【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.5.18-5.24】
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【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.5.18-5.24】



☆☆☆白羊座  翻译:小持30

仔细选择你的语言,双子座水逆的力量在18号显现出来。多谢水星逆行带来的沟通问题,在这段时间内你会因你的言语而好好得到教训。但是,无论如何,没人和白羊比观点明确。 但是这不意味着你可以不带歧视的破口大骂并且期待不去处理那些影响。更何况水逆间你的电脑又罢工了,好好管理你的声誉,别让人因为你在社交网络上不良言辞或者你不当的批评某个人事的时候毁了你整个生活。 但是别太神经过敏, 只要你注意点,你就能够即说出事实又不用担心它被曲解。 将你的精力用在写作和调研进去,随着水星在慢慢顺行,你会发掘出一些别人从来没有发现过的一手资料和真相。 因为第三宫掌管着友谊,翻翻你的社交网络和手机通讯录吧。这是一个联系你手边的老朋友和邻居的好机会. 如果你被疏远或者想修复一段裂痕,伸出橄榄枝吧。6月11之前你会有一个让事情回到正确轨道上的绝好机会。(请不要鼓动白羊这种容易冲动的动物去找EX好么) 
周四到6月21号,太阳将和水星,火星齐聚到双子座。嘿,社交场所的小蝴蝶,你的翅膀将在这次三个行星处于同一星座时开始煽动,所以出门去找和你气味相投的人吧!幸运的是,你不需要到离家很远的地方去彷徨。双子座显示这个机遇就在你左右,这个大三角显示你能在当地碰见自己认识的人。去找找你附近的信息:看看布告栏和电线杆。也许一个际遇或者宝藏就在你家后院里。如果不是,为什么不在家开个PART呢?你的朋友会因为你开展的这一次聚会而开心。 当你走出街角或者去买午餐时请揭开这些伪装吧,这样你能和每个人有眼神交汇。你将会意识到你到底有多可怕,不止一个朋友承认过:第一次见到你的时候不觉得你喜欢我啊。好好利用此时机变得受欢迎,特别是太阳和火星同步时。这对组合会让你生龙活虎如果你好好策划它。双子做会让你找到你的另一半:一个商业伙伴,一个有创意的协作者,一个好基友,一个路上搭讪的人去陪伴你度过这个夏天的夜晚,音乐会或者更多。 因为水星逆行,从现在到6月21号你都会有一个假期。用它来讨论你的利益。用一个社交媒体或则文字来诉说你内心的感受从而申华下你最近所等到的。好好记录下你从电影或者从BLOG里得到的灵感。 
尽管家门口有一大波活动来袭,但是也别忘了留点自己的空间。周五,太阳将在射手和你第九宫旅行远方宫的对面。一个你的远方朋友将会出现,或者你会意识到你俩之间的对话隔了太多的空间距离。 用一个周某去规划更宏远的目标。 如果你不能被其激励的话那么每一天你都会被一些情绪所缠绕。周五松口气吧,一周过去了.视角的变化将帮助你回到家重新规划重建自己的意图。 

------------无责任翻译 这星座运太鸡汤文


Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Choose your words wisely, Aries. Their power becomes very clear this Monday, May 18 when messenger Mercury turns retrograde (backward) for three weeks in Gemini and your third house of communication. During this time, your reverence for language might come via a lesson, thanks to back-spinning Mercury’s propensity for miscommunications. No one has stronger opinions than a fired up Ram, for sure. But that doesn’t mean you can rant and rave indiscriminately and not expect to deal with some fallout. Never mind that the PC police are off-duty while Mercury is retro: Check yourself before you wreck your reputation with an ill-fated Tweet or inappropriate critique of someone who has the power to make your life miserable! But just because you bite your tongue doesn’t mean you have to hold it. With a little extra tact, you can speak your truth without worrying that your message will be lost in translation. Channel some energy into a writing or research project. With Mercury in reverse, you could dig up some real gems or source materials that no one else on the continent has discovered. And since the third house also rules friendship, flip through Facebook and your phone logs. This is the perfect time to reconnect to an old friend or neighbor from your former ‘hood. If you’ve been distant or estranged from a sibling, extend an olive branch. You might just work things out before Mercury corrects its course on June 11. 


