【Astro twins一周占星运势2015.3.16-3.22】
时间:2015-03-16 08:44 阅读:540 点赞:0 收藏 分享

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Astro twins 一周占星运势2015.3.16-3.22




Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Raise your hand if you’re so over the power struggles. Yes, Aries, we know you are, so here’s the light at the end of that tunnel. This Monday marks the seventh and final clash between domineering Pluto in your tenth house of authority figures and rebellious Uranus in Aries and your first house of self-expression. Ever since June 2012, the tug-of-war between these planets has left you in a bind. You want the prestige and the power, but not at the expense of your autonomy and independent vision. Finding a middle ground—and one that actually helps you keep food on the table—has not been easy. The final showdown between these two planets can take you in one of two directions: You could figure out how to pull off the “company loyalist” schtick without sacrificing your identity OR you could leave the security of that soul-numbing gig to pursue your own thing. This final Pluto-Uranus square lingers until the end of March, but you might already make an abrupt move this week. Try to exit gracefully, leaving everyone’s dignity intact. Hotheaded as you can be, you often regret burning bridges later on. If you’re staying put, then make a pledge to stop complaining. Your words create your experience, quite literally sending signals to your brain and heart. Why torment yourself with negativity? Acceptance of “what is so” is the first step to peace. Have you been shying away from the lead position or the limelight? Aries, you’re cheating the world by doing that. This square could give you the final push you need to proudly promote yourself. Let that competitive Aries nature out to play! No matter how much you try to dodge the throne, you were born to reign.  For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

Romantically, you could tap the brakes after Tuesday when love planet Venus exits your sign and moves on to Taurus until April 11. You’ve had the gift of Venus’ presence in Aries since February 20, which has made you an irresistible, albeit restless, romantic. Now, Venus settles into your sensual second house, inviting you to embrace the “slow love movement.” Hey, if it’s meant to be a happily-ever-after, then why rush through the honeymoon phase? There will be plenty of time later to leave the bathroom door open or spend a Saturday with each other’s parents. If you’re in a relationship, make a point of appreciating your sweetie’s more enduring qualities. Spend some time nesting this week too. There’s a decadence in preparing a great meal together, snuggling on the couch and listening to music, or going for a stroll amongst the budding trees.


On Friday, March 20 a solar eclipse in Pisces arrives, energizing your twelfth house of soulful healing and completions. In order to move on to the next phase, something from the past much be released. This eclipse could speed that process. Keep the capture tools handy: sketchbooks, notepads, your voice recorder app. Divinely inspired ideas could flood in with this eclipse. Better still, a mentor figure could see the genius in your Aries “madness,” and decide to take you under his wing—or even invest in your growth. This eclipse could be downright miraculous for many Rams. Suspend disbelief, release control, and watch the universe deliver your gifts.

Your birthday season also begins this Friday when the Sun heads into Aries for a month. Ready, set, refresh! This fresh start to your annual zodiac cycle helps you shake off the dead weight and step into the new. Bow out of commitments that aren’t bringing you bliss. It’s not selfish to put yourself first during your birth month—it’s a matter of self-preservation. Invest in your own self-development, be it sessions with a coach, a spiritual pilgrimage, or an experience you’ve always wanted to have.



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Traditional Taurus, you’ve been accused of getting your hooves stuck in the mood on occasion. But ever since 2012, a series of squares (90 degree angles) between old school Pluto in your ninth house of faith and expansion and inventive Uranus in your twelfth house of entrenched patterns and fears has pushed you to think outside of the box. It’s been confusing at times: You understand why certain time-tested principles have endured. But by the same token, you also realize the need to roll with the times. This Monday, Pluto and Uranus meet for their seventh and final exact square, cracking open your mind just a li-i-i-ittle bit further. Keep that journal, notebook, or voice recorder handy. You could have a divine download from the universe that you absolutely must capture before you forget it. In you eagerness to move on to a new school of thought, you may have rushed and forgotten to tie up loose ends. The square will linger until the end of March, so devote this month to a clean-up mission. All the stretching and soul-searching you’ve done over the past few years could really pay off. You might even funnel them into a business plan, curriculum, a blog or a book. Share that wisdom, Bull—you have a lot to offer. Or, if you feel that you’ve tapped into a fascinating path, consider working with a teacher or signing up for a degree program to master the fundamentals. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.


