【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.4.20-4.26】
时间:2015-04-20 11:49 阅读:571 点赞:0 收藏 分享

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Astro twins一周星座运势2015.4.20-4.26

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Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Pack up the piñata and pour out the half-finished champagne. This Monday, April 20 your birthday month draws to a close as the Sun waves buh-bye to Aries and heads into Taurus until May 20.  The fiesta’s been fun, but you’re ready to get back down to business again. Here’s something new to celebrate: your forthcoming progress report. With innovative Mercury and can-do Mars (your ruling planet) also flowing through Taurus this week, you can start putting a few of your whirlwind creative ideas into practice—or at least figuring out which ones you can REALLY pull off.  Keep your mind on your money: This solar-powered month puts an economic stimulus plan in motion for Rams. A job offer or dream client may be on the horizon. Have you been charging a high enough premium for your work? If not, it’s officially time to ask for a raise or charge a little more for your services if you’re a solopreneur. But there’s little point in getting more pay if you burn it as fast as you earn it. The Taurus Sun sounds the call for savvier budgeting. If crunching numbers overwhelms you, enlist the help of a bookkeeper to help you put a plan into place. Having a security blanket tucked away allows you to splurge on spring dresses, brunches, yoga retreats and other diversions without an ounce of guilt. Remember: Necessity is the mother of invention, Aries. Having fewer resources at your disposal forces you to be ultra creative. Refurbishing, upcycling, or creating an advice-based business model could be your golden ticket to prosperity over the next four weeks. And getting your cashflow in order isn’t the only recipe for going green. The earthy influence of the second house sends you out to play in the dirt. Pick up some organic fertilizer and lettuce starts and get your summer salads growing (hello, vitality-boosting, live enzymes!). If you don’t have access to outdoor space, volunteer at a community garden—or see if a local business will let you turn their vacant lot into a thriving green space. Maybe you’re the type of Aries who doesn’t like to get your manicured hands too dirty. Scout out scenic picnic spots and al fresco cafes so you can get your fresh air fix the luxurious way.
On Tuesday, persistence pays off—especially when it comes to your ambitious career goals. A flowing trine (60 degree angle) between make-it-happen Mars and powerhouse Pluto makes you the top pick for a prestigious opportunity. But don’t wait to be discovered: Fortune favors the bold under this cosmic transit, so tune in and take a risk where you see an opening. Pluto helps you pick up the subtle cues so you might strategically plant yourself in the right place at the right time. Make people an offer so tempting they can’t refuse. Or, simply create such a buzz about your latest offerings that people clamor to be part of your tribe. If you already have a major goal in your crosshairs, this is the week to be super tunnel-visioned in your focus. Don’t scatter your energy in other directions or water down your requests. You have the upper hand here—more so than you realize—so you might as well ask for exactly what you want. And don’t stress if you make a bid that doesn’t get accepted right away. There will be a follow-up Mars-Pluto trine this October 15 that could bring a second wind to the efforts you begin this week.
Let yourself revel in celebutante mode this weekend. The moon will hang out in Leo and your fifth house of fame, passion and flamboyant self-expression, setting the stage for some over-the-top and memorable moments. On Saturday, the moon will form a supportive trine to heavyweight Saturn helping you mingle with the “right” people. Get your name on the list for an upscale or invite-only event. Your confidence draws influential people like moths to a flame. You could even be tapped as an authority or asked to speak publicly about a subject for which you have some mastery. Don’t get caught up in “I’m not ready yet” woes. You have SO got this, Ram. On Sunday, the moon and boundless Jupiter team up in Leo, shooting your creativity off the charts. Filters? Who needs those? Take a cue from unapologetic signmates Pharrell and Gaga and let your originality shine. Take a chance on romance this Sunday, too. A bold and sweeping gesture could make your love interest putty in your capable hands. If you’d rather keep things casual, be the Pied Piper of party time and lure your most funloving friends to a festival, karaoke bar or a softball game in the park. That’s how to end the week on the perfect note. Keep the guest list open: A friend of a friend could morph into your new spring fling.
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Keep that waving red cape in your crosshairs, Bull! You’re ready to charge for the target—toro style—this week, no more hesitation. On Monday, April 20 the Sun kicks off its annual monthlong visit to your sign. Birthday season is officially underway! You always feel renewed and reinvigorated around this time of year. But in 2015, there’s a triple shot of good fortune: Motivator Mars and innovator Mercury are sailing alongside el sol in Taurus all week, making you feel utterly unstoppable. Go with it!  Your willingness to leap could land you in a bigger league before the week (or the next four weeks) is through. Rule number one: Stop dwelling in the past. What’s done is done and this new year of life is all about looking forward. Have you burdened yourself by playing hero, rescuer, or 24/7 advisor to the ones you love? Liberate yourself from this codependent role and put the focus back on your own magnificent life. Repeat after us: It’s not my job to fix other people’s problems. People have to do their own heavy lifting if they are ever to gain strength. Fortunately, having the Sun in your sign makes it quite easy to embark on a freedom tour. You could spend the week excising toxic ties and removing yourself from commitments that just don’t light your fire anymore. When the awkward apologies are through, expect to feel about a thousand pounds lifted off your shoulders. Phew! Then, turn your attention to Numero Uno. A rapid growth cycle begins now, and you’re ready to stretch and discover brand new parts of your own personality. Dive into a self-development seminar, sign on for sessions with a coach, start your own business. Stepping outside of the safety zone feels comfortable and natural for you now. Embrace the feeling while it lasts and make a bold move on your own behalf.
