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九星批未来五年运 推广




来自: 冒险家Amanda

大白羊我要提醒你,这周前半段儿甭想在感情上得过且过。周二11月25日,苦逼的土星和聊骚的火星进入了志在必得的8宫。这真是狗血的能量混搭,一边撩拨起情欲一边又兜头一盆冷水。可以为认真严肃的关系打下基础(本周已婚羊有红利),小心一吻定情。所以如果头上有槲寄生肿么办?跑啊撒丫子跑。除非,吻定的对象正是设下温柔圈套的那个幻想对象。水星和土星的合相极大可能高效地捋清某一关系的模糊界限。某人想要一段一对一的排他关系,也许就是白羊你。有伴儿的羊关系将更进一步。本周你们很可能一起去Harry Winston挑颗鸽子蛋,开个联名账户或者共同规划一下商业/房产投资。 





Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


There’s nothing casual about love for you in the first half the week, Aries. On Tuesday, November 25, stoic Saturn hooks up with flirty Mercury in your playing-for-keeps eighth house. This is an odd energetic mix that simultaneously heats up your libido and tosses cold water on it. And while this can lay the groundwork for a SERIOUS relationship (bonus for Rams who are getting married this week) this ensures that a kiss cannot be “just a kiss.” So what to do when the mistletoe is hovering overhead? Run (don’t walk) in the opposite direction. Unless, that is, your liplocking partner is someone who spurs those white picket fence or Parisian pied-a-terre fantasies. This Mercury-Saturn merger could effectively put an end to the nebulous status of a relationship.  Someone’s demanding an exclusivity clause, and that might just be you, Aries. Coupled Rams could conjoin further. Before the week is through you might just take a Harry Winston walkthrough, open up a joint checking account or put plans in motion for a shared business venture or real estate investment. 

But don’t force a relationship along just because you’re afraid you won’t find anything better. On Thursday, Thanksgiving, Mercury paddles out of Scorpio’s murky waters for a freestyle swim through Sagittarius until December 16. Now that’s something to be grateful for, Ram — hello, levity! The Sun and romantic Venus are already swirling through Sagittarius and your expansive, adventurous ninth house and Mercury just amps up their proactive, funloving powers. So if you’re ready to cleave from the confines of an unsatisfying union, do so over the coming three weeks. But maybe you just need to add a little more fun to the equation. If so, the Sun-Venus-Mercury trifecta recommends a romantic getaway as well as more nights OUT of the house, socializing as a pair. Warning: Mercury in Sagittarius can drown you in truth serum. Your candid remarks could draw laughs and gasps in equal measure, so think before you blurt out a “joke” that hits a little too close to home — especially during Thanksgiving celebrations. This is a fabulous phase for developing a creative enterprise or working on writing projects. 

If you’re in town this weekend, block off a few hours (or heck, a whole day) for a decluttering mission. With the quarter moon in Pisces and your twelfth house of completion, it’s time to let go of the possessions that are weighing you down. A lofty plan may need to be scaled back a bit too. If it’s adding more stress than joy to your life, what’s the point of rushing to the finish line? Give yourself some breathing room by developing a version 1.0 plan. Need to escape? A short getaway can revive your spirits even if you’re just decamping to a day spa or staying overnight in a secluded cabin in the woods.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/aries-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.nmkEDVAn.dpuf



Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Light and fluffy is fine when you’re ordering an omelet or discussing the finer points of cupcake batter. But when it comes to your relationships, that recipe will simply not do this week. On Tuesday, November 25, messenger Mercury connects with weighty Saturn in your seventh house giving your partnerships more gravitas than usual. Whether personal or professional you’re not okay with leaving anything up to chance. Summon those “call me, maybe?” types and have a conversation about commitment, cooperation and shared resources. Who knows? You could be pleasantly surprised by how they respond to your diplomatically worded ultimatum. It’s time to put some ink on it, or maybe a ring, or else start searching elsewhere. Legal matters could finalize under this Mercury-Saturn mashup. Something must be sacrificed in order for there to be greater gain, Taurus. Definitely know where your bottom line lies, but don’t let Saturn’s anchoring energy keep you stuck, stubborn and unwilling to look for smarter compromises. 

