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九星批未来五年运 推广





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注:本帖   3页, 2个版本,注意翻页






来自: kuko



































来自: CrystalW 







来自: CrystalW 



在这个全新的9月,1-2日会有有趣的,可能令人兴奋的消息。火星,你的统治者,总是对你特别的关照,然后在狮子座,将与在白羊座的天王星接轨,天王星是有意外发展的星球。火星是在你真爱宫,所以如果你是单身,你会遇到一个和你之间来电的人。如果你有喜欢的人,你无法预见将要发生什么 – 而会是一种非常特别的,令人难忘的时光。9月的这些日子将有意外的爱和浪漫的火花。 

接下来,不同寻常的9月3日和9月4日,火星将到达29度狮子座,与8月21日的伟大日食相同角度。这意味着日食的全部或部分的消息将要抵达并带来令人兴奋的甚至是改变你生活轨迹的消息。我们拭目以待吧 – 这些消息与你的私人生活有关,也可能是关于爱,怀孕或孩子,你的第五宫 – 爱情宫也规制着艺术表现,所以这些日子之一可能与你正在进行中的接近完成创意项目有关,或是突然间可以开始的绿灯亮了。有一件非常重要的事可能会发生,因为它与日食相连。我觉得你会对听到的消息或发生的事件感到高兴。 

你可能想要阅读我为你写的关于8月21日日食的内容,因为当火星移动到了那个精确的的日食的角度时,你很可能会听到一些关于上个月日食时发生的事情的相关消息。如果你的生日的角度刚好接近,这将是双倍的。如果你出生在4月18日至19日,加减4天,或者上升白羊座29度或接近这个数据,你将在9月初位于這个接近日食和火星的重要位置。如果你的图标中有其他行星在火象29度,或者接近这个角度也会收益。你最近几个月一直非常专注于工作,你可能对自己说,这将需要一个全新的太阳,才能给你带来爱 - 好吧,你的日食正落在正确的地方,所以命运的会议很快就要发生了。 

你会恨容易看到,如果你重新阅读了我写的关于日食在你前行的路上,带着给你的生活带来爱情和更丰富的情感体验的任务。日食不是仅仅给你一天或两天的生活体验 - 他们有权力给你带来改变生活的事件,因为这个日食在许多方面是一个愉悦的,光芒四射的,令人鼓舞的,我觉得无论上个月发生了什么或将在九月份发生的事情,会让你更上层楼。 


水星从8月12日起逆行,9月5日以后,水星将顺行。在9月5日之前不要发表任何重要的通知 - 等到这个日期之后,尽可能的预留些时间。在逆行的开始和结束前,是最疯狂的。 


满月带来结果,所以如果你一直和你的医生合作的话,你现在将会知道哪些事情需要完成(从9月5-6日起加减四天)。看起来你不需要返回(应该是医院)。满月和是双鱼座的统治者,海王星相合,所以对诊断或未来的历程可能会有一些混乱。如果你(或一个家庭成员)需要重新测试 (应该是体检),不要担心。这个满月和海王星,与冥王星 - 转型和再生的星球,将形成理想的角度,这是一个非常有利和吉祥的迹象,表明着你现在为了健康和幸福所做的都是正确的事情。 

专家说,鸦片类止痛药是世界范围内的流行病,许多人从开始服用处方止痛药,后来导致他们上瘾。同样的专家说,酒精上瘾是另一个令人惊叹的问题。如果你想自己戒,真的太难了。不需要把自己隔离起来 - 在這个满月,如果你有其中一个问题,你可能会找到一个善良和关怀的专业人士的帮助(由满月的双鱼座的存在指示)。另一个可能,如果你正在看心理医生,你可能会在双鱼座的满月找到一个突破口,因为双鱼座的满月和冥王星的和谐角度正处于你的心理和潜意识宫。 

顺便说一下,这个由 月亮,海王星和冥王星组成的相同角度,有益于你的健康的角度也可以为你的工作带来一个创造性的项目,這个你花了很多精力关注,但认为没有人注意到的项目。它现在变成了你皇冠上的宝石。看来你可能在9月的第一个星期完成它;一个位高权重的VIP会关注到你的工作,并且给他/她留下了非常深刻的印象。 在這个9月你之前的一切努力很可能会得到褒奖和赞美。 



