【Astro twins一周星座运势2015.4.13-4.19】
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Astro twins一周星座运势2015.4.13-4.19

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Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Money, power, respect! Your career and finances come into sharp focus under this week’s stars as you turn in a more practical, proactive direction. It begins on Tuesday, April 14 when clever, innovative Mercury moves into Taurus and your second house of finances until April 30. While you’re never at a loss for brilliant ideas, you’re prone to distraction midway through the development process. Take some time this week to look at the unfinished projects piled up around you. Those email drafts, test runs, and DIY samples may contain the seeds of genius. But rather than throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing which noodles stick, so to speak, pop on the project manager’s fedora and utilize Mercury’s killer researching powers. What resources will it actually take to pull off your grand plans: up front investment capital, time and people power? Is there a legit profit margin and can you actually produce something of integrity without skimping on quality? If crunching numbers is as fun for you as watching paint dry, invest in support from someone who specializes in doing just that.
Transformational Pluto goes into sleep mode on Thursday, when it turns retrograde in Capricorn and your tenth house of career until September 22. Don’t panic: This backspin happens annually and provides a time out to reflect on your ambitions and professional trajectory. Pluto’s tour of Capricorn began in 2008 and spans until 2024, which has left you hungering for more soul fulfillment for your work. You’re pretty much midway through the cycle now and have no doubt made some shifts in this direction over the past seven years. Use the five-month window of the retrograde to continue polishing, refining, and even releasing, that which no longer serves your path. With Pluto in prominent Capricorn, you could strengthen your relationship to the industry insiders, too. But don’t go for the direct hits. Instead, cultivate genuine connections to them. This could be the summer that you join a social or country club or a prestigious networking group. Having friends in high places can certainly speed up the manifestation of your dreams!
On Friday, your ruling planet Mars—which is currently parked alongside Mercury in your money zone—gets into a tangled angle with hungry Jupiter. You’re not materialistic by nature, Aries, but you could find yourself hungering for the luxe life this week. It’s easy to bite off more than you can honestly chew under this overly optimistic transit. Do a budget check before you plunk down a single dollar. Exercise quality control, too! If you’re looking to upgrade, skip the flashy statement pieces. Instead, build a wardrobe or collection with timeless (and original, naturally) pieces that will stand the test of time. Your values may be at odds with a romantic partner’s right now, and this could ratchet up the tension towards the weekend. Be careful not to let drama build to a fever pitch. Take cool down breaks if discussions start getting overly emotional. When the Aries temper flares, you can burn down a small village! (#ExtremeRegret.) Try to hear what your other half is truly asking for. While you don’t want to compromise your truth, the request may not be as unreasonable as you’re making it out to be.
Saturday marks your personal New Year, so break out the champagne and celebrate YOU. The annual new moon in Aries electrifies the skies, getting you back in touch with your truth. Your desire for honest self-expression could lead you down a new life path. Just don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater just because you’ve discovered something that lights you up. Over the coming six months you’ll be able to integrate the discoveries you’ve been making lately into your existing world. But if you’re truly ready to break free, consider this your personal Independence Day. Viva la Ram!

Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Tell them how you REALLY feel, Taurus! This Tuesday, April 14 expressive Mercury stops by your sign until April 30, blessing you with the gift of gab. You’ve never been shy about sharing your opinions, but are you doing so proactively? Mercury in your sign can lead to lively debates—but an even better use of this energy would be to develop an innovative idea with people who are already on the same page as you. Research, pull presentations together and pitch an ambitious plan before April is through. As an added bonus, you have go-getter Mars in Taurus until May 11, giving you confidence and drive. (And next Monday, the energizing Sun will head into Taurus for a month, too.) Bull on fire, baby! The only pitfall is that you could come on a little too strong or scare people off with all that red-hot enthusiasm. Tune in to social cues and energy because your success may hinge on warming people up slowly but surely.
Casting a wider net can lead to windfalls, but this journey could be a bit of an unscripted adventure for the next five months. On Thursday, probing Pluto slips into its annual retrograde until September 22, sending you searching for answers outside of the usual spaces and places. From 2008-2024, Pluto is winding through Capricorn and your ninth house of global expansion, education and entrepreneurial ventures. You may have found yourself called to live a more independent lifestyle over the past seven years or become more engaged in a path of mystical studies or personal transformation work. With Pluto in the time out chair until late September, you get a bit of a breather from having to force your exploration to produce results. Let life feel more like an odyssey of discovery instead. Read books, take workshops, book retreats, and connect to friends living around the globe. Downloading all that fascinating data will find its natural purpose in your life. But letting go of your hardcore practical stance will allow you stretch and grow in truly fulfilling ways. You might even return to a place that held special significance for you or take an international journey to discover your roots, reconnect to meaningful people or study with a master.