While you’re at it, have you cast a wide enough net? On Tuesday, energizer Mars in Taurus forms a productive trine (60 degree angle) to transformational Pluto in Capricorn and your worldly, expansive ninth house. Think bigger—or maybe farther. Your efforts could hit the mark in another part of the country or even on another continent. Connecting to someone on a similar mission can double your probability of success—but that person might be living in another city or overseas. If you’re ready to give an area of your life an extreme makeover, Tuesday is the time to take action. This could involve signing up for a certification program, applying for school or relocating to another part of the world. An amazing teacher could appear some time this week, one who can help launch this new phase of your life. Pay attention to the visionary ideas and intuitive hits that come your way. There will be a second Mars-Pluto trine on October 15, so ideas that are sparked this week could really get going six months from now.
Matters of the heart take precedence this weekend as the moon decamps to Leo and your sentimental fourth house. It’s time to give your inner circle priority and show some love to the ones who have had your back lately. Why not cook a special meal for your sweetie, or put a leaf in the table and host a dinner party for your four closest friends? Connecting with family will also make your heart sing arias, so if you feel like getting out and about, pack your weekender bag and go crash on your sister’s couch. If you’re feeling amorous, tuck away at a B&B with your boo. Travel-hungry Jupiter will sit right alongside the moon on Sunday, making it the perfect weekend to slip away on a sweet escape. On Saturday, structured Saturn will work cooperatively with the moon, helping you get the household budget wrestled into a manageable flow. Consider selling some of your collectibles (the ones that have spent a little too long in storage) on eBay or Craigslist. In the market for a move or looking to invest in a rental property? You might just wander by a residence that screams “future home!” Put in a call to the agent and explore the possibilities. You never know unless you ask.

Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Just chillllll, Gemini. This Monday, April 20 you’re officially on a celestial sabbatical as the Sun decamps to Taurus and your dreamy, rejuvenating twelfth house until May 20. This is the final phase of your annual solar cycle. One month from now, the Sun bursts into Gemini and will hit the refresh button on your internal browser—phew! But before then, you’ve gotta deal with the baggage that piled up since your 2014 birthday. After all, you don’t want to bring those claim checks in to your next year of life, right? Make it your job to say a fond farewell to that which no longer serves you. Letting go will be easier than usual since hotheaded Mars and your ruling planet Mercury are also in Taurus (and your twelfth house) this week. You’ll just feel heavy and weighted down by stuff that you’ve outgrown. Pack it off for the Goodwill, pile it in the Hefty bags or gift it to loved ones who will actually make good use of these closet stuffers. But this decluttering mission can exhaust you, too, since you’re a bit low-energy when the Sun is in your twelfth house. Take it in small bites, with lots of restful moments in between. Get a massage after de-hoarding your shoe closet, acupuncture following your beauty product purge and a spa day to celebrate the emptying out of that useless storage space you’ve been paying rent on for far, far too long. Are there remnants of an ex cluttering up your physical and psychic space? A ceremonial burning can help you release the pain. This is the time to mourn losses and say goodbyes, even if the emotions are a heavy weight on your heart. You might even enlist the help of a shaman to do a psychic cord cutting or energetic release. The twelfth house may rule endings but it is also the fantasy zone of your chart. A great escape—and a romantic one at that—could be in the stars now, and you’re all too ready to embark on this fairy tale adventure. No one is ripping the rose-colored specs off your nose, should you feel the spark of a mutual attraction over the next four weeks. Try not to spiral too far into the future when it comes to romance and just enjoy the moment! An ephemeral love affair with the gifted poet, touring rocker, or gypsy soul can still be a beautiful chapter in your personal history. Water has a healing effect on you now so fill up the bathtub regularly and consider a beach vacation before May 20. 
Have you been hanging on to a grudge? Tuesday’s healing trine (60 degree angle) between speedy Mars and transformational Pluto can expedite the forgiveness process. Or, someone whose been working at cross-purposes to you could be miraculously swept off into a new department or even fired from the company.  (Nana na na, hey, hey…goodbye…; don’t let the door hit you on the way out!) Expect miracles, Gemini, and make a point of reaching up to your friends in high places. A mentor figure or well-connected business associate could open the golden gates to opportunity for you this week. Don’t just wait for them to contact you; it’s your job to make the ask so they know what you want and need. Your intuitive powers are scary-strong with Mars trine Pluto. When you get a strong hit, follow it and take strategic action. Mars is direct but Pluto favors subtlety and mystery. Find the proper balance and work your magic. Know that this is the first of two Mars-Pluto trines in 2015. Results might not fully manifest this week but getting efforts underway now can bring a wonderful financial and creative opportunity come fall.