On Thursday, the Sun joins both Mercury and passionate Mars (your ruling planet) in Gemini until June 21. Hello, social butterfly! Your wings start a-flapping once this trifecta ramps up, so get out and find your kindred spirits. Fortunately, you won’t have to wander too far from home to find your tribe. Gemini governs the local scene, and this cosmic trio makes you a hit in your own ‘hood. Check the neighborhood listings; scan the flyers tacked to bulletin boards and telephone poles. A treasure trove of opportunity may be sitting in your own backyard. And if there isn’t, how about you get the party started yourself, Aries? A neighborhood business might be overjoyed to host a weekly event that you organize. And whip off those aviators when you’re wandering to the corner store or picking up your lunchtime takeout so you can actually make eye contact with people. You don’t always realize how intimidating you can be, Ram. (But how many times have friends confessed: “I didn’t think you liked me when we first met.”) Make a point of being more inviting, especially since the Sun is synced up with aggressive Mars. This combo can make you a live wire AND the life of the party if you use it proactively. Since Gemini is the sign of the twins, you could find your other half: a business partner, creative collaborator, wingman, or road dog to accompany you to summer soirees, music festivals and more. Despite Mercury’s backspin, you’ll have the gift of gab between now and June 21. Use it to start a buzz on your own behalf. Promote your latest offerings via social media or spread the word about a project or cause that’s dear to your heart. Got an idea for a blog, mobile app, or a feature-film screenplay? Warm up those typing fingers, Aries: Gemini Time is perfect for getting those words and ideas out of your head and into development. But wait until Mercury turns direct on June 11 to launch it to the public, if possible.


Although there’s a flurry of activity close to home, don’t forget to look beyond your corner of the world, too. On Friday, the Sun will oppose stable Saturn in Sagittarius and your ninth house of travel and long-distance connections. A friend in a far-flung locale could reach out with a proposal; or, you might realize it’s been a little too long since the two of you talked. Spend the weekend mapping out some big picture goals; there’s little sense of going through the motions each day if you aren’t inspired by a higher vision. Take off for an overnight on Friday — or a full-on weekend getaway. A change of scenery will help you return to home base refreshed and bubbling with new ideas. 




Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Work smarter not harder, Taurus. From Monday, May 18 until June 11, Mercury will be retrograde in your second house of productivity and financial foundations. Just going through the motions is not going to cut it now. Pause to refine your processes. Are you handling tasks with the greatest efficiency, or are you constantly redoubling your efforts? What could you “templatize,” Taurus, or even train someone else to do for you? For example, if you find yourself writing the same email over and over, turn it into a form letter that you can copy, paste and tweak. Once you create a system, you can pass it on to another person—or just get through this repetitive task at optimal speed. Mercury governs communication so check in with your colleagues: Are you working together as cooperatively as you possibly can? What support do they need from you (and vice versa) to get the job done right? Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say. With Mercury in reverse, you’ll have to be more mindful about your money. Splurging without planning could leave you in the red. A forgotten bill could resurface over the next three weeks, or an unexpected repair may be necessary for your car or a tool that you use for work each day. Keep extra funds tucked away for that “just in case” account. And if you don’t wind up using them, you can treat yo’ self mid-June. An austerity plan doesn’t have to spell deprivation. Get creative and resourceful by shopping in your own closet then repurposing, upcycling and spinning some DIY magic. Your own “junk” could turn out to be the spring season’s treasure with a little paint, flair and polish, like this funky wood pallet planter. Hello shoestring budget garden upgrade! http://www.redouxinteriors.com/2011/06/le-wood-pallet-planter-dress-up-your-garden-with-junk/


On Thursday, sweep up the cake crumbs and pour out the flat champagne. Your birthday season is officially over (sniff) as the Sun exits Taurus and moves on to Gemini and your grounded second house. El sol will travel alongside Mercury and go-getter Mars until June 21, helping you get your feet back on solid ground again. While it’s never fun to end the celebrations, you’re ready to bring some order to your court again. Pop on the project manager’s hat: Which of those brilliant ideas that you dreamed up during your birthday time are actually tangible? Crunch the numbers, map out the timelines, and figure out what people power is required to pull it all off. With a little practical magic, some of these dreams will be quite doable. Getting your budget in order will be easier after Thursday, too. Enlist a financial planner to show you the ropes, or check out www.girlsjustwannahavefunds.com and get started on your own. If it’s time for an upgrade, you don’t have to autopilot to the bargain bin: Consider investing in practical luxury. An object that stands the test of time—and brings you joy with its pleasing design each day—might be a sounder purchase. Just remember this rule: Form follows function. It must be as useful as it is beautiful to make it worth the cash. Start a special savings account just for this. On a personal note, bring more earthy sensuality to your life. Step out for fresh air breaks, organize picnics and hikes, skip the movies and go for romantic walks instead.