到那时候,伴随着新月,你将有太阳,金星,水星和火星齐聚在你的第六宫- 健康和健身宫为你努力。金星,表明了和谐的团队会准备好一起帮助你。火星将在9月5日至10月22日的工作中带来一大堆活动。当太阳和新月在9月19日加入这些行星时,准备好进入一个明显更快的节奏中去。如果你是自雇职业,就像许多白羊座一样,你会有顾客盈门。 

冥王星,带来强大的再生能源的星球,将在你的第六宫 – 健康宫与水星 - 处女座统治星形成一个良好的角度。这是一个特别好的消息,如果你身体不是很好的话,冥王星可以帮助你恢复,或者至少帮助你找到一个非常专业的医生。在健康宫第六宫有这么多的行星,你将非常专注于你的身体健康。作为白羊座,你用脑的时候非常多,甚至忘记了你还有身体。哈哈哈,我们大家都是一样的。作为白羊座,你在运动中具有竞争力和才华是总所周知的,所以你可能从来没有停止过健身。如果你确实休息了一段时间,那么现在你可能会觉得回到健身房是一个好主意,或者让你的健身水平达到一个新的水平。你可以雇用一名教练,或者开始徒步旅行,骑自行车和做你最喜欢的运动。在9月19日的新月后开始新的项目吧。 

第六宫也规制着工作任务,所以你在办公室里会非常忙碌。新的任务将会涌入,似乎你将会非常专注,有组织地准备好接手它们了。处女座的行星建议你注重细节问题,你会的,项目也会比上个月完成的更好。土星处于一个艰难的角度,所以你会感觉到时间上的压力,你可能希望你有更多的时间完成所有你需要做的事情。不过,你知道如何做到这一点 - 你无需担心事情不会顺利完成 - 你会做的很好。 


如果你一直在考虑养一只宠物,在9月19日新月之后时机刚刚好。如果你已经有一只宠物,你可能需要特别照顾好他,带他去兽医处做检查, 买一些好的猫粮或是狗粮。第六宫规制着,如前所述,你的健康和工作经验,还有家庭宠物。你可能还想在这个月多花一点时间与你的狗或猫一起玩 - 研究表明,这些活动会给你乐观和幸福的感觉,就像你需要另外一个理由去這样做! 


不要在9月5日水星刚开始顺行时就启动新的项目 – 在发布公告或启动新项目之前,无论是在你的个人生活或工作中,给予几天的时间。举个栗子,如果你想要购买一台电脑,平板电脑或智能手机,在9月17日,当在白羊座的天王星与狮子座的金星构成精美的角度是做。 


当谈到爱情时,如前所述,这个月的开始将是特别的 ,9月1日到9月4日。但是,还有更多! 


其中的两天将会脱颖而出, 9月15日和17日。无论你是单身,希望遇到真爱,或者是恋爱中的,希望得到他/她更多的关注,每一个白羊座都会受益。 

9月15日星期五,狮子座的金星将遇到在天秤座的木星,为你的第一次约会或与那个唯一的特别的人的一起度过的计划创造了一个神奇的夜晚。 如果这是你的婚礼当天,你选择了一个迷人的时光,走过那条走廊。 星期五的金星和周末(星期五+星期六)的木星让你爱情满溢,所以无论你是女人还是男人,這个周末你将躺在粉红色的蓬松的云彩上。 

我说你会爱上9月15日至17日的周末,因为在9月17日星期日,狮子座的金星将与在白羊座的天王星相遇,这可能会让你有偶然的遇见或者不寻常的乐趣! 你会有一个开心,快乐的让你身边人无法拒绝你的精神。 




到9月下旬,你似乎已经准备好卷起袖子接受新的工作任务了,一个给了你创造自由和为自己命名的机会。 9月19日的新月为了开启了开始的绿灯。这个新月与太阳,水星,火星和金星一起出现在处女座,所以很明显你会有很多监管的项目。土星和新月的角度比较艰难,所以你会感到有压力。一个不太出色的人(猪队友?)将对项目的细节以及管理层或您的客户的期望感到不堪重负,但由于你有处理这种任务的经验,请保持信心,因为该项目将证明你是赢家。金星也在这个任务宫,同事们将会以任何方式来帮助,优势显著。 