Cupid is SO in your corner this week. On Tuesday, romantic Venus—your cosmic ruler—makes her annual stopover to your sign. You’ll host the radiant love planet until April 11, giving you three weeks to benefit from her beams. The law of attraction is definitely on your side. Drawing people in is the easy part. In fact, it’s figuring out which ones are worth keeping around that could be challenging! Rather than falling prey to your sign’s tendency to “future trip” and try to categorize within an hour of the first date, make a point of keeping your options open. You never know—the first meeting can bring out the worst in some people, the best in others. Time will tell, Taurus, so be patient and reserve your final rose for as long as you can hold out. If you’re in a relationship, absence makes the heart grow fonder and the libido stronger. Give yourself more space to pursue your independent interests. When you fall in love with yourself, you’ll have a well to draw from when it comes to loving other people. Plus, you might need to break a few codependent ties this week so you don’t blur the line between “hot mama” and “mother, dear.”


Friday’s new moon in Pisces reboots your social life—and fast! This new moon is also a solar eclipse, which can bring unexpected developments. You’re an ever-evolving being, Bull, and you may have outgrown some of your go-to homies. Spend the weekend exploring new scenes. You could find your tribe faster than you think. Got an idea for an app or online venture? This eclipse falls in your tech sector (the eleventh house) making it an optimal time start developing or launching these dreams. There’s strength in numbers, so use crowdfunding to get projects in flight. The Sun heads into Aries on Friday too, and your twelfth house of healing and rejuvenation. You’ll need more solitude and rest in the four weeks leading up to your birthday time. Declutter, detox and decompress. On April 20, you’ll be ready for a fresh start—and you won’t want to carry any baggage along for that ride. You may feel a bit tired or low-energy in the meantime, while the Sun hangs in Aries. Don’t fight it. Surrender, relax and get a meditation practice going. You’ll be back to your “raging bull” status after you take a little time out to restore.



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Finding your tribe has not been easy since 2012, thanks to a series of challenging squares (90 degree angles) between Pluto and Uranus. With erratic Uranus in Aries and your eleventh house of teams, you preferred to float like a butterfly between groups with no desire to stick to a clique. But subterranean Pluto in your possessive, secretive eighth house has been giving Uranus the sideye. You need people you can trust, too, not just superficial air-kissing connections. Locking down that true blue crew has been quite the journey since June 2012—and it ain’t over yet. This Monday, March 16 marks the seventh and final of the Pluto-Uranus squares. You’ll have one last hurdle to overcome—or, you could finally get the memo from the universe and switch up your game plan. Stop wasting time on people who can’t hold a deep conversation or the ones who play endless mind games. Worse even (for you) are the Kling-ons who latch to your side and try to gain social currency by being affiliated with you. You worked too hard for your contact database to let people swoop in like that, Gem. If you’ve found a great group, stop looking around and commit to this crew. The adventure begins when you go “all in,” and stop searching for better, cooler, or more prestigious. You may have to battle your own demons this week: the ones that are terrified of intimacy. By now you have the courage to look them squarely in their beady, red eyes. Allow the people you trust to see MORE of you—even the messy parts are worthy of love.  For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.


Speaking of amour, Venus changes signs on Tuesday, decamping to Taurus and your twelfth house of healing, fantasy and transitions until April 11. You may wear the rose-colored glasses during this three-week cycle—or take them off to let the tears flow. It’s fine to see your love interest in an idealized light, but remember that everybody has a shadow side too. The sooner you find out where those “flaws” lie, the sooner you’ll know if you can accept people for better AND for worse. Has an ex flitted in and out of your life, causing confusion and emotional despair? Cut those toxic ties, Gemini. A clean break heals the fastest. If you’re in a relationship, an old issue could be stirred up. You THOUGHT you were so done with it, but apparently there’s another round of healing left to do. Don’t sweep it under the rug, but consider hashing it out with a therapist or wise friend before you open up that vault again. This conversation could take a downturn fast and you’ll want to approach it constructively and proactively.