Although you’re a little too tired to be the life of the party right now, socializing will energize you this weekend. The moon hangs out in Leo and your clever, curious third house on Saturday and Sunday making you crave intellectual stimulation. Find the thought leaders in your area, or get lost in a vortex of TED talks and bookstore meandering. Catch up with a sibling or close friend on Saturday and be prepared to give some extra advice. You’ve been to the other side of where she’s struggling and sharing your experience can help pull her out of that hole. Saturday could also bring a love connection with someone whose beautiful mind makes you swoon. On Sunday, candid Jupiter sweeps into the frame making no subject off limits. Brunch could turn into a salon-style discussion—heaven for a Gemini! This is also an ideal transit for a road trip with a destination involving lots of exploration and discovery. Head to an outdoor flea market or sample sale or just park and wander around an up-and-coming neighborhood where the artists and tastemakers have staked out their turf. Who knows? You might just discover a place you’d like to call home.

Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
You’ve been the hardest working Crab in the business for the past month—exciting AND exhausting in equal measure. Your official cosmic reprieve arrives on Monday when the sun swoops into Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork until May 20.  If you earned the “does not play well with others” label for the past few weeks, shake it off. You’re ready to get down in the sandbox once again and turn a painstaking solo mission into a collaborative effort. It takes guts to share the glory, but don’t worry: Inviting others onto your stage won’t dim your bright light. You’ll actually have a lot more fun with your undertakings when you join forces with capable kindred spirits—especially this week while social Mercury and go-getter Mars roll alongside the Sun in Taurus. Maybe it’s time to start that band you keep talking about or to sign up for a spring/summer sports league or ceramics class. White light moment: Have you outgrown your go-to crew? If your interests are evolving in a different direction don’t huddle together out of habit. Let yourself wander off and explore new scenes. You don’t have to burn bridges with your old pals; just take a less active role in the organization. The eleventh house rules technology and le geek c’est chic for the next four weeks. Got an idea for a blog, app, or YouTube channel? Fire up the digital tools or start talking to developers. This is a good time to give your social media profiles a refresher, as well. Load new photos, take down the tipsy tweets, and consider having a pro snapper (or a friend with above-average Instagramming skills) shoot a great profile picture for you to use. Meeting people online brings a higher-than-average “clickthrough rate,” whether you’re sourcing materials for a home renovation or scouting out prospects for a Saturday night date.
Tuesday’s lucky triangle between motivator Mars in Taurus and your teamwork house and seductive Pluto in Capricorn and your relationship zone could bring a special soul into your world. Stop insisting you’re “not a group person” because you’ll find this kismet connection in a crowded room. Say yes to invitations to networking events, cocktail parties, and other gatherings. Homebody Cancers could always get out a little more! The effects of the Mars-Pluto trine linger all week long, and that’s not all. There will be a sequel on October 15, which could take this week’s relationship developments into an even more expansive orbit. Dress up and go with an open mind. If you’ve already found your perfect pairing, consider this a nudge to get out and mingle together. Your combined energy can draw some fabulous influencers into your circle. Hello, power couple!
The weekend’s stars require you to tend to more practical matters. With the moon in Leo and your second house of planning and finances, you may feel nervous about your budget or schedule. Put your worries to rest by dealing with empirical data. Stable Saturn lends a hand on Saturday, helping you crunch numbers, review your calendar and decide what excessive expenses and commitments can go. You can’t be all things to all people—and your own commitment to self-care is begging to be restored. Cancel brunch and meet friends for yoga or a walk in the park instead. Weather permitting, this is a fabulous weekend for getting earthy, too. Head to the garden supply store for some organic soil and kale starts (viva la summer salad!) or pretty posies to pop into a window container. You’ll feel a bit more decadent on Sunday when hedonistic Jupiter flows alongside the moon in Leo. Thrifty Crabs deserve a little “treat yo’self” luxury too, but rather than blowing your disposable income on a pricey brunch, opt for a more lasting purchase: a gorgeous meditation pillow, a one-cup espresso machine, or a twinkling and symbolic charm necklace that you wear 24/7.

Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Let the coronation begin! Your role as the capable royal is in demand for the next four weeks as the Sun embarks on a tour through Taurus and your tenth house of leadership. You’ve been feeling a little bit trapped by responsibility for the past month, but that all changes on Monday. Take charge and get those missions back on track again. Fierce Mars and social Mercury are also in Taurus this week, adding some fuel to the fire and some finesse. It won’t be hard to enlist people to Team Leo. Just be careful not to strong arm them (Mars) or make promises you aren’t sure you can keep (Mercury).  The tenth house governs the masculine, inviting you to play in the gentleman’s league. Shattering the glass ceiling won’t even be necessary. The doors could simply swing open with the guys welcoming you in to play. Your approach determines everything. Stand in your power, Leo, and relate to men as if they were your allies and equals. (They are.) Got plans to be the CEO of Leo, Incorporated? The next month is stellar for developing your dream. You might even work with a high-powered consultant or coach to develop your future business model, create a crowdfunding campaign, or design a presentation deck. Don’t forget that success also hinges on great relationships. Get your name on the roster for those A-lister parties, attend industry conferences, and even work the room at a charity gala. Rubbing shoulders with powerful people is part of the game now. If you can’t gain entry through the front door, go through the side: Volunteering at a high-end fundraiser can bring you the all-access pass you crave and earn you karma points to boot!
