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九星批未来五年运 推广





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来自: Kurt 























若你生于19号,正在感受这股财务的激荡,那么说明你的natal planet需要查一下,若你需要查一下你的星盘,你可以发给我(楼主吐槽:三妈说可以找她算,因为不是运势相关,我就不翻译了) 




















































You are ready for a new chapter of your life to begin, for Mars recently went into Libra on October 22, and will remain there until December 9. You now have your most important time of the year to take the banner and run with it. You have not had Mars in your sign for two years, not since November 2015. After this year, you will need to wait until October 2019 to have Mars in Libra again. This energy is precious and powerful, so use it before it fades. Think about your life right now and changes you’d like to make. Mars will give you motivation, energy, and drive, so forge forward on a plan dear to you.

This month, money management will occupy a lot of your time, but some of the news will be exceptionally happy.
Stay with me.

The full moon in Taurus, 12 degrees on November 3 and 4, will light your eighth house of other people’s money.

You will likely be writing checks for bills, and one statement might be particularly large, one you will settle for a previously made financial promise. Pluto, a powerhouse planet for managing money, will be strongly supportive of this full moon, so if you need a loan, line of credit, mortgage, venture capital, university financial aid, or expect an insurance payout, file your application now. If you already did file, you should hear the results now. Pluto is associated with taxes, so see your accountant now and make year-end tax plan decisions. If you need to see the government over a tax matter, you have the right aspects to help you come to a good conclusion.

Additionally, Neptune will be a buddy to this full moon, so if you generate new business, it will be the kind of project that will allow you to add a highly creative touch to it, possibly involving film or photography (Neptune rules both).

You will start to earn quite a bit of money very soon, for Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has just recently moved into your other financial sector, your solar second house of earned income.

This started recently – last month – and you will have good-fortune Jupiter in your money house of earned income protecting that income every step of the way. This trend started last month on October 10 and will continue 13 months until November 6, 2018.

You can have the finest aspects – like you do, with Jupiter in your money house – but you need to have the right new moon to open that portal to let out the goodies. You have to be patient and wait for that new moon to come by before you can see your financial luck. Guess what? Ha-ha, this is fun to tell you.

You HAVE that highly anticipated new moon coming up on November 18! That new moon will arrive in Scorpio 26 degrees and will bring you the money you deserve. This new moon will be a peach, for it will bring together Jupiter, Venus, the Sun, and new moon, all benefic luminaries crowded together in your solar second house of earned income. This is your cue to ask for a raise, or, if you are self-employed, to muster the courage to gently ask clients for an increase. If you plan to sell something expensive, like a piece of property, a house, or a car, or even if you are selling things on an auction site, you are likely to negotiate a good price. I see the days that follow this new moon fulfilling the promise of money you are to make in the coming 12 months, and more will come to you as you go along.



Indeed, the fact that this new moon is so sweet suggests to me that you will do well financially all year,
all the way from now through next year, to November 2018. Start a promotion campaign early in the month so that you can reap the benefits after November 18. Remember to take action on a goal after November 18, such as to start looking for a new,
well-paying job or client.

If you are traveling over the weekend of November 11-12, see if you can stay an extra day, November 13. Jupiter will bring you luxurious accommodations that you will love, and the result of your trip will exceed your expectations. Whether you go for work or love, you will be outstandingly happy on these days, and things will go your way.

I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about a brilliant, five-star day coming up five days BEFORE the new moon arrives – circle in gold November 13. On that day, Venus and Jupiter will combine to create a day of great happiness and luck for you. Remember, Venus is your ruling planet and Venus’ job is to take good care of you. You will be happy and joyful on November 13, so if you are invited to a gathering or dinner with friends, be sure to go.

If you travel over the weekend of November 11-12, see if you can stay an extra day, for Jupiter will see to it that you have luxurious accommodations that you will love. No matter what the reason for your quick, short trip out of town, whether for business or romance, you will come home satisfied that all went very well. If you are hoping for a romantic weekend and can’t go away, you will still feel the coming together of Jupiter and Venus over that weekend. It should be one of your favorites of the month, and possibly stand out as one of your favorites of 2017.

Be sure to get all the most important initiations done this month. Sign papers now too, especially because you have such superb moneymaking aspects in November. Next month we have Mercury retrograde from December 3 to 22, so don’t buy or ship your holiday gifts then. Get ready now and enjoy a sense of peacefulness next month! Buy toys first, this month, for it seems retailers will run very low on stock. Next, buy your electronics (before Mercury goes retrograde). Save the not-so-expensive gifts for next month if you must. You will want your gift to thrill your recipient!

Romantically, the first week of this month will be your best. Your charm is operating on a high level, for Venus,
your ruling planet, is in Libra too, a holdover from last month. You will have Venus in Libra until November 6, for Venus enters Scorpio during the day on November 7.
Use the first six days of November to buy new clothes for the coming season and to ask your stylist to give you a fresh new haircut. Women readers, consider buying new makeup colors for the new season. This is your time to circulate, dear Libra.
You also have Mars in Libra, certainly increasing your sex appeal and confidence.
You are on fire!

When it comes to any kind of relationship, in business or love, last month might have turned out to be the most difficult month in recent memory, but only if you were born late in the sign, from October 19-23, or you have Libra rising near 26 degrees. It seems that a certain partner surprised you with news or actions that came out of the blue that you never saw coming.