与此同时,木星在你的第七宫 – 伙伴和婚姻宫做最后的停留,打包他的行李在下个月10月10日离开,直到2028年返回。如果你想接受专业人士的帮助 - 一个新的律师 ,会计师,经理,代理人,业务合作伙伴或其他合作者,在9月6日之后做吧。水星将顺行,但请给水星几天时间调整到正常轨道。 


如果你是单身,你也有幸运的方面。 火星将在9月4日到达狮子座,使九月的前四天成为寻找爱情的最佳选择。 9月1-2日,当火星和天王星的互发信号时,你会发现生活如此另人兴奋,并充满了偶遇。 

同样重要的是,在一个惊人的宇宙事件中,火星将在9月3-4日触及8月21日的日食,非常重要的一天,有关爱情,孩子,怀孕或其他的各种消息 个人创意项目。 金星将在9月19日之前停留在你的真爱宫。 

两个爱情的不寻常的日子,9月15日星期五,9月17日星期日,(恋爱的或单身的)将会相互重叠,整个周末将为你闪耀。 正如你所见,这是忙碌的一个月,充满了各种浪漫的活动。 





As you begin your brand new month, watch September 1-2 for interesting, possibly exciting news. Mars, your ruler and always designated to take good care of you, then in Leo, will reach out to Uranus in Aries, and Uranus is the planet of unexpected developments. Mars is in your true love sector, so if you are single, this could set off sparkling fireworks between you and someone new. If you are attached, you will not have a predictable time – instead it will be memorable and possibly very special. Those days of the month will sparkle with serendipity, all related to love and romance.

Coming next, remarkably on September 3 and September 4, Mars will reach 29 degrees Leo, the same degree as the great solar eclipse that arrived last month on August 21. This means all or some of the message of the eclipse could arrive and create exciting, possibly even life-changing news. See what happens – news should relate to your private life and could also be about love, pregnancy, or a child, Your fifth house of love also rules artistic expression, so one of these days might relate to a creative project you are working on that is nearing conclusion, or that is suddenly green-lighted for you to begin. Something very important is likely to come up because it will be tied to the solar eclipse. I feel you will be happy about the news you hear or an event that happens.

You might want to read what I wrote for you regarding the August 21 solar eclipse, for when Mars moves over these precise degrees of an eclipse that already happened, you will likely hear something related to what I wrote last month. This will be doubly true if the degrees of your birthday were touched. If you were born April 18-19, plus or minus four days, or have Aries rising 29 degrees or close to this data, you were in prime position to be touched by the eclipse and by Mars in early September. It is also true that you may have other planets in your natal chart that are at 29 degrees of a fire sign, or that are close to that degree. You’ve been so focused on work in recent months that you may have though to yourself that it would take a total eclipse of the Sun to bring love to you – well, you had the eclipse in the right place, so that fateful meeting might happen soon.

As you will readily see if you re-read what I wrote, that solar eclipse was on a mission to bring love and a richer emotional experience for your life as you move forward. Eclipses don’t bring events for just a day or two – they have the power to bring life-altering events, and because this solar eclipse was a peach of an eclipse, radiant and encouraging in so many ways, I feel that whatever happened last month, or will in September, will bring you to a better place.

I always keep my last month’s article posted, and you can find it at the bottom of every page of this report if you are reading this online at your computer or tablet. Look for the blue rectangular box. If you are reading your monthly forecast on my app, just swipe left and you will see last month’s forecast.

After September 5, Mercury will go direct, having been retrograde since August 12. Don’t make any announcements of importance prior to September 5 – wait until after this date, and give as much space of days as you can muster. Mercury is at his wildest at the start and end dates of the retrograde.

On the same day, September 5, we have a full moon in Pisces 14 degrees (for some readers, the full moon will happen on September 6, depending on the time zone). This full moon will light in your twelfth house, so medical people may surround you. You may be going in a facility for a medical or dental procedure, or, because full moons end things, you may be finishing a protocol of physical therapy. Alternatively, you may be accompanying a family member to a facility about a medical matter. Your presence will be greatly appreciated by your mother or other person in your clan.