Near the weekend there could be some unrest under your roof. Stressful Mars in Taurus clashes with over-the-top Jupiter in Leo, causing commotion and chaos. Something about the structure of your home life is just not working for you. Perhaps you need more privacy or help from your family members. Maybe you need to make your space more functional by setting up a home office, studio or a meditation room. A relative, roomie, or neighbor could really get under your skin, but watch your temper! You’re prone to saying things you regret under this tricky transit. Even if they ARE true, bite your tongue until you can deliver your message with tact.
On Saturday, the new moon in Aries and your spiritual twelfth house could bring divine downloads. Set aside time to journal, meditate, listen to music and even make a vision board. You’ll be more in touch than ever with your soul’s truth this day, but finding words could be tricky. Collaging together images without censoring yourself in the process could reveal hidden longings and desires. You could also wake from a prophetic dream on Saturday with a clear sense of what you need to let go of in order to move to the next stage of the game. This new moon could also send you on a healing journey. The right therapist, holistic practitioner or doctor could appear—as could a mentor—to guide you down the path to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Getting involved with a charity or an arts organization can bring huge openings for your life over the coming six months, too.
Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Make way for the muse! This Tuesday, April 14 your ruling planet Mercury slips into Taurus and your divinely inspired twelfth house until April 30. The creative downloads will come fast and furious for the rest of the month. Some may even arrive in your dreams, so keep a notebook on the nightstand so you can capture those nocturnal gems—or scribble them into your journal each morning as you rise from your sleep. Got some healing or forgiveness work to do? With Mercury in this compassionate zone of your chart, you’re on the path to letting go of the pain. Talk therapy and meditation can both be helpful with this release. As a Gemini, you process best verbally. But it’s also a powerful exercise to learn how to quiet your mind. Through meditation you can observe your thoughts as if they were a flowing river rather than fires you have to immediately put out. That way, you can opt whether or not to interact with them or simply let them float by. Learning to be less reactive will bring you great peace.
On Thursday, passionate, possessive Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn and your eighth house—AKA “the chamber of secrets.” Pluto’s backspin happens annually, and is a time for doing internal work to transform the stuck areas of your life. We all wear a mask in areas of life or hide aspects of our personality for fear of being judged. While privacy is certainly your right, you may be keeping a few cards too close to your vest. Use Pluto’s five-month backspin to cultivate closer connections with confidantes who you can trust. With the right people, letting yourself be vulnerable will be liberating. Both Pluto and the eighth house are associated with Scorpio and you could deal with jealousy, obsession and an all-consuming attraction. But in reverse, Pluto allows you to be more objective: Are these feelings REALLY being provoked by the other person or do they come from a more ancient wound? Be careful where you point that finger of blame. The real transformation may come when you change your own outlook on the situation—or start choosing people who actually want to get attached.
Friday’s tense angle between outspoken Jupiter and feisty Mars could rile up tension between you and an amigo. Someone you thought was an ally could be working at cross-purposes. If not, you could discover that s/he doesn’t have your back quite the way you thought. Be a bit more tight-lipped with your trade secrets towards the weekend for that reason. Unless you’re rock solid in your trust of someone, it’s best to keep your unformed (but brilliant) ideas under wraps.
If it’s time to upgrade your friend circle, Saturday’s new moon in Aries and your eleventh house of teamwork brings a cosmic assist. Even if you ARE happy with your crew, there is always room for a few more faces in the ever-expanding social circle of a Gemini. Seek people who share your common interests, explore a new scene or two instead of autopiloting to the usual places. This tech-savvy new moon could bring the inspiration for a blog, YouTube channel or web venture. Geek is chic so let the developing begin!
