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九星批未来五年运 推广





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想想自己的房屋状况吧,如果你的房子有地下室的话, 可能会想重新装饰一下它,因为冥王星也跟这个新月成有利相位。而且冥王星还掌管着所有发生在地表之下的东西。它也掌管着水管设施,所以你可能会叫来水管工。海王星也会伸出援助之手,带来可以让你得到更多钱财的消息(那些金钱本就应归于你),钱很可能是来自于你完成的某个创新项目或是卖掉了不动产而得到的利润。(你在事业和家庭方面发生的好事,多少都跟海王星有关。)














就现在而言,搬家是一种充满快乐且可能发生的事,但是从另一方面来看,你会经历更见简单的“搬家”,比如粉刷房子和家具、铺上新的地毯、购置新床单、配件或是桌布之类的东西。11月18日以后,你会核查一下自己在年底之前想要完成的事项还有那些迫在眉睫。如果你已经用固定帮你处理不动产的承包商,这份合作可能要终止了。如果你说,不,你还没开始进行房屋相关的项目呢,作为选择,你可能会停止一直以来不断寻找合适的承包商、室内装潢师、建筑师的这种行为,现在就说出你的选择吧, 这样你才能约到自己喜欢的专家们,然后到明年5月中正式开始房产方面的计划。










来自: 尼古拉斯凯音




11月13日星期一, 木星和金星将把它们的力量结合起来,一件一年一度的事件会发生在一天,这两个快乐的行星总是每年以不同的迹象相遇。 这一次,这两颗闪耀的行星将会在天蝎座对齐,并从享有声誉,奖项和成就的第十宫中散出一阵金色纸屑。你可能想要在冰块上放一瓶庆祝的香槟酒,如果这一天被证明是特别的,那我觉得你可以享用它了。 


三天后,星期四, 11月16日,你将会有另外一天可能成为你职业生涯中特别的一天,特别是如果你从事创意艺术工作的话。金星将与海王星密切合作。除了申请工作,这将是一个完美的一天,去拍您的职业照或出现在电视上,金星将加速你的职业生涯,海王星将使你的职业形象炫目发光。 

在那个黄金日的两天之后,11月18日的新月将会到来,这是本月最大的焦点之一。这将是一个26度天蝎座的光辉新月。你要为11月18日成为你事业突破的目标日期做好准备。在此之前你有足够的时间来编辑你的简历并购买你的新面试服装。你也许可以决定做一个重要的演讲,或者为你的商业周年庆祝一下 - 并邀请媒体。金星和木星将会看到你在高层的知名度将达到历史最高水平。 

如果你现在在工作让你不开心,也不使用这个令人眼花缭乱的酷炫日子。 这一天将打开一个为期两周的开口,在这两周时间你做了什么 - 即使是小小的一步,也能为你打开新的生活。充分利用它吧,亲爱的水瓶座童鞋们。为了看到你在未来几个月能做得好,在12月9日,火星也将进入你的第十宫,并继续在1月底之前把你的焦点放在你身上。这些方面将帮助你实现你一直觉得你可以贡献给他人的承诺。在11月18日之后的十天里,你所采取的行动可以持续影响你一整年,直到下一个新月回来刷新现在这个新月的能量。 







This is the month you have long awaited for your career! It took 12 years for this day to arrive, but now you are at the gate. The Sun, new moon, Venus, and Jupiter will be shining like a brilliant beacon at the very top of your chart in your tenth house of honors,
awards, achievement, and fame. Jupiter arrived there last month, set to stay a year, and the other heavenly bodies have gathered there to boost his effect.

While it is always possible that wonderful publicity or a big job offer will come to you without your lifting a finger, the way astrology works best is to scout what you want and ask for it. First, before I tell you about this most special new moon of the year for your career, I want to tell you about two other blue-ribbon days that will arrive before the new moon so you can circle them on your calendar, also related to all the career success you can take advantage of now.

On Monday, November 13,
Jupiter and Venus will combine forces, an annual event that happens on a single day, and these two happy planets always meet in a different sign each year.
This time these two sparkling planets will align in Scorpio and dust you with a flurry of gold confetti from your prestigious tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. You might want to have your bottle of champagne on ice, just in case this day proves to be every bit as special as I feel it can be for you.

November 13 would be a great day to have an interview for a new prestigious job or to meet with a reporter to talk about the newsworthy project you recently completed. You might want to enter your work in a contest or award show, or ask for a reference of someone top level. You might want to launch a new venture or open the doors of a new business. There are so many possibilities! On this day, you will be the apple of the eye of a VIP who will want to see you do well.

Three days later, on Thursday,
November 16, you will have another day that might also turn out to be special for your career, especially if you work in the creative arts. Venus will be working closely with Neptune. In addition to applying for a job, this would be a perfect day to get your professional photograph taken or to appear on television, for Venus will boost your career, and Neptune will make the silver image of you dazzle.

Two days after that golden day, the new moon of November 18 will arrive, one of the big centerpieces of the month. It will be a glorious new moon in Scorpio, 26 degrees. Make November 18 your target date to be ready for the big career breakthrough. You have plenty of time to polish you resume and purchase your new interview outfit. You might alternatively decide to give a major presentation or throw a celebration for your business anniversary – and invite the press. Venus and Jupiter will see to it that your popularity with higher-ups will reach all time highs.

