时间:2015-05-09 21:17 阅读:403 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广



来自: 过气女郎


ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) 
What is it you want out of life Aries? Do you really know? Take time out this week to think about you and your needs as your stars indicate you have been looking after everyone but you! Travel is well starred and Mars helps you to change arrangements without offending anyone, so now is the time to say what you want from your spare time. Ring now so I can tell you your future. 

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) 
You must avoid telling other’s secrets today or it will come back on you. Try to put your time and energy instead into your own life and priorities. News of someone you care about gives you reason to feel excited about an upcoming event. Your ruling planet Venus makes it easy to choose admirers, but choose carefully. The most compatible is not necessarily the most obvious. Ring now to hear why. 

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) 
Your sign is known for its ability to communicate, but in recent days you’ve found it hard to say how you feel to your close ones. These mixed emotions appear to have a lot to do with the way you’ve been treated in the last two weeks. Try to explain your feelings to those who have hurt them. What’s obvious to you may not have been obvious to them. Ring me so we can talk. 

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) 
Time is hard to find this week, so you would be wise to make a list of your priorities and stick to it, otherwise you will only end up meeting yourself coming backwards. The person you miss is also missing you, so be the bigger person and make contact with them. You’ll be glad you did once you see how much happier your day to day life becomes. Ring now for a twist on your romantic future. 

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) 
Someone you thought you could trust has let you down, but what you are yet to realise is that they have actually done you a huge favour Leo. With things out in the open this week you will no longer have to skirt around issues or tell white lies. By Thursday you will actually feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Ring now to hear how foreign places and names promise romance. 

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) 
Take your time when dealing with facts and figures this week as nothing is what it at first seems. You may be better to delay any important meetings or contracts until you can be sure of what you’re agreeing to or signing. You see Virgo, aspects suggest that what you are sorting out will be more of a permanent fixture than a temporary one. Ring now so I tell you what’s ahead. 

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) 
Forewarned is forearmed and you need to know that you can and should expect the best my friend. You’ve been settling for second best. Try to take the time out to think about what you want from your future as there are some important decisions approaching. What you thought to be fact in business may just be fiction, so check your sources. Ring now so I can help you assert yourself. 

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) 
When was the last time you made time for you? I think it’s been a while as I can see from your stars that you’ve been dancing to the beat of others, not your own. Assert yourself Scorpio and give yourself some space. There is much to be gained by staking a claim in your own life this week. News of a birth or pregnancy gives you reason to get excited. Ring me so I can tell you all. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) 
Money may be hard to find this week and you may have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul. The written word is more important than you could possibly imagine, so please try to pay attention to what you are signing or you could end up trapping yourself into agreements which are impossible to get out of. Ring now to hear why it’s worth renegotiating all existing deals. 

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) 
Your element of earth is pushing you to ask for commitments which you may not really want or need. A fall out in the family seems to have placed a finger of blame upon you. Take control. There is so much more to this situation than you could possibly imagine. A careless mind on Friday could see you making silly mistakes and causing mishaps. Careful! Ring now to reveal all. 

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) 
You seem to be afraid of something or someone and you’re allowing it to control you instead of you controlling it. Use Tuesday to make a new game plan as there is nothing you want that you cannot have. Arguments in the workplace are not worth your time and energy, so step back and let others make a fool of themselves. Ring now to hear why it’s worth returning all calls on Thursday and Friday. 

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) 
You’re a really good judge of character and yet you seem to be really bad at having faith in your own words and actions. Events that happen this week are all to teach you how and why you should stand up for yourself. New attractions cause confusion, but ask yourself and not others what and who you really want for your life. Ring now to hear how study beckons in the months ahead.






white tiger 








你本以为可以相信某人,但他让你失望了。但你没有意识到的是,他们实际上帮了你一个大忙。本周,随着事情大白于天下,你不再绕 过问题,或者再说善意的谎言。周四,你会感觉到肩负的重担消失。打电话,你可以听听为什么外国地点和外国名字会带来浪漫。














































本周,当你在处理/应对那些事实和数据时,要慢慢来,因为一切都会与其最初呈现的样子不同 。你最好还是推迟那些重要的会面和合约(签署),直到你能肯定,到底自己同意或是签署的是什么。处,你看吧,星相显示,你正在处理和面对的,更像是种永久性的设置,而非暂时性的。现在来电,我来告诉你前方是什么。


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