On Tuesday, driven Mars forms a lucky trine (60 degree angle) with powerful Pluto in Capricorn and your sixth house of healthy routines. Having a purpose-driven life is great, but are you considering success on a holistic level, too? There’s no point in blazing a trail to the top if you burn yourself out along the way. Make sure your game plan involves sumptuous self-care: nourishing yourself with healthy food, working out at least three times a week, and having enough great support on hand. This Mars-Pluto trine could reveal a great assistant who can pick up the slack. You don’t let go easily so this has got to be someone trustworthy, competent and capable of making savvy decisions. Keep your searchlight on! If you’re hoping to get ahead in a new industry, offer yourself up as a part-time volunteer or assistant. Working alongside a master is a priceless education. No, you might not get a paycheck but your “tuition” will be an affordable work-study barter.
With the moon in Leo all weekend, you’re ready to break wild again—within reason. On Saturday, solid Saturn will flow in a lucky triangle with la luna, helping you combine romanticism with realism. Go ahead and dream in 4D, but then weigh your vision against what’s honestly possible. A glimmer of glamour is better than none at all. Even if you have to start small with a creative project, sculpting your Phase I will give you the confidence to go further. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all. The moon-Saturn trine could bring a more serious romantic prospect your way—someone who is actually ready NOW to be in a relationship. This could give you cold paws temporarily, but don’t bound off into the underbrush just because you’re afraid of losing your prized freedom! If you’re attracted in return, pace the connection and remember that you get to negotiate every step of the way. If you’re in a relationship, talks could turn to more serious matters like engagements, cohabitation and babymaking. On Sunday, liberated Jupiter will flow next to the moon in Leo, making you feel utterly self-authorized and unstoppable. Give yourself plenty of room to roam without any major responsibility or obligations. You’ll want to follow your own whims and explore the unknown. Mingling with strangers lets you discover new parts of your own personality, so surround yourself with fascinating people. A self-development workshop would also be illuminating, since Jupiter rules education. There’s always something new to learn on this journey, after all. Some Leos could spend Sunday totally consumed by a passion project. Silence your ringer and get lost in the process. You could have something dazzling to show for it by the time the weekend is through.

Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Calling all Virgo gypsets! Dust off your vintage Amelia Earhart train case and pull your passport out of the safe. This Monday, April 20 the Sun begins its annual monthlong tour of Taurus and your jetsetting ninth house. Wanderlust kicks into high gear between now and May 20, making you dream of distant lands. Start perusing the travel blogs for those far-flung gems where few tourists tread. With spontaneous Mars and Mercury also rolling through Taurus this week, you might even slip off for a getaway PRONTO or hit that “Reserve Now” button on a dreamy holiday. Even a staycation can refresh your joie de vivre. Book a double at the boutique hotel in your town if you need a night away from home or head off for a glamping weekend at a cottage. Cross-cultural relationships heat up under this solar-charged spell. A meant-to-be connection could be sparked with someone from a different background. Drinks at the swanky hotel bar, anyone?  You could enjoy an ephemeral flirtation with an expat rolling through your hometown. Traveling could bring an unexpected romance with a local, too. Muy picante, baby! Coupled Virgos, stoke the embers with a romantic journey. Just keep the plans from getting overly complex. With hotheaded Mars and fussy Mercury in the frame, you don’t want your idyllic jaunt to be spoiled by an overly stressful itinerary or interruptions by old friends and family living in the area.  Your entrepreneurial nature is piqued while the Sun is in Taurus. Developing your own venture could consume you for the next four weeks. If you need to expand your skill set, sign up for a training, seminar, or online course. Your mind is hungry for new fodder whether you’re nailing the finer points of Tuscan cooking, learning how to converse in French, or mastering the strategies for effective online marketing. Already honed some noteworthy skills? You may be inspired to write a book, online guide, or to develop a course to teach people the finer points of what you know.
On Tuesday, your efforts to expand could even bring a bit of celebrity your way. White-hot Mars in Taurus will form a flowing trine (60 degree angle) with seductive Pluto in your fifth house of fame. This is not the day to be modest about what you’re capable of. If you’ve earned your bragging rights, go ahead and self-promote. No, that doesn’t mean vying for attention by any means necessary. All you have to do is gush authentically and enthusiastically about the things that light you up. When you speak with passion about your own projects and interests, you’ll naturally attract an audience. If you want to develop one of your talents, an amazing teacher could appear. Jump into that workshop or sign up for a few private lessons to see if this craft is one you’d be dedicated to pursuing.
The tightly wound Virgo is ready to relax this weekend—and that’s just what the comic doctor is ordering. With the moon in Leo and your twelfth house of rejuvenation and healing, take a time out from doing, doing, doing. When was the last time you actually gave yourself permission to putter around the house? With Saturn in your domestic sector right-swiping the moon on Saturday, home is where your heart is. You’d enjoy the company of friends as long as you don’t have to clean and fuss. Order delivery, open up a bottle of Pinot, and host a game night or movie night—or have a good old-fashioned slumber party with your sister or one of your girls. If you love to cook, you’ll probably have your hands in a few pots on Saturday, too. Get your favorite comfort food bubbling on the stove. On Sunday, summon your spirit animals. Truth-bearer Jupiter aligns with the moon, bringing some white light realizations your way. Is a particular relationship draining you? Before you label that person an energy vampire or toxic friend, look at your own role in the matter. You may have set up a codependent dynamic with your pal. It’s okay to create some more breathing room, Virgo—even if feelings are a little bit wounded at first. Lying around in your lover’s arms would be pure heaven on Sunday. So would a spa day, so treat yourself to the salt scrub, seaweed wrap, massage and soak!