☆☆☆巨蟹座    译者:雨霖霖 



周六的白羊座新月重新启动你的野心。如果你一直想把工作做的更好,现在你会更有动力。 甚至你会自己给自己创造一个挑战或定一个目标。一个新工作会降临或者你在公司内的职位会变更。如果你想自己创业,利用这个幸运的新月能力行动起来吧。6个月后,你或许真的能实现你的当老板的愿望。 

Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
How clever can you be in 140 characters, Cancer? This Tuesday, April 14 expressive Mercury heads into Taurus and your social networking zone for the rest of the month. Your brilliant bon mots will hit the mark—and so will your stirring statements about changing the world—as this Mercury phase awakens the activist in you. Seek an outlet in your community where your creativity and caring personality can be put to good use. Working with kids, painting a mural or helping to organize a music-based fundraiser would be right up your alley. You’ll find joy in connecting to the innovators and thought leaders around you between now and April 30. Line up some lectures, discussion groups and documentary screenings for your April extracurriculars and listen to a different TED talk every morning while sipping your coffee. Geek is chic when Mercury travels through your eleventh house. Use this time to pore through the software tutorial or learn the fundamentals of building your own blog or website. This could even bring an income boost. Give your online presence a review. Why not make a bolder, brighter statement? Replace that blurry profile shot with a gorgeous ‘gram. Go beyond the Valencia filter with these tips from selfie-savvy media maven Gala Darling: http://galadarling.com/article/how-to-get-more-likes-10-tips-for-instagram-overachievers/.
On Thursday, passionate, possessive Pluto retreats into its annual retrograde until September 22. This year (and from 2008-2024) Pluto’s backspin takes place in Capricorn and your seventh house of relationships. While you’ll be introspective about affairs of the heart now, you’ll also get a much-needed break from all of Pluto’s intensity and swirling emotion.  Yes, you might just lighten up a little about love or find yourself able to discuss triggering topics without getting so darn emotional. Connecting with people could become your raison d’etre but are you giving them a proper invitation into your universe? Make a point of smiling more often and going for direct eye contact to signal interest. Cancers get a rap for being shy, but that doesn’t mean you’re a quiet little dormouse.  Some Crabs create a shell with a friendly, boisterous personality that still keeps people at a distance. With Pluto in reverse, you’ll actually find it easier to be vulnerable and to open up to strangers. Having friends you can trust will be important now, too, and that might mean reconnecting to a dear confidante from your past.
On Friday, money gets funny in a group, necessitating honest dialogue.  Check in with others before you make a reservation at that high-end spa or farm-to-table restaurant whose prices aren’t quite as sustainable as the fare on the menu. If you’re the one who’s in a cash crunch (or are simply saving up for a bigger purchase) don’t be shy about offering up alternative suggestions when a plan gets too rich for your budget. But don’t be cheap either, Cancer. If paying a few extra dollars for admission brings an opportunity to mingle with the movers and shakers, the investment could bring a big ROI.
Saturday’s new moon in Aries reboots your ambitions. If you’ve been going through the motions at work, you’ll feel a refreshing wakeup call to be more engaged. You might even create a challenging project for yourself or figure out a plan for delegating so you don’t wind up drained each day.  An offer could come for a new job or a different position within the company. If you’re yearning to be your own boss, start developing plans under this auspicious lunar light. Six months from now, you could be writing paychecks to yourself. Whatever your career trajectory, spend a little time this weekend revising your goal sheet. What would you like to accomplish by the corresponding full moon in Aries on September 27—a powerful lunar eclipse, at that? Think big and bold and make sure you’re truly passionate about this path. Working alongside an expert (even if you’re volunteering some time) could help you hone your craft. You’ve gotta start somewhere in order to get to the top.

狮子   译者  狮子





周六,新月在白羊座,你第九宫全球探险宫,给你充分的选择,你可以做你想做的任何事。也许在未来的六个月你会换一个地方居住,从而找到了财富或真爱。或许你应该去度假;一场灵魂朝圣之旅或者探索发现之路。拿出你的护照,找一个最大号的背包。这场旅行会很原始,你也许会需要探照灯呢。票很抢手啊,那么你能不能抢到去Glastonbury或者Burning Man的票呢?


Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Game on! This Tuesday, April 14 expressive Mercury heads into Taurus and your career-driven tenth house for the rest of the month. Steer conversations towards shared goals and keep your ears perked for the sounds of synergy. You could woo a prospective business partner with a random cocktail party conversation. Have your “elevator pitch” ready to go: Can you describe your passion project in three sentences or less? While it’s no problem for you to bubble over with enthusiasm, what’s in it for other people? If you focus on the direct benefits for THEM, your audience will be spellbound. Be more discerning about the invitations you accept between now and April 30. Time is precious and you want to spend it with people who stimulate your mind and soul. While you don’t want to turn into an elitist, rubbing shoulders with the influencers can bring a helpful boost for your own professional game. The tenth house is the masculine realm, so devote the remainder of April to reconnecting with the important guys in your world. Some quality time with your father, brother, son, boyfriend or another great dude can bring you back to your center—plus an important topic has gone unaddressed for far too long. If the fellas light your fire romantically, you’ll find it easier than every to banter with them now. By April 30, you could be choosing from a handful of admirers, or simply enjoying the attention from every single one of them.
On Thursday, you begin to realize the need for some career-related soul searching. Alchemical Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn and your sixth house of work until September 22. Is the path you’re currently on nourishing you on a deeper level or do you feel stuck in the daily grind? Use Pluto’s slumber to determine what the next stage of the game would look like for you. Maybe it’s simply a matter of asking for better benefits, a more flexible schedule and a work-from-home day each week. If you’re not feeling your 9-5, start mapping out steps for a transition. Don’t rush and quit your day job though! Destabilizing yourself by draining your bank account will zap your creativity. Rather, devote some of your calendar’s whitespace to developing a business plan, doing specialized training, working with a business coach or seeking out the right collaborators to bring your dreams to life. Some entrepreneurial Leos may decide to take on part-time work to help with paying the bills while your dream develops organically. The path to financial freedom isn’t always a linear one—and you don’t have to be a starving artist to be devoted to your craft.
On Friday, take a time out from your obsessive quest for success and remember that Rome wasn’t built or renovated in a day. With stressful Mars in a tense square with hungry Jupiter you could blow your own circuits by pressuring yourself to achieve on an unrealistic timeline. If your deadline is a hard stop, then call in some reserve troops. Your own friends and family may have to pitch in over the weekend to help you bring your three-ring-circus to the proverbial big top. Your gushing could also rile up some competition—and it could come in the form of a doubter or naysayer whose sour attitude is verging on buzzkill terrain. Channel La Barbra and your inner “funny girl.” Diffuse the tension with humor or pop on your headphones and make Don’t Rain On My Parade your end-of-workweek anthem:
On Saturday, the new moon in Aries and your globally adventurous ninth house helps you cast a wider net in all that you do. Perhaps your fortune or true love will be found in another postal code over the coming six months. Or maybe you’re just overdue for a vacation; one the feels like a spiritual pilgrimage or a voyage of discovery. Pull out your passport and even your oversized backpack. This trek could be more rustic, or have a glamping component to it. Could you score one of those sold-out tickets to Glastonbury or Burning Man?

Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
There’s a wide world out there, Virgo, and your inner gypset is clamoring for adventure this week. On Tuesday, April 14 quicksilver Mercury (your ruling planet) meanders into Taurus and your jetsetting ninth house until the very end of the month. With the sun and Mars also here, there couldn’t be a more exciting two-week period for adventure travel. Say yes to that last-minute Coachella ticket your friend offers up or just organize your own glamping getaway with friends. Or, go solo and couchsurf with a BFF who has decamped to Austin, London or San Francisco. A change of scenery brings the double bonus of breaking you out any mental ruts you might be stuck in. With Mercury in your ninth house, your mind is like a sponge, hungry for knowledge and fresh data. Load up on lectures, workshops (and playshops), TED talks, and other thought-provoking media. Keep your ears perked for intriguing accents and your eyes open for people who don’t look exactly like you. Multicultural mingling brings a refreshing wave of energy to your social life. A flirtatious or creative spark could even lead to a sexy “masala” style collaboration.
