【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.6.1-6.7】
时间:2015-06-02 13:53 阅读:1109 点赞:0 收藏 分享

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【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.6.1-6.7】





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


Ready, aim, fire? With an auspicious full moon in Sagittarius this Tuesday, June 2 your eyes are fixed firmly on the prize. Sagittarius is the ruler of your ninth house of good fortune and global expansion. Are you ready to leap? Luck is definitely on your side so go ahead and take a gamble. But don’t be a reckless risk taker! This full moon locks into a tangled T-square (three-way battle) with the impetuous Sun and Mars in your communication zone, plus Neptune in your foggy twelfth house. Before you pull any proverbial triggers, check in: Do you have a clear shot? Or will your bold moves mow down innocent people in the process? Are you aiming for the right target? While it’s great to hit the bull’s eye, make sure you actually want to handle the responsibility that comes along with these “spoils.” A little recalibration will be necessary before you can rush in for the win. But the extra care you take to ensure that you’re lined up properly will really pay off.




And, uh, did you really just say THAT, Aries? This full moon makes you even more candid that usual (and you’re already pretty raw and real to begin with). The truth bombs could drop in an uncensored rush, especially if you’ve been bottling up your emotions for a while. Honesty may indeed be the best policy, but this T-square could complicate the way you express yourself. You could come across as combative one minute, victimized the next. And neither one of those stances will leave you feeling empowered. Practice your delivery with a wise and levelheaded friend before you unleash. Then, remix your words to make sure you aren’t flinging accusations or throwing a pity party. The best bet is to focus on what you DO want. Be proactive, constructive and solution-oriented. Come to the table with potential scenarios of how things could be done differently (read: better) but make sure there’s room for the other person to chime in, too.  




Overall, this full moon’s job is to leave you feeling optimistic about your life. You might just have to plow through a few storm clouds in order to reach that sunny state. Mental and verbal processing can help: Try journaling or talk therapy to untangle confusing thoughts. With Neptune in the frame, give your subconscious some soothing, too. Healing modalities like The Emotional Freedom Technique (AKA “tapping”) can prepare you for liftoff  http://www.thetappingsolution.com/




On Friday, surrender to the pleasure principle! Venus, the planet of beauty, love and sensuality heads into Leo and your decadent fifth house for an extra long four-month tour. Life will have a fairy-tale quality until mid-fall, so stop questioning it and just enjoy! Where in life did we ever learn that it’s noble to suffer, anyway? You CAN still be healthy and hedonistic at once, after all. Find your bliss by surrounding yourself with beauty and people who truly do love you. Feel the joy of being in your own skin: Move more often, go dancing, get massages, take a lover. Cupid is SO in your corner during this Venus cycle. Let your passionate side out to play, and your wild streak, too. A legendary love affair could be sparked this summer. Or you could take your existing relationship to an exhilarating new high, one that could involve an engagement, pregnancy or a co-created business plan. There’s just one hitch: From July 31 to September 6, Venus will be retrograde. This could bring back an old flame or stir up a conflict you thought was SO over. A romance that was off to the races in June and July could hit a speed bump in August, but all you can do is keep calm and carry on. If this relationship is meant to be, you’ll know for sure in September, and the wrinkles will iron themselves out.




Let your theatrical side take the wheel between now and October 8. There’s a performer (or at least a presenter) living inside every Ram. Sign up for a summer acting workshop or audition for a role in a production. Have fun with fashion, too—life is a giant costume party now! Your offbeat flair could even captivate the style bloggers. Hire a professional photographer to snap some great shots of you (heck, you might just pose for some sexy boudoir photos). Push yourself to your edge, stylistically and artistically. The creative juices are flowing like a vintage cabernet. Viva la muse! You’ll be a charming and diplomatic leader should you find yourself at the top of the pyramid (again). People will want to follow in your spirited footsteps now since you make everything feel so deliciously entertaining.