Thanksgiving is Thursday and with the moon in Aquarius and your tenth house of tradition, you’ll want a celebration with all the trimmings. If you’re not hosting the festivities, you could lovingly prepare a family recipe to bring to the celebrations. Raise a toast to the men in your life: they could use an extra helping of gratitude under this lunar light. Communication planet Mercury also switches signs on Thursday, heading into Sagittarius and your playing for keeps eighth house. The Sun and romantic Venus already decamped to Sag last week, and this cosmic trifecta makes you even MORE intent upon permabonding. All or nothing: that’s how you’ll play it in relationships while Mercury hovers here until December 16. Your minxy nature intensifies too. Ready the red room, Taurus and hang the Do Not Disturb sign. It’s about to get Fifty Shades up in here! 

On Saturday, the quarter moon in Pisces and your eleventh house of teamwork helps you assess your circle of allies. You’re not only judged by the company you keep, but highly influenced by them. One rotten Braeburn can spoil the whole damn barrel. While you may not need to evict anyone from your inner circle, be more selective about who you invite where. As the expression goes: your network is your net worth. Use the weekend to stretch your social boundaries. Filling the gaps in your own life could be as simple as branching out and meeting new people.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/taurus-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.genxfv2I.dpuf


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Details, details! Don’t gloss over the little things this week Gemini — not if you don’t want a giant meltdown on your hands. This Tuesday, November 25, stalwart Saturn unites with your cosmic guardian Mercury. The two planets are paired up in your sixth house of efficiency and integrity. Leave no stone unturned, not even a pebble. Just because you CAN get away with cutting corners, doesn’t mean you should. Later on those steps you skipped could come back to haunt you or give the competition the very portal they need to sneak ahead. Want to sail through the week and end with a feather in your cap? Make mastery and excellence the goals in all that you do. Aim to exceed people’s expectations. If an issue needs to be addressed, be the first to bring it up. The cleaner everything is, the better: from a well-organized office and home to a drama free emotional environment. The Mercury-Saturn merger can help you establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with at work too. Be the first raise your hand when some extra help is needed. Take one for the team and pull weight for a coworker who is going through a tough time. Yep, Gemini the first part of the week is about giving the world service, preferably with a smile. But don’t slack on the self-care! When you’re tired and achy, give yourself some of that love  you’ve been bestowing on others. The sixth house also governs health, and with Saturn in the frame, you may need to book an appointment with the chiropractor or massage therapist to get yourself back to fighting shape. 

Thanksgiving could come with a bonus helping of romance. The moon will be in Aquarius and your festive, flamboyant fifth house making you the life of the party. Your bubbly radiance will attract more than just one admirer. Also on Thursday, flirty Mercury heads into Sagittarius and your relationship house until December 16. With the Sun and Venus already in the Archer‘s realm, this trio will make you a magnet for the commitment-oriented types. Who knows? You could have a sultry reunion with a childhood sweetheart while visiting your folks or feel the click with another guest at your friend’s celebration. In a relationship? Be sure to let your honey know exactly how grateful you are (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). 

On Saturday, give your goalsheet an end of year review. With the quarter moon in Pisces energizing your tenth house of ambition, it’s time to fine tune. What can you REALLY pull off before 2015 and what can be shelved until January? You don’t want to compromise on quality just to get ‘er done. Are you phoning it in, Gem? If that’s the case, give yourself a Q4 challenge. Design a project you can finish before Christmas; one that will keep you inspired and interested. Your relationship with an important man comes into better balance with this quarter moon. If you’re feeling annoyed, stop pretending that everything’s fine. Address the issue early on (read: this weekend) before it boils over into something bigger. You’ll both be relieved.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/gemini-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.905UNUr5.dpuf



Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Feeling alone on that throne, Cancer? This Tuesday, November 25, taskmaster Saturn and communication planet Mercury align in Scorpio and your fifth house of leadership. Yours are the shoulders that everyone cries on, but carrying around the weight of their problems could be too much to hold. That’s not to say you have to step down from your power position — not at all. But perhaps you could start asking more of the people who are supposed to be supporting you. And please, don’t apologize for making these requests! Adopt a “business, not personal” attitude at work this week, even with your family. Hello, you’re not going to eat Thursday’s feast alone, so, uh, why isn’t anyone else bringing sides, wine or desserts? Start delegating, STAT. A romantic connection could grow quite serious under this cosmic coupling. Talks may turn to babymaking, engagement, or deeper matters of the heart. Go there. 