On Thursday, passionate, probing Pluto slips into its annual retrograde until September 22. This year (and from 2008-2024) Pluto’s backspin takes place in Capricorn and your fifth house of love, creativity and fame. Consider this mellow time out from such an intense planet to be a gift. You can objectively assess your emotions over the coming five months without being so anxious or reactive. If you’re dealing with a breakup—or the pain from one that happened since 2008—consider this a sacred window for swaddling your tender heart in healing vibes. We love this list of 33 Ways To Heal A Broken Heart by lightworker and Light Is The New Black author Rebecca Campbell: http://rebeccacampbell.me/33-ways-heal-broken-heart/.  Applying some of these suggestions can even be helpful for Virgos in relationships, as you might be blocking your partner from getting closer due to scars from your past. Alchemical Pluto can help you dig deep for delicious artistic, poetic and musical inspiration. Turn your pain or angst into a work of art and don’t worry about how it will be received. You could get seriously obsessed with developing a piece, series, or songbook over the spring and summer. Talk about incredible catharsis! When Pluto corrects its course near your next birthday, what you produce could draw quite a fanbase, too. But for now, simply focus on making art for art’s sake. If your image is in need of a revamp, this retrograde helps you take a more moderate approach. You don’t have to shave half your hair off or go from leather to lace just to mix things up. Opt for a hybrid: a little bit corporate cool, a little bit rock and roll. Work with stylists, graphic designers, photographers and web developers to refine the Virgo brand.
On Saturday, the new moon in Aries and your erotic eighth house gets your kundalini rising. Your slumbering mojo awakens and the tigress/tiger is ready to roar. Privacy please! (As if a Virgo would get sloppy with the PDA…perish the thought.) You’ll enjoy these encounters best behind closed doors, with a dash of Fifty Shades thrown in for good measure. If you’ve been searching for a soulmate, someone with true potential could appear near this new moon. Let the quiet ones surprise you as you could be drawn to the mysterious or brooding type. You’re not afraid of people who have “a past,” but do make sure that they’ve properly dealt with their rocky history so that you don’t get swept into mama bird/rescuer mode. No need to rush: The relationship is likely to develop organically between now and the corresponding full moon (a potent lunar eclipse) on September 27. This person could also be a business soulmate or an investor or company who wants to bankroll one of your brilliant projects.
☆☆☆天秤    译者:雨霖霖

同样,你也要留意你邀请了谁加入你的天秤小组。 一位表明看起来美好的女性可能会破坏和谐的氛围,尤其是如果此人为集体氛围带来恶性竞争的能量的话。 

Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Read between the lines, Libra. On Tuesday, April 14 messenger Mercury slips into Taurus and your eighth house—AKA the chamber of secrets—drawing your attention to the hidden side of life. Between now and April 30 what’s NOT being said is actually more intriguing than the words slipping out of people’s mouths. Be sure to radar in on other cues as well, like body language. When you’re presenting an idea, are people leaning back or leaning in? You might need to tone it down a bit or pump up the volume to hit the right level of engagement. This Mercury phase makes you quite the sultry siren, too. Unspoken chemistry will bubble in the background (watch for hair twirling and uncross your arms from your chest to keep your heart open). If you sense a mutual attraction, don’t just pounce. The seduction is just as much fun as the conquest. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll crave more private time to connect deeply and share your secret worlds. The green-eyed monster could make an unceremonious appearance, so if you’re feeling jealous hash it out with a levelheaded friend before going on the attack. A little detective work can reveal the facts—before you overreact.
On Thursday, intense, transformational Pluto shifts into reverse and takes its annual retrograde until September 22. This year (and from 2008-2024), Pluto’s backspin is happening in Capricorn and your zone of home and family. You’ve no doubt made some epic shifts—and maybe extreme makeovers—with regards to your living situation over the past seven years. But these can be equally exciting and unsettling. Pluto’s backspin gives you a much-needed time out to settle into any new developments at home or with your inner circle of friends and relatives. You may actually find that you need more space and sanctuary under your roof. A roommate arrangement might not be working as well as you’d hoped and you could decide to go your separate ways. Or, you could curb a little loneliness by adopting a pet or inviting someone to stay in your guest room for an extended period of time. If you’ve been missing a family member like mad, plan a visit over the next five months—and make sure it’s more than just a few hours of catching up. Just get real about what YOU need from your home in order to relax and recharge so you can be your best self in the world outside your window.
On Friday, think twice before agreeing to become a member of any group or organization. The price of admission might be heftier than you initially realize, leaving you beholden, obligated and in over your head. Also, be mindful about who you invite to jump into Team Libra. One rotten Pink Lady can spoil the whole barrel, especially if she brings a competitive dynamic into the mix.
A fresh chapter in your love life opens up on Saturday, thanks to the new moon in Aries. Got a blank space to fill in your heart? You could meet someone who has lasting potential or decide to make a casual connection a lot more exclusive. With your keen sense of justice, you always notice when the balance of give and take feels unfair. This new moon helps you restructure agreements so that no one is carrying too much of the weight. That doesn’t mean you have to divide all duties down the middle 50/50. Play to your partner’s strengths as well as your own—and outsource the tasks that you’re always quibbling over. Keep your eye on a lucrative contract. This new moon lights up the legal wing of your chart and you could be putting a plum offer in writing soon, one that lasts for at least six months.

Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Let’s make a deal! This Tuesday, April 14 expressive Mercury moves into Taurus and your house of partnerships, contracts and the law. You’re keen to couple up between now and April 30—especially with the passionate Sun and Mars traveling alongside Mercury—or at least explore possibilities. Climb on out of that chamber of secrets in which you usually dwell. If you sense a synergy, speak up! It never hurts to talk about what a combined effort would look like. The law of “opposites attract” is working in your favor for the next two weeks, too. A complementary force might be a better match for you than a kindred spirit. Where you’re weaker find someone who is strong and vice versa. You could be putting offers in writing before April is through; or, someone could draft an agreement that requires a lawyer’s review. Negotiate before signing on the dotted line. You have more sway in the situation than you realize. Already half of a dynamic duo? With Mercury in Taurus, slow down and bring more sweetness to you conversations. Make a point of being a better listener. Beyond simply nodding, let your partner know that you understand by reflecting his or her words back. This technique of “mirroring” brings a bonus boost of validation even if you don’t fully agree with your mate. It’s a lot easier to bring up a contradictory point after you let others know that they’ve been heard.  
On Thursday, your cosmic ruler Pluto slips back into its annual retrograde, sending you on an introspective voyage. From 2008-2024, Pluto is winding through Capricorn and your third house of friendship, communication and mental processes. Your words are certainly packing a punch during this sixteen year cycle but you’re learning how to “finesse before you express” so your messages don’t get lost in translation. Pluto’s five-month retreat offers another opportunity for doing just that. Were you a little too quick to dismiss or shoot down a friend’s ideas? One way to transform your closest connections: Embrace the pregnant pause in conversations instead of rushing to respond or react. This gives the other person a chance to finish making a point. Try asking, “Is there anything else you want to say?” before giving feedback too, or even mulling things over for a little bit longer before you declare them awesome or shoot them down.  Partnerships may also be deepening slowly but surely under this Pluto transit, especially with soul friends or business allies. With Pluto in reverse until September 22, you might have to retrace your steps a bit to iron out a miscommunication with a sibling, neighbor or coworker. Extend the olive branch or hash out better terms for an important collaboration. While you want to keep the peace, don’t brush aside an important need or concern. Figuring them out on the front end is always your best bet.
Spring training kicks into high gear on Saturday, thanks to the new moon in Aries and your sixth house of healthy habits. Kick off the Louboutins and slip on the Lululemons. The mat, reformer or TRX machines call your name this weekend, and you could stumble upon a new fitness studio that becomes your personal community center over the next six months. If you’ve struggled to be consistent with your workouts, treat yourself to a trainer or buddy workouts with a friend. Mix things up with al fresco workouts. Join a running club or use playground equipment to get in shape: http://www.elle.com/beauty/health-fitness/news/a24802/how-to-workout-outdoors. This new moon could herald an exciting new job, client or a position within your existing company. While the role may be a bit undefined at first, trust that it will evolve in a meaningful way between now and the corresponding full moon (a potent lunar eclipse) on September 27. In every way, this new moon will inspire you to get your life into a more organized groove! Embrace minimalism. Instead of having MORE stuff, curate a collection of pieces that you will love and cherish.
Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Don’t sweat the small stuff? Well, maybe you should. The devil is in the details for the next two weeks as messenger Mercury weaves through Taurus and your selective sixth house. While you’re generally a big picture person, take a time out to organize, systematize and get all those pieces project-managed into place. Book appointments: annual checkups, dental cleanings, a last-minute appointment to get your taxes filed by April 15. You may realize that it’s time to outsource and delegate certain tasks that you just don’t have time to deal with. While it may seem easier to “just do it myself,” once you train people in your methodology, you’ll be thankful for the whitespace that opens up in your calendar. Tracking can help you become aware of your habits. Download an app for recording money, food, or fitness and you’ll see where you tend to get tripped up—AND where you’re actually making progress. Since you hate the idea of a routine, how about creating rituals instead? For example, treat yourself to a gorgeous scented candle and loose-leaf tea as companions for a weekly balancing of your checking account. Play music or schedule a phone call while you’re doing housecleaning. Venting to your sister while you scrub the tub can be doubly cathartic, trust us.