On Friday, stern Saturn faces off with the Sun—a once a year occurrence that can leave you feeling burdened or stifled. This year, the face-off takes place in your financial zones, bringing shared resources into the spotlight. Is someone draining your resources or failing to pull their weight in a partnership? Speak up and find ways to even the score. You don’t have to divide everything 50/50. Maybe one of you contributes cash while the other shoulders more responsibilities around the house. On the flip side, would you benefit from pairing up with someone on a project or by sharing supplies? The Sun-Saturn opposition helps you surrender that stubborn Taurus pride and reach out to a potential partner-in-crime. Emotionally, you may be unhappy with the pace of a relationship near the weekend. Perhaps it’s getting a little too intense for your liking and you want to slow it down. Maybe you’re frustrated by the crawling pace of this connection and want to step it up with some seductive moves. Don’t play guessing games here. Find out what your partner actually wants and then decide if it’s something you care to give. Be vocal about your desires, too, and avoid being so black and white! Communicate clearly and you can find a gentle compromise.





Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Who do you think you are, Gemini…really? Ever since your ruling planet Mercury came home to Gemini on April 30, you’ve been exploring new facets of your identity. Something inside of you wants to evolve. You feel eager to embrace a new and expanded sense of self. But in your desire for change, were you a little too quick to throw out the baby with the bathwater? This Monday, May 18 Mercury flips into retrograde mode until June 11, bringing some retro flashbacks. While you might not LOVE the past you are leaving behind, it’s still a part of your personal history. Own it, Gemini, because like it or not, it helped you become the person you are today. In the words of Joseph Campbell, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” On the other hand, if you find yourself clinging to the past, Mercury’s retreat can help you tie up the loose ends that are keeping you stuck there. This Joseph Campbell quote may be more apropos for Geminis who feel fearful about stepping into their destiny: “We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” With Mercury retrograde for three weeks, you may find it difficult to express yourself with your usual quick and witty candor. Allow yourself moments to reflect, observe and not feel forced to respond. This phrase could be a lifesaver: “Let me get back to you on that.”


Finding unfiltered Gemini becomes a whole lot easier on Thursday, when the Sun beams into your sign until June 21. Happy birth month to you! The Festival of Gemini officially begins, a time to hit the refresh button on your internal browser. Situations that have been a constant struggle become too heavy to hold on to. Letting go—or at least releasing the need to force a particular outcome—will be surprisingly easy. Although Mercury retrograde is making you introspective, you’ll be a lot more extroverted during this four-week phase. Get out and explore the wide world outside of your door. Sate your hunger for fresh experiences, new friends—all while honoring the desire to spend time alone and be more independent at times, too.


As you cast a wider net, don’t forget the people who have your back. On Friday, the Gemini Sun will directly oppose cautious Saturn in Sagittarius and your seventh house of relationships. One of your quiet supporters could make some noise as s/he may be feeling neglected or overlooked. Do some damage control earlier in the week and be sure to express gratitude and appreciation to the unsung heroes in your circle. In other relationships, however, you may be feeling a bit stifled, even overpowered. With boundary-hound Saturn in the frame, it could be YOU who is putting up the stop sign and letting these pushy people know to back the @#$% up. The Sun-Saturn opposition helps you find balance between your role as a solo star and your participation in a dynamic duo. You CAN have the best of both worlds, Gemini, as long as you communicate clearly and lovingly.