If you are not happy where you are working now, don’t let this dazzling cosmic day fade without using it.
This day will open a portal of two weeks, and what you do during that time – even by taking a baby step – can open you to a new life. Take full advantage, dear Aquarius. To see to it that you do well in coming months, on December 9 active Mars will enter your tenth house too, and continue to put a big spotlight on you until end of January. These aspects will help you fulfill the promise of what you always felt you could contribute to others. The actions you take in the ten days that follow November 18 can have a continuing effect you for the entire year, until the next new moon can come back to refresh this new moon’s energy.



You need to know that Mercury will be retrograde almost all next month, December 3 to December 22.
Don’t tell yourself that you have until December 1 or 2 to act, because you don’t.
You will be much too close to the start of the retrograde. In fact, you will feel the slowdown that Mercury creates as you edge closer to the end of November. Mercury is a wild child on the start and end dates of his retrograde,
so you will want to avoid those dates. If you HAVE to sign while Mercury is retrograde, then do so in the middle of December – even though I don’t want you to sign then either! I am choosing the lesser of two evils – the start and end dates OR the middle of the retrograde – choose the latter, the middle point.

The new moon of November 18 will be one of your big centerpieces of the month. Make this date your target date to make a big career breakthrough. You have plenty of time to polish you resume and purchase your new interview outfit. Venus and Jupiter will see to it that your popularity with VIPs will reach all-time highs.

Now let’s turn to earlier in November. The moment you start the month, you have a full moon in Taurus,
lighting your house of home. You may be selling, buying, or renting property on or within four days of November 3 or 4 (bridging two days in different time zones). Taurus is a fixed sign, so if you are moving as a result of this full moon, you will likely stay in that space a very long time. This cheery aspect would relate to a vacation home, too, if you want to buy or rent one.

I mentioned earlier that November 13 is due to be a spectacular day for your career because Venus will meet with Jupiter. Venus is ALSO the natural ruler of your fourth house of home, so you might get fabulous news regarding your home situation too – this would be the day to hire a contractor, choose a roommate, nanny, or gardener, buy new furniture, or make any design choices – tabletop, floor, bathroom tiles, paint chips, wallpaper, fabric for upholstery – you name it. You will love your choices! You might be getting an important delivery of furniture or electronics.
Whatever it is, you seem to love what is going on.

Thinking about your home situation, you might be redoing your basement if you have a house, as Pluto will be so friendly to this new moon, and Pluto rules all things that happen under the surface of the earth. Pluto also rules plumbing, so you may be calling in the plumbers. Neptune will also lend a hand and bring news about more money due to you, perhaps for a creative project you completed or profit from the sale of property. (Neptune will be relating to the great things going on in your career AND your home.)

If your physical house or apartment is not your focus as you start November, then it might be that you will be thinking about your mother or father, for they, too, are highlighted at this time. You might want to find a way to help one of your parents, and by the full moon on November 3 (or 4) you will settle on a good solution. You might take over the bill paying for mom, or accompany your father to the doctor for a checkup. This full moon is beautifully aspected, so results should please you.

There will be three days that will involve your ruler, Uranus, and that’s always important for me to check. Two of the days will be positive, and one, not so much. Let’s get the tough day out of the way – that one will fall on December 1, but you might feel the tension as early as November 29 or 30. Mars, at that time, will be in your intellectual ninth house, and Uranus will be in your thinking and perceiving third house. Both planets will oppose each other directly in a very hot aspect.
On this day, people will be quick to get angry, so don’t poke the hornet’s nest.
By that I mean do not say anything that might be construed as controversial.
Both these houses rule travel too, so if you can delay a trip, you might want to do that.



Now let’s talk about the two more wonderful days of the month that will involve your ruler. When Uranus is friendly to another planet, that’s a day to circle in gold on your calendar,
for your ruling planet’s job is to take good care of you. While Uranus obviously won’t be doing a very good job for you on December 1, he WILL be your best friend on November 11 and November 25.

The aspect on November 11 is something sweet that has been going on all year. Saturn and Uranus are in ideal spots in the sky and doing something they rarely do – collaborate on your behalf. Uranus is the planet of genius, innovation, and is known to encourage you to rail against tradition. Saturn is just the opposite – his job is to build structure and solidity, to protect what is valuable from the past so that you can use it in the future. Although these two are opposites, they will blend energies and allow you to be creative and innovative, for Saturn will add the right touch of practicality and wisdom to create a new path for your future.

The joint effort of Uranus and Saturn – in a trine, which is the finest aspect of harmony you can ever have – has been a big feature of 2017, and even though your ruler, Uranus, will make a monumental change of signs in 2018 to Taurus, Saturn will move right along too, into Capricorn, creating the same kind of trine and bring heaps of benefits to you for 2018 as well. Innovate to your heart’s content, dear Aquarius, for these two big outer planets will stand by you. For you, change will be beneficial and safer than standing still with the same old, same old.

