时间:2015-03-30 16:01 阅读:741 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广




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冥王星正在代表你们名誉和荣耀的10宫,所以你们可能会和某个息息相关的权威人士——老板或者和客户神马的,或者是和某个知名人物或者是临时合作的重要人物发生口角。这里只是举了些栗子,但总的来说对方来头不小,所以白羊们谨记管好嘴巴,少说多做没错哒。会有许多消息涌现,反正每一个是意料之中滴,通常来说最好的办法是先应对,然后花1到2天时间想想自己从中学到了什么。大部分的食相都会有第二波行动,因此你们很可能会在之后某些细节确定时,获得更多的信息。如果不是有你们的小伙伴带来有关情感上的焦点问题,辣么有可能是你们自己的或者是身边某位男性  本文转自星座运势网.(老公,老爸,老板等等)的健康状况需要重点关注。 













爱情生活方面,尤其是单身羊,会有很多好消息。先前在去年12月初进入逆行的苦逼木星将在4月8日恢复顺行。木星是一颗多产丰富的星星,在8月中旬之前,它将留在你们的真爱宫。对你们而言,感受爱情浪漫的好日子之一就是4月22日,那天金星和木星会合力帮助你感受到丘比特爱神的那一箭。 本文转自星座运势网.
















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来自 高跟鞋女王


来自 高跟鞋女王 


这轮蚀相是2015年最具挑战性的一个,如果你生于4月4日前后五天,生活将会发生出乎意料的跟一段关系有关的迅速转变。神经病之星天王星特别活跃,跟太阳相合,跟月亮相斥,所以要来的事你根本猜不到,同时也会让这轮满月加倍的触动感情,消息将是突如其来。 本文转自星座运势网.

当然我看不见你星盘具体是怎样的,要是你知道自己星盘的话,看看是否有星星在白羊座或天秤座的14度正负五度,因为那颗星星也会被蚀相点亮。要是想让我帮你算星盘的话,去www.susanmillermypersonalhoroscope.com 交钱,留下你的出生年月日准确时间还有出生地点。我会专门写一本65页的书给你解析你的星盘,还带插图呢!一本就管你一辈子,因为人的星盘是不会变的。只要55刀,只需55刀(及运费),只要等两周的时间,全彩星盘书带回家!本文转自星座运势网.好了,广告时间结束,继续正题。 





蚀相之后一周呢,情况还是比较坑爹。你看看哈,4月5日星期天,冥王星跟太阳角度很差;4月6日星期一,太阳跟天王星狼狈为奸;4月7日星期二,水星跟冥王星角度又差。妹完呢,4月8日星期三,水星跟天王星掺和,这对组合最能折腾了——结论就是这几天都别想好过了。 本文转自星座运势网.



























4月16日到9月25日,冥王星逆行,多着眼于进行中的事业计划,将其做到完美,暂时不要去探索新领域或者寻求新客户。 本文转自星座运势网.




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Aries Horoscope for April 2015


By Susan Miller


It is eclipse season, and April starts off with a full moon lunar eclipse that you are likely notice, because it may require adjustments in a close relationship. It will fall on April 4, in Libra, 14 degrees. Libra is the sign found six months away from your sign, Aries, so it's your opposite sign, putting a big spotlight on your relationship with someone with whom you may have a serious, committed relationship. That person might be your sweetheart or spouse, or a business collaborator, or an agent or partner, for example.



This will be the most challenging eclipse of 2015, and if your birthday falls on April 4, plus or minus five days, you will notice rapid and unanticipated shifts in your life, most likely caused by that one relationship. Uranus, the planet of surprise, will be very active, conjunct the Sun and opposed to the moon, so there is no way you'd likely be able to guess what might come up. This will make this full moon doubly emotional, and news will come out of left field.




I should say that sometimes, when unpredictable Uranus is involved, the news can be thrillingly positive - with Uranus you never know. Outside events surrounding you, over which you have no control, can often play a big part in what goes on at eclipse time. I will give you an example of some happy news that might require sudden adjustment from you. Let's say you are seriously dating someone you love, and you have a plan for getting married two years from now. Now let's say your fiance gets a sudden promotion that is too wonderful to pass up. You both live in New York, but a big job has suddenly opened for him in London. It will require a three-year stay there to take advantage of the offer being suddenly made by this employer, a multi-national bank. Suddenly your fiance is saying "Marry me next month! We have to take on this adventure together! I cannot leave you back in New York!" and so you both quickly plan to wed before the move. Timetables often get radically moved up when an eclipse comes by - eclipses are always in a hurry. This is an instance of good news that would require an adjustment to a very exciting new life.




I cannot see all that is in your chart, so if you have your chart, you can check to see if you have a natal planet at 14 degrees Aries or Libra, plus or minus four degrees, for this eclipse would light up that planet too. To get your natal hart done by me, go to www.SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com and order it, with your day, month, year, city and precise time of birth. I write a 65+ page beautifully illustrated book about you, made possible by print-on-demand technology, just for you, explaining your chart. You need only do it once, as your natal chart will never change. It only costs $55 plus shipping and comes in approximately two weeks. Now, back to my discussion of the eclipse.