Keep your powersuit handy this Friday! A solar eclipse in Pisces and your tenth house of career could bring an unprecedented leap up the ladder of success. A powerful portal could open up as important industry insiders take note of your work. Seize the opportunity to promote yourself. You could even make a fateful connection during a Friday night or weekend social gathering. How would you like to grow and expand over the coming six months? It can be helpful to write out a wish list or even a proper plan. Working with a consultant or coach can help you go farther faster—and the accountability watchdogs can keep you from veering off on tangents as you move steadily towards your dream. On the hunt for new work? A call from the recruiters could come in on or within a month of Friday. Shop yourself around and follow up with leads. The Sun heads into Aries and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology on Friday, too. This monthlong solar cycle reminds you that it’s all about who you know. Post that status update, reach out to your network for support and advice. Developing an online venture, app, or other invention between now and April 20 could bring a big win for your future. You might even start a network marketing-based business or become an affiliate salesperson for a product you love. Both online and IRL, your popularity is on the rise! Fill your Instagram feed with new photos and watch your fanbase grow!



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Helpful, nurturing Cancer, keep a tight hold on your apron strings this week. If you don’t, they could get hopelessly entangled, saddling you with responsibilities that should never have been dumped on you in the first place. This struggle is nothing new to your sign. But over the past three years, a series of squares (harsh, 90 degree angles) between controlling Pluto in your relationship house and liberated Uranus in your house of leadership has been pushing you to make a change. Trying to be helpful to your mate, colleagues or closest friends may have sent you in “overfunctioning” territory. Suddenly, you’re doing all the heavy lifting while your peeps slack off and turn into sloths before your eyes. The more they SHOULD appreciate you, the less they DO. WTH?! This Monday, March 16 marks the seventh and FINAL (amen!) exact Pluto-Uranus square. White light realizations are ahead. Suddenly you’ll see the cosmic punchline of this paradox. Yep, Cancer, it’s YOU who has to make the change. Do less. Demand more (gently). Drop the ball back into the court where it belongs. The hardest part of this shift has been facing down your own control issues. You want everything to go according to your plan, but you may have steamrolled your partners in the process. The art of cooperation requires you to give up some certainty and allow new ideas to flow in. Give it a try. Once your neuroses subside, you’ll have a lot more fun in your relationships. If you’ve been the submissive one in a relationship, you’ll feel the need to break free—or at least change the rules of engagement so that you aren’t so dependent on your partner for your decisions or livelihood. This last Pluto-Uranus square could bring changes at work. A career collab may go through a transition. You could decide to move on or spend the rest of March hashing out new agreements for your business relationship. Bring in the lawyers if you aren’t sure how to language a contract. The front-end investment will ensure long-term happiness. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.


Your social life starts bubbling on Tuesday when charming Venus heads into Taurus and your extroverted eleventh house. Crack out of that shell and try out some new group activities: spring/summer sports leagues, book clubs, writing workshops…whatever floats your boat! Single Crabs could find a love connection while pursuing extracurricular activities. Head’s up: You’ll swoon for the class clown or cute geek between now and April 11. Digital dating gets a power surge while Venus is here, too. Log back into Plenty Of Fish and try, try again. Coupled? Come out of hibernation and make a point of socializing more as a pair over the next three weeks. This is also a stellar time to spruce up your web presence and social media profiles with new images, graphics and photos of yourself.