Other Libras with birthdays that fall in September or during the first two weeks of October have already felt the challenge from Uranus and are done. If your birthday falls in September, then 2015 was your tough year. If you have a birthday that falls sometime during the first ten days of October, you felt Uranus the most in 2016. Other Libras, born October 11-18, felt Uranus’ opposition the most earlier this year in 2017. Uranus may have pointed out a flaw in your character that you must take seriously to fix.
Uranus opposition the Sun is strong. If you felt unjustly accused, you had to come up with volumes of paperwork to prove your case. Accuracy and detail will count all month.



A new moon sets up a trend for six months, so even though you know the score now that October is over, you will likely work on improving the situation from now until the end of March. If your birthday falls October 19-23, you are in the thick of it now, and this aspect will continue to a less sustained effect until mid-May 2018, and then again from November 2018 to March 2019. After that date in March, you will be done. Everyone deals with Uranus in opposition to the Sun at some point in life, and for the same number of months, so don’t feel that you’re at a disadvantage. Uranus moves very slowly, taking 84 years to circle the Sun.

Once Uranus moves permanently into Taurus, you will be done, never to experience anything like this trend again.
If you say that you ARE feeling this aspect but you were born earlier than October 19, it means you have a natal planet at 25-29 degrees Libra. Have your chart done and see if this is true. (You can order your natal chart from me, at MyPersonalHoroscope.com.
If you order the book, it comes in a little over two weeks. You can get it sooner by PDF, if you promise to print your 65 pages on beautiful paper. Please! The art direction is so colorful and lovely.)

Days when a touchy relationship might explode will be December 1, when Mars opposes Uranus directly, but you could feel this aspect sooner, November 29 or 30. This may be an argument with the person you had difficulty with last month. This is a very hot aspect, known to fan the fires of anger – Uranus will be in Aries, and Mars will be in Libra, so in many ways you are the subject of this aspect. If your birthday falls from October 20-23,
you need to be very careful not to pour gasoline on the fire during a discussion that is making you upset. All that you expect won’t happen, but something else will,
and it might not be pretty. Head for cover on these days.

I know life has not always been fun over the past three years, dear Libra. If you had no problem at all with a partner in business or love, then you may have experienced difficulty regarding health, and you very likely can find a remedy. Uranus rules the electrical system within the body, that is, the nerves, so it might be that the problem has to do with nerve damage or something pressing on the nerve. You can get help – next year Uranus will not be in Aries for the middle six months, which is a blessing compared to what you’ve been through.

You are heading to a MUCH better life, dear Libra. In the meantime, use the lovely charm of November. It’s so special.


It’s almost year’s end, a perfect time to do a little savvy tax planning with your accountant. Find out new laws, and if your lifestyle is changing, learn about the legal deductions you are allowed to take when you file your return in early 2018. The full moon of November 3 will give you the motivation to get this done.

If you hope to buy, sell, or improve your property that you own or lease,
get estimates so that you can announce a decision in early November.



Next month, Mercury will be retrograde from December 3 to 22, not a time to begin anything new.

Jupiter will be very close to the Sun at the time of the full moon, November 3-4, so a friend or sibling may make a recommendation about where to buy a top notch electronic piece or appliance you need for your home at below retail prices; or they may recommend a trustworthy contractor you can engage for your project. Be ready to start in January when planets will be in ideal position to work on home-related matters. If you want to assist your mother or father with any question, January will be the ideal time to rally the family around your ideas and to finally move forward with positive results.

The new moon November 18 will be the moment you awaited all year. With Jupiter now ensconced in your second house of earned income, think of all the reasons you need to state to be approved for a raise. Your chances have never been better for an approval. If you are self- employed, you can now generate new business. Start your advertising or publicity campaign right after the new moon arrives November 18.

If you are hoping to find a new and better job that pays well, this new moon, November 18 and the ten days that follow, could easily bring an opportunity for an interview. At the start of the month, discretely make it known in the right circles that you are interested in entertaining career offers. In the meantime,
update and polish your resume and bio.

If you are buying or selling property, you can get a price that pleases you. Renovations are favored because they will add to the value of your property,
particularly those of the basement or repairs of the foundation of the structure.

Your most exciting and fortunate day of the month will be November 13,
when Venus, your guardian planet, will make her annual meeting with good fortune Jupiter. These two heavenly bodies will align in your second house of earned income,
so news about your salary should be upbeat. If you are asked to sign a contract,
do it on November 13, assuming you’ve previously discussed it with your lawyer.
The funds will stem from a new assignment that will come to you, and it appears to have lots of room for you to put on your stamp of creativity. Schedule a creative planning session for November 16 when Venus in Scorpio will be in ideal sync with Neptune – the ideas you come up with should be glamorous AND profitable. If you can’t sign the papers on November 13, do so shortly after the new moon, November 18.

Romantically, Mars will be in Libra all month, and you’ve not had Mars at your side for two years. This is a major asset, for having Mars put a spotlight on you will give you confidence as well as a sexy glow that will draw others to you. If you ever felt invisible, surely, you won’t feel that way now. Venus will remain in Libra, a holdover from last month, until November 6. You certainly have cornered all the best aspects, dear Libra!


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