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④  苏珊米勒2015年4月运势完整版







本周会是轻松心情的一周。本月大部分的压力山大时刻已经过去,并且大白羊也已经证明了自己有做明星的能力和机智。接下来这周的前半段会是意外美好的一段,因为金星和天王会激发出自然而然的快乐。如果你有到乡间渡过一天或度个周末的渴望,4月25-26就去做吧,会有很多惊喜等着你。 4月29号,太阳海王合作,可能你会产生一个可以带来i丰厚利益的点子。这个点子貌似跟艺术有点关系,尤其是可能是关于音乐的。周末,(下周日)5月3号,大白羊将迎着一轮满月扬帆起航。那时,经济问题将是你需要去解决的问题,但是,同时,这周你也会最大程度的享受快乐和浪漫。





每个人都喜欢惊喜,特别是快乐的。而这个惊喜包含你的主宰金星,她将会收到来自天王星的信件,可能是一个美丽礼物的消息,或检查这个周末什么会到达使你不再忧郁。本周中如果你应邀参加一个社交活动,4月29日,应该是很美丽的,因为海王星将为这个晚上带来优雅和诗意的光环。当你走近周末,五月2 – 3日,由于满月的接近,你将完全关注一个爱情或业务合作伙伴。周末土星与水星相冲,所以你需要对你的伙伴做一个严肃的决定——也许你们彼此将做一个永远的承诺,或最后得出你们是不相容的,没有遗憾地分开。在即将到来的周末,一个主要的话题将关于金钱,而且看起来一个临时的现金流压力可能会导致你们之间的紧张。























把你的目光从工作和待办事项列表上移开,享受对伴侣想法的倾听,听听ta想做什么事情、想去什么地方。 4月25-26日的周末将充满兴奋——这是本月最好的周末,因为它会带来改变、乐趣、惊喜并有机会彻底打破常规。这周,太阳和海王星将保持同步,对于某个正在进行的项目所面临的困境,你会得到直观答案,它们会帮助你开启一个富有想象力的答案。财务状况也需要照看,但这次的信息不会很紧张。看起来都在掌控中,因此下个周末,5月2-3日,你可能会准备支付账单,并在投资、储蓄、贷款、支出等这些事项上作出预算拨款。如果你正在与合作伙伴散伙,这次满月将会让你以公平的方式实现这点。




















这些天你似乎收获了一个很棒的交易,所以如果你可以在周末4月25日至26日出城,你将用乐趣和爱的季节里最好的周末款待自己。金星在双子座,哄骗你跳上你的车去乡间兜风,或者更好的,连夜逃跑享受新鲜空气和阳光。在本周,你的家庭情况的优先级可能会提高。你可能有一个结构化的计划就位,或者仅仅是本周你想去做的一个随意的想法,使你的家更诱人,更有吸引力。无论哪种方式,你本周可以取得很多进展,特别是如果你的更改涉及设计决策。当你走向周末,五月2 – 3日,主要的职业消息即将到达巅峰。一个创意项目现在可能达到高潮,带来超棒的评论和令人印象深刻的报酬。一个VIP人物在幕后似乎已经为你拉动了一段时间,而且他知道你有才能成功从一开始就使之成功。





过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 2015-04-25 11:55:41




☆☆☆白羊座 一一

☆☆☆金牛座   一一

☆☆☆双子座  clover

本周以激动人心的社交机会开始,你会认识不少非比寻常的人。金星行运双子座,不管你是男双还是女双,你都将成为目光焦点。精心打扮自己吧,尽力接受每个邀请。本周你有机会认识一些新朋友,常来常往,考虑到你最近如此奋力工作,你也该放松一下了。如果你需要为媒体故事拍照或接受电视直播采访,最好在4月29日周三这天,日海吉相让你在镁光灯下呈现完美风采。随着周末临近,5月3日的满月会让某病症更加明朗化或助你完结某重要工作项目。 在此之前,你可以忙里偷闲深呼吸,享受一番自己的劳动成果。 

☆☆☆巨蟹座  幻觉



☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座  幻觉



☆☆☆天秤座   一一

☆☆☆天蝎座  clover

4月25-26这个周末,生活简直无忧无虑、幸福无比。金天协力带来意外收入。或者你会收到赢得与保险公司争议的消息,或者房贷通过或得到助学贷款。 投资终于到位你可以开始扩充业务规模。下周伊始,你仍须对财务多加留意,以免职场问题令你损财。 下周末水土对冲让你忽陷资金危机,不得不推迟买大件。4月29日,浓情蜜意的一天。5月3日月亮进入天蝎座,让你理清对某段亲密严肃关系的感觉——你忽然你就知道改让其朝何种方向发展,不管你做什么,你都秉持积极乐观的姿态。


