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九星批未来五年运 推广





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几天前,11月13日,金星将与木星相遇,创造一个五星级的日子。这个月充满了浪漫的魔力。值得注意的是,海王星也会在金星和木星上洒下快乐的、透明的震颤,这一相位将在11月16日之前完全确定。你还有一个月呢亲爱的巨蟹,记住,占星术的最佳运作方式是向宇宙 展示你的意图---如果你单身,你将不得不离开你的小房间来实现这一切。改变你的日常生活,因为通过做一些不同的事情,你会增加你的机会,一个惊喜不断、充满命运的相遇。如果你已经处在一段关系中,你现在就有机会把这段关系变得更亲密。这是你的情节人,尽管不是二月!


































You need a little fun, and happily, the universe agrees. Jupiter has recently arrived in your love sector, to stay a year, and during that time, you will soon see that if finding an authentic, warm, and loving relationship is a priority for you, Jupiter will work to help you find that lasting relationship you deserve. This coming month will be far more social than usual, and that’s wonderful news, because last month you were severely pulled in two directions, between the demands of home / family and career / work projects, creating tension at every turn.

On or near the full moon, November 3/4 in Taurus, 12 degrees, you may be looking forward to going to a party or other gathering populated by many people. If not a party, it could be a wedding, sporting event, charity benefit, and trade show, seminar, or club event. This will be a great time to relax, let go, and let the tensions of recent weeks roll off you. This full moon will receive a strong and helpful beam from Pluto, indicating your partner will be supportive, warm, and loving to be around. The people at the event will be successful types who can offer stimulating ideas. Neptune will also send silvery beams to this full moon, indicating that if you need to travel to get to this event, do, for this event will have a magical quality about it that you will love. (The fact that this full moon is in Taurus suggests it’s a sensuous event, so a little less likely to be sports or trade-show oriented!)

If your birthday falls on July 3 (plus or minus five days), or if you have the natal moon in Cancer, or Cancer rising, in all cases, 12 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, you will benefit quite a bit from this full moon. You will also receive benefits if you have a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at 12 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

Your private life is about to ratchet up another notch after the new moon November 18 in Scorpio, 26 degrees. Venus and Jupiter, the Sun, and new moon will all be congregating in your house of true love. Circulate, and look your best. Rarely have you had such an impressive chart for finding and experiencing the kind of enduring love you know you want in your life. If you are attached, you can now grow closer. Time with children will be part of the fun this month too.

Several days prior, November 13, Venus will meet with Jupiter and create a five-star day. This month positively glitters with magical romantic vibrations. Remarkably, Neptune will shower this Venus and Jupiter with joyous, glamorous vibrations, too, and that aspect will be exact by November 16. You have quite a month ahead, dear Cancer. Remember, though, that the way astrology works best is to show the universe your intent – if you are single, you will have to leave your little house to make this all happen. Change your usual routine, for by doing something different, you will increase your chances of a surprise, fateful meeting. If you are attached, you will have a chance now to grow closer. This is your Valentine month, even though it is not February!

The new moon of November 18 will be the very finest one of this year to help one or more of your children. If you are in the process of a divorce, this new moon will protect your children and help you work out a workable custody agreement that you like. On another point, if you can’t seem to conceive, seek advice from a fertility specialist this month. If you are the partner of the woman who cannot get pregnant, your chart is showing that hope could be in sight.

If your birthday falls on July 18, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy this new moon to the greatest extent, but all Cancers will feel excitement, for sure. The same is true if you have the natal moon or a natal moon in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 26 degrees. What a dream of a month you have coming!

Financially, November 9 should please you, for the Sun will meet with Pluto on your behalf, and the Sun holds sway over your money and income. You might need someone to help you, such as a banker, agent, talent manager, headhunter, or other middleman, including on the personal side, your spouse, ex, or steady sweetheart. On this same day, your children, if you have them, will be supremely protected, and you can use this day to find the funding you might need to help your child.



Your career is going better than you may have assumed it is, and you may see evidence of this on November 10-11, when Saturn and Uranus trade signals. Saturn is in your daily work sector, so the work you have done on a regular basis has been arduous. It looks like you feel you don’t have enough staff to get the avalanche of work done. Whether you work for yourself or for others, indeed, you don’t seem to have enough hands on deck to support your effort. I have a hunch you have been at the office (lab or workplace) for long hours, doing a lot of the heavy lifting yourself – work you would normally ask others to do for you. Nevertheless, your day-to-day work is coming to something big, because Saturn is sending beams to Uranus in your prestigious tenth house of fame and honors. Keep going, dear Cancer.

On November 13 Venus will meet with Jupiter and create a five-star day. This month positively glitters with magical romantic vibrations, and this day, along the preceding weekend, November 11-12,
might turn out to be a most enchanting, memorable time for you..

This wonderful aspect involving Saturn and Uranus will be within orb during the first eight months of 2018, too, so your career will continue to benefit. My point in telling you all this is to give you the optimism you need to boost your morale – you may have carried around a lopsided view of your progress. Your work is adding up to an impressive victory, so don’t feel discouraged if the progress so far hasn’t been fast enough to suit you. Success is coming.