Keep your passport at the ready! Friday’s new moon in compatible Pisces is also a solar eclipse. Pisces governs your ninth house of travel, higher truths, and expansion. You’ve come a long way, baby, and it looks like you’ve got much farther to go. This eclipse could rocket you into a bigger league, one that allows you to interface with people from all over the world. Thinking about going back to school or signing up for a certification program? Get those applications in. Taking a spiritual pilgrimage or an educational trip is also favored. Try to sign up within a month of the eclipse, even if you don’t actually depart for the next six months. Enterprising Crabs will be compelled to get a business idea in motion, or expand to new territory. By all means DO focus on your career growth with this eclipse—and that could mean traveling or relocating for some of you. Later on Friday, the Sun will head into Aries and your tenth house of prestige for an entire month. You’re moving on up the ladder between now and April 20. Keep an eye on the suit-and-tie crowd as men will be the star players in your ascent. Let’s hear it for the boys!



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Where does the line between truthful and TMI lie? You’ve struggled to find that balance since June 2012, when a series of harsh squares (90 degree angles) erupted between secretive Pluto and renegade Uranus. You may have burned a bridge (oh, those regrettable tweets) or kicked yourself for NOT speaking up. This Monday, March 16 marks the final exact Pluto-Uranus square in the series. A test is coming before March is through—one that will challenge you to be both forthright AND diplomatic. Set limits with people who want “more, more, more,” and don’t fall prey to their guilt trips. Some folks have become a little too used to you rushing in as the fixer. Cast yourself in a new role, Leo. Being helpful is an act of generosity, not your lot in life. Are you at risk of being passed up for a great opportunity? Bring on the selective self-promotion. Confidently assert that you’re the right one for the job. But remain unattached. (Even if you want it, you want it…you really REALLY want it!) If the gig is meant to be yours, you won’t have to hard-sell yourself. Just make sure people have the information they need to see your sparkle. A few humble-brags never hurt either. If you have a writing or multimedia project in the works, this Pluto-Uranus square could bring a rush of creative downloads. Sequester yourself away and bang out those chapters or posts. Your magnum opus is emerging!  For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

On Tuesday, pull that powersuit to the front of your closet. Charming, affable Venus heads into Taurus and your tenth house of career until April 11, blessing you with extra professional mojo. Business, as you well know, is all about relationships. Get out and nurture your most influential connections. Spring for a few lunches, send a follow up card or gift in the mail after a great meeting, head to some evening networking events. Don’t waste time on projects that won’t bring a healthy ROI. Since Venus is the governess of love, you could even meet a hot prospect through a work event. Coupled Leos, consider joining forces with your sweetie on a business project. You’ll be in a goal-oriented mindset when it comes to romance. Don’t waste time on the long-shots, because you could genuinely find someone who wants to go the distance now.

Friday’s solar eclipse in Pisces and your seductive eighth house will be a major mojo booster. Hello, you sexy siren, you! This eclipse makes you absolutely magnetic. But just as magnets attract, they also repel. You won’t be able to kid yourself about a lukewarm connection under this “all or nothing” lunar light. A desire for more permanent bonding could heat up—so, too, could your jealous streak. Monitor that monster with the green eyes or you could say (or do) something you truly regret. This eclipse is fabulous for finances. A lump sum of cash could come your way in the month to follow from a tax return, inheritance, property sale, commission, or advance check for a project. An investor could show up who wants to put dollars behind your dreams. Get ready to leap into a bigger league. Later on Friday, the Sun embarks on a monthlong tour through Aries and your global, expansive ninth house. Let wanderlust be your guide as this is your time to stretch and explore new terrain. A long-distance relationship may heat up for business or pleasure. If you have a book to write or a business to launch, there couldn’t be a brighter solar cycle for your endeavors.




Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Virtuous Virgo, you’re not exactly comfortable with letting it all hang out. But since 2012, a series of squares (tense 90 degree angles) between secretive Pluto and live-out-loud Uranus have made it hard for you to fly under the radar. As you’ve been pulled into the limelight, you’ve felt a simultaneous impulse to run back to your honeycomb hideout. This Monday, March 16 marks the seventh and FINAL of the Pluto-Uranus squares. There is one last test to go through that will linger until the month’s end. Resistance is futile, Virgo—the public wants you! But that doesn’t mean your life has to imitate a reality show. Decide what you want to keep private and don’t apologize for needing time to regroup in between social occasions this week. Your love life may have gone through some ups-and-downs—even a serious transition—over the past few years. There’s been a tug of war with Pluto and Uranus: You want the hot trophy mate but you NEED someone who is also low-key and supportive behind the scenes. This could be the week where you figure out what’s best for you, or even walk away from a relationship that leans too much to one extreme. You don’t necessarily need a peacock, but a total recluse and homebody is not going to satisfy you, either. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

On Tuesday, Venus will lend a hand with resolving romantic angst. That day, she cruises into Taurus and your happy-go-lucky ninth house until April 11 making you far more adventurous and candid. You’ll be able to speak your truth—maybe delivering a “shape up or ship out” ultimatum or rewriting your dating profile to attract someone who is a match for YOU…not just who your friends think you should be with. Cast a wider net! Your spring fling could come in a totally different package than your usual type—avec adorable accent. If you’re traveling over the next few weeks, plan on getting your groove back. Already attached? This is a fabulous time for a couple’s getaway.

But wait…there’s more! On Friday, a solar eclipse in Pisces and your seventh house of relationships brings an infusion of fresh energy for your love life. Solar eclipses arrive with NEW moons and they expedite new beginnings. You’re ready to start anew—either by letting bygones be bygones or clearing the decks for a better fit. Eclipses reveal what’s hidden in the shadows and this one could illuminate an admirer who you’ve known platonically for quite some time. Single Virgos will get a rush of motivation to get back out there again. This eclipse is extra special for your sign as it begins a series on the Pisces-Virgo axis that will last until February 2017. Having eclipses in your sign (and your opposite sign) picks up the pace in your personal life, both with your ambitions and your dynamic duos. Changes that are overdue will start to happen quickly. Fasten your seatbelt and just go with it! The last series of Pisces-Virgo eclipses were from 2006-8. Flip back in your files as you might see a recurrence of similar themes. Although you’ll have a roving eye, you’ll also have a selective one. Just hours after the eclipse, the Sun begins a monthlong tour through Aries and your eighth house of permanent relationships and shared resources. Finding a sexy soulmate will be your priority. Already located The One? Your relationship will deepen beautifully over the coming four weeks. Hang the Do Not Disturb sign and enjoy some private, “just the two of us” time!



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


The heart wants what it wants, Libra—no matter what your inner circle has to say about it. Since June 2012, you’ve struggled to reconcile your romantic choices against your family’s beliefs. A series of challenging squares (tense 90 degree angles) between controlling Pluto and renegade Uranus has left you torn. On the one hand, the backing of your peeps is essential emotional support. But giving their approval more merit than your own desires? Simply unworkable. This Monday, March 16 marks the seventh and final (hallelujah!) of the exact Pluto-Uranus squares—and this one could come with one last test. You may have to stand up to a relative (most likely your mother, sister, or another female) who is pushing an agenda that doesn’t agree with your soul values. By the same token, be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. There may still be a worthwhile nugget of wisdom in her admonishments, even if they don’t quite come in the tone of voice your peaceful sign prefers. Put up boundaries with the worriers, but don’t dismiss their concerns without at least considering them. This is YOUR life, Libra and the final vote is yours. Don’t forget to look at your own part in the drama, too. As a constant deliberator, you may be driving your friends and family to the brink with your constant carping. If you want them to back off, don’t treat them like your sounding board every time you have an up or down with your partners. Better you should hire a couple’s therapist (ding, ding ding!) and work it out between the two of you. That would be far more proactive, Libra, so schedule a session this week, even if it’s just for a general tune up. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here:http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

On Tuesday, love planet Venus slips into your sultry, intimate eighth house until April 11. You’ll be quite magnetic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you want your lover around 24/7. You may decide to give yourself a little more space in the name of keeping a relationship fresh. If you need, as Virgina Woolf wrote, “a room of one’s own,” consider finding a studio space or even your own apartment so that you can have that much-needed time to connect to your creativity without interruption. If you’re craving MORE time together, this Venus phase helps you gracefully discuss. Talks could lead to a co-signed lease or a regular date night. Single Libras could radar in on a soulfully sexy prospect now. You’ll be attracted to the quiet and mysterious ones. Just stay away from the brooders who can bring down your sunny spirit.