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th

It’s a matter of trust for you this week, Taurus. On Tuesday, June 2 the full moon in Sagittarius lights up your eighth house of binding agreements, shared resources and soul-baring intimacy. Were you about to sign on the dotted line? Give a relationship an exclusivity clause? Before you devote yourself to anyone or anything, make SURE that you’re sure by reading the fine print. What you get yourself into this week won’t be easy to back out of—and hey, maybe that’s a good thing! But do run the background checks, as this full moon will lock into a T-square (or a three-way battle royale) with shadowy Neptune in your house of teamwork and an aggressive Sun-Mars duo in your money sector. If you’re borrowing money or receiving an investment, clarify the terms and repayment schedule to the letter.  Even if you’ve been in a long-term relationship for years, this would be a smart week to check in. In addition to doing the requisite financial planning, have an honest talk about your future wishes. With fantasy-fueled Neptune in the frame you might just discover some hidden desires buried in your partner’s bucket list—ones that would be amazing to explore together. And yes, these musings could fall in the erotic category as this full moon charges up your seductive powers. Ready to get your groove back? Chemistry that’s been bubbling could explode into a bodice-ripping all-nighter before the week is through.


On Friday, Venus the cosmic creatrix switches signs, heading into Leo and your domestic fourth house until October 8. Usually, Venus will visit a sign for about a month’s time. But due to a retrograde from July 31 to September 6, she’ll bring her enchanted beams to this part of your chart for four times as long. Fire up those home decor Pinterest boards and start sourcing materials and design ideas for your space. The interiors bug bites now and you could turn your living quarters into a breathtaking sanctuary. Just wait until Mercury turns direct on June 11 to swing any hammers or select wallpaper patterns—your design decisions will be much sounder then. Do you already love where you live? Break out the martini glasses and serving platters then. You’re the host with the most when you put your planning powers to work. Chez Taurus could become the lively nucleus for spring and summer socializing. Reconnect with relatives, childhood friends and your #girlgang as Venus blesses these relationships with extra joy.


Venus governs love, so Bulls could go into serious nesting mode. Talks about cohabitation will be graceful and fun. If you already live with your sweetie, you’ll enjoy more private time—and if you have a family together, bonding with your brood will be blissful. Ready to play “Meet The Parents?” Introductions will go well with Venus here; you might just be adopted into the clan. Single? Give the nice guys a chance! Your girlfriends—even your mother(!)—could play a successful hand of matchmaker. Don’t protest when they offer to fix you up.


During Venus retrograde (July 31 to September 6), however, there could be a few snags. Prune the difficult branches of the family tree from your plans because you won’t have the patience for their disruptive drama. If you’re renovating, try to get the contractors moving before August. Not loving where you live? Don’t put off the search for a more enjoyable address too long. Ideally, you’ll be in your new space by July 31—or else we recommend waiting until September 6 to start the search again. Lovers could butt heads about where to live or how to keep the house clean, so don’t let diplomacy go out the window just because Venus is driving in reverse.






Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


Soulmate fantasies dance through your head—are you ready to make it a double, Gemini? On Tuesday, the full moon in Sagittarius and your partnership house gets you excited to pair up. A casual connection could evolve into a real-deal relationship. Coupled Gems could take their love game to the next level. (Do we hear bells?) But don’t float off on that love bubble too fast. It’s easy to get carried away into “rainbows and unicorns” terrain when you’re smitten, or simply eager to pair up for professional purposes. Unfortunately, that tends to obscure your (ugh) practical thinking, and—as a leap before you look zodiac sign—can get you tangled up in some tricky situations. Keep one platform sandal planted on terra firma, okay? You’ll need to, since la luna will assemble into a complex tug-of-war (called a T-square) with hazy Neptune in your house of long-term goals and the self-possessed Sun and Mars in Gemini. Unfortunately, what seemed like an easy collaboration could wind up mired in red tape. A man or someone with power and authority could even stand in the way of you moving ahead with your plans.




A couple questions to ponder before sealing any deals: Are we on the same page about our long-term goals? Do our personal values align? Am I able to have an equal voice in this union? If you can’t immediately check the yes box on all of these concerns, it doesn’t have to be the end of the road. Initiate an open discussion about the places where you diverge. The way the other person deals with the dialogue is as important to note as the conversation itself. There are always differences that arise when two people try to blend their energies—for romance, finance, creative collabs, whatever. Through this week’s difficult discourse you might just realize you’ve found a winner; someone who can gracefully navigate the choppy seas of a disagreement. (Here’s hoping.)




