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九星批未来五年运 推广




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来自 星译社 clover








5月18.日落入金牛座27度的新月会让你在新月前后,出行、文字工作再次提上日程。此次新月遭遇土星的强力对财务,所以你必须努力工作,因为该计划某部分比较难攻。你还得在专注工作同时,兼顾家庭,因为土星也同时与鱼家庭和家宅宫对冲。所以两边的需求你都得尽力满足 。

​显然你一直在考虑把工作带到家做,这样你似乎为了事业而忽视了生活。你正走在通往事业成功的快轨上,你那么做也是情有可原。你的事业已经展现出长足进步,但这才刚刚开始,未来三年更是步履坚实的走向辉煌,只要你继续勤力工作,满足历练大师土星的所有要求,你就能让自己声名远播。 土星正位于鱼代表名誉和荣耀的位置,上次土星莅临该位置还是1985-1988年。





水逆期不宜买大件或电子产品。 我要是你,我肯定不会在水逆期买昂贵的东西,比如相机、电脑、智能手机什么的。水星管辖所有机器运动着的部分,所以如果家里有什么电子产品坏掉了,你会注意到肯定是有零件需要修了。


感情方面,金星将从5月7日至6月5日行运巨蟹座,即双鱼真爱宫,这可是大利情感的位置。想要吸引到对的人,你根本不用费吹灰之力。 事实上,金星想要让你明白稳住或不要太过用力。也让你明白改进外在的重要性,现在我就说说尽快着实变美/帅的重要性。

金星将在7月25至9月6日逆行。任何行星处于逆行期都无法很好滴发挥其正面效力。 金逆期最好不要冒险改变外型。别剪头发,别突然要续须/剃胡子。千万别整容,不然结果。。。你懂得。。。 不管有没有伴,金逆期可不适合开始新恋情。 如果你处于正式的恋爱关系中,金逆期不宜订婚,因为那很可能不是出于爱做的决定。所以你一定要好好把握金巨蟹这段时期,让你的社交生活分外精彩,也不要吝惜钱改变外在。









家宅逐渐成为你的关注重心,因为一撮子行星将要在该宫位汇集。这股趋势在6月更为明显,一旦涉及到与家庭相关的事宜,你就会变得效率又高产。很快,家就会成为你最爱的地方,如果你和家人/室友共住, 你会让他们都变得斗志昂扬。水星将在5月18日至6月11日逆行,是回顾收尾的好时期,别买大件,比如电子产品或家具。












译者:来自苏珊小组  竹攸筱

版本②:来自  竹攸筱






















5.18-6.11 水星逆行 
5.3 满月将会带来出版,宣传,网络项目,国际旅行或者国际交往的机会,法律问题会迎刃而解。 
5.18 新月会带来通讯项目,有了土星的引导,这会成为一个复杂的工作 
5.22 艰难的一天,土星与太阳呈180°冲相位会带来家庭上的要求和工作上的冲突 
5.25 双鱼座的守护星海王星与火星呈负角度,如果出行的话,请带上就地图,以防你的GPS失灵 
5.7-6.5 金星进入巨蟹座,对于双鱼座来说极佳的相位。在水星5.18逆行之前,买好新衣服,对自己的装扮做好升级,你会享受随之而来的成果。记得保存收据以防你因为尺寸或者别的原因需要退换。 
5.16-5.17 画上圈圈,金星会和海王星相遇创造一个如梦境般浪漫的周末。 