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Passion! Heat! Intrigue! This Monday, April 20 the Sun slinks into Taurus and your sultry eighth house for a month, drawing you into a seductive and mysterious dance. Lusty Mars and flirty Mercury will sizzle alongside the Sun all week, making a total minx out of you. Your urge to merge could reach a fever pitch so choose your companions wisely. You’re just as capable of attracting lasting love right now as you are getting swept into a dangerous liaison. Since you have better things to do with your spring than obsess over a player, make sure you’re on the same page from the jump about how far you want the relationship to go. If you’re simply looking for a little sensual exploration, be honest about that, too. You don’t want to be accused of leading anyone on, either, Libra. A sexy little cat and mouse game will be entertaining, even if you’re titillating your long-term lover. Plus you’ll enjoy the aspect of mystery now. Anything too obvious will turn you off. Your emotions will intensify in every way and you could dance with the green-eyed monster a bit between now and May 20. Envy can be a powerful compass though, so let it act as your guide. Perhaps you’ve minimized a desire that’s turning into a burning need that has to be vocalized. Or, rather than “covet thy neighbor,” stop hating and be inspired by his or her success. Then, slip into the studio and get to work on your own original mix of what this person has done.  Joint ventures of both the business and romantic variety grow even more serious between now and May 20, as you discuss sharing assets and more permanent ways of combining your resources. It’s all or nothing for you now. You could get engaged, co-sign a lease or somehow make your bond more exclusive with the Sun in Taurus. Do you need to deliver an ultimatum? Sometimes holding people’s hands to the fire is what’s required to shift a stalled relationship out of neutral. Just be prepared to back up your own words, O’ Indecisive One. If you want other people to give you a firm answer, you can’t waver in the maybe zone yourself. The eighth house is the big money zone: You could increase your earnings through a passive income stream, like selling real estate, investing in a start-up or creating a royalties-based product. Working as a consultant can also spell money in the bank.
If you’ve been on the fence about a certain someone, Tuesday’s starmap could be clarifying. Action-oriented Mars forms a proactive trine (60 degree angle) to passionate Pluto in your sensitive fourth house. It’s easy to take people for granted when they show up every day and quietly support you. It’s only when they pull back that you realize just how much you were leaning on them. You don’t have to wait for someone to pull a disappearing act to show them some much-deserved love. Pause and look around. Adopt an attitude of gratitude for loving friends, solid coworkers, and unflagging family members all week. How best to say thank you? Tuck away your mobile devices and give people your undivided attention. A VIP from your inner circle may be hungry for some one-on-one time with you.
A social weekend is in store as the moon tours Leo and your eleventh house of group activity. The more is absolutely the merrier a long as you curate your crew carefully. On Saturday, you’ll feel the elite influence of Saturn, so don’t mess around and let any drama queens or crazymakers spoil the fun. Instead, leap on the opportunity to play Superconnector and bring together your most prestigious and impressive pals. You could wind up playing matchmaker for some of them—either for business, romance or a kindred spirit clique. On Sunday, let someone else pick up the organizer’s baton. With iconoclastic Jupiter rolling alongside the moon on Sunday, you’d rather flow freely from crew to crew or tag along with a new friend. This would be an ideal weekend for group learning, too. Is there a self-development workshop or specialized training you want to attend? You’re hungry for inspiration and will love bouncing ideas and discoveries off of other people. Want to get software-savvy? The eleventh house is the tech sector of the chart. Set yourself up in the coziest chair of a Wifi-enabled coffeeshop and pore through the tutorial until you’ve mastered the finer points of Quickbooks, Wordpress, or Photoshop.

Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Make it a double, Scorpio! This Monday, April 20 the Sun blazes into Taurus and your seventh house of relationships for a month, paving the way for dynamic duos. Ready to make a partnership exclusive and official? A budding connection could reach the tipping point this week—especially since spicy Mars and flirty Mercury will roll alongside the Sun all week.  Thou givest fever! If you’ve been skirting around an obvious attraction, the chemistry could erupt in a spicy makeout session before the week is through. But this is no spring fling. You’re charged up to go the distance, and a freshly minted mate could soon become a fixture in your everyday life. Already spoken for? Give your relationship the care and feeding it deserves. You’ve been a bit of a workaholic for the past thirty days while the sun was in Aries. Now, the planets implore you to lift your nose from the grindstone and let love rule. At the very least, bring a better work-fun balance to your days! Your professional life will not crumble if you devote a couple nights of the week to your sweetie and your social pursuits. Don’t waste time on the temporary types. With the Sun in Taurus, you’ll be even more motivated to make your unions official—both in the bedroom and the boardroom. You might just put a ring, or some ink, on it. If there haven’t been any prospects in sight for a while, don’t keep on doing the same things 24/7. Get out and explore some new scenes. People can actually be your passion (at least part of the time) if you make a concerted effort to find ones who don’t utterly annoy you.