The intensity continues on through Thanksgiving as Thursday’s moon in Aquarius lights up your playing-for-keeps eighth house. Beware the green-eyed monster! Just because your sweetie got flirty praise for carving the turkey doesn’t mean your relationship is under fire. That said, if you don’t get adequate one on one time, you could get quite cranky. Make sure the day’s celebrations include a private paso doble with your amour. Single? Thursday’s sultry stars could bring a potent connection with someone you just can’t stop talking to. You’ll be in no mood for superficial conversation as the week wraps, no matter who you’re with. If a love connection isn’t calling, slip off for some girl talk with your mom or sister in between turkey and the dessert course. Also on Thursday, Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your sixth house of efficiency, integrity and healthy routines. Until December 16, you’ll have the speedy messenger planet’s support with taking great care of your body and powering through those end-of-year assignments. The Sun and Venus are also in Sagittarius so this trio of planets can help you find joy in things like preparing nutritious food (that is also tasty and beautifully presented) or zhushing your office to décor magazine perfection. 

On Saturday, the quarter moon in Pisces and your candid ninth house helps you find the balance between “honest to a fault” and just plain honest. In your zeal to be helpful did your advice hit a little TOO close to home? When the student is ready, the teacher will come, Cancer. Trying to force one of your golden lessons down someone’s throat will only cause them to resist you further. Come on down from the soapbox without denying people your sage advice. The best way to deliver it? Instead of saying, “You should do this,” serve it up from the first person perspective. For example, “I’m not sure what will work for you, but when I was dealing with something similar, this is what helped me.” That subtle shift can make all the difference in how your message is received.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/cancer-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.Xf9c4Q2g.dpuf


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


‘Tis the season to be sentimental. And with expressive Mercury meeting up with Saturn on Tuesday, November 25, your emotions could get a little melancholy too. If you find yourself missing someone’s presence, don’t brush the feelings aside. Perhaps you could honor a friend or relative who has passed away by setting up a slideshow or writing a heartfelt tribute to read around the Thanksgiving table. Some Leos could be feeling a longing for “the one that got away” or a person with whom you cut ties due to differences. Think carefully before you attempt to reconcile. While the past is easy to glorify, the two of you grew apart for a reason. Perhaps the thing to be thankful for is what this person taught you — even if the lesson was a hard one to digest. Spend a little time journaling about what you learned from this relationship and the aching in your heart could go away. Are family plans shaping up for Thanksgiving? With Mercury and Saturn aligned in your domestic fourth house, you could make an eleventh hour bid to play host. Giving La Martha (a Leo herself) a run for her fluted crust and tablescaping is not necessary here, but why not add a little pomp and circumstance to the festivities? Even if you’re just showing up with a dish in hand, it will be the one that everyone is raving about. 

Thanksgiving’s stars bring a FAR brighter forecast, as your mood makes a U-turn in the second half of the week. On Thursday, Mercury will join the brilliant Sun and romantic Venus in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, illuminating your fifth house of romance, celebration and glamour until December 16. You’re back in your hedonistic element, Leo, ready to entertain the crowds and get the party started. Go ahead and wear the leopard print, gold boots, or other Vegas headliner gear waiting impatiently in your closet for a debut. Your flamboyant style will garner rave review. Make pleasure a priority: if it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad. Single Leos could make a love connection while chatting over pumpkin pie. Coupled? Make sure to tell your sweetie how thankful you are for all the little things you’ve overlooked. Don’t let family obligations interfere with your ability to enjoy a private moment or two. The moon will also be in Aquarius on Thursday, and your seventh house of relationships. While the turkey’s in the oven, prove that you’re as masterful in the bedroom as you are in the kitchen. 