☆☆☆巨蟹座 译者:蓝意





Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Whoa, Cancer.  Life could feel as surreal as a Dali painting this Monday, May 18 when mental Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini, your ethereal twelfth house. With the planet of communication sending scrambled signals to your subconscious, the line between fantasy and reality could seriously blur. Don’t fight it! Instead, dive into “the artist’s way,” or literally pick up the eponymous workbook by author Julia Cameron. An imaginative project that’s been simmering in your idea bank could come to life in beautiful brushstrokes, crashing chords, or flowery phrases. Retrogrades rule the past, and the twelfth house governs healing. Echoes of an old hurt or betrayal could reverberate again. Turns out you weren’t “so over it,” like you’ve been insisting. Swaddle yourself in sacred support for the next three weeks.  Remember Winston Churchill’s famous saying: When you’re going through hell, keep going. Persistence is required to get to the true source of this pain (and again, creativity is super cathartic, too). Avoid the temptation to engage with the perpetrating party right now. Although forgiveness may be imminent, give yourself time to feel all your own emotions now—without having to stand on higher ground. Work with a therapist, healer, or spiritual guide who specializes in shadow work. You just can’t paint sunshine over the storm clouds, Cancer—not if you actually want to move beyond this drama.


Some help for this mission arrives on Thursday when the Sun joins both Mercury and passion-planet Mars in Gemini and your transitional twelfth house until June 21. Don ye now those rubber gloves! This is the final phase of your annual zodiac cycle; a time best used for clearing away the cobwebs from your past year so you can start your birthday season on a fresh note this June 21. For some Crabs, this could be interpreted literally. If your house is strewn with sentimental objects that are past their due date (or need some organizing), let the decluttering commence! Bag up those misbegotten retail therapy splurges or the items that still have the tags on them two years after purchase. Gift the more valuable pieces to loved ones who will use and appreciate them. With Mars’ motivating wind at your back, you could power clean your basement, storage unit and garage before the summer solstice! Emotionally, you may realize that you need better boundaries. You don’t have to put up an impenetrable shell though, Cancer. Just get honest about where you require more space and “me” time. Without time to retreat into your own world, you can feel seriously exhausted by people. Meditate, journal and reflect about what your needs are. Then, when you feel you can express them lovingly, let your peeps know the deal. Are you ready to release a toxic relationship? There’s no time better than the present. If someone devastated you, sitting down together won’t bring closure. Instead, write an uncensored letter to pour your heart out. Then, have a ceremonial burning, dropping the paper into a fire pit instead of the mailbox. The muse will be close at hand for the coming four weeks, too: Keep a notebook on your nightstand. Divinely inspired ideas could strike while you sleep!


With all this esoteric, emotional energy you’re flowing through, it might be easy to neglect your body.  On Friday, the Sun gets checked by structure-hound Saturn in Sagittarius and your sixth house of healthy routines. Moving that stuck energy out of your psyche is great; now, how about sending it out of your body? Make sure your weekend plans include some fun physical activity. Go for a hike or long bike ride; take regular dance breaks (may we suggest Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” as your anthem?). Food can be a Cancer’s favorite mood stabilizer: When the going gets tough, the tough go for cronuts! Alas, those sugary indulgences, as well as the flowery cocktails, can just cause a crash when you’re dealing with so much. Devote the weekend to detoxing: Sip juice, each fresh salads, head to the spa for a soak and a schvitz in the sauna.  Your lit-from-within glow will be back in no time!





Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Reunited and it feels so good? This Monday, May 18 social Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks in Gemini and your eleventh house of community. Get ready for some blasts from the past, Leo. People you haven’t thought about for years could pop back up on your radar. Get the old gang (or, yes, the band) back together. Consider rejoining an organization that once held a special place in your heart. Between now and June 11 you’ll definitely be yearning for the company of people who knew you back in the day. But, Leo, watch your tendency to make your reunion plans too elaborate. Mercury retrograde is known for causing snafus in scheduling and transportation. Sure a spa weekend might sound great on paper but it might be easier to just have a laid back barbecue in your own backyard. The eleventh house is the tech sector of the chart—and it also governs electrical devices. Consider yourself warned, Leo: Be extra mindful with your gadgets. Slurp down that smoothie or soup a safe distance from your laptop. Check the plugs on your vintage lamps or older appliances. It might be time to get them re-wired or shop for an updated model. Just make sure there’s a good warranty if you make the buy before June 11.