On Tuesday, your cosmic ruler Pluto in Capricorn and your communicative third house forms a golden triangle (trine) with go-getter Mars. Fortune favors the bold! Take the initiative with friends, prospective partners, dates and mates. You can be pretty hard to read, o’ mysterious one. Don’t leave people wondering where you stand and risk having them slip away from you. Be the one who extends the offer or pitches an idea. Lady luck is on your side as this energy lingers throughout the week. And don’t stress if your offer doesn’t get an immediate and resounding yes. On October 15, there will be a second Mars-Pluto trine, which could bring a sequel to this week’s stirring developments. If you’ve been out of sync with someone you’re already partnered with, the Mars-Pluto trine sets the stage for a candid heart to heart. Don’t get obsessed with making your point, Scorpio. Although you need to be heard, try listening first. You might realize that you’ve been reacting to the wrong information all along. Sweet relief.
This weekend you won’t be able to escape the grind totally—nor will you want to. With the moon hanging out in Leo and your prestigious tenth house on Saturday and Sunday, you could make some important strides for your career. Carve out a few hours to catch up on work that you didn’t finish earlier in the week. Or socialize strategically. On Saturday, elite Saturn will be influencing events, lifting the red velvet ropes and ushering you into the VIP lounge. Get your name on the list for an invite-only event and go mingle. With enterprising Jupiter in cahoots with the moon on Sunday, you might actually enjoy an industry conference or trade show. Men will be the star players of your weekend, too. Use your free time to catch up with the important fellas in your world. Has it been a while since you gave your dad a call or hung out with your brother or son? If men are your preference, this would be a stellar weekend to get closer to a special guy. Travel for a visit or take a day trip together, especially on Sunday when jaunty Jupiter sets the stage for exploration or an outdoor adventure.
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Slip on the leggings and lace up your cross-trainers. This Monday, April 20 the energizing Sun heads into Taurus and your sixth house of wellbeing until May 20. You’ve been waffling between health nut and hedonist since April began, but it’s time to make self-care a higher priority. Fortunately, high-octane Mars and curious Mercury are already in Taurus, adding more fuel to the fire. Give your body some love with a thirty-day spring training challenge. Make exercise a daily, non-negotiable item on your to-do list. Even if all you can do is squeeze in a fast-paced, twenty minute walk, getting your heart rate up fuels you with life-force energy. For quick workouts, turn your mobile device into your fitness guru and keep exercise bands handy so you can get resistance training in anywhere—from the park to your hotel room—without having to haul around heavy weights.  And here’s a good argument for doing squats daily, Sag—an easy exercise for your jetsetting sign to implement from pretty much anywhere: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-18017/5-reasons-to-do-squats-every-day.html. Once you begin moving your body, you’ll want to stay in motion—and go faster and faster, too. And while you love your gourmand indulgences, start weaving more fresh salads and raw juice into the menu. Swap your go-to recipes with healthier alternatives. (We love these vegan options from ohsheglows.com.)  Your work life gets busy for the next four weeks, too, making it all the more important to keep your body in balance. Recognition for your efforts will be based on merit, so don’t let modesty prevent you from sharing your talents with the world. This isn’t about bragging, it’s about offering a skill to the collective. Focus on what’s in it for THEM instead of seeking validation, and the prosperity faucet will flow.
Get organized and systematized this week, as well. The Sun’s heat alchemizes with Mercury’s strategic thinking powers and Mars’ can-do juice. While you love spontaneity, this is not the time to fly by the seat of your J-Brands. Getting a plan in place will help you stay grounded—a much better launch pad for your future lift-off. Even better? On Tuesday, Mars will form a productive trine (60 degree angle) with powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn and your second house of solid foundations. Get ready for some white light insights about how to make your work more profitable, fluid and results-oriented. First and foremost, what tasks can you release or delegate? You could find your ideal assistant or a trusted firm to which you can outsource tasks. If you’re new to an industry, get out and network. You could be invited to apprentice alongside a master whom you admire. This is a priceless education, even if the pay grade doesn’t reflect your truth worth. A massive decluttering mission could consume you all week, too. From those stacks of paper on your desk, to the forgotten furniture in your storage unit, to the emails piling in your Inbox…leave no pile unturned. The Mars-Pluto trine also sounds the call for savvier money management. Finding a bookkeeper, broker, or another finance guru can help you insure that your hard-earned dollars will grow along with your skill set.