On Saturday, the quarter moon in Pisces helps you assess your financial trajectory. You work hard for your money, but is your money working hard for you? This would be a great time to raise your IQ by learning about investments and figuring out ways to earn passive income. This could span the range from investing in real estate to developing a downloadable product to exploring a network marketing business that sells a product you truly believe in. If you’re keeping all your cash in a basic checking account, start earmarking a weekly amount that you flow into a special savings account to be used for investing six months from now.


- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/leo-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.AgVBeN0g.dpuf


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with. This Tuesday, November 25, expressive Mercury unites with heavyweight Saturn, inviting you to “be here now.” The present moment really is the only thing we humans have any sort of control over. This can be a tough concept for Virgos to grasp since you’re so often ruminating over the past or spiraling out into “what if?” scenarios about the future. Allow yourself to be grounded, present and in the moment in the early part of this week. While you may feel stuck or frustrated initially, that won’t last too long. Miraculously, you’ll start to see how much you’ve been overlooking the obvious. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the quieter people in your midst ­— the ones who are actually hidden gems. Don’t let your headphones drown out the banter of the other people waiting in line at Whole Foods or your go-to café. A chance conversation could spark a friendship or you could hear about something amazing that’s happening on the local scene. Watch your words! Your missives carry extra weight with communicator Mercury and sober Saturn aligned, and it’s a little too easy to plant the seeds of doubt into other people’s minds. Stay proactive or stay mum, or you could get a rep as a Debbie Downer. Ouch! 

On Thursday, the family-friendly vibes wash over you when your ruling planet Mercury decamps to Sagittarius and your domestic corner until December 16. It’s not too late to pull together a sentimental toast or hilarious retrospective of family photos — one that guarantees nary a dry eye in the house. The Sun and creatrix Venus are already in Sagittarius since last week so the decorating bug could bite hard. In between polishing off those leftovers, some Virgos will be hitting the furniture and bedding stores for Black Friday scores — anything to make your house feel just a little more like a home that reflects who YOU are. Reconnecting to old friends or long-lost relatives can be heartwarming over the coming three weeks too. Just make sure your schedule leaves room for some “me time.” Your emotions will be a bit more raw at times — a red flag that you need to stop caring for everyone around you and go do something to revitalize yourself.

Saturday’s quarter moon in Pisces and your seventh house of partnerships brings your closest relationships up for review. You love them, you love them not: such is the nature of intimacy, but are any of these connections feeling a bit lopsided? You’re a helpful soul by nature, but draining yourself to prove that you care is no way to go. Rather than raging about how you give and give and GIVE, simply restrain yourself. This will create a space for other people to step forward and stop taking you for granted. And if they don’t, are they really the kind of people you want in your life anyway? You could also dabble in the art of asking for what you need. Practice makes perfect here. Are you feeling guilty or pressured about receiving from someone who adores you? Press pause and make sure the scorecard doesn’t get too uneven. As awkward as it may be, you might have to tell someone, “Thank you for all the generosity and gifts, but I’m feeling like I can’t give back in kind.” Honesty is the best policy.  - See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/virgo-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.rM6XwlCO.dpuf


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Count your pennies, Libra. Early this week, you may be faced with an important financial decision as messenger Mercury meets up with sober Saturn in your second house of money. As the zodiac’s material girl or guy, you spare no expense when it comes to the things you adore. And truly, you are uplifted by a bit of luxury here and there whether it’s fine couture, gourmet fare, or Balinese spa retreats that are your poison (maybe all three and then some!). But it’s time to tighten up that skull-embellished Alexander McQueen belt in the name of flowing funds towards a practical purchase. Take some time to map out your Q4 budget and do some projections for early 2015. Do you have any major milestones coming up? Trips your want to take? Classes to sign up for? Stow away your cash in a special savings account and err on the side of being conservative. Just because you have a bundle in the bank right now doesn’t mean you should open the drain and liquidate on a holiday gift-shopping spree. Don’t ignore the income column! A serious offer could come your way this week, one that allows you to join forces with a prestigious company or notable client. If you’re a 9-5er, early this week is the time to really show your dedication and attention to detail. The VIPs are watching and you could set yourself up for a promotion in the weeks ahead. 