Of course, you might catch sight of your own shadow through this process, too. When things don’t go according to The Gospel Of Gemini, how do YOU react?  If you find yourself getting frustrated, upset, or adopting an IDGAF defense, you could be blocking a compromise from coming together. Fortunately, diplomatic Venus rushes in with some rescue remedy. On Friday, she’ll head out of your stubborn second house and into Leo and your third house of communication. While Venus generally dwells in a sign for a month, she’ll hover in Leo four times as long—until October 8! (This is due to a retrograde from July 31 to September 6.) Assertiveness training time! Note: We did not say aggressiveness training or passive-aggressiveness training. Learning how to graciously disagree and negotiate will be a grand theme of the summer. Explore the work of John Gottman, whose book The Relationship Cure can help you strengthen love, family, and friendships by illustrating the concept of “turning towards” (not away from) the people in your life when they make a bid for your attention http://amzn.to/1zQ7mLt.




Get ready for a social summer, too! With Venus in your garrulous third house of kindred spirits, your #girlgang could come together for a nonstop roster of weekend trips, music festivals, nature hikes and poolside hangs. BFF alert! As a Gemini, having one road-dog with whom to share all those adventures can be plenty satisfying. (Not that you won’t invite others along for the fun.) Your soul friend could appear before June is through—or you could reconnect with a bestie from back in the day while Venus is retrograde from July 31 to September 6.  A lover could emerge from the friend zone, too, hello BFF-with-benefits. Coupled Gems need more playdates over the next four months. Get out of nesting mode and go explore the social scene in your neighborhood together. Who knows? The home you share could easily become grand central for summer soirees and laid-back weekend guests.





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th

Ready, set, organize! The suggestion of an efficiency mission might be music to your ears, Cancer—or maybe an idea that fills you with dread. But like it or not, a clean up mission must commence. On Tuesday, June 2 the full moon in Sagittarius activates your orderly sixth house. What’s become unwieldy or outright unmanageable in your life? This full moon tucks into a T-square (three-way conflict) with crisis-junkie Neptune and an aggravating Sun-Mars combo. You may find it hard to put all the puzzle pieces together because…well, there are too many damn pieces! Modify. Simplify. Streamline. Developing a Version 1.0 of a project can help you launch into a bigger league later. Not willing to downsize? Recruit assistance for your Mission: Impossible. Good help is easier to find. Clue: Create a job description and look beyond your go-to network. It’s easier to boss around people who don’t already know you in a casual capacity. For some Cancers, this full moon will shine on a milestone moment. Your laborious efforts of the past six months come together beautifully. Shout it from the social media rooftops! The T-square could make you nervous about promoting, but you’ve earned your bragging rights. If you’ve been sitting on a great product or idea, maybe it just needs some polish. Enlist a designer, coach, branding consultant or programmer to help you finesse the finishing touches.


Have you been half-on and half-off the wellness wagon? La luna blows the whistle on your bad habits, which could be illuminated by Neptune in your indulgent ninth house and the Sun and Mars in your “no boundaries” zone. It’s not that you should deprive yourself or submit to a grueling regimen. That just won’t work for the summer season. But put some structure back in place. Create menus for your week and make sure they are pleasing to the palate, too. Monitoring with a wristband activity tracker like the Jawbone or Fitbit can help you get to those 10,000 steps we humans are supposed to take each day to stay in optimal health. Mindfulness goes a long way to keep you on point—even if you’re making the choice to indulge in a giant hand-dipped artisanal ice cream cone and mindfully savoring every lick. What matters is that you’re aware, Cancer, instead of doing your self-soothing routine to numb emotions with food. Boosting your mood might simply be a matter of moving more this week, too. Get thee to the dancefloor!