You need not be too stuck on the date of November 11, the day Saturn and Uranus will make a perfect mathematical hit. These planets move slowly, with Saturn taking 29 years to circle the Sun, and 84 years for Uranus to do the same. As long as they are within eight degrees, they are within orb, so you’ve enjoyed this support all year. The date November 11 is, admittedly, special for it’s an exact mathematical hit. You can use this day to sign a contract, if you like, or to plan to take a trip with a friend. If you work for a charity or humanitarian cause, as many Aquarians do, you have an ideal day to make your mark and improve an area of life – a group or a cause that desperately needs your kind heart to raise awareness and to raise money, too.

The other positive day for you will be November 25, when Mercury and Uranus will trade glittering,
supportive signals. This is exciting too, for Mercury is the planet of thinking and perception, and Uranus is considered the higher octave of Mercury, taking the thinking and logic of Mercury along with the facts Mercury collects and synthesizes the data into the realm of discovery and genius.

Use this day, November 25,
to brainstorm for ideas or to help a charity or even a political candidate you believe in. On this day you alternatively may receive a thrilling text message or email. It would be a perfect day to start on a form of social media that is new to you. If you are a writer – especially a comedy writer – your mind will be filled with 100,000 watts of light, and your work will capture other’s full attention because it will be so original!

In this month with heaps of jewel-like days for you, you will also have the option to travel any time in November, but especially mid-month, from November 11-13 and over the weekend of November 25-26.
This trend, started by Mars on October 22, will continue to give you options until December 9.

Mars in Libra blends perfectly with your Aquarian air-sign element, so you also may benefit from import-export and international relationships, court decisions, good news from academia, or from the media in terms of an assignment for you or a story about you. You have so much working for you, dear Aquarius! Are you excited yet? I am excited for you!


The full and new moons are cutting across some of the most important houses of your chart, making November a powerful month that will be chock full of opportunities that you can choose to investigate.



The month starts out with a full moon on November 3 to light your fourth house of home and family. Something is coming to a finish – it may be that you will be moving, renovating, or receiving an important furniture delivery. As Uranus moves closer to your fourth house of home – to enter in May 2018 – you may move quite suddenly and more than once in years to come, possibly to take advantage of job opportunities. Uranus remains in a part of the chart for seven years, as it takes 84 years for Uranus to revolve around the Sun. Uranus is an agent of change – you’ve never had this planet in this part of your chart before, so this could turn out to be exciting – you may even live in a foreign country for a time.

For now, moving house is a joyous possibility, but on the other hand, you may be making simpler moves, such as to paint, refurbish furniture, put down new carpeting, buy new linens, accessories, or tableware as some examples. After November 18, you will be able to check off a number of items on your to-do list that you want done before the year-end holidays are upon you. If you have had contractors working on your property for a length of time, that job appears to be concluding. If you say, no, you’ve not started on your home-related project yet, you may, alternatively, end the intense research you’ve been doing to locate the right contractor, decorator, or architect, and announce your choice now so that you can get on your favorite expert’s schedule, to start in mid-May.

Your very best day to make design choices of color, tiles, fabric, floor covering,
counter tops, and the like will be on November 13, when beauty-oriented Venus will align with good-fortune Jupiter, an annual, five-star event. On the same day, your career will bring exceptional news too, so it’s a happy day on two counts.

Distant travel is possible this month, but avoid doing so at month’s end, as Mars is about to make a direct opposition to Uranus, a troublesome aspect, and Mercury is about to retrograde, December 3 to 22 next month. If you want to shop for holiday gifts, do so early this month, not in December. Buying electronics is a no-no during Mercury retrograde periods, so those would have to be purchased now, as early in the month as possible.

The most exciting part of November will be the activity that is being stirred up in your career in the days and weeks after the new moon of November 18. At that time, a gaggle of heavenly bodies will fill your tenth house of honors, awards,
and achievement. Simply said, this will be the most important moment of 2017 for you to receive happy career news. New moons begin things, so you may start to interview now, but it may take weeks or months to actually capture your career prize. Big jobs are competitive, and they take a long time to win. No matter – in that case, it might come by during the last days of April or very early May 2018. Who cares how long it takes? What matters is that the smart money is betting on YOU to win that coveted job.

Jupiter just entered this professional part of your chart for the first time in 12 years and is setting up shop, to stay until November 6, 2018. Yes, that’s a full year from now!


The work you take on now may involve financial appropriation or center on your uncanny ability to do superb research and to uncover hidden facts as brilliantly as any skilled detective could do. It could be that you are alternatively working on a screenplay or novel with a sexy plot line, for planets in Scorpio would suggest that possibility, too. If this were how the new moon works out, this film or literary project would help you to generate a very large, avid fan base. Neptune would see to it that your words and cinematography would be poetic and quite evocative.

The type of work you do doesn’t matter – what does is that you are now hitting the top of the charts, so take full advantage of the fanfare that will be coming your way. There is no reason to stay in a job that makes you unhappy or that makes you feel you aren’t living up to your potential. The universe has set the table, dear Aquarius, and all you have to do is show up and show the universe the kind of job you want to find.



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