-------竹攸筱 2015.5.1




 Pisces Horoscope for May 2015
By Susan Miller
You have been very busy creating all sorts of documents, whether proposals, reports, a screenplay, manuscripts, letters, or advertising copywriting, or you may have been creating legal briefs, business analyses, or other types of communications, and this month will bring a need to do even more. Your ability to transmit your thoughts clearly on paper and to negotiate fairly will make your success this month.
If you are an editor, fact checker, or proofreader, you too are included in the lovely theme of May. You may be asked to give a speech, appear on TV, or be on a panel, perhaps to judge a contest. You have developed your ability to transmit your ideas and artistic expressions to a more sophisticated level, and influential people are sitting up and paying attention to all you have to say - and rightly so. You may be in any type of profession and benefit from your ability to communicate well this month.
The month will open up with a full moon in the perfect-for-Pisces sign of Scorpio at 13 degrees on May 3. It will light your ninth house and put an emphasis on one of these areas: publishing, broadcasting, long-distance travel, legal activities, or academic matters. One of those areas is coming to crystallization, for full moons tend to bring a finish to ongoing events, ventures, or relationships. You may be concluding an important manuscript or a TV segment, or you may be interviewed favorably by the press on your recent work. If you have a legal case in the courts or filed for a trademark or patent, you are likely to hear a conclusion very soon. If you are about to enter graduate or undergraduate school soon, you will settle plans for the next semester.
A long-distance trip is also very likely in early May, thanks to this full moon May 3 (plus or minus five days), or you may be planning one for a later date. In that case, book early, prior to May 21, when Mercury will go retrograde - more about that later in your report. I will say now that if you buy your ticket while Mercury is retrograde (May 21 to June 11), you will likely have to change it later, and pay a fee to do it. Book early and you will be glad you did.
If your birthday falls on March 2, plus or minus five days, you will feel and benefit from this full moon the most. The same is true if you have 13 degrees rising or a natal planet of that degree, plus or minus five degrees, in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer.
Travel and possibly even more writing will again be on the agenda near the new moon in Taurus at 27 degrees on May 27. This new moon will receive a strong opposition from Saturn, so you will be working hard, as something about this project could turn out to be arduous. You also will be concerned about managing your career while at the same time managing family concerns, for Saturn will confront several planets in your fourth house of home and family. Both areas will need your attention, and so you will need to juggle the demands of both as best you can.
It appears you have been thinking of doing work on your home, as you may feel you have neglected this part of your private life in favor of nurturing your career. You are on a sharp career trajectory toward success, so that's understandable. Your career has shown such growth, and you are just cranking up - the next three years will be solid gold, and you can make a big name for yourself if you continue to work hard and stretch toward fulfilling all taskmaster Saturn's demands. Saturn is now in your house of fame and honors and is the first time since 1985-1988 that you are hosting this important planet in this prestigious career sector.
Your outlook for earning solidly good money is excellent, and this may be the right time for you to feather your nest. Home renovations or moves require funding, but it appears you either will have the cash in hand or be able to get a home improvement loan quite easily from the bank. With Mars entering the home and family part of your chart from May 11 to June 24, and a positive new moon due too next month, June 16, it appears your home-related dreams are well within reach. You will be very motivated to collect estimates and do the necessary research to be ready to begin your project on that new moon next month in Gemini, June 16.
You may want to do maintenance, and have rugs shampooed, windows washed, and shades cleaned. Or, perhaps you want to have several rooms painted for a fresher look, or get to those repairs that have been calling out to you finally get done. Clearing out clutter is always therapeutic. Or, you may want to put in that dream kitchen you promised yourself that you'd do, so start interviewing contractors and designers and collect estimates. There are many possibilities. You may also move, rent a new apartment or vacation cottage, sell property, or put a bid on a house. If you need a roommate, you can interview candidates and find the right one for you. When it comes to home-related plans, the world will be your oyster, dear Pisces.
I mentioned Mercury would be retrograde from May 18 to June 11, so if you accept a new assignment at this time, be sure to send an email, summarizing all you understand that you need to do. Mercury retrograde is a time when misunderstandings and miscommunications run rampant, so go the extra mile to clarify all that you are told. I
It is not a good time to take on a permanent new job, for you are likely to find that once on the job, you will find the job description changes. The exception to that rule is if you get an offer from someone from your past, say, from your former boss or from a company you used to work for, and in those cases you CAN accept the offer. You would not be starting a new relationship but simply continuing an ongoing one. Mercury does not want you to start anything new when retrograde, but is pleased when you make more of a previous situation. It's time to do anything that starts with "re" such as to reassess, reexamine, readdress - you get the idea.
Mercury retrograde is not a time to make big purchases on appliances or electronics. I would not buy anything expensive if I were you, not a mattress, vacuum cleaner, camera, computer, smart phone - you name it. Mercury rules the moving parts in all machines, so if you have any electronics in your home that are wearing out, you will notice the electronic is not working properly and need to bring that item to the repair shop.