On Friday, Venus slow jams into Leo and your sensual second house for an extended tour that lasts until October 8. Move over, Lady Mary! Old-fashioned courtship rituals may become de rigueur for Cancer 2015. Your sentimental (and sometimes guarded) sign prefers to open up slowly in love, even if you do fall hard at first sight. Good news! You could meet your match over the coming four months—or reconnect with “the one that got away” while Venus is retrograde from July 31 to September 6. Already attached? This Venus cycle helps you get present with the person sharing your bed. It’s so easy to go through the motions on a daily basis or fixate on the future you are building together. And while this might support security, this practical energy can be a buzzkill to romance. Make a point of enjoying the little things: cooking dinner together, walking hand-in-hand through the park, clicking off Netflix and heading to bed a little earlier so you can talk about the day and, uh, you know.


With Venus in this position, your appetite for life’s finer things will intensify. Better make a budget for a few high-end upgrades. Start with your bedroom because this relaxing Venus phase wants you to luxuriate there. But be careful! It’s easy to overspend on clothes, food, design items and cultural activities between now and October 8. Work within your means—and work your network, too. Social Venus could bring some well-connected friends who can get you a discount or a work-study opportunity that helps cover costs. And who says you have to bring home EVERY object of lust you see on the shelves? Arty Venus could inspire you to start your own style blog or Tumblr page to show off snaps of your curated selections. Creative Cancers could make money from their art this spring, summer and fall. Put your work on display! The second house rules the throat, and this would be the time to sign up for singing lessons if music is your passion.







Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


Lights, camera, action? This Tuesday, June 2 the full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your fifth house of fame. The stage is calling, Leo! Get ready to shine and take a bow for the hard work you’ve done over the past six months. Whether you’re performing, presenting or simply letting your voice be heard, you’ll feel the pull to be more public over the coming two weeks.  There’s just one caveat: This full moon assembles into a tricky T-square (a three-way tug of war in the skies) with elusive Neptune and an aggressive pairing of the Sun and Mars in Gemini. Before you hurl headlong into the spotlight, determine your own privacy policy. Neptune is stationed in your eighth house of secrets, while the Sun and Mars are camped out in your community zone. What other people think of you SHOULDN’T matter, but you’re only human. Under this cosmic crossing, people’s critiques or judgments could pierce your tender ego. Honor your vulnerability, Leo. If that means sharing selectively, so be it. Reveal your gifts to a group that you know will understand and appreciate them. This will boost your confidence for presenting to a wider audience. And don’t feel that you have to put your biz in the streets to be a role model or inspiration. It’s certainly brave and noble of you to be such an open book but it’s also fine to keep a few pages under lock and key.




Another reminder from this full moon: When you compare you despair. Are you holding yourself up to other people’s standards or worrying about their judgments? This is particularly true when it comes to your love life this week. Silence the peanut gallery (the one in your head, too). Cheesy pop lyrics apply here: The heart wants what it wants. You don’t need your friends to sign off on your romantic choices, or even know what happens behind closed doors. Then again, you might decide to go public with a relationship under this passionate lunar light. Chemistry that’s been bubbling behind the scenes could finally reach the boiling point. Hotttttt! But while your love light IS shining, the T-square could bring some tricksters to the table. You’re a sucker for flattery, Leo, but before you go planning the happily-ever-after, wait and see if those charmers can walk their talk. (Time is the only way to tell.) Allow yourself to enjoy a sultry moment without having to shoehorn it into a relationship. If you’re already attached, the full moon could stir up some drama. A lover’s quarrel that’s been brewing below the surface could erupt volcanically. Seek outside perspective instead of racing into battle. It’s too easy to lose perspective now. Even if your concerns ARE legit, the way you present them will determine the response you get.




Another nudge into the pleasure zone comes on Friday, courtesy of Venus — or more like a gale wind. You’ll have the good fortune of hosting the planet of elegance, beauty and amour in Leo for an extended tour in 2015. Normally, Venus hangs in a sign for one month’s time. But due to a retrograde (from July 31 to September 6), she will linger in Leo until October 8! That means you have the entire summer and half of fall to enjoy her graceful beams. Get ready for a fashion moment. You’ll have a blast wearing your rockstar personality on your leather-embellished sleeves. Use the celestial stylista to develop a signature look, even if you’re more of a boho babe or the borrowed-from-the-boys type. While image may not be EVERYTHING, studies reveal that it literally takes a tenth of a second for people to form a first impression of you http://bit.ly/1kCCelD. Might as well make it count, right, Leo?