The moon lingers in Leo all weekend and connects beautifully to masterful Saturn in Sagittarius and lucky Jupiter (your ruler), which is also in Leo. Your thoughts will be on expansion—but how can you do so without destabilizing your life or turning into a bundle of stress? This would be an ideal weekend for a self-development workshop that helps you uncover YOUR truth. What truly lights you up and makes you feel like “more,” Sagittarius? Illuminating insights pour in when you take yourself out of your “ordinary life” and engage in an odyssey of philosophical dialogue and discovery. If you’re too impatient to sit through a class, a weekend getaway can introduce you to a new perspective on life. Talk to strangers, especially on Sunday, when you might just wind up with a long-distance lover or future BFF.  Take the road less traveled by, no matter where you land. By the time the weekend is through you’ll feel ready to have an important conversation about your needs, desires, and wishes for a more fulfilling life
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Please don’t stop the music! This Monday, April 20 the Sun begins a monthlong tour through Taurus and your festive, flamboyant fifth house. If you’re not feeling like a total bliss bunny at the moment, something’s gotta give. Tender your resignation with the Depression Department and accept your new post in the Joy Division. Between now and May 20, the stars want you to make your own happiness a priority—even if that requires you to make decisions that might feel a little “self-centered” at times. Think of it as strapping on your own oxygen mask so that you can assist other passengers on life’s pleasure cruise. With red-hot Mars and Mercury also in Taurus this week, flirting, socializing, dancing, and even trying an extreme sport will lift your spirits. In other words, Capricorn: Don’t wait for other people to get the party started. Gather your most fun-loving friends and get some playdates on the calendar, STAT. No matter what your musical skill level is, you might just want to include a round of group karaoke. Studies show that singing cheesy pop songs with crowds of people can flood you with the feelgood hormone oxytocin: http://www.prevention.com/sex/better-sex/easy-ways-increase-oxytocin-levels. Who knew? Oxytocin is also associated with sweet, sweet loving—and with planets in Taurus and your fifth house, amour is also on the agenda. Expect a spring awakening for your libido between now and May 20. For a change, you’ll actually enjoy the whole courtship dance. Don’t rush to turn a budding interest into an official relationship--not until you’ve done your fair share of comparison-shopping. Already spoken for? Get more dress-up dates and playful adventures on your shared calendar. This is a fabulous time to freshen up your look and add more pops of bright color to go along with your collection of neutral solids. Baby fever could strike, too, as the fertile fifth house energy creates an ideal month for pregnancies. If it's not a bambino you’re producing, you could give birth to a creative brainchild, one that brings public attention, even fame.
Your magnetism shoots into undiscovered galaxies on Tuesday, when red-hot Mars forms an auspicious trine (60 degree angle) with alchemical Pluto in Capricorn. What do you desire? With mysterious Pluto in the frame, dig deep into the chamber of sultry secrets for your answer. A love interest who shares your wants could appear. If you’re in a relationship, you could have a candid conversation about both your fears and your fantasies this week. Opening up and getting real can bring a new level of trust to a relationship. Warning: The discussions could get a little dramatic in moments, but hang in there. Stay focused on finding common ground and make sure to let your partner voice some desires, too. If you’re single, the Mars-Pluto trine blesses you with a triple-shot of mojo all week. This is the first of a pair of trines between these planets—there will be another on October 15, so this week’s developments could have a white-hot follow up come fall. Beyond the bedroom, the Mars-Pluto trine can help you make a name for yourself in your career. Embrace your celebrity status or start a buzz on your own behalf. You might even pose for a photo shoot or work on the branding of your blog or social media pages. Image might not be EVERYTHING, but the right visuals can make the difference between good and great.
With the moon in Leo and your erotic eighth house, the weekend will be richly spiced with seduction. But with stern Saturn in the frame on Saturday, lust and trust must go hand in hand. Do you need more reassurance from the one you adore? Get real about it, Capricorn. The terms of your relationship could grow more exclusive as a result. This also applies to business partnerships. You may need to put agreements in writing now and spell out exactly who is responsible for what aspect of the job. Arrive to discussions with ideas in place to steer the talks in a proactive direction. Sunday’s meeting of the moon and “anything goes” Jupiter helps you let your hair down in love. Try something different—both in and out of the bedroom—and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Since the eighth house governs investments, you could tap into a big money opportunity for yourself. For example, if you drive past a property with a For Sale sign, you might pop your head in. Or, give an enterprising friend a call to talk about ways you might help her expand her business. The extra earnings from commission or royalties can boost you into a more desirable income bracket.
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Let Aussie chanteuse Sia swing from the chandeliers. Beginning this Monday, April 20 you’d rather nestle back on your comfy couch and gaze at the garden of illuminated drop crystals. It’s officially homebody season for you as the Sun decamps to Taurus and your nesting zone until May 20. Hang up those social butterfly wings and settle into a mellow groove. You’re ready to slow things down a bit, relaxing and rejuvenating in the comfort of your own sacred space. Not that you’ll be napping on the couch nonstop or sitting lotus-style in front of your meditation altar for hours on end. This week social Mercury and project-loving Mars will accompany the Sun through Taurus. After a power nap, you might be picking up the power drill to finally take those lingering household projects to the finish line.  The interior decorating or gardening muse could visit, too. Pick up some kale starts and organic soil so you can enjoy your own ultra-locally-grown summer salads in a couple months. When you’re done beautifying your space, you might even be inspired to host a spring soiree or dinner party for your inner circle. Hanging with the girls will be especially rewarding now, as the fourth house is the feminine zone of your chart. She-Aquarians might even explore local women’s groups or workshops on body confidence or connecting to the divine feminine. This solar-powered month also puts the focus on family. Connect more consciously to relatives, making one-on-one plans and phone dates to catch up. Who knows? Conversations could spark an idea for a family business or a summer reunion. With your project management skills, you could bring everyone together for a seriously memorable time.
On Tuesday, probing Pluto in Capricorn and your healing twelfth house forms a rare trine (auspicious 60 degree angle) with forthright Mars in Taurus and your emotional fourth house. Have you been bottling up your feelings, Aquarius, or keeping them tucked under a cool, composed mask? The waterworks could start rather unexpectedly, so keep the hankies handy. Odds are, you REALLY need this release and there’s nothing like a good cleansing cry to make you feel about a hundred pounds lighter. You’ll be ultra sentimental under this transit, too: puppies, kitties or looking at old timeline pictures could get you going. This will be a powerful day for forgiveness—especially when it comes to family and close friends. While you don’t have to forget or justify someone’s bad behavior form the past, if they’re making efforts to improve, DO acknowledge that. Your positive reinforcement will help close the chasm. Drop the cynical, “I’ll believe it when I see it” stance and be a partner in your loved one’s progress.