Full moons bring closure, so if you have been working with doctors, you may now be coming to an end of what needed to be done (allow a plus or minus four days from this date, September 5-6). It looks like you will not have to return. The full moon in Pisces will be conjunct Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, so there may be some confusion about a diagnosis or future course. If you (or a family member) need to do an exam over, don’t fret. I like that the full moon and Neptune are both in ideal angle to Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, a very favorable and auspicious sign that you are doing all the right things for health and well-being at this time.


Experts say that the opioid epidemic is worldwide, and that many people suffer from having been prescribed painkillers that later led to them to addiction. The same experts say that alcohol addiction is another problem reaching epic proportions. If you try to quit on your own, it may be too hard. No need to closet yourself away – at the full moon, if you have one of these conditions, you may finally locate a professional who is kind and caring (indicated by the presence of Pisces at the full moon). In another instance, if you have been seeing a therapist about a troubling psychological matter, you may have a breakthrough at the full moon in Pisces, for it is falling in your house of psychological and subconscious matters and in such good angle to Pluto.

By the way, this same angle of the moon and Neptune to Pluto that will be so invigorating to your health can also bring you kudos for your work a creative project that you’ve given a lot of attention to, but thought nobody notice. It can now become a jewel in your crown. It appears you may be finishing it during the first week of September; a highly placed VIP has noticed your work and is very impressed. You will likely hear praise for all you’ve done at some point in September.

The first two weeks will have a slow pace, so use that time to daydream about what you’d like to achieve between now and year’s end. Take time to breathe, and if you can get away weekends, that would help relax you, for later in the month you will be very busy. Take time, too, to think about your health and fitness.

It is a great feeling to be radiantly healthy. Eating clean, exercising, and having checkups can make your skin glow and your hair shiny, and give you looks you simply can’t buy in a bottle. Have you ever noticed how attractive athletes tend to be? They are at their apex, in prime condition, so of course have a certain glow about them. If you are feeling fine but know you could feel even better, or, if you have a physical medical matter that you know should be seen by a doctor, either way, the new moon of September 19 in Virgo 27 degrees will be your friend.

At that time, you will have a crowd of heavenly bodies in your sixth house of health and fitness. Along with the new moon, you will have the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all pulling together for you. Venus, being among the planets, suggests that the team will be cheerful and ready to help. Mars will bring a flurry of activity at work that will last from September 5 to October 22. When the Sun and new moon join those planets on September 19, be ready to step to a noticeably faster beat. If you work for yourself, as many Aries do, you will have clients beating a path to your door.

Pluto, the planet that brings powerful regenerative powers, will be in fine angle to the Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo and your sixth house of health. This is especially great news, for if you have not been well, Pluto can help you recover or at least help you find a doctor with the expertise you need. With so many planets in the sixth house of health matters, you will be very focused on your body. As an Aries, you live in your head a lot and may forget that you even HAVE a body. Ha, ha, that happens to all of us. As an Aries, you are known to be competitive and talented in sports, so you may have never stopped working out. If you did take a break from being active, you might now feel that it would be a good idea to go back to the gym or to bring your fitness level up to a new notch. You might hire a trainer or start getting more active in hiking, biking, and your favorite sports. Start your new program after the new moon arrives September 19.

This same sixth house where all the action is located also rules work assignments, so you will be incredibly busy at the office. New assignments will be pouring in, but it seems you will be quite focused, organized and ready to take them on. Planets in Virgo suggest you will have to watch the tiny details, but you will, and projects should proceed better than they did last month. Saturn will be in hard angle, so time pressures will be on you, and you may wish you had more time to get done all you have to do. Still, you know how to do this – you need not worry that things won’t click into place – you will do fine.


Planets in communicative Virgo will help you in any writing or speaking you have to do. You may be writing a report or manuscript, giving a speech, serving on a panel, translating work, or writing code. Virgo also rules working with your hands, like doing carpentry, sewing, embroidery, or playing a musical instrument that requires agile finger work, and if you do any of these things for work or as a pastime, you will be pleased with your output.

If you have been thinking of adding a pet to your household, this would be the time to do it, after the new moon September 19. If you already have a pet, you may want to take special care of your little creature, so take him to the vet for a checkup, and buy your little cat or dog some treats afterward. The sixth house rules, as said, your health and your work experience but also little domestic pets. You may want to spend a little more time playing with your dog or cat too this month – studies show such activities lead to feelings of optimism and happiness – as if you needed another reason to do so!