On Thursday, the Sun heads into Gemini until June 21, joining both Mercury and excitable Mars in your teamwork and technology zone. As fond as your feelings may be for old friends, you’ll also be eager to add some new members to your entourage. Do you feel like you haven’t quite found your tribe yet? With the Sun and Mars synced up you’ll have plenty of energy for the search. Wander around and check out new scenes without rushing to become an official member. Intellectual, arty and avant-garde activities will captivate you now. At work, you’ve been large and in charge for the past month. After Thursday it will feel rather lonely at the top. Turn those solo missions into collaborative ventures. Ceding control can be tough, but you’ll be inspired by the input you receive from others. Got an idea for an app, invention, website or e-store? Geek is chic while the Sun cruises through this part of your chart. Map it out, crunch the numbers, even call the developers if you’re ready for a beta model. The only caveat: Mercury retrograde is not an ideal time for launching any digital ventures. Do your research now so you can start production or go public with your plans after June 11. Want to boost your salary? Learning a new piece of software could bump you to a higher income bracket. And if you’re looking for love, do log in to a dating site. Your “clickthrough rate” is through the roof for the next four weeks. If you’re in a relationship, group activities bring some much-needed levity to your bond. Host a barbecue with your sweetie, or maybe join that kickball league as a couple.


Lest you worry that you’ll lose any starpower, Friday’s forecast will reassure you that you won’t get lost in the crowd. That day, the Sun opposes prestigious Saturn in Sagittarius and your fifth house of fame. Your hard work could pay off near this day, or your talents could finally be recognized. Don’t be shy about promoting what you have to offer, Leo. Just make sure to consider what’s in it for THEM. When you spell out the benefits to other people, you’ll easily attract fans.




Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Eyes on the prize? Check! The ambitious gears have been turning ever since your cosmic ruler Mercury moved into Gemini and your career zone on April 30. But this week there could be a few slowdowns.  On Monday, May 18 Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks, giving you a chance to review your professional direction. Between now and June 11, rethink your strategy for getting ahead: Are you overloading yourself with responsibility and zapping your free time? Make sure you aren’t sentencing yourself to a workaholic summer. Do you need to polish up your skill set or give yourself a more realistic timeline for production? Rather than relying on gut checks and guesswork, map out an actual project plan, a budget, or a timeline. Empirical data will speak for itself. Warning: Clashes with both men and management could crop up with Mercury in reverse. Speak up for yourself, but be careful not to burn any bridges. It takes two to tango, Virgo. If you curled into a submissive stance, you can’t get mad at your colleagues for “dominating” you. Work on being more assertive and doing some independent problem solving BEFORE you reach out for help. If someone makes a power grab over the next three weeks, DO stick up for yourself. As much as you loathe confrontation, having a direct conversation will yield much better results than sending an email or forming a coup. In all communications, be thoughtful and polite. Embedding blame into an air-clearing convo can easily backfire. You want to eat caviar, Virgo, not crow. 


On Thursday, the Sun joins the Gemini party, sailing alongside Mercury and passionate Mars until June 21. Despite the slowdowns of Mercury retrograde, there ain’t no stopping you now! The collaboration of the Sun and Mars will pour rocket fuel into your tanks. People will see you as an authority now. Glide gracefully into the leadership roles that feel natural and enjoyable — but don’t get sucked into any out of guilt or misplaced obligation. Someone will inevitably take charge, but it doesn’t always have to be you. Gemini rules your tenth house, which is the masculine realm of the chart. With these three heavenly bodies camped out there until June 21, make more time for the men in your life. Hanging with the fellas will be truly enjoyable. Embrace your inner gamine with some borrowed-from-the-boys style selections. Just wait until Mercury turns direct on June 11 before deciding whether or not to lop your long locks into a pixie. Are a few daddy issues still percolating in your psyche? No matter what role your father played in your life, he set the template for how you relate to the XY chromosomes on the planet. Investigate that relationship and how it colors your approach to communicating with guys. There may be a little grieving to do…if only a sadness about not being “daddy’s little girl” anymore. What’s important is that you gain awareness of your own knee-jerk tendencies so that you can slow down and make better choices when dealing with dudes.


Don’t forget your girls! On Friday, the Sun will directly oppose Saturn in Sagittarius and your feminine, domestic fourth house. A woman in your life could use some extra support—and this could take up a bit of time over the weekend. Are you missing your mom, sister, or a close female friend? Pack a weekender bag or get the spare bedroom ready. A slumber party-style reunion will help bring you back to your center. Household issues that you’ve been too busy to deal with could become Mission: Critical. Getting the Virgo base camp in order is a must, as you need a restful sanctuary to retreat to after your demanding days at the office. Devote time over the weekend to cleaning, organizing, and restocking. And if you have to hire an assistant to help (or bribe friends with Pinot and pizza), so be it.