Romantically, you’ll be a total magnet during this delicious Venus cycle. But you’ll want to feel autonomous AND connected. Single Leos could revel in the freedom their status brings, enjoying the rush of attention and the variety of suitors lining up for their time. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll need a longer leash. Allow yourself to flirt more often. As long as you’re clear on where the line is drawn, this can be a confidence-boosting aphrodisiac that you can bring back home to your honey. During Venus’ retrograde, however, you’ll need to be stricter with yourself as temptation’s trail could lead you into a Dionysian disaster zone.



You’ll be loved as a leader now, too. It’s easy to charm people into doing your bidding with Venus here. Just don’t take advantage of anyone’s willingness to serve you or you could catch flack during the August retrograde. Venus is the cosmic creatrix as well, so make love AND art this spring and summer. Your magnum opus could emerge as a song, painting, even a community service project. Indulge in “the artist’s way,” and dive into the eponymous book by Julia Cameron if you need a hit of inspo.





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th

La famiglia. Your posse, your clan, your DNA-sharing tribe. This Tuesday, June 2 a full moon in Sagittarius activates your personal fourth house putting your inner circle in the spotlight. When was the last time you phoned home, Virgo? Don’t wait another minute to reconnect with relatives who keep popping into your mind—especially the supportive ones. Old friends, too. It’s a win-win: Those heartwarming FaceTime sessions will bring high vibes your way.  Unfortunately, this full moon won’t be all sunshine and roses. Some static interference comes from elusive Neptune in your relationship sector and a stressful Sun-Mars duo in your career zone. They’ll assemble into a T-square (three-way battle) with la luna on Tuesday, forcing you to deal with the less-enjoyable aspects of your domestic life. If a family feud’s been brewing in the background you could find people taking sides or being quite aggressive about trying to pull you into their drama. Remaining “Switzerland” could piss off people whose allegiance you want (your mother’s, even!). But don’t go against your own values just to placate the ones you love. This won’t heal anything. Keep your eye on the bigger picture. Support the squabbling parties in working towards a compromise.


Are you ready to purchase property or put your home up for sale? Or maybe sign a lease in an apartment that is better suited to Virgo 2015? The T-square could push you to move faster than you desire. Change is in the air, so pack that past-the-expiration-date roommate into a U-Haul, or call the mortgage banker daily (or hourly) until you get him on the line! If you’re happy with your home, some rearranging may be in order. What’s most important to you now: Space to unfurl your yoga mat for morning asanas? A home office area that doesn’t feel cramped? Form follows function! (A concept brewed by a Virgo, in fact…modernist architect Louis Sullivan.) Before you start ordering sheepskin throws from One Kings Lane, spec out the purpose of each corner of your home and maybe even consult a Feng Shui bagua map for positioning purposes. Has life been making it hard for you to find a single moment to breathe? Sanctuary time is essential to keeping your tightly wound nervous system at equilibrium. The T-square could push you to put up healthier boundaries with your love interest and your colleagues. Kill the martyr vibes and make sure you have adequate assistance for getting your job done well!


On Friday, love planet Venus flows into Leo for four months, landing in your fantasy-fueled twelfth house. Rose-colored glasses? Check. Your erotic life could become quite poetic between now and October 8. Surrender to the chemistry that is bubbling with a certain someone, even if they are more of a seasonal indulgence than a happily-ever-after candidate. Virgos in relationships will be a lot more experimental. Tear a page from signmate Beyonce’s files and keep things spicy with your own version of her visual album. Take a tantric workshop, pole dancing lessons, or go tango-ing together. Above all else, clear some whitespace in your calendar so you can be relaxed and receptive when your partner makes a move.


The twelfth house is also the zone of healing, helping you release relationships that are no longer serving you. Venus is gracious and diplomatic, so you don’t have to slam the door in anyone’s face. Gently untangle yourself—but DO set a deadline for the goodbye. Venus lingers in Leo until October 8, four times the usual time she stays in one sign. She’ll make a brief visit to Virgo from July 18 to 31, which might be an ideal window for the farewell. From July 31 to September 6, Venus will be retrograde in Leo, which supports deep healing, mourning and letting go. Working with an energy healer can help you cut psychic cords and remove other people’s residual energy from your field by the fall.






Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


The social butterfly is back! Tuesday’s full moon in Sagittarius lights up your third house of communication and kindred spirits. This week you’ll love nothing more than the opportunity to mingle, share ideas and just hang out with interesting folks. People who’ve been hovering in the acquaintance category could be bumped into the bona fide friend zone. You might even form an official partnership with one of them as the third house governs dynamic duos. You could certainly benefit from a second pair of hands, ears and eyes—not to mention a savvy sounding board and a fellow ideasmith! But that doesn’t mean you should rush into a collab, Libra. Try testing the waters with a small project first; one that doesn’t have such an air of gravitas to it. And choose your partners wisely. This full moon will form a tricky T-square (three-way clash) with foggy Neptune in your sixth house of efficiency and an aggravating Sun-Mars duo in your expansive ninth house. Someone with a big or bossy personality could overwhelm you into silence. People who are all sizzle and no steak will annoy equally. Steer clear of judgmental people who undermine your confidence with their critiques. Their offers of help could start to feel like a shackle, leaving you too frozen to make a move without checking for their consent. That’s not the kind of support you need, Libra—you already struggle enough to make a decision. Stick with people who empower you to trust yourself—while asking the right questions to draw the answers out of YOU.




You could have some eye opening revelations about your communication style this week. Have you been making promises but forgetting to keep them? In your desire to be polite and please the ones you love, you may have dropped an offhanded idea into conversation that they took seriously. Uh oh, Libra. You’ve got some ‘splaining to do. Strike the word “maybe” from your vocab for the week. If you can’t give a solid yes, then just say no. That way people won’t feel like you’re stringing them along. If you’ve been a bit too serious lately, this full moon can help lighten the tone. Inject humor into those difficult conversations. As the mystic Osho quipped, “A serious person can never be innocent, and one who is innocent can never be serious.”




More popularity-boosting energy comes on Friday, courtesy of your cosmic ruler Venus. That day, she will move into Leo and your eleventh house of social networking for an extended visit that lasts until October 8. Usually, Venus hangs in a sign for a month’s time but a retrograde from July 31 to September 6 will lengthen her stay. Are you ready to find your true tribe, Libra? With easygoing Venus at the wheel, you’ll love the search process. Start checking out new scenes. Look both online and in real time for people who share your interests. You could bond over artistic passions or a humanitarian cause—or a bit of both, creating a collective art project as a community mission. During Venus retrograde (from July 31 to September 6) you could reinstate your membership with a crew from back in the day.




Venus is the governess of love and you’ll be feeling lighthearted and casual about affairs of the heart. That doesn’t mean you won’t crave a relationship. If you do pair up, you’ll just prefer a partner who feels like a BFF with benefits. Coupled Libras should get ready for a social summer. Being part of a regular group of friends will be a fun way to bond—especially if you can team up on the party prep when it’s your turn to host. Other Libras could take an unconventional approach to love between now and October 8, since Venus is in the most liberated position of the zodiac wheel. Don’t force the white picket fence fantasy onto your life if it doesn’t fit. You might prefer to keep your own apartment, date someone in a different city or even be “monagamish,” as Libra sex columnist Dan Savage puts it. Single? Get out and mingle—with new and interesting groups, that is. You could meet your match while you’re not even looking. And even if you don’t, you’ll love being part of a summer sports league, book club, meditation circle, whatever! Since the eleventh house is the tech sector of the chart, online dating could bring a lucky strike. Revamp your profile so your humor shines through.





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th

Make it rain, Scorpio! Your money mojo heats up this week, as Tuesday’s full moon in Sagittarius sets your income zone on fire. News could come in about a job offer, or a prestigious client could sign with you. If you’ve been going the freelance route, this full moon could prompt you to find a steadier gig—either in the form of a regular retainer contract or an actual corporate job. Even if you’re happily ensconced in your 9-5, there should be sweet signs of progress in the wake of this full moon. One thing’s for sure: Financial security is integral to your peace of mind. And while your resourceful sign can live on a shoestring (and somehow even manage to save), it’s always nice when there’s some cream to skim off the top. With this full moon locked into a tense T-square (three-way tug of war) with murky Neptune in your luxury house and the aggravating Sun and Mars in your investment zone, you need to think big picture. Beyond the basics, what are you goals for saving—and also ENJOYING—the cash you work so hard for? Draft a couple lists: one for long-term, security-based purchases like a house or a business start-up fund and another for the pleasurable extras like a trip to Paris or a go-to black dress for the summer from your favorite designer’s collection. Having these visions mapped out gives you something to look forward to and a yardstick for measuring what you will and won’t indulge in.