With Uranus, what occurs is always what you had not been looking at as a logical possibility, but always something else. Uranus will conjunct the Sun, so it appears a prominent male will act in an unstable, surprising, stealthy way. The reason this eclipse will be so tough is that it will be a full moon, and full moons bring information to culmination quickly, in an emotional way. Eclipses have the strength of three full moons rolled into one, so they are powerful. This eclipse will be in hard angle to powerhouse Pluto and to Uranus in Aries, two planets that force us to face facts and do something about the situation - we cannot ignore a message sent by an eclipse.




Pluto is in your tenth house of fame and honors, so you may lock horns with a major authority figure - a boss or client - or with a celebrity or other VIP who you will be dealing with at the time. This is one of these instances where the less said by you, the better. A lot of news will be stirred up, none of it expected, so usually the best response is to reflect first and take a day or two to think about what you learned. Most eclipses have a second act, so you are likely to get more information later when some of the dust settles.



If it turns out not to be your partner who becomes your emotional focus, then it may be your own health or the health of a male partner / sweetheart / spouse / father / boss that will become the center of your thinking.


This eclipse will be in Libra, so we have to look at Venus, the ruler of Libra, and see what Venus will be doing in early April. Here we see that Venus is in Taurus, a very practical, objective sign, not given to high swings in emotion or impulsive behavior. Interestingly, your ruling planet, Mars, is also moving in Taurus, so the right approach will be a slow and thoughtful one, rather than to be tempted to have a rapid knee jerk reaction. With Mercury in hard angle to Pluto on April 7, there is a danger of saying too much in the heat of the moment, especially on the work front, when you will likely be conversing with a VIP.



The entire week after the eclipse is a bit "hot." To show you what I am looking at, on Sunday, April 5, we have Pluto in hard angle to the Sun; on Monday, April 6, the Sun conjunct Uranus; and on Tuesday April 7, Mercury will be in hard angle to Pluto. Lastly, on Wednesday April 8, Mercury conjunct Uranus, known to jangle nerves - these are likely to be a string of tough days.




But wait! There is hope! As if the great planet of happiness, Jupiter, was distracted and not been noticing all this going on, he is about to swing into action to help you, and in a big way. He is perfectly positioned too, for Jupiter is currently in a fire sign, Leo, 13 degrees. Jupiter, now in your house of true love, ruling your dating life, your children, pregnancy, and creative projects, will send a shimmering beam to the Sun and Uranus and be within the correct orb to be effective.



Moreover, Jupiter has been lethargic in retrograde since December 8, 2014, but will go direct this month on April 8. Like Clark Kent, switching out of his everyday clothes and donning his Superman outfit, Jupiter's turn direct means Jupiter can work much, much harder for you from now on. He will not go retrograde again until January 2016. This is such good news, because if any planet in the solar system can soften this eclipse situation and provide you with solid options, it is transiting Jupiter!



As you see, this eclipse is nothing like the one that came up last year on April 15, 2014 (one that most readers discovered to be a monster of an eclipse in Libra). This is one that has so many elements of hope for improved change. At eclipse time, I always say, just open the window, sit back, and see what flies in. Eclipses are bigger than all of us - I never worry about things I cannot change, but only the things I can. First, we need to see what happens, and then we can think about the correct response. If something occurs that has run its course, we must accept that and move on. The universe will always work to fill a vacuum to provide us with something new and more relevant.



Now, let's see what else April has in store for you. All the sweetest aspects of April will occur in the second half of the month. In a way, April is two months in one, with the stressful part coming first, and then the sunny part coming later. The good thing about full moons and full moon lunar eclipses is that they deliver their news, but they don't linger to stretch things out. Boom, you get the message and then can decide what you want to do about it. They almost force a decision from you (if the mathematics of your chart shows you have the Sun, moon, or a planet close enough to the degrees of the eclipse). Keep your agenda light near April 4, so you can move in any direction you would need to go without having to cancel too many appointments.



Venus will enter Gemini on April 11 and because Venus will light your communications house, increase your ability to find all the right words when you will be ready to respond. You may be able to travel a bit more than you have over the past weeks, to close-by, beautiful settings. (Beauty-oriented Venus would have it no other way.) You may also get help from your sister or brother in some way in coming weeks. Venus will remain in Gemini until May 7. Gemini is a great spot for you, for Gemini is a fast, breezy, air sign, and an air sign will help your fire-element Aries personality burn more brightly.



On Sunday, April 12, set aside time for creative brainstorming - with your ruler, Mars, in sync with Neptune, you can come up with wonderful ideas. Because Mars is in Taurus, those ideas will be rooted in practical application that can make you money too.



Pluto will go retrograde on April 16 until September 25. Considering that Pluto will have been so cranky at the eclipse April 4, and possibly giving you tummy aches with a VIP at the time, having a weak Pluto may be the best situation for now. It is true that if you were to look for a new position, you would want Pluto strong and positive, but you will have the best aspects for finding a new job just after January 9, 2016. (You may also see movement earlier, July 1, 2015 this year, a full moon, but that point in time will not be not quite as special as the new moon in January.)




