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本周末,心中对冒险的渴望成为人际/情感的催化剂。本文转自星座运势网。短途旅行或探索新领域可能会激发某位朋友灵感或让伴侣心情大好。也可能因某友人长期熏染你也觉得某地非去不可。 单身的,去异国旅行或研究外国文化或可吸引到潜在伴侣。也可改善居所条件,对健康和家庭生活是个积极影响



































Thursday October 30, 2014 


 Aries March 21 to April 19 

This has been quite the year. Although you have struggled at times, often in the face of extraordinary adversity, your Aries determination has helped you to push onward! Look how far you've come since January! Now, with Mars at the highest point in your chart, you will finally reap the rewards of all your hard work. November will be all about career, ambition, and power. Over the next few days, you will have help from secret allies or people behind the scenes.  


Taurus April 20 to May 20

 Last week's solar eclipse was all about relationships, and since eclipses have a habit of opening previously closed doors, there will not be a better time than now for you this year for love. With Mars and Neptune in harmony, this weekend will be a magical time to attract a new flame, so make plans to go out! You may serendipitously bump into a potential love or get introduced to someone via a friend. Already in a relationship? Plan a glamorous and secluded getaway for two.  


 Gemini May 21 to June 21

 With Mercury spending much of this month in Libra, the focus been all about romance and self-expression. True, with Mercury retrograde up until a few days ago, you've had your share of celestial mischief, but now it's time to get moving. Tomorrow, Mercury will get a helping hand from Jupiter, so luck and confidence will be on your side. If you're single, ask someone out for coffee this weekend. It may blossom into more! Or, make plans for a romantic dinner with your partner.  


Cancer June 22 to July 22 

 Much of the action in the sky lately has fallen in your sector of love and relationships. In fact, last week's solar eclipse was a powerful mandate for romance as well as play! Make time this weekend for lighthearted activities, fun, and creativity. If you are single, there will be helpful energy for attracting a new love in your life, especially a mate who is hard working and ambitious. Partnered up? Mars may bring an argument, but Neptune will soothe tempers.  


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 

It's been all about home and family of late. Then again, with Saturn wrapping up its tour of Scorpio, home has been a big area of hard work and commitment over the last two years. Thankfully Venus will be on your side and will help to bring beauty, peace, and harmony to your home! Next month you will be drawn to home improvement, renovation, or projects, and by November 10, you may even decide to make a powerful change or transformation at home.  


 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 

You will feel like you have a guardian angel looking out for you. With benevolent Jupiter working its magic behind the scenes, keep an eye out for small miracles and strokes of good fortune into tomorrow. Similarly, you may be feeling generous! This will be perfect cosmic energy for acts of kindness and service. In addition, a partner may need your TLC today. Who better than a Virgo to make sure a loved one has all the care he or she needs!  


Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 

With Venus, your planetary ruler, making its way through your zone of earned income, today will be all about the money you make and the things it will afford. If last week's solar eclipse gave you a mandate to make a financial fresh start, how will you take advantage of this celestial opportunity? What will a powerful new you look like? Although your family's relationship with money and security may have impeded you in the past, Pluto will now help you change all that.  


Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22

As a Scorpio, you know what it means to have one foot in this world and another in the spiritual. You are a sign that well understands the intangible, and therefore, you are able to see deep into the heart of everything. As Mars approaches Neptune shortly, you may feel as though your natural intuitive abilities are more sensitive than usual. Pay attention to any hunches or dreams you have. Be alert for subtle messages.  


Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21

 If you go out this weekend, you will meet many vibrant and like-minded people. This will also be a perfect time to socialize with friends! Looking further down the road, you're coming to the end of a long journey. Starting in December, Saturn will enter Sagittarius for a two-and-a-half year tour. This will begin a major chapter in your life where Saturn will call upon you to make commitments, take responsibility, and be a leader.  


Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20

 With Mars' recent arrival in Capricorn, you've had the fire to get what you want and set your ambitions in action! While Mars is great for power and a commanding presence, a favorable position to Neptune will be a gentle reminder to save room for a kind word and compassion. In addition, you may be feeling more sensitive than usual so pay close attention to any divinely inspired insights. They may provide the impetus for your next big idea!  


Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18

 Last week's solar eclipse started something new and powerful in your career. If you haven't seen a door open yet, keep an eye out for a new opportunity over the coming months. Eclipses seed a change and wait until the cosmic right moment to blossom, and with the Sun and Venus touring your career zone into next month, you certainly will have the world's attention should you decide to start something new. Mars will help you quietly work behind the scenes and map out a strategy.  


Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20

 Ever since Jupiter set up shop in your sector of health and wellness in July, you've been focused on making changes to your diet and exercise. This yearlong tour will also help you get the details of your life into tiptop shape! However, if it's been all pain and no gain, keep in mind that Saturn will be cracking the whip into next year. But not to worry! Giving you that extra push will help you be the CEO of your life.  



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