When it comes to the funds you share with other people, there could be some recalibration necessary. With the Sun and Mars in the frame—both masculine forces—tension with a man could erupt. He may be holding his cards close to his vest (Neptune) or demanding that you hand over more than is rightly owed to him. Ground yourself in facts and enlist a lawyer to negotiate for you. Money could even get funny with the person who shares your bed. Your different ways of spending and saving will need to be talked through. There are endless ways you can handle this situation, even creating separate bank accounts for yourselves if merging has caused more conflict than camaraderie.


On Friday, social, romantic Venus switches signs, moving out of cozy Cancer and into glamorous Leo until October 8. For the next four months, she will grace your tenth house of prestige, lending her gracious beams to your career ambitions. If you’re an artist or musician, your work could be monetized between now and October, a definite reward for all that you’ve put into it. Power lunch on the rooftop deck, anyone? Socializing and networking are pretty much one and the same this spring, summer and early fall. You might even join an elite, “members only” group that lets you rub shoulders with the movers and shakers in your town. Spring for the yacht club fee or the Hamptons summer share, why don’t ya? That would be an investment that pays off, Scorpio, since building strong connections with influential people will help YOU get ahead. Venus’s tour of Leo and your tenth house is a longer-than-usual one. Normally, she hovers in a sign for a month’s time. But due to a retrograde that lasts from July 31 to September 6, that stay is extended. So you’ll have plenty of time to work that magic and glide gracefully into a new league.


Venus rules romance and your summer love forecast could bring a power couple matchup. Scan the suit-and-tie crowd—even if they are an odd pairing for your black leather and body-con dress M.O. Hey, you can hold your own, Scorpio, no matter what crowd you’re a part of! Accomplishment is an aphrodisiac with Venus here and you’ll appreciate being with someone who shares your (secret?) desire for world domination. If you’re already attached, the summer could bring an opportunity to go into business with your boo. While this might be a killer idea, don’t leave anything in the grey zone or there could be trouble in paradise when Venus flips into retrograde from July 31 to September 6. The line between business and pleasure may blur for some Scorpios. Be cautiously optimistic if a coworker crush evolves. As long as the spark has potential to build into a real blaze, this could be worth pursuing. Slowly.





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


Cue the Kendrick Lamar. It’s an “I love myself” kind of week for Archers! On Tuesday, June 2 the annual Sagittarius full moon brings a surge of self-authorized confidence your way. But as you spread your wings and prepare to soar, you may realize that certain people are uncomfortable with your live-out-loud nature. Get ready: This full moon locks into a complicated T-square (a three-way battle) with hazy Neptune in your family zone and the aggressive Sun and Mars in your house of relationships. Feedback from your inner circle—relatives and romantic partners especially—could be less than enthusiastic early this week.




Take an honest look: Did you fail to check in with them before racing to the edge of the cliff—or even exclude them from your planning process altogether? Wounded feelings could crop up as a result of your insensitivity. Hey, you weren’t trying to leave them out; you were simply so excited that you hit the launch button. Some recon work may be necessary to bring your inner circle on board with your vision quest. But then again, Sagittarius, you can’t let other people’s fears control you. Maybe you actually need a little more room to breathe—to develop your interests without worrying about pleasing anyone else. Or maybe you’re a little too bogged down in playing Best Supporting to your peeps. If you’ve spoiled your loved ones, they’ll have to deal with the fact that there’s a new sheriff in town. You could afford to be a little more demanding during this full moon’s influence, which lingers on until the June 11 new moon. Flip the script and ask a relative, close friend or partner to help you out for a change. And while you’re rightfully annoyed, try to ask nicely, Archer, and not get into a huff if they can’t accommodate your wishes right away.