☆☆☆射手座  幻觉



☆☆☆摩羯座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆双鱼座  clover



 Aries March 21 to April 19 

You can make this week a lighthearted week. Much of the tensions of the month have passed, and you have proven that you have the talent and resourcefulness to be a star. The first part of the coming week should be a surprisingly happy one, as Venus and Uranus will bubble up spontaneous fun. If you have a yen to spend a day or weekend in the country, do (April 25-26), as lots of sweet surprises would await you. On April 29, when the Sun and Neptune work together, you may hit on an idea that could generate major profits. The idea seems to have something to do with the arts, especially in regard to music.  By the end of the week, you will be sailing toward a full moon, next Sunday, May 3. Finances will be the topic for you to settle at that time, but in the meantime, you have this week to enjoy fun and romance to the fullest.  


 Taurus April 20 to May 20

 Everyone loves surprises, especially happy ones. In this one, involving your ruler, Venus will receive a missive from Uranus, resulting in possible news of a beautiful gift or check that would arrive to you this weekend out of the blue. If you get invited to a social event mid-week, April 29, it should be quite beautiful, for Neptune will bring an aura of grace and poetry to this evening. As you get closer to next weekend, May 2-3, you will be focused completely on a romantic or business partner, due to the approaching full moon. Saturn will oppose Mercury next weekend, so you will need to make a serious decision about your partner - perhaps you will make a promise to commit to each other forever, or finally conclude you are incompatible and part without regret. A major topic of conversation during the coming weekend will center on money, and it appears a temporary cash flow crunch may cause tensions between you.  


 Gemini May 21 to June 21 

You will begin the week with an exciting opportunity to suddenly socialize with friends at an event that should be quite special. With Venus in Gemini, most eyes will be on you, and it matters not if you are male or female. Look your best, and make every effort to accept the invitation. You will have an opportunity to make a number of new friends and contacts this week, and considering how hard you've been working lately, you need the dollop of fun that appears to be coming your way this week. If you need to take a photograph for a media story or need to do a live TV interview, do so on Wednesday April 29 when Neptune and the Sun will trade friendly signals and make your face shimmer in the sparkling lights. As you get closer to the end of the week, the full moon May 3 will crystallize a health matter, and also help you finish up an important work project. Before that happens, however, you can steal a little time for yourself, take a deep breath, and take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labors.  


 Cancer June 22 to July 22 

 You've made it through a very work-intense month of April, and as April draws to a close, you will have time to soothe your spirit and get a bit of rest and relaxation. If a friend suggests the two of you take a vacation together now, consider the idea. Choose to go to warm and sunny shores, by  mid-week, April 29. Choose a stunning spot that will overlook turquoise waters and swaying palm trees, for a location like that would do the trick to make you feel whole again. Just before you go, you may get very good news about a career effort you've already done, and now will be in line for a high level of unexpected kudos from a VIP. By the end of this coming week, a highly compatible full moon in Scorpio will occur May 3, and soon after, you'll want to head back home. The full moon will be one of your favorites of 2015, for it will come chockfull of loving feelings. This same full moon may bring a hoped-for pregnancy, a decision of how best to care for a child you have now, or the culmination of a major creative endeavor that you will wrap up and ship with pride.  


 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 

As you read your forecast for the week ahead, you may have traveled to a spot outside your usual base spontaneously at the urging of a friend and are soon getting ready to attend a social event. Later in the week, if you work in the arts, the interplay between the Sun and Neptune may help you score a big victory on a creative project, April 29. Alternatively, you may brainstorm, and suddenly come up with an idea you can use instantly because it's original and at the same time sensible. A generous commission or other check should result, too. You may have been thinking a great deal about your home situation, too, and now that you are heading to the end of the month, the approaching full moon, May 3, could easily bring a home-related goal to fruition. You may be moving house by week's end, seeing a contractor wrap up a job, or welcome the addition new furniture. In love, a separation at no fault of your own may keep you and your dating partner apart, but only temporarily.  


 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 

You are entering the new week with heaps of optimism, and rightly so. Your reputation at work is on the rise, and a career victory may reach your ears as you head for the weekend, April 25-26. Not only are you garnering praise, but unexpected payments to ease any cash flow you may have been concerned about earlier in the month. Mid-week, the collaboration between Neptune and the Sun will make for a fine time to brainstorm one-on-one with a partner for new ideas. The full moon will punctuate the end of this week, May 3, and bring an opportunity to travel out of town to visit a friend or sibling. Romance may be in the air, too, so it'll be worth making plans as you get closer to the weekend. You may be signing a contract too, very soon, so start going over the clauses with a fine toothcomb. It's a good time to sign if your lawyer agrees.  