This month's new moon, April 18 in Aries 28 degrees, will have a liberating effect on our life and open you up to new experiences. This will be especially true if your birthday falls within four days of this new moon - the closer it falls to April 18, the more you will benefit from the new moon.




All new moons open a path, and this one will be conjunct Mars - energizing it and making you feel optimistic, entrepreneurial, and eager to start something new. After all, Aries is the symbol of the very start of spring and of all new growth and life. You can direct the energy of a new moon as you like, so think about what you would like to initiate just after the new moon arrives. Concurrent with this new moon is a fine beam being sent from Jupiter to Uranus, still within orb, meaning the planets are still close enough to communicate with each other and to be sweetly lucky for you - especially in matters of the heart. You may have had a relationship problem earlier in the month at eclipse time, April 4, but I cannot tell if you are going back to the same person (and finding things easier) or if you will be likely to meet someone new. That's the fun of life - you'll soon find out. You won't expect what comes up, and that you are likely to enjoy the surprise, and that's what matters!



When it comes to career, circle April 21, when your ruler, Mars, will be in gorgeous angle to Pluto. Mars is currently in your house of salary and earned compensation, and Pluto is spending a long time in your career status house. On April 21, the two planets will link to create opportunity. This would be a great day for an interview, or presentation, or for a performance review.


Travel will not only be fun, but possibly profitable on April 22, when Venus and Jupiter trade signals.



Speaking of travel, circle the weekend of April 25-26 for Venus and Uranus to zest things up to create a lovely weekend. It appears that you have such an active month, it may be a good idea to plan to take a weekend off to enjoy fresh country air in a nearby town. The transiting moon will be in Leo - ideal for travel, shopping, pampering spa treatments, dinners out - a perfect weekend!







April will be a positive month, but the first week will likely require special attention. For most Aries, it appears there will be a rather angry full moon lunar eclipse April 4 in Libra, lighting your relationship sector. A VIP may be in a feisty mood, or it may be that a detractor, most likely a woman, will suddenly want to take advantage of the unstable situation and challenge you unfairly so that she may cast herself in a good light - at your expense. The woman in question appears to be a boss, co-worker, critic, or competitor, but aspects are not clear; this person may not be one at work but may alternatively be a family member or spouse. Uranus in Aries will make you want to strike out rebelliously, but the better action would be to wait silently until all events play out.



This episode will rattle your nerves, but stay cool because Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, has become aware of the situation and will be standing by to staunchly protect you, no small asset. Additionally, Venus, the planet that rules Libra, the sign where the eclipse falls, will be in direct, friendly conversation with Pluto. It appears a female ally will come to your aid to untangle events - and the truth will set you free.



Your love life, especially if single, is about to bring thrilling news, now that Jupiter, having been languishing in retrograde motion since early December, will go direct on April 8. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and will remain in your house of true love until mid-August. One of your best days for experiencing romance will fall mid-week, April 22, when Venus and Jupiter will work together to help you feel the exciting zing of Cupid's arrow.


Also, you may want to pay attention to the weekend of April 25-26, when Venus in Gemini will contact surprise-a-minute Uranus in Aries. You may find a short getaway will bring a sudden introduction to someone new that changes everything. If you are attached, this bubbly weekend can jumpstart more fun together.



Your career has been going exceptionally well, but now, with the impending retrograde of Pluto, April 16, you may come to a temporary plateau. From then until September 25, the date when Pluto will turn on his power again, it would be wise for you to stick to what is on your plate rather than assertively attempt to develop new territory or additional professional relationships. Polish current projects after April 18, for if you do, when the new moon in your prestigious tenth house of fame arrives a few months from now on July 1, your performance will be lauded for the attention you gave to critical details, and you will be looked on favorably for advancement.



A very important new moon, April 18, in Aries may bring surprising news, allowing you to pursue a dream that previously seemed out of reach. If you yearn for change, this new moon will open up opportunity that may mark a defining moment in your timeline and allow you to move assertively ahead. Leave behind all situations or relationships that that are dysfunctional or no longer of value, and move forward toward creating better circumstances. If your birthday falls on or near April 18, you will have a double dip of luck in the days to follow this new moon, so plan to hit the ground running.




Dates to Note: Aries


Love, romance, and creativity shine on April 2 due to Jupiter in sync with the Sun.


Full moon lunar eclipse April 4 in Libra may initially bring shock waves to one close romantic or business relationship. It's clear that something has to change, and change fast. Treat a VIP or client with care, as everyone will be quick to anger. Jupiter helps keep the peace.


Jupiter will go direct, into stronger orbit, into months to come on April 8, adding a big boost to your fifth house of love, romance, and matters related to pregnancy / children, as well as to creative efforts.


Venus enters Gemini April 11 to May 7 to make short-distance travel fun and pampering.


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