☆☆☆天秤座  译者:蓝意





Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Um, did you just say that out loud? Oh, Libra. This Monday, May 18 expressive Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini and your candid ninth house until June 11. For a change, you’re anything but diplomatic —a relief to people who are frustrated by your insistence on being “Switzerland” and refusing to take a strong stance on an issue. The trouble is, your truth bombs could detonate at the wrong time or cause conflicts that you didn’t intend. And your temper, which rarely makes an appearance, could be quite fiery over the next three weeks. So maybe you shouldn’t get rid of that inner diplomat altogether, Libra. You can still disagree or vocalize a firm opinion without crushing people in the process. At times it will simply be enough to say “No.” rather than explaining the reason why you are opting out of a certain activity. The ninth house is the global jetsetting zone and a travel plan may be stalled or complicated by the retrograde. Triple-confirm reservations and dig up your passport early to make sure it hasn’t expired. Make a packing list and be 100 percent sure that your ID is in your wallet before you Uber it to the airport. It might be best to reschedule this journey for mid-June, or at least simplify an aspect of the itinerary. Since retrogrades rule the past, this wouldn’t be a bad time to revisit a locale that holds special meaning in your heart. Bonus points if you get to connect to an old friend, lover, or long-lost relative during the journey.


On Tuesday, the Sun zips into Gemini and your expansive ninth house until June 21, joining Mercury and passionate Mars. That quest for greener pastures is simply unavoidable now. And it could lead you to far-flung corners of the world over the next four weeks—Mercury retrograde be damned. If you’re not literally making a pilgrimage, you may travel in the figurative sense. Explore personal growth workshops, meditation groups, and all forms of experiential education. Send your inner glamazon on vacation, too, and let the boho babe in you take the wheel. Spending time in nature revives your soul. Think: picnics in the parks, hammock time, and even a camping/glamping trip with a small group of friends. Long-distance relationships percolate with potential, thanks to lusty Mars’ influence. If you feel the click with a hottie in another port, don’t let the miles stand between you. This could be the start of a beautiful adventure, whether for romance, a creative collaboration, or a business alliance. Speaking of which, the entrepreneurial gears will be turning faster while the Sun is in Gemini. If you have an idea for a professional venture, or a publishing project (also the ninth house’s domain), start spec-ing it out. Seeing the facts and figures laid out before you will help you determine how doable it is. Some risk WILL be involved, but Mercury’s retreat cautions against plowing ahead on a wing and a prayer. If you love your 9-5, adopt an “intrapreneurial” spirit.  In other words, get a new initiative rolling within the company you work for. Your optimism alone is enough to sell the people in corporate on backing your big plans. But be warned: Alhough you’re luckier than usual when the Sun is in your ninth house, there’s a tendency to overshoot the mark or overload yourself with responsibility. Make sure your plan is solid before you press the launch button.


On Friday, the indie-spirited Sun gets checked by stern Saturn, which is parked in your third house of partnerships. In your zeal to expand and explore, did you leave a key ally in the lurch? This might be a friend, coworker, neighbor…even a sibling. Even if it’s not appropriate to bring them along for the ride, it’s important to communicate so they know you aren’t abandoning them completely. Have you made promises to pair up that you’re now regretting? It’s a Libra’s prerogative to change his or her mind—and back out if they must. But do so in a way that leaves the least amount of collateral damage. Bridges don’t have to be burned, but you might have to pony up a consolation prize in order to keep the goodwill flowing.




Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Is a kiss really just a kiss? A glance just a glance? This Monday, May 18 expressive Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini and your seductive—and danger-loving—eighth house. Caution: Signals can scramble in the game of amour between now and June 11. Temptation’s trail may beckon you away from those safe, stable arms. Oh, Scorpio! You’re going to have to implement a little more self-control over the coming three weeks if you don’t want to spiral into obsessive mode. Mercury’s retreat could find you ruminating over an old flame—one who may have scored much higher in bedroom performance than relationship etiquette. You might just wake to a text from an ex one morning this week (or even in the wee hours of the night, booty call style). Would a response mean inviting trouble back into your life? If so, hit delete, STAT. But if it was just bad timing that caused a relationship to end, Mercury retrograde IS a good time to reconnect. You never know, Scorpio, a sexy sequel could be in store. If you’re in a relationship, the next few weeks could get intense. Having the messenger planet do backstrokes in such murky waters could bring out your jealous streak—and your inner Sherlock. Don’t even toy with snooping or Google stalking, Scorpio. That’s just a slippery slope for you. And that breach of trust will damage a relationship even if your partner never finds out you opened up their Gmail account. If your relationship is rocky, head to couple’s therapy or schedule time for a private conversation when you’re both relaxed and able to focus on the discussion. You simply can’t gloss over problems for the coming three weeks, but your willingness to dive in will be greater—and that’s how you’ll REALLY get past the stumbling blocks.


On Thursday, the forecast brightens considerably as the Sun slinks alongside Mercury and lusty Mars in Gemini and your erotic, exotic eighth house until June 21. Meow, hottie! You’re totally in your element for the next four weeks, since the eighth house is naturally associated with Scorpio (the eighth sign of the zodiac). Even if Mercury retrograde makes you hung up on people from the past, the Sun-Mars merger keeps you keenly focused on new possibilities. Pull some Sacred Seduction tools from savvy siren Kitty Cavalier’s arsenal to help you along the journey http://kittycavalier.com/sacred-seduction-book/. You’re a master at arousing energy in people, whether you’re doing it through sensuality or simply creating an atmosphere of beauty. Refresh your lingerie drawer, burn scented candles, feather your boudoir. Moving your body will amp up your mojo now, too. Maybe it’s time to finally take that Burlesque 101 or S Factor workshop. (Then again, you might already be teaching it, knowing you.) And while you’re feeling foxier than a retro Pam Grier, relationships take on a more serious and intimate tone. Nothing short of a mind-body-soul connection will do, so save your final rose for someone who can bring that trinity. If you’re already spoken for, talks will turn to permabonding. Join forces in a lasting way, like co-signing a lease, getting engaged, or renewing your vows. Financially, the eighth house governs your wealth. Now’s the time to start exploring passive income streams, earning cash through royalties, rental properties, affiliate sales, or other investments that can bring you money in your sleep.


But there’s little point of making more money if you burn it as fast as you earn it. This Friday, hard-nosed Saturn opposes the Sun, advising you to tighten up your belt instead of buying yet another skull-embellished McQueen cincher from Net-A-Porter. Set up auto-transfers to your savings and investment accounts to make the process seamless. Wait, you don’t have such accounts? Schedule an appointment with a financial planner or even a money coach who can help you get your hard-earned funds in order.




Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Exactly how dynamic are those duos you’re a part of, Sagittarius? Ever since expressive Mercury moved into Gemini on April 30, you’ve been hungry to bond, connect and partner up. But in your eagerness to share the love, have you sacrificed too much of yourself? This Monday, May 18 Mercury slips into a three-week retrograde, giving you a chance to retrace your steps. Warning: Your first impulse might be to get angry. “How could people take advantage of my kindness like that?” you blaze. You’re a fire sign, after all, and your temper can be rather notorious. But rather than playing the victim, be proactive. Bring your needs and desires into the open instead of waiting for other people to return your generosity in kind. Where is the magic missing for you? What shared experiences do you desire and what would you actually like a little less of? Mercury retrogrades give us a chance to recalibrate our communication style—and dive into deeper discussions than we’ve been willing to have in the past. Oh, and couples’ therapy always helps. Just. Go.


In business alliances, review contracts, too. You might need to renegotiate terms or hash out an addendum that reflects the evolution of your partnership. It’s not advisable to sign documents with Mercury in reverse, but sometimes that’s just plain unavoidable. Have them carefully reviewed by an attorney before you put any ink on it. People from the past tend to resurface during Mercury’s backspins, and the messenger planet’s retreat through your relationship house could call in some old flames. Brace yourself: A text from an ex could rile you up this week; or, you might find yourself daydreaming about “the one that got away.” Contacting past loves can be rather dicey during Mercury retro. While it might seem like a good way to get closure or even revive a spark, judgment can be skewed. Before you thumbtype a response, get real: Are you inviting trouble back into your life…maybe feeling a little bored? Unless it was simply bad timing that kept you apart, it might be wise to leave the past in the past.  