 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23

 Take your gaze off your work and your to-do-list to enjoy listening to your partner's ideas for things to do and places to go. The weekend of April 25-26 should be filled with excitement - your best weekend of the month because it will bring change, fun, surprise, and a chance to completely break out of routine. During the week, the Sun and Neptune will be in sync, allowing you to visualize the answer to an ongoing project dilemma and help you to unlock an imaginative answer. Your finances will need tending too, but this time the news won't likely be stressful. You seem in control, so by the next weekend, May 2-3, you will likely be ready to pay bills and make budgetary appropriations on investments, savings, loans, spending, and such matters. If you are separating from a partner, this full moon will allow you to do so in a fair way.  


Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22

 Over the weekend of April 25-26, life seems carefree and happy. Venus and Uranus will team up to find ways to earn you sudden, unexpected income. Alternatively, you may hear that you are about to win a dispute with an insurance company, be approved for a mortgage, or win financial aid for college. Venture capital may finally arrive so you can start your business expansion. As good as the week begins, you will still need to keep an eye on finances to make sure your control of them doesn't run through your fingers due to being distracted with career matters. When Mercury and Saturn oppose one another at the end of the week, you may run into a temporary cash crunch and thereby need to delay a large purchase. When it comes to love, Wednesday, April 29, is sure to please with over-the-top romance. You are moving toward a full moon in Scorpio, May 3, clarifying your feelings about a close, serious relationship - suddenly you will know where to take that relationship in the future, and no matter what you do, you'll do so with a spirit of optimism.  


 Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 

One of your most enjoyable weekends of the year will be popping up immediately for you, April 25-26. Venus, now in your relationship sector, will flirt with surprise-a-minute Uranus in your fifth house of true love. Whether you are attached or single, you are due for breathless excitement, so hurry and make plans. This could turn out to be a memorable weekend for 2015! Your home seems to need attention on some level, but this week, you will come up with answers quite easily, especially if you're concentrating on the design and color. With Neptune prominent, you may be focused on design choices for making your bathroom(s) especially appealing. The full moon coming up this weekend, May 2-3, will be a call for rest. Be sure to do nothing more strenuous than read a bestseller and sip ice tea. With Saturn in Sagittarius, you need more rest than usual, and you will benefit from occasionally dropping out and resting up.  


 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 

This weekend, April 25-26, you'll likely opt to stay home, because lots of fun and excitement will be focused there. Consider showing off your flair for entertaining. You may invite family, friends, and co-workers over to help you celebrate the arrival of warm weather and pretty spring blossoms. Mars is still touring your most romantic part of your chart, so it would be a shame to not carve out more time for socializing and fun, and for singles, for finding love. Fertile places for a fateful meeting would be at the gym, on a sports range, or at an athletic competition (or charity race for the cure). If you are inclined to take a vacation this week, choose a nearby spot by water, for that type location will wow you, thanks to Neptune and the Sun in sync. As you look ahead to the weekend of May 2-3, plan to spend time with friends. You may have a special event to look forward to attending, and in this case, it will be special, attended by many successful types.  


Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 

You seem to have a great deal on your plate these days, so if you can get out of town over the weekend of April 25-26, you will treat yourself to the very best weekend of the season for fun and love. Venus in Gemini is coaxing you to jump in your car for a drive in the country or better yet, an overnight escape of fresh air and sunshine. During the week, your priority may be to improve your home situation. You may have a structured plan in place, or just a casual idea of what you'd like to do this week to make your home more enticing and attractive. Either way, you can make a lot of progress this week, especially if your changes involve design decisions. As you move to the end of the week, major career news is about to crest May 2-3. A creative project may now culminate, bringing great reviews and impressive compensation. A VIP behind the scenes appears to have been pulling for you for some time, and knew you had the talent make this a success from the very beginning.  


Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 

A check or a valuable home-related gift from family may be on the way to you unexpectedly as you begin the weekend, April 25-26. This is the kind of surprise that would put a smile on your face. During the week, your fine communication talents will continue to be put to good use. Your creativity will reach a very high point April 29 when your ruler, Neptune, will be in fine angle to the Sun and will be filtered through left brain activity - your ability to write, edit, or speak, rather than paint, draw, compose, or design. As you sail toward the weekend, May 2-3, a situation at a distance will conclude. It may be that you will be returning from a distant trip; culminating an important international relationship, legal or court matter, or project in the media; or you may be celebrating an academic victory.  


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