On Thursday, alchemical Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn and your second house of financial foundations. Pluto’s backspin is an annual event, and this one lasts until September 22. Ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (where it will reside until 2024), you’ve been learning some bigger lessons about money management. Some of your sign’s hedonistic urges have been curbed, or at least calmed. When it comes to spending, you are slowly realizing that quality matters more than quantity. You’re also learning how to save instead of letting money burn a hole in your pocket due to impulse or shameless FOMO. Perhaps you’ve pared down to a more minimalistic lifestyle. With Pluto in reverse, you could take it one step further and think low-impact, too. Where it makes sense, opt for organic, sustainable, and repurposed items that were produced without harming the planet. Don’t carp that it’s out of your budget before you’ve actually researched pricing. In the grand scheme of things it costs you more to constantly replace those sale rack “not quite it” selections than it does to curate a beloved collection that will stand the test of time. On that note, who ARE the makers in your neighborhood?  You know, Sagittarius, the people who live for the details, yes, almost to the point of obsession. When it’s time to treat yourself, these may be the restaurateurs or vendors whose goods you select for optimal enjoyment. The DIY doyen in you is out to play, too. What can you upcycle, reclaim and repurpose, turning old into new again? Embrace the challenge. With Pluto retrograde in your second house, be extra careful about who you do business with. Some shady characters could slip through the cracks, or you could be offered a deal that really IS too good to be true. Do your due diligence and keep your trade secrets under wraps. While you’re at it, this would be a good time to password-protect private data and come up with a new secret code for all your financial log-ins.
If the week is sounding kind of boring thus far, fear not! On Saturday, the new moon in Aries energizes your playful, passionate fifth house and reactivates your glam card. You’ll feel like dressing up, letting your hair down and feting the warming weather in style. Cupid is in your corner, too, as this new moon activates your love jones. Keep your heart open because you could find someone who only has eyes for you. If you’ve been squabbling with your sweetie, la luna will bring back the love. Some Archers could even feel a rush of baby fever or be inspired to birth a creative project that may even bring you fame and acclaim over the coming six months.
Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Your success is only limited by your imagination, Capricorn. This Tuesday, April 14, messenger Mercury mambos into Taurus and your passionate, playful fifth house. How about making room for the muse among the chorus of little voices in your head? Thinking outside of the box will unbind you from your own restrictions. So what if these ideas are fanciful and impractical? For the rest of April, let yourself imagine as if there were no constraints on your time and budget. When Mercury moves into your practical sixth house on April 30, you can project manage these visions. But first, let them blossom. Surrounding yourself with artistic types will give you lots of juice now. Let the romantic in you out to play as well. This Mercury phase makes a shameless love addict out of you. Just go with it and wear your beating heart on your sleeve. Bold and audacious expressions of adoration won’t scare people off—you’ll make them swoon. You could pen a timeless love letter or spawn a creative work that brings you fame and acclaim. Dive in and make love for love’s sake, art for art’s sake!
Your personal expression could go through a remix this week, too. On Thursday, alchemical Pluto dips into its annual retrograde, which lasts until September 22. From 2008-2024, Pluto is touring Capricorn, keeping you in its passionate, transformational crosshairs. Life as you know it (or knew it) has changed momentously over the past seven years—so much so that you may feel almost unrecognizable to your former self. Or, maybe you’re just SO ready to embark on that journey and give your life an extreme makeover. This year, Capricorns born from January 1-9 will feel Pluto’s beams the strongest. During this five month retreat, you get a time out to reflect, introspect and figure out what will really make your soul sing. Pluto can be destructive (think of the vision of the phoenix rising from the ashes) so this retrograde is a bit like a flashing caution sign, reminding you not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. It may seem easier to just get rid of the old and start fresh, but remember: Wherever you go, there you are. Replacing the external circumstances with new scenery and a fresh cast of characters is usually just a cosmetic change, one that rarely brings lasting happiness. You’d be wiser to go within and explore your own blocks, resistance and limiting beliefs first. What you attract into your life is a reflection of what you are putting out into the world, like it or not. This would be a fine time to start a journaling and meditation practice or even work with a therapist who can help you distill the core actions and beliefs that are keeping you from moving forward in a positive direction. This 21-day Energy Of Attraction download from Oprah and Deepak can help you restore your internal power source so you are drawing in love, opportunity and abundance from your truest place: https://chopracentermeditation.com/store/product/84/energy_of_attraction
On Friday, the line between love and sex could blur beguilingly but be careful about slapping a label on a relationship too quickly. You may be playing for keeps while the other party is enjoying the blazing heat for the pure hedonistic enjoyment of it. Or, YOU could be the one who winds up leading people on. What seems like an innocent flirtation could blow the lid off a jackpot of simmering feelings. Be careful not to arouse jealousy in your lover if you’re already attached. If you’ve kept your true desires hidden, you may feel like blurting them out on Friday, but proceed with caution. Fantasizing aloud about the future can put pressure on people or even make them feel insecure if you are expressing doubts. Gush or vent to a neutral third party. This is NOT the day (nor the weekend) to have The Talk.