On Friday, it’s all aboard the pleasure cruise! Charming, romantic Venus switches signs, heading into Leo and your adventurous ninth house until October 8. This is an unusually long Venus cycle—normally she chills in a sign for a month’s time. But due to a retrograde from July 31 until September 6, her stay in this zone of your chart stretches through the whole summer and half of fall. Lucky you! The ninth house is YOUR zone, the wedge of the zodiac wheel naturally associated with Sagittarius, the ninth sign. You’ll be in your element now—especially in the Venus ruled areas of life: art, beauty, fashion, love. Romantic vacation anyone? Traveling with your sweetheart will be epic this summer. That said, you might consider the retrograde dates of July 31 to September 6 a blackout, UNLESS you’re returning to a place you’ve visited before. No matter where on Planet Earth you’re stationed, you’ll feel a sense of expansiveness about love. For some Archers that could show up as a desire for more: more time together, more dates, more partners. You’ll certainly have a healthy appetite for love. Don’t rush to slap an exclusivity clause onto a relationship. You might enjoy being single for the summer, or giving yourself room to explore some new types. Cross-cultural connections simmer with extra spice; anything “different” will appeal to your senses.




The ninth house governs education and you could become Cupid’s ace pupil between now and October 8. No doubt your bookshelf is already stocked with titles from the Self Help and Relationship sections. Take it to the experiential plane with a sensuality workshop. Learn how to ignite your own libido and life force energy through tantric breathing or kundalini yoga. A couple’s retreat could be super stimulating, too. Some Sagittarians could meet a mate through a spiritual community or a discussion group. Getting philosophical is a turn-on now. Hello, beautiful mind!





Monday June 1st - Sunday June 7th


Let it go, let it go? A second wind for spring-cleaning hits you hard this week, thanks to Tuesday’s full moon in Sagittarius and your twelfth house of endings. Too. Much. Stuff. The urge to purge could become an obsession; you might even feel physical discomfort staring at piles of papers in your office or your chaotic closet filled with clothes you haven’t worn in three years. But what qualifies as a keeper and what needs to be sent off to charity (or the junkyard), STAT? That would normally be obvious under the full moon’s light. But the signals get jammed by a tricky T-square (three-way tug-of-war) between la luna, foggy Neptune and a reckless merger of the Sun and Mars. Make a “maybe” pile of items you might regret carting off, like your grandmother’s silver serving set that you’ve never actually used. In other life matters, you could be equally rash near Tuesday. While this full moon illuminates buried emotions and hidden desires, wait to take action on the revelations that arise. Everything will feel rather extreme under this lunar light, which could put you on the defensive or even cause you to go into attack mode. Remember: The words you utter will be impossible to take back.  Spend time journaling and untangling the knots with levelheaded friends and supportive guides like therapists, coaches and mentors. While you may indeed decide to end a relationship or assert a stronger boundary, it’s always best to do so in a way that doesn’t provoke a war. To adopt a phrase, keep your friends close and your frenemies closer.




Schedule Friday for inventorizing your lingerie drawer. You’ve got some prep work to do because a sultry late spring, summer AND early fall are in store for you, Cap! Va-va-voom Venus slinks into Leo for an extended four-month tour, electrifying your eighth house of seduction and intimate bonds. Normally, Venus lingers in a sign for 4-5 weeks, but due to a retrograde from August 31 to September 6, she’ll hold court in Leo until October 8! You’ve already been getting strong hits to your libido since Jupiter landed in Leo last July. But if you’re still waiting to unleash your lusty nature, the time is nigh! Charming, graceful Venus can help ease single Capricorns into the dating process. You’re not looking for a lighthearted spring fling, though! Nope, you want a bond that builds and gets better over time. The eighth house is the soulmate zone and Venus here helps you send out satellite signals for someone of depth, character and a smoldering sexiness (rather than the overt, feather-fanning peacock type). To attract that, however, you have to allow yourself to be more vulnerable. Trust takes time to build and you certainly don’t have to show your whole hand now; in fact, a little mystery goes a long way—as long as you’re laying a breadcrumb trail for the one you adore.


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