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时间:2015-04-23 15:03 阅读:401 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广








原文提供 来自: 蓝色海洋618 

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around May 7, May 13-14, May 20 and/or May 27.

During this month of May 2015, a couple of planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:
If you are born around January 3-4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 or November 20-21 there are exciting events with others or in groups going on.

In other words, there are shared experiences that can be either thrilling or upsetting.

Some of you may unexpectedly meet others or suddenly engage in group activities.

If you are born around February 1, March 18, May 3, June 19, August 5, September 20-21, November 5 or December 19, this month of May will intensify your sensory sensitivity.

Some of you may be involved in spiritual matters and the supernatural while others may experience confusion and/or an increased imagination.

The astrological configurations also point to disappearing and/or reclusion.

If you are born around January 20-21, March 6, April 20-21, June 6, July 23, September 8, October 24 or December 7-8, the 2nd half of May brings fortunate developments and increasing optimism.

You may show leadership qualities and organize things successfully.
Let's take a look now at how the month will unfold.

Around April 30-May 1, Mercury, the messenger, enters its own sign Gemini and represents more volatile and superficial energies.

There are more talks (and rumors and gossip alike) and more buzz.

Make sure you also walk your talk...

Also, this position of Mercury in this mutable air sign often signifies more 'wandering', changes of the place and/or short trips.

Around May 1-2 chances are there can be more wind and stormy weather here and there.

Prepare for a period of both mental strain and mental creativity and/or greater insight.

Around May 2 you want to be alone or will be forced to be alone.

Actually, the current astrological configurations do not favor socializing or maintaining any relationship.

There can be disputes, dissatisfaction and separation that, in some cases, may be tearful or difficult.

Some of you may feel unrewarded and try to cope with it.

Mercury at 3° Gemini opposes Saturn at 3° Sagittarius around May 3.

This opposition confirms and even reinforces the separating and sorrowful influences that currently apply.

Because Mercury is very strong and powerful in its own sign, this opposition suggests a very talkative and noisy period.

Indeed, early May, people tend to be very talkative and share conflicting and opposing points of view that some want to restrict or censure.

The Sun at 13° Taurus squares Jupiter at 13° Leo around May 4, indicating ballooning behavior and a lot of (self-)deceptive drama and grandeur.

This waning aspect in fixed signs clearly points to a time of keeping up appearances.

Beware of huge expenses and/or financial losses.

This aspect is a nice one to attend concerts, watch a movie and/or listen to your favorite music though.

Between May 4-8 there can be quite some precipitation here and there.

Around May 6-7, you are in an artistic and creative mood.

Enjoy music, a movie, artistic projects, photography or any other project that stimulates your creativity and imagination.

Venus enters home- and family-minded Cancer around May 7-8.

Make your home a cozy place and a place to regenerate.

Mercury at 9° Gemini squares Neptune at 9° Pisces around May 9.

Both planets are in their own zodiac sign and thus very powerful.

When they build a waxing square, they are able to create confusion, fog and unclear situations.

Chances are you will hear about lies, hoaxes and lots of hidden or secret things.

Mars enters airy Gemini around May 11-12 and points to a lot of (work-related) changes of the place and short trips.

Around May 13-14 there is a change of residence going on (or you may start living together with someone).

Also, some of you may travel or change the place for some other reasons.

Yet others will experience a major shift in the career/job around this day.

Venus at 7° Cancer squares the Moon's Nodes around May 14-15, resulting in some time alone.

This is not a sociable time, nor is it favoring money affairs.

Around the same day of May 15, Mars at 2° Gemini opposes Saturn at 2° Sagittarius.

In this position, Saturn blocks any initiatives and activities.

Don't expect too much progress just now.

Work-related matters may bring some challenges.

Why don' you take a break?

Mercury stations at 13° Gemini and turns retrograde around May 19.

Usually, this station affects Geminis and Virgos (or Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) most.

Don't expect things to go that well.

Also, you may not feel too well now and it's best to try to keep a low profile.

On a mundane level, beware of some strikes here and there...

Around May 19-20, there is a sudden (enjoyable) encounter and/or love at first sight.

Expect a nice surprise.

This enjoyable day will especially affect you if you are born around January 3-4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6 or November 20.

Also, connecting with others and socializing is easy around these days.

The Sun enters Gemini around May 21.

As long as the Sun is in Gemini, the focus is on changes...

Venus at 15° Cancer opposes Pluto at 15° Capricorn around May 21-22.

Venus and Pluto are opposite energies that show issues regarding power plays and forceful behavior.

This is too pushy a combination to bring peaceful resolutions and you better mind your financial affairs as well because this opposition may result in financial reversals (requiring loans or resulting in debt).

Around the same day of May 22-23 the Sun at 1° Gemini opposes Saturn at 1° Sagittarius.

This opposition is a separative aspect that creates a distance with a higher-up, a father figure, an authority...

This can be a time of legacies, inheritances and other financial matters related to an authority, a father figure etc.

Around May 23 love is in the air, especially if you are born around January 7, February 21, April 7, May 23, July 9, August 25, October 10 or November 24.

Actually, if you are born around this day of May 23, these thrilling influences will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Around May 25 Venus at 19° Cancer squares Uranus at 19° Aries.

This waxing square is an exciting one and suggests flirts here and there and short-lived encounters and attractions.

Around the same day of May 25-26 Mars at 9° Gemini squares Neptune at 9° Pisces.

This is a deceptive aspect and after the short-lived attractions, you may face some setback.

The waxing Mars-Neptune square in which Neptune is the stronger (because it's posited in its own sign Pisces) often implies negative energy and treacherous deeds.

You feel confused and don't know what to do next exactly.

Mercury and Mars conjoin at 10° Gemini around May 27 and denote lots of talks.

Beware of disputes and being too sharp in your assessments.

Around May 29 retrograde Mercury at 9° Gemini squares Neptune at 9° Pisces which may indicate additional confusion and unclear thinking.

Beware of theft, lies, insults and gossip around these late May days.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 8° Gemini around May 30 resulting in an announcement.

The Sun at 9° Gemini squares Neptune at 9° Pisces around May 31, pointing to an absent person and/or a celebrity experiencing kind of a deception.

Love Quotes of the Month

Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... but trusting them not to
-- Source Unknown --

What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose
-- Henry Ward Beecher --

We don't love qualities, we love persons; sometimes by reason of their defects as well as of their qualities
-- Jacques Maritain --

Love cannot be found where it doesn't exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does
-- David Schwimmer --

Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away
-- Elbert Hubbard --

Let your heart guide you... but listen closely because it whispers
-- Land Before Time --

版本①来自 青椒










(9)5月9号双子9°水星刑双鱼9°海王。这俩都在自己守护的星座,因此,此次刑相威力强大。因此,这俩成刑相时容易产生困惑、迷雾重重、不清不楚的情况。可能会听到谎言、恶作剧、很多隐藏的秘密。 本文转自星座运势




版本②来自 幻觉


版本②来自 幻觉

版本②来自 幻觉






































心曾得到和拥有过的东西永远不会失去。——Henry Ward Beecher 

我们爱的不是品质,是人,有时缺陷也和品质一样是爱的理由。——Jacques Maritain 

不存在爱的地方无法找到爱,真正隐藏了爱的地方也无法找到。——David Schwimmer 

通过付出,爱得到成长,付出的爱才是保存住的爱,保存爱的唯一方式就是把爱交出去。——Elbert Hubbard 





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