Saturday’s new moon in Aries energizes your zone of home and family giving you the urge to put down roots or find a better place to hang your chapeau. Or, you could open the doors to your home for a weekly event, like a discussion group or dinner party. Reconnect with relatives and old friends over the weekend. You’re ready to bury the hatchet or develop a closer connection to a few special souls. Caps on the move could stumble upon a dream listing or drive by a property that makes the perfect vacation home or retail space for a business idea you’ve got brewing. Keep your eyes open. Working with women could bring major success between now and the corresponding full moon (also a potent lunar eclipse) in Aries on September 27. Gather the power babes together and get your plans for world domination in motion!
Monday April 13th - Sunday April 19th
Keep the red velvet rope tightly fastened around your inner circle, Aquarius. This Tuesday, April 14 social Mercury decamps to Taurus and your uber-personal fourth house. Cozy, intimate connections are what you’ll crave between now and April 30.  This is the perfect time to play catch up with close friends and relatives who you’ve been too busy to make time for over the past month. Your connections with the ladies in your life are extra special now, too. If you don’t have a great group of female friends, seek them out. You might even collaborate on a short-term project with a few of your girls or team up to co-host a springtime soiree. Home is where your heart is—and where your creativity will percolate. Bless your nest with some decor upgrades or put a leaf in the table and host an intimate dinner party for a handful of your favorite peeps. Don’t be surprised if it turns into a salon-style discussion or an impromptu dance-off that lasts until the wee hours of the night.
On Thursday, mystical, metaphysical Pluto dips into a five month retrograde through your twelfth house of healing, spirituality and closure. Turn inward and review: Are you hanging on to limiting beliefs or clutching outmoded situations that are no longer serving you? Now is the time to do some deep examination of your own fears—and even dance with a few demons that are holding you back. Perception is reality, Aquarius. While you don’t have total control of external circumstances, you DO have a choice in how you interpret matters at hand. With Pluto in reverse, work hard to banish the victim mentality. When you find yourself asking, “Why is this happening to me?” don’t spiral down into a woe-is-me vortex. Instead, seek actual answers. Is there a lesson you are meant to learn from transforming this situation? Is this crisis offering a chance to grow by pushing back or by changing a behavior or set of circumstances? Remember that this exploration is not one you have to go on alone. Surround yourself with wise counsel: coaches, shamans, healers, therapists and support groups of people who have already walked this path. It’s okay to acknowledge a sense of pain, hurt or defeat. Just don’t get stuck there or you’ll miss the miracle that can come from getting to the other side. You’ve got this, Aquarius—and you’re strong enough to take it on.
On Friday, you’ll have to put your foot down with a relative or love interest who keeps pushing you past your natural limits. You want to be supportive, but puh-leeze. There’s a point where compromising starts to feel like a sacrifice. That’s when it’s time to flash the red light and stop the runaway train. Speak up for your needs so you can negotiate a compromise. People aren’t mind readers, either, so unless you vocalize your boundaries they may not realize they’ve crossed the line.
Saturday’s new moon in Aries could announce the arrival of your future BFF. A kindred spirit you meet could play a fundamental role in your life over the coming six months. It will feel like such a relief to know that you are not alone! If there’s a blank space in your friend list, seek people who share your common interests. Communication and transportation are affected by this new moon. Get started on that blog or the book you keep meaning to write; and if it’s time to improve your daily commutes, start shopping around for that car, bike, or Bluetooth headphone to make your walks more pleasurable.
☆☆☆双鱼座   译者:鱼游天下


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