But DO make a budget for social activities and entertainment too. On Thursday, Thanksgiving, garrulous Mercury swings into Sagittarius and your playful, outgoing third house until December 16. If you miss that annual performance of The Nutcracker or deprive yourself of every holiday cocktail party you’ll be a sad panda. No need to go to such an austere extreme! Just earmark a select number of funds and cultural events instead of being so “go with the flow” spontaneous this season. Opportunity to grow your network and earn more cash in the process could be found by mingling with the locals. Keep your antennae up while you’re rolling through town. Even a casual conversation in the latte line or while having lunch with a colleague could spark ideas for a profitable synergy. This is a stellar time to work on any writing or media projects too. If you need to upgrade your car or mobile devices, Mercury sanctions the splurge. Try to hit those Black Friday sales instead of paying premium rates. 

Saturday’s quarter moon in Pisces and your sixth house helps you toe the line between health nut and hedonist. If you’re the type of Libra who won’t have a meal that doesn’t include kale, you might need to lighten up a little. Sampling a slice of your sister’s pumpkin pie is not going to throw you off your game. A more balanced approach can help you sail through the holiday season without spiraling into a guilt vortex or deprivation hole. On the flip side, has your elliptical machine turned into a de facto clothing rack? Languid Libras, heed this quarter moon’s call to take better care of your bodies. After all, it’s your soul’s address here on earth. Some gentle exercise like walking or dancing can quickly work you up to a more energetic cardio class.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/libra-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.JZA24IO1.dpuf



Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Money, power, success. You’ll take all three this week, thankyouverymuch. On Tuesday, November 25, expressive Mercury syncs up with heavy-hitting Saturn in Scorpio — an occurrence that won’t happen again in your sign for another twenty-eight years. So please, Scorpio, seize this moment to make your biggest, boldest request. You’ve definitely got that “high pro glow” this week. People will take you seriously and even open up their wallets to fund one of your grandest ideas or ventures. Call in the stylists and graphic designers. This could be the week where you do a little “rebranding,” in the name of putting your most sophisticated self forward. Are you already there, rocking the sleek Scorpio look? Then do some strategic PR work on your own behalf. Rather than waiting for people to discover you, invite them into your world via social media or your own blog/website. Just be warned: you don’t want to flip to the opposite extreme and run the risk of overexposure. Give your Tweets, status updates and ‘grams a thorough edit. Yes, we know you were just letting out your feelings, but do your timeline rants seem too blame-oriented or bitchy? Do your photos leave a little too much to interpretation or include anyone other than yourself? Heck, are you even IN any of your own photos? Time to let people know that you’re more than just an avatar, okay? Craft your image with Saturn’s conservative touch and Mercury’s quirky flourish. There IS a middle ground between stuffy and seductive, Scorpio. 

On Thursday, Thanksgiving, you’ll bid Mercury adieu as the messenger planet moves on to Sagittarius and your money zone until December 16. Don’t be surprised if talks turn to work opportunities while you’re gathered around the table. Accumulating more wealth will be a point of focus for the next few weeks. With the Sun and creatrix Venus already in Sagittarius, you could earn a bundle from your artistic talents or via your network of close friends (likely female with Venus’ influence). Some believe that the key to creating greater prosperity is being grateful for what you already have. So maybe you don’t have the funds for your private jet or Tuscan villa yet, Scorpio. But surely you can make a list of ten things you’re thankful for like the roof over your head, your loyal pets perched about, the statement bag you splurged on, etc. Open up those money-earning channels with this gratitude exercise. You might even get your whole family involved in making these lists and sharing them around the table. 

The “drunk in love” hashtag should be used sparingly this weekend. With a quarter moon in Pisces and your romance house, a more balanced approach to amour is what the cosmos are calling for. Let’s be honest: although you don’t fall very often, when you do it’s a bit like plummeting into an abyss. Check your safety line and your parachute, i.e., your levelheaded friends. Although you may be in the throes of a legendary love affair, you must always keep one foot planted in Camp Scorpio so as not to lose your own center. If you feel yourself slipping, use the weekend to consciously create a project that keeps you as obsessed with your own life as you are with your pursuit or enjoyment of The One.  For securely coupled Scorpios, this quarter moon is your call to bring a little more glamour and playtime into your union. Surprise your sweetie over the weekend, preferably with a dress up date involving a cultural event followed by a private sequel in a luxurious environment. Uh, get a room!