Mercury will be retrograde in your home and family sector, the area of your life where you are likely to see Mercury create its haywire effects. You may see delays or mix-ups, or change your mind on a matter there. Don't try to rail against the postponements and cancellations that come or try to push things forward that seem stuck, for delays will benefit you. Once you get to the third week of June, you will see life normalize and the pace will pick up noticeably.
Romantically, you have lovely Venus moving into Cancer, the perfect place for Venus to be for you. Venus will begin her tour of Cancer on May 7 and continue until June 5. Venus will be glittering in your true love sector, ready to set the stage for love. You won't have to do very much to magnetize the right person to you. In fact, Venus teaches the value of sitting back and not trying too hard. She does teach the value of improving your looks, however, and here's why you should start thinking about doing this sooner rather than later.
Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6. When any planet retrogrades, it means the planet is resting and would withhold its sweetest powers. Venus retrograde is not the time to make any radical changes to your looks. Don't cut your hair, or my male readers, don't grow or shave your beard. It is not the time to have Botox or any plastic surgery, as there is a good chance you will not be pleased with the results. If you are dating and single, Venus retrograde will not be the best time to meet someone new. If you were dating seriously, this phase would not be favorable for getting engaged, as affection may be lacking for the term of the relationship. For these reasons you would be wise to take advantage of Venus' tour of Cancer, the very best sign to make your social life sparkle and your looks get you a gaggle of compliments.
You will have one divine day this month, falling on Saturday, May 16, when Venus in Cancer will be in perfect harmony with Neptune in Pisces. This is a highly glamorous aspect, and because Neptune is your ruler, it makes it even more so. You must use this night for romance! The transiting moon will be in gentle Taurus and further add to the grace of this evening. This would be a wonderful weekend to travel to a place not too far from home for romantic "just us two" private time together.
Your ability to write, speak, edit, and otherwise communicate beautifully will be the jewel in your crown in May, as you demonstrated clearly last month. This emphasis will continue. The month begins with a full moon in highly compatible Scorpio, May 3. Your ruler, Neptune, will be flawlessly angled to that full moon in your ninth house of distant travel, foreign people and places, publishing and broadcasting, legal matters, and close business relationships with executives abroad. This means that Neptune will infuse you with inspiration and energy, and along with Pluto in ideal sync, it appears a friend or group to which you belong will be instrumental in the breakthrough you will experience now. All full moons have an area of influence of four days before and after the date it appears, giving you an outlook for quite a glorious first week of May.
More travel and writing assignments are due to come up as a result of the new moon, May 18, plus two weeks. Be careful about the assignments you take on, as with Saturn opposed to the Sun on May 22, you will be under much pressure, and the assignments are likely to be intricate, detailed, and strenuous. Your health may suffer, so your first priority should be to get yourself into a strong, healthy state.
May 15 will be a runner-up day that is also one due to demand too much from you - keep your schedule light. It will be all too easy to feel overwhelmed, and that would bring on a feeling of unnecessary pessimism. These days will not be ideal to use for a medical procedure, for you are likely to be at a low point, but if you have an emergency, go ahead. Saturn in opposition to the Sun on May 22 will make you realistic and willing to address needs that require action, so it does have value.
Your home will increasingly become the center of your attention because a bevy of planets are about to jazz up this quarter of your life. This trend will increase in June, so it appears that you will be highly productive when it comes to accomplishing home-related goals on your list. Soon home will be your favorite place to be, and if you share your space with family or a roommate, you will raise the morale of all who live there too. Mercury will be retrograde from May 18 to June 11, the perfect time to go back and get lots done, but not the time to shop for expensive things like electronics or furniture - hold off!
Romantically, Venus will send shimmering vibrations in Cancer, starting May 7 to June 5, the very finest placement for Venus to be for you. Consider going on a short trip over the weekend of May 16-17, when Venus will be in sweet conversation with heavenly Neptune. If you choose to flee to a place near water, you will enjoy your getaway romantic weekend even more.
Dates to Note: Pisces
Mercury will go retrograde May 18 to June 11.
The full moon of May 3 will bring good news about a publishing, broadcasting, or Internet project, or one involving international travel or a relationship abroad. Legal matters will go well too.
The new moon May 18 may bring a communications project, and with Saturn prominent, this will be an assignment with many moving parts.
The opposition of Saturn to the Sun on May 22 will be a tough day, when the demands of those at home and career clash.
Neptune, your ruler, will be in hard angle to Mars on May 25, so if traveling, be sure to have old-fashioned maps along with your car's GPS. It will be easy to go wrong when driving.
Venus will enter Cancer, a divine spot for Pisces, May 7 to June 5. Before Mercury goes retrograde on May 18, shop for new clothes and find other ways to improve your appearance. You will love the results. Save receipts on clothing in case you need to make an exchange of size or for any other reason need to make a return.
Circle May 16-17, when Venus will contact Neptune and create a dream of a romantic weekend.


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