Relationships take center stage this weekend as the moon hangs out in Leo and your committed seventh house. Structure-hound Saturn will park at a supportive angle to the moon on Saturday helping you get down to brass tacks. Do you need to talk about the division of labor or do the legwork for a shared vacation plan? Maybe you’re hoping for a little more (or less) time together in the name of keeping things fresh. Carve out some “just the two of us” time to connect and discuss. These talks can be stressful and might be best had while in motion. Lace up your hiking shoes and trek through the spring foliage as you hash it all out. Maybe it’s just that you need some fresh blood. Hanging out with mutual friends can help lighten up the vibes. Single? You could meet someone on Saturday who has enduring characteristics—perhaps through the introduction of someone in your social circle. Head’s up: This person probably won’t be the fastest talker or the flashiest peacock in the room. Be patient and ask questions; you may have unearthed a hidden gem.  On Sunday, optimistic Jupiter orbits alongside the moon, helping you look on the bright side of love. Your willingness to take a chance on romance…or a BFF, business partner or creative collaborator…will be higher than usual. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! If you’re in a relationship, the moon-Jupiter meetup is ideal for a day trip. Enjoy the journey but don’t let the Pandora playlist drown out the opportunity for soul-baring conversations that candid Jupiter brings.
Monday April 20th - Sunday April 26th
Bring on the clever quips, witty banter, and flirty exchanges! This Monday, April 20 the Sun blazes a monthlong trail through Taurus and your expressive third house, blessing you with the gift of gab. You’ll love meeting new people, flitting from party to party, and dabbling in new hobbies and activities. The local scene is lit up with promise so check out the haps in your hometown—or get an ongoing event started yourself. Sweet relief! Life takes on a much more lighthearted tone and your sense of humor comes back after a temporary hiatus. You’re not exactly in the mood to take things too seriously now—or commit to anything long-term. Variety is the spice of your life between now and May 20. Enjoy a sampler platter of options before declaring a favorite. If you’re looking for love, some experimental right-swiping could be just the thing. This week, lusty Mars and cosmic coquette Mercury are also in Taurus, giving you an extra dose of mojo. Already spoken for? Get some field trips and nights out on the calendar, STAT. As the expression goes, the couple that plays together, stays together. Corny though that may be, it rings true. Take a break from the dramatic conversations and remember that laughter is the best medicine (or a damn good one) for healing emotional drama.  Got a project to pitch, a product to hawk? With all your persuasive powers activated, you could sell fields of pink tulips to a Dutch florist over the next four weeks. Get out there and work your magic. If you see something, say something. Drumming up support for any idea will be a snap—and some people could even turn into partners for a joint venture. Surprise! You might even link up with the so-called competition, which only serves to make you both stronger. Keep your antennas up for kindred spirits. Your right hand person could also emerge from your existing inner circle—a sibling, neighbor, or relative close in age. Start discussing the idea of a formal collab this week, but test the waters by working on a project-by-project basis.
On Tuesday, powerhouse Pluto in your zone of social networking forms a golden triangle (trine) with motivator Mars. You could be ushered into a prestigious milieu or invited to be part of a collaboration that makes your soul sing. Make a point of reaching out to fascinating people both online and in real time. Someone from an existing group could shine with BFF or creative collaborator potential. In short, pay attention to the people who pop up in your world this week. And be more vocal about your visions and ideas when in a collective environment. The more you reveal YOUR potential, the more likely you’ll be to attract people who mirror those hidden talents of yours. Don’t stress if the soul friend bond doesn’t materialize immediately. While you may feel the sparks of something special, the true potential could manifest around October 15 with the second Mars-Pluto trine of 2015.
Dedicate the weekend to your health, Pisces. With the moon lingering in Leo and your sixth house of wellbeing, create some space for getting your life back into a grounded flow. Reschedule the mimosas and Croque Madames and head to a late morning yoga or dance class. Or, meet friends for a walk through the park, or a more strenuous hike. This is the perfect weekend to be out in nature. If you have a garden, get your hands in the soil and prep those beds for some seasonal vegetables. While you’re at it, plant bulbs, like gladiolus, for a late-summer show of colorful blossoms. On Saturday, structured Saturn will form a supportive trine to the moon, bringing a louder call for efficiency. Restock the fridge with healthy groceries, clean up the messy areas of your home, plow through that stack of bills and get them paid off already! The relief you’ll feel from this 101 Efficiency Mission will be palpable. Take a cue from Japanese organization guru Marie Kondo who suggests only keeping objects that “spark joy.” On Sunday, keep your antennae up for a great fitness class, even a private instructor. With expansive Jupiter aligned with the moon, you could find an expert trainer, nutritionist, or holistic healer who can help you along the path to vitality. Hiring a professional organizer can also help you get Chateau Pisces in shape if you’re struggling to figure out what to do with all your sentimental treasures.

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