpion, November 4, or in the four days that will follow the full moon. If not, you have a second chance to see a big check be wired or given in the days that follow the new moon November 18.


The way things may play out is that you may get a raise early in the month, and later you may get more money as a commission, bonus, or sum of money from an insurance company. Or, funds may come in terms of an abundant line of credit or attractive mortgage – there are many possibilities. So lucky will you be with money this month that you might want to buy a several scratch-off lotto tickets on the day Venus conjoins lucky Jupiter, Monday, November 13.

You might need a collaborator, headhunter, agent, business partner, your spouse, or other middleman to unlock your success. You won’t always agree with that person, but overall you will be highly productive when working together. Find a way to smoothly disagree while you both voice your opinions. Don’t let small differences spoil your relationship – you have a lot at stake, and this person can thread the needle and bring your deal home.

Your career should be going exceedingly well, for Saturn rules your tenth house of fame and honors and has now moved into harmonious angle to Uranus, planet of surprising developments. Uranus is now in Aries, too, for the only time in your life, and will start to move into Taurus in May 2018.

As Saturn moves out of Sagittarius, this will be a very special time for you. You are getting ready to assume great responsibility in your career, something you will see to be true this coming January. Opportunity to innovate and experiment will be there for you, and this chance to be experimental and creative with high profile projects will not only be an option for you but also be a solid path to greater job security. Your professional trajectory to success won’t be predictable and gradual, but rather come in unpredictable bursts, at times when you least expect exciting things to happen. You are also getting ready to assume great responsibility in your career, something you will see to be true this coming January.

In terms of love, if you are dating or hope to meet someone this month, romance will be warm and affectionate, particularly over the weekend of the full moon, November 4. The Sun rules your true love sector, and will be receiving shimmering beams from happiness planet Jupiter. If you are attached, your best time together will happen from November 7 through month’s end.

Another glorious day for love will come over the weekend of November 11-12, or on Monday, November 13, when Jupiter will conjunct Venus, producing a rare, annual five-star day. Any of those dates would be supreme days to go out and have fun.

If you are single and want to meet someone who will sweep you off your feet in an authentic relationship, circulate on the very glamorous day of November 16. On this day, Venus will signal Neptune, and together they will twirl together in a dance of love among the stars, and spinning an evening of pure joy.




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