Last month you had Mercury retrograde, but that is all about to change. Mercury goes direct on September 5. If last month you couldn’t get anyone to nail down a firm appointment or give you a direct or final answer, you now know why. People sounded spacey and indecisive last month, and you may have lost things or found errors in your report, but that is over. Now you will be so gratified to see the pace pick up, your focus sharpen, and people that you need to see will be back at their desks. Your plan will finally start to advance and click into place.

Don’t start to initiate actions too close to the date Mercury turns direct on September 5 – always allow a space of days before making announcements or launching an initiation in your personal life or at work. If you have wanted to buy a computer, tablet, or smart phone, as three examples, do so September 17, when Uranus in Aries will be beautifully angled to Venus in Leo.

Now let’s turn to another big moment of the month, when Pluto will go direct on September 28. This is important because Pluto has been retrograde since April 20 in your house of honors, awards, and achievement. If you’ve felt you aren’t making enough career progress considering how hard you have been working, after September 28 you will feel differently. Your career will zoom forward in a very gratifying way.

When it comes to love, you already read that the start of the month will be special for you – September 1 through September 4. However, there is more!

Venus, the love-me, kiss-me planet is in the perfect place for you, in Leo, gliding through your fifth house of true love until September 19. The first three weeks of September would be the right time to circulate.

Two days will stand out for love, and those days will be September 15 and 17. It does not matter if you are single and hoping to meet your true north, or are attached and hoping to get more attention from your partner – every Aries will benefit.


On Friday, September 15, Venus in Leo will reach out to Jupiter in Libra, creating a magical evening to go on a first date or to plan a special evening with your one-and-only. If this is your wedding day, you have chosen an enchanting time to walk down the aisle. You can expect some spillover of the lovely effects of Friday’s meeting of Venus and Jupiter on Friday to Saturday, so whether you are a woman or a man, you will be resting on a puffy, pink cloud all weekend.

I say that you will love the weekend of September 15-17 because on Sunday, September 17, Venus in Leo will reach out to Uranus in Aries – this could spell a chance meeting or unusual fun day! You’ll have a playful, happy spirit that will be irresistible to those around you.

As you see, you have a month packed with activity and a chance to make changes in your life that will stick, and that will leave you happier than ever before.


You had a big month in August, and chances are, you felt positive emerging developments in your personal life. Two eclipses came by in August to light your houses of romance, children, leisure, and friendship. This suggests changes are in the air in your personal life, and you seem to be adjusting remarkably well. News that came up then will continue to capture your mind in September, most likely because you are thrilled with the direction your romantic life is heading.

Now, as you enter September, you sense a new season is blowing in, and with it a new sensibility and a different focus. In the first half, you will have a chance to enjoy the last peaceful moments before the pace picks up in the second half of September. Make it a point to spend time in the sunshine and fresh air, for you will relish musing about the next personal chapter in your life. It may be that you are ready to dive into a home decorating project, for example, because inspirational Neptune will conjoin the full moon, and the moon rules your domestic condition. Or, the eclipse of last month may have helped you meet someone intriguing, or will soon. There are many possibilities; indeed, your home seems to ignite your imagination this month.

By the second half of September, you seem ready to roll up your sleeves for a new work assignment, one that will give you creative freedom and the chance to make a name for yourself. The new moon September 19 will give you the green light to begin. That new moon comes with the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus, all in Virgo, so it’s clear you will have many moving parts to oversee. Saturn will be in hard angle to the new moon, so you will feel pressure to perform. A less talented person would become overwhelmed by the details of the project, along with the expectations of management or your client, but because you have experience with this kind of assignment, remain confident, for this project will prove you to be a winner. With Venus in this same assignment house, co-workers will be congenial and willing to help in any way, no small advantage.

Meanwhile, Jupiter, in his final days of your seventh house of partnership and marriage, is packing his bags to leave next month on October 10, not to return until 2028. If you want to take on a professional to help you – a new lawyer, accountant, manager, agent, business partner, or other collaborator, do so in September after September 6. Mercury will go direct, but give Mercury a few days to regular its orbit.

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