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


The definition of insanity — not to mention, the recipe for masochism — is returning to the same situation over and over (and OVER) again, expecting a different result. Therapists call it “repetition compulsion,” that inexplicable urge to reinvent a painful story with a happier outcome. This Tuesday, November 25, stern Saturn aligns with Mercury, the planet that governs our mental processes. The two meet up in Scorpio and your twelfth house of boundaries, transitions, and subconscious insights. White light moment! It’s time to stop spinning your wheels, Sagittarius, and pull yourself out of that rut. This might take the help of a tow truck (read: your strongest, most supportive friends), but whatever the case, please shift into drive instead of reverse. Getting away from a toxic situation is the first step in getting it out of your system. In cases less extreme, this Mercury-Saturn conjunction will give you the power to put up a firm “hell to the no” boundary. Let people see the less-than-cheery side of yourself. You’ve been overly compliant, utterly agreeable, and shockingly un-troublesome. But the price of that is internal misery. The Mercury-Saturn duo wants you to make your own happiness as important as everyone else’s! Saturn rules authority figures and wise teachers. This could be the week where you meet your own personal Yoda or get the seal of approval from a powerful influencer in your field. 

Thursday is Thanksgiving and here’s one more item to add to your gratitude list: expressive Mercury leaves stormy Scorpio and heads into Sagittarius until December 16. Hello uplifting cosmic trifecta! The Sun and charming, radiant Venus are also in your sign, and their combined magic will make you both forthright AND diplomatic. While you may be the one pointing out the neon pink elephant in the room over the coming three weeks, you’ll do so with grace and that famous Sagittarian wit. Laughter really is the best medicine, especially when everyone is in on the joke. The moon will be in garrulous Aquarius and your playful third house on Thanksgiving too. Some Archers may forgo the whole family routine, or slip off early to enjoy the company of some rowdy, funloving friends. Who says you can’t host a trivia night or karaoke while the turkey’s being served? If you DO gather with relatives, it might just be you who is pushing back the furniture to turn the living room into a dance floor (with a multigenerational playlist you’ve curated, naturally) or slipping off to help your sister or cousin streak some Electric Amethyst Manic Panic into a lock of hair. 

Saturday’s quarter moon in Pisces and your fourth house of home and family could prompt a cleanup and decorating mission. Does your space reflect your current lifestyle, interests, and practical needs? Form follows function: Start with the pragmatic aspect before you start scouring flea markets and hanging tapestries from your trip to Peru. (In fact, you might have to take down and stow away a few such numbers.) A pretty piece will only annoy you if it crowds out your ability to tuck away clutter in a shelving unit or set up a home office in an unused corner of your space. The quarter moon will also find you in a more family-friendly mode. So maybe you weren’t feeling the vibes on Thanksgiving. It’s better late than never. Connect to your inner circle in a more intimate way: a long Skype chat or one-on-one brunch date. You might even host a laid-back gathering at your place over the weekend.


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Uh, yay team? Your spirit fingers will be flagging early this week, Capricorn. On Tuesday, November 25, sober Saturn (your ruling planet) and social Mercury meet in your eleventh house of community bringing a heavy vibe to your shared efforts. Don’t force yourself into head cheerleader mode if you’re in any way annoyed, frustrated, or down on your collaborators. This might not signal the end of your shared journey, but it IS a speed bump worth alerting everyone to. Call a team meeting to express your concerns. Being honest about what ISN’T working is the first step — and if you’re harboring discontent, it’s pretty likely that you’re not alone. Just make sure you also come to the table with at least one proactive idea or the conversation could sink into gloom and doom quickly. On the flip side, the Sun-Mercury merger could put you in direct contact with a prestigious group. Membership has its privileges so consider becoming a part of this elite society. (You know you love being an insider, Cap.)  Even if you have to pay your dues for a while to rise through the ranks, if being affiliated with this bunch can help you ascend, humble thyself and make those coffee runs. Be careful what you post on social media early in the week! With Saturn and Mercury combined, venting on Facebook — even if you don’t name names — could come back to haunt you.