The friendship between Saturn and Uranus is an important feature of 2017 and 2018. These two heavy-hitters of the zodiac lineup rarely collaborate. Both of these planets move very slowly – it takes Saturn 29 years to revolve around the Sun, and it takes Uranus 84 years to make the same journey. Simply said, this means that you have been benefitting from this aspect all year and will continue to do so. These two planets will hit mathematical perfection on November 10-11, but my point is they don’t have to hit perfection for you to benefit. When these two gigantic planets are within five (or even eight) degrees of making an aspect, they are considered to be within orb, and that means you are, and will continue to be, feeling their benefits.

Now let’s turn to your home life. You’ve been nearly obsessed about your home or living situation since late last month, the time that action Mars entered into your house of home. This focus will continue this month too, for Mars will continue to tour Libra until December 9. You may be planning to sell property, or buy or rent a new house or apartment, or you may be ready to renovate, decorate, or order extensive repairs to your home or other property you may own.

Last month, on October 19, you had a new moon in this same area (your house of home), but it was a flawed new moon, for Uranus was directly opposed to the Sun and new moon. As a Cancer, the moon rules your sign, so you may have felt continually under pressure, as news kept coming up that you had not anticipated. The Sun rules your personal income in your solar chart, so whatever you were and still are focused on that’s home related seems to be a draining your savings. This is common when a person moves or renovates (you might be doing both) and is almost always worth the cost. When we move, it’s for a reason, and for Cancer, having a comfy home that reflects your taste and needs is always a top priority.

All new moons – like the one you had last month in your home sector on October 19 – set up a trend that lasts six months, so it appears you will be thinking a lot about your home-related endeavor until March 31, 2018. You can make a great deal of progress as you move forward.

If you are not thinking about a physical space, you might have been thinking about your parents, who are also ruled by the same fourth house. If you are adopted, then this house covers the person you think of as a parent. You may be searching for ways to help your parent, such as to locate the right doctor or to help set up auto-pay for most of your parent’s bills. Sometimes we have to decide about how to best care for an aging parent, such as to hire a companion in your parent’s home, or to place a parent in a medical facility or in an assisted living complex. Again, you would be able to make a lot of progress on that decision now.

Best of all, you are about to see a major breakthrough with all these home and family-related matters. Why? Let me tell you!



On November 13, Venus, the planet that rules your solar fourth house of home, will conjoin good fortune Jupiter. This is a stellar day, worthy of five stars and it only happens once a year, and always in a different sign. Venus will help you find an ideal choice to your home-related dilemma. As you may have noted, this day is also special for love and fun too, for the meeting of these two benefic planets is happening in your house of true love.

November will be the most productive for all your initiations, for Mercury will retrograde next month from December 3 to 22. You should not close on a house, buy new furniture or new electronics, or sign any papers during Mercury retrograde.

If you have been daydreaming about having a chance to travel abroad or to an exotic paradise island, it looks like you have too much going on in your life to take time off now. However, the good news is that Neptune will go direct on November 22. From then on, until June 18, you will be working with a strong, helpful Neptune. This is great, for Neptune will work directly with Jupiter now and through the first half of 2018 in a powerful way. Don’t give up on your plans to travel, dear Cancer. You will be able to fly in March if you like – think about it! March would be an ideal time to go.


You should adore November. Every once in a while the universe designs a plan for you that is special in every way, and this is one of those times. Your stars are twinkling brilliantly in one little part of the sky, the part devoted to love, breathtaking romance, and fun with friends.

The month starts out with an important social event where you will be surrounded by luxury and beauty, thanks to a full moon in sensuous Taurus on November 3/4. The people will come beautifully dressed, and the food and selection of wines will be impressive. The scent of flowers will perfume the air, creating heavenly atmosphere of love and beauty. This full moon in Taurus will pull out all the stops. Neptune will play a role, adding a touch of magic and enchantment. Pluto’s friendly involvement suggests the people attending will be highly successful types who will stimulate your thinking. Jupiter and the Venus will be orbiting closely in deep space, suggesting you might meet someone in the romantic sense that you won’t be able to get out of your mind afterward.

Watch what happens when Venus aligns with Jupiter in mathematical precision on November 13, or, in the days leading to this date, over the weekend of November 11-12, for the energy of the approaching Venus alignment to Jupiter will be increasing and noticeable over that wonderful weekend. If you met someone interesting online, choose November 13 as your day to have a first meeting in a pretty public setting. If you want to travel to see someone you are smitten with, or travel together to a new location, make sure one of the days you’ll be away will be November 16, when Venus and Neptune will be in heavenly communication.

Your biggest moment of the month for love will occur after the new moon appears November 18 in Scorpio, the only new moon of the year to fill your fifth house of true love. From this point on, in the coming ten days, and in the months to come, your love life should bring happy news. This same part of your chart also rules pregnancy and birth of a baby, so if you hope to conceive, this would be an ideal month to try. If you need a fertility doctor to help you, do not hesitate to contact the one you’ve researched and believe can help you.



At work, your creative ideas will be sought after and many ideas approved and funded. You are about to bat 1,000, so there’s no need to be shy about voicing your most creative inspirations to VIPS and clients. Your chart suggests that your favorite concept has solid profit potential. Saturn and Uranus are in sync, a rare situation that won’t occur in exactly the same way ever again in your lifetime, and they will link your present work projects to your recent career activities. Your reputation for excellence is clearly growing. Do creative brainstorming over November 25, for if you do, the idea you come up with could put your name in lights.

In this busy month, it also appears you will be also working on home-related project, or hosting family as sleepover guests in your home. Venus is also in this house, so your design choices should please you. Feather your nest, dear Cancer and after that, invite love in


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