On Friday, don the rubber gloves and grab the labelmaker. A solar eclipse in Pisces and your sixth house of structure and healthy routines sends you into spring-cleaning overload. Ignoring clutter and chaos will be impossible—and that includes the emotional kind. Simplify and categorize. Evict the drama queens from your favorites list and give yourself space to just breathe. You could find a great doctor or health care practitioner to work with under this eclipse. Don’t cut corners with your medical care. Get those aches and pains checked out and nip them in the bud. Along with a pass to a great Pilates studio, this eclipse could also bring an exciting work opportunity, one that will unfold beautifully over the coming six months. But you’ll have to dive in quickly—eclipses demand fast action. If you see a positive ROI, leap! Later on Friday, the Sun heads into Aries and your seventh house of partnerships for a month. Questions you have about relationships and work partnerships will sort themselves out by April 20. You could feel the urge to make one connection more exclusive. Looking for your other half? Rule of thumb now: opposites attract!




Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Analysis paralysis alert! Lately, there have been so many details to think through that your circuits are on overload. Time to simplify, streamline and put savvy systems in place—but not so much so that you extract all the juice from your projects and plans. Finding the balance between “too much” and “just enough” has not been easy for the past few years. Since June 2012, a series of challenging squares (90 degree angles) between controlling Pluto  and irreverent Uranus has stirred up some anxieties around decision-making. Your greatest wish may be a worry-free night of sleep. Well, that’s not too far off for you, Scorpio. This Monday, March 16, the seventh and final (YES!) exact square between Pluto and Uranus goes down. While the effects linger until the month’s end, you may see the divine comedy in all these “stressful” situations. While you can’t control the crazymakers, you DO have a say in how you respond to them. This week you could put up a long-overdue boundary with someone who has gotten used to switching up the game plan on you in the eleventh hour. Have you found yourself squabbling over idiocracy with people who just don’t make an ounce of sense? Such a time suck. Ask yourself: Are these relationships really worth the trouble? Cut your losses and clear space for more productive, fulfilling people to enter the picture. You might also do your own bit of damage control. How about writing up policies or drafting work agreements so people know exactly what to expect on the front end? Once the annoyance of hammering out the paperwork and PDFs is through, everything will flow with greater ease.  For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here:http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

On Tuesday, Cupid comes a calling, so give the guy a clear shot, would ya? Love planet Venus enters Taurus and your seventh house of relationships until April 11, getting you in the mood for love. A casual connection could heat up. You could add an exclusivity clause over the coming three weeks or start seeing each other on a more regular basis. If you’re in a relationship, diplomat Venus helps you smooth over the rough edges that invariably crop up when dealing daily with another human. There could even be a proposal in the works or a decision to merge your lives in a more permanent way. The romantic vibes go from warm to scorching on Friday when the solar eclipse in Pisces activates your fifth house of love. Eclipses are activators of hidden energy—and catalyzers of existing situations. Since solar eclipses arrive with new moons, a percolating attraction could finally bubble over into some real deal romance. You might be shocked to discover WHO has been checking you out. Keep an open mind. If you’ve been avoiding the dating game altogether, this eclipse motivates you to get back out onto the field. Got babies on the brain? With your fifth house activated, there could be a pregnancy within a month of the eclipse. Not ready to rock the cradle? Triple protect, Scorpio. Fame and public attention could come your way, courtesy of the eclipse. Start promoting your talents and six months from now you could see some major growth in your fanbase.

The Sun changes signs on Friday as well, heading into Aries and your sixth house or healthy routines for a month. Getting life into a more orderly groove will bring major peace of mind. Clear some whitespace in your calendar for self-care. Massages, acupuncture, juicing: these are all forms of preventative medicine. Ramp up your spring training, too. Not only will you love getting fit, but it will keep stress at bay. Work is going to be busy between now and April 20!