On Thursday — Thanksgiving — Mercury moves on to Sagittarius and your compassionate twelfth house until December 16. The Sun and romantic Venus are already decamped to this dreamy, heartfelt part of your chart. Your cool, composure goes out the window — and consider it a blessing. You could well up expressing your gratitude; and if you can find the words for a toast, there won’t be a dry eye in the house. This Mercury cycle also summons the muse, and Venus’ influence only amps up that flow. Let your artistic side out to play without forcing your creations into a structure or trying to turn them into a business plan. With Mercury in this nocturnal part of your chart for the next three weeks, you could wake up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea. For some Capricorns, it will be forgiveness rather than thankfulness that you’re focusing on mid-week. Dealing with a disappointment can be hard, but it’s better than dwelling in it. Devote the next few weeks to really processing your feelings and doing some deep healing work. A great therapist can do wonders, especially one who specializes in hypnosis since you want to scrub out all the hidden corners of your psyche. Don’t rule out the energetic and holistic planes either: a session with a shaman, Reiki practitioner, or acupuncturist can help you get unstuck. This dreamy Mercury phase can also bring some fairy tale romance your way. Surrender to love and release control. True romance requires you to dive into the unknown. 

Saturday’s quarter moon in your social third house helps you take stock of your crew. You’re influenced by the company you keep, not to mention the dialogues that are happening around you. What are the hot topics in your circle? It might be time to infuse some new subject matter into the mix, something a bit more uplifting or interesting. Have you become more concerned with a friend or sibling’s success than she is? Let “codependent no more!” be your rallying cry this weekend. It’s not your job to play the rescuer role. Though it’s hard to watch, you might need to let people learn from their own mistakes. Empower, don’t enable. It’s also an optimal weekend for connecting to new acquaintances. Schedule a brunch with a promising new friend and let the bonding begin.


- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/capricorn-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.EUx1jadK.dpuf


Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


This week, Water Bearers want to be taken seriously, with a capital S. The reason? Status-obsessed Saturn meets up with communicator Mercury in your tenth house of career on Tuesday, November 25. This once-a-year occurrence can really help boost your public image and launch you into a new league. Of course what YOU consider the picture of success probably veers to the left of the suit-and-tie crowd’s ideal. But all through November, the planets have been pushing you to “professionalize” your image. Maybe that means letting your masterful skills shine forth without sacrificing your tattooed glory or your wardrobe of brightly colored vintage. It’s not about pretending to be what you’re not, but rather playing up your strengths and confidently letting the world know what you’re capable of. For some Aquarians, this could be the prompt to work with a branding specialist, stylist or graphic designer: someone who can help you translate your vision into a sleek presentation. A leadership position has your name stamped all over it this week too, and it may involve presenting to the public or being the spokesperson for a cause. Don’t shy away from this growth opportunity. If you have jitters at the thought of it, a course like committedimpulse.com can help you turn you from ball of nervous energy to dynamic force of nature. 

The moon will be in Aquarius this Thanksgiving Thursday, making you the life of the pumpkin pie fueled festivities. That same day, Mercury leaves Scorpio and joins the Sun and Venus in Sagittarius until December 16. This planetary trifecta lights your community-loving, team-spirited eleventh house on fire. The more is absolutely the merrier for you over the coming three weeks! You won’t have much patience for hovering over the stove — not unless you turn the cooking into a social occasion. Invite people over to hang out while you season the greens and baste the turkey. When the guests start arriving — or you show up at the soiree you’re attending — it’s you who will keep the mood bright and festive. No time for family feuds this year! Have an upbeat playlist going on Pandora, hang photos to give people some icebreaker talking points, even have a movie projected in a room or a video game and kid’s area set up. During this three week Mercury phase, you could do some major networking. Holiday parties will only serve to boost your popularity and put you in contact with the intriguing intellectuals Aquarians love to meet. This is a stellar time to develop an app, invention or other online initiative. If work slows down a bit, you don’t have to. Geek out in your spare time and get that blog or Etsy store launched. 