On Thursday, the Sun joins the Gemini party, sailing alongside both Mercury and driven Mars until June 21. Retrograde, schmetrograde. Dwelling on the past is so NOT the Sagittarius way. If you’re ready to move on—either with a new partner or with a new attitude about an existing relationship—you’ll feel inspired to do so. With the Sun and red-hot Mars conjoined, this could be a deliciously sexy time for coupled Archers—and a naughty exploration for the single arrow slingers out there. The seventh house rules the law and this solar-powered phase brings a charge of good luck for legal matters and contract negotiations. Intriguing offers may come in; just heed the Mercury retrograde warning label before rushing to commit.


With all these amazing, dramatic, and intriguing interpersonal developments, you might forget to tend to your personal goals. But on Friday, stern Saturn—which is on a three-year tour through Sagittarius—will directly oppose the Gemini Sun, forcing you to focus on Numero Uno. Carve out some alone time for yourself over the weekend to pursue your independent interests. You need a break from entertaining other people or letting them slow you down when you want to go on one of your speedy, frenetic discovery missions. Your boundaries could clarify as you reconnect to yourself. Before the weekend is through, you’ll know just what to say to the person who has been stepping over the line.





Monday May 18th - Sunday May 24th

Details, details! You could find yourself scrambling to stay on top of them all, as Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks this Monday, May 18. Until June 11, the messenger planet will retreat through Gemini and your sixth house of routines, forcing you to reconfigure the way you operate on a daily basis. Frustrating? Yeah. But consider this a blessing in disguise. You’ll save so much time and energy by upping your efficiency game, Capricorn. Pause to parse through those piles and put savvier systems in place. For example, would it be faster to dress for work if you put together outfits on hangers? When you cook dinner, toss a little extra into the pan so you can bring the leftovers along for your next-day’s lunch. Give every item you own a dedicated home on a shelf, in a drawer or a box. This will make cleaning up a much faster process. And maybe it’s time to outsource a few of those time-sucking tasks that distract you from handling the work that brings a healthy ROI. But brace yourself: An assistant you relied on for support could flake during Mercury retrograde. Don’t go into superhero mode and just pick up the slack yourself. Hold people accountable for pulling their weight, and if they can’t step up, search for a better fit. (Read: Someone with integrity.) Since retrogrades point us to the past, the replacement might be a reliable soul you worked with back in the day.


On Thursday, the Sun beams in with support for your productivity mission. Until June 21, el sol joins the Gemini party, traveling alongside Mercury and go-getter Mars. Hello massive motivation! Your famous Capricorn work ethic is back with a vengeance, and you’ll be eager to generate results once again. Your can-do spirit is your secret weapon now, so use that positive energy to impress the movers and shakers. Hop on LinkedIn and reconnect to colleagues from your past. One of them may even have a job offer or another moneymaking opportunity to send your way. Green is the new black for this monthlong spell—as in organic kale smoothies, eco-chic products, and sound financial budgeting. For the past month, you’ve had the Sun in your festive fifth house, so your hedonistic side has probably trumped your inner health nut. Hop back on the wellness wagon, finding pleasure in preparing food with nourishing ingredients and moving your body more often. Take those workouts al fresco and get a good dose of that warm, spring air in between computer time. You might even keep free weights by your desk—or an insanely beneficial (and totally cheap) foam roller, which can break up scar tissue, improve circulation AND your range of motion http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-18506/5-reasons-to-foam-roll-every-day.html


On Friday, keep a flashlight handy. You’ll need it to shine on the monsters under your bed. That day, stern Saturn will make its annual opposition to the Sun. Because of Saturn’s position in your twelfth house of subconscious thoughts, their annual face-off may stir up a few buried fears. Your mood could take a plunge near the weekend so cancel plans with people whom you consider needy or stressful. Gather with supportive, compassionate listeners instead; ones who also have good heads on their shoulders. You’ll need to talk your worries through with friends who can help you come up with simple, smart solutions—not catastrophizers who heap fuel onto the fire. An old nemesis or frenemy could also return, stirring the pot. Arm yourself with empirical facts and enlist an advocate, like a lawyer or HR director, if you need to fight back. This is not the time for text-to-text combat. Getting emotional will give this annoying person ammunition. While ignoring this person completely won’t be possible, disengage and enforce a strong boundary. Remember that “No” is a complete sentence.  




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