Saturday’s quarter moon in Pisces brings more motivation for creative financing. Do you love what you do for a living or are you craving more meaning from your work? It’s time to tweak: instead of watching the clock, create a stimulating project or independent initiative for yourself. Catch yourself this weekend: how many times do you say things like, “I can’t afford that,” or “that’s not in my budget.” Where there’s a will there’s a way. Perhaps you could offer the barter system or do an exchange of labor to cover some of the costs. Of course, it’s not just how you earn it but how you burn it as well. Give your end of year budget a once over so you don’t spend all your rent money on holiday gifts.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/aquarius-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.JkLAcHcv.dpuf



来自: psycho 

彩虹和独角兽?恐怕不是,鱼鱼。真理之锤本周将落地,宇宙带来一个重要的现实测验。深呼吸吸吸吸。坦白讲,你一旦下定决心面对眼前的形势就会感觉到舒心。应对现实真的让一切变得简单。周二,清醒的土星联合表现的水星帮你看清全貌,并且转向积极的、解决为导向的模式。认真面对你要做的事情,你就能达成它。水土的结伴也能促使你对创业投资或者课程学习认真起来。你或许已经认识到达成野心一定要更新一点技能。不要抵抗学习曲线(学习曲线,可维基词条learning curve,表示一个陡峭的开端事实上代表了快速的进步),鱼鱼。报名一个班级或者培训,甚至只是一个网校认证。是时候重新安置了吗?虽然土星会减慢你的步伐,水星能加快一点速度。那些准备好换个地方的鱼鱼可能找到一个既稳定又有社会活动的地方作为家。或者,你可能开始一次朝圣去发掘世界的新角落;或许是一次带有教育气氛的旅程。周二附近留意旅行机会。 





Monday November 24th - Sunday November 30th


Rainbows and unicorns? Afraid not, Pisces. The hammer of truth is coming down this week, as the cosmos bring an important reality check. Breeeeeathe. Honestly, you’ll feel relieved once you determine to face situations head on. Dealing with the facts really does make everything simpler. On Tuesday, sober Saturn aligns with expressive Mercury helping you see the full picture AND shift into a proactive, solution-oriented mode. Get real about a sour patch you’ve hit and you’ll turn those lemons into lemonade. The coupling of Saturn and Mercury can also prompt you to get serious about an entrepreneurial venture or a course of study. You may have the realization that reaching your ambitions also involves updating your skills a bit. Don’t resist the learning curve, Pisces. Sign up for a class or specialized training; even a certification from an online university. Is it time to relocate? Although Saturn can slow your movement, Mercury lends some speed. Pisces who are ready to pull up the stakes could find a place that is both stable and socially enlivening to call home. Or, you could go on a pilgrimage to explore a new corner of the world; perhaps a trip with an educational component. Pay attention to the travel opportunities that cross your radar near Tuesday. 

On Thursday, Thanksgiving, Mercury changes signs, moving into Sagittarius and your ambitious tenth house until December 16. While everyone else is in party mode, you’d rather, ahem, talk turkey about your professional aspirations. The confidence-boosting Sun and creatrix Venus are already in Sagittarius and your career zone, amplifying your charms. With social Mercury in the mix it’s time to get your networking on. Don ye now your business apparel and keep filling your calendar with power lunches, industry shindigs and other events that allow you to rub elbows with the movers and shakers. You are due to wrap 2014 with some major feathers in your cap! The tenth house also governs the masculine realm and this Thanksgiving is all about expressing gratitude for the great guys you know. Raise a toast to your dad, husband, brother, gusband, or another man who has made a huge difference for you in 2014. Your acknowledgement is food for his soul. 

Saturday’s quarter moon in Pisces brings a sacred moment for self-reflection. As you grow, stretch and try on new hats, have you disconnected from your old self a little too much? This balancing quarter moon reminds you not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Reviving relics from your past can help you feel more at home in your present day situation, whether it’s a project you shelved, a style you love rocking, or an old friend who understands the essence of who you are and where you came from. On the flip side, if you’ve been stubbornly hanging on to your old ways, this quarter moon nudges you out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to give yourself a radical makeover (this is a QUARTER moon, not a full or new one) but branch out independently a bit. Being a leader also means being the first one to step out and give a new idea a try. This weekend, the ball is in your court. Forget about opinion polling friends — a permission slip is NOT required.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/pisces-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.mQhCgHAx.dpuf


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