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Chasing shiny things again, Sagittarius? You’ve been known to develop a case of “glamnesia” from time to time—tossing good sense out the window when the stars get in your eyes. But this week, DO keep one Chelsea boot planted on terra firma. Monday marks the seventh and final (amen!) tussle between cautious Pluto in your practical second house and capricious Uranus in your flamboyant fifth. Since June 2012, these two planets have been at a tangled angle called a square (90 degrees), forcing you to reconcile your whimsical spending habits and shoot-from-the-hip decision-making process. Investing in quality over quantity has been a big lesson for you these past three years. Rather than rushing to the sale rack, you’re being asked to think big picture, and spend a little more on timeless, lasting purchases. The person with the flashiest sales pitch may have left you disappointed, while the quiet, enduring people have held strong. Keep these lessons at hand! An important decision lies before you this week, one that requires you to be as tough as you are tender. Business isn’t personal—but being personable DOES make for good business practice. Negotiate terms so they work for you. Cachet alone is not enough. You need to a solid ROI on your time and efforts. When you value yourself, others will respond in kind—and that goes for your professional AND your personal life. If it’s time to replace your money managers—accountants, bookkeepers, brokers—this is the week to start interviewing new prospects, with a goal of finding the right fit by the month’s end when the Pluto-Uranus rumble wraps until (yes!) 2046. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here:http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares/

If you need more help staying grounded, Venus lends an assist on Tuesday when she decamps to Taurus and your stable, systematic sixth house until April 11. Just. Breeeathe. After three weeks of Venus in fiery, flamboyant Aries, you’re quite ready for a cool-down period. Turn your focus to setting up structures that are both practical and pleasurable—which could require you to bow out of unwieldy commitments or scale back on socializing so you have time for yourself.  But, you’re still in demand, so lifehack in order to get quality time in with your sweetie or friends. For example, meet for walks instead of brunch so you can catch up while getting your cardio on. Set up home exercise equipment and do a treadmill run while the family is watching Downton Abbey together. Healthy living AND relationships are what you’ll crave with amorous Venus here. Slip on your cutest Lululemons because you might just meet a hot prospect at your spin studio. Coupled Archers, why not turn your bedroom buddy into your gym buddy? After the endorphins are pumping you can share a green smoothie, then enjoy an, er, Ironman, in the bedroom.

Friday’s solar eclipse in Pisces reminds you that there’s no place like home—even for the traveling Archer. If your crib doesn’t feel like a sanctuary, or a place that fits the current needs of your lifestyle, it’s time to renovate, redecorate or relocate. Some Archers may have to pull up the stakes and quickly move. Ready, set, go! Eclipses expedite changes and this one could pack you into the U-Haul faster than you anticipate. If you’re renting, you may realize that you need more security around your lease and extend it for two years instead of one at a time. Buying property could also be a result of this eclipse, and again, you might be closing the too-good-to-pass-up deal at lightning speed. You could meet an important female figure near Friday, too, someone who will be seminal to your growth over the coming six months. A woman in your family or inner circle could be going through a change. Be there for her, Sagittarius—your special brand of wisdom makes all the difference.

Later on Friday, the Sun heads into Aries for a month, lighting up your fifth house of fame, fertility and romance. This celebratory solar cycle is all about letting your hair down and having fun. Be a healthy hedonist between now and April 20. There’s no reason why self-care has to fly out the window during this indulgent month. Your love life heats up—especially while lusty Mars rolls alongside the Sun in Aries until March 31. Be the passionate pursuer, or let yourself be chased. May the best contender win! If you’ve had babies on the brain, this could be THE successful four-week block on your conception calendar. If you have children, spend more playful time with them. Their innocence and unfiltered sentiment will inspire you. Don’t leave the house in the messy side-braid every day. Public attention is heading your way and you’ll want to be ready for your close-up!



Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Home sweet home? Finding the right place to hang your fedora has been a journey for the past three years. Chalk this up to a series of disruptive squares (90 degree angles) between slippery Pluto in Capricorn and your self-directed first house and changeable Uranus in Aries and your (fourth house) domestic zone that began in June 2012. Since then, it’s possible that you’ve moved, purchased property, or had to travel more than usual—rendering it difficult to enjoy your cozy nest. Family drama bubbled up, too, and some Capricorns totally changed the structure of their domestic situation. Or you may have been at odds with someone living under your roof, making it hard to relax at home. Brace yourself, Capricorn. On Monday, March 16 the seventh and final of the Pluto-Uranus squares goes down. Fortunately, you’ve already learned how to deal with this energy six times before, so you can approach the drama proactively. You may need to stand up to a bullying (even passive-aggressively so) woman such as a female relative, or lay down the law with a misbehaving tenant or landlord. This square could push you to make big changes around your living situation, whether you’re swapping your Tudor for a loft with city views or setting up new house rules that work for YOU.  With Pluto in Capricorn you will need to examine your own hidden motives. You love to rule the roost, but have you been quietly dominating your family or roommates? Notice where you’ve been uncompromising or NOT a team player, Capricorn. Adjusting your own behavior could bring out a better response in the people around you. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

On Tuesday, a bright chapter opens up for your love life. Romantic Venus cruises into Taurus until April 11, making you simply irrestible. Taurus rules your fifth house of true love, glamour, and fame so get yourself “camera ready.” You could meet a hot prospect at a red carpet event, cultural activity, or while you’re all dolled up for a night on the town. Already attached? You’ll still enjoy this romantic rennaisance, which could stoke the embers once again. Plan more dress-up dates and playdates, too. Letting your hair down and sharing adventures a deux will bring a sexy rush of endorphins and the love hormone oxytocin. With the cosmic creatrix in this part of your chart for three weeks, you could dive into an artistic project of your own. Wedding fever AND baby fever could strike—and you’ll have no trouble boldly suggesting a bump to the next level of the game (no pun intended). Diplomatic, charming Venus can help ensure that you don’t apply too much pressure. But heck, if you feel like getting down on bended knee, ain’t no stopping you now!

Platonic partnerships get a healthy boost, too, thanks to Friday’s solar eclipse in Pisces and your third house of dynamic duos. A fateful encounter with a kindred spirit could open the floodgates: What CAN’T the two of you accomplish together? From creative collabs to business partnerships, you could join forces in an awesome win-win. Test the waters with a smaller endeavor first. This might simply be a launching pad for your future solo careers. If you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, this eclipse could reveal the perfect ride. You never know: Someone might just hand you a set of keys or offer you a killer deal on their barely-used vehicle. Later on Friday, the Sun decamps to Aries and your domestic fourth house. Issues that got riled by the Pluto-Uranus square could resolve miraculously during this monthlong solar cycle. Shorten the radius of your inner circle so you can make time for the people who mean the most to you.




Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd


Mind over matter? Your thoughts are powerful, Aquarius, and they can shape your outer reality. You’ve been learning this cosmic law for the past three years as your ruling planet Uranus has been locked in a tangled angle (a 90 degree “square”) with spiritual Pluto. Logical Uranus has been holding court in Aries and your verbally agile third house, while probing Pluto has been plumbing your twelfth house—the subconscious realm. Their disruptive dance has forced you to look beyond the surface and examine reality from a more fluid perspective. Or, if you’re the “heady” type of Aquarius, you’ve probably learned that it’s best to get into dialogue and talk through your worries rather than letting them suck you into the analysis paralysis morass. This Monday, March 16 marks the seventh and final (hallelujah) exact square between Pluto and Uranus. Along with it may come one last test. You could come face to face with one of your greatest fears or limiting beliefs. But this is nothing new. You’ve been through this six times since 2012! Choose to greet the dramatic developments differently. Rather than freak out or go into denial, try something different: Slow down, breathe, let the emotions arise and pass through you. Focus on where they are showing up in your body and you can literally watch them dissipate. After that, you can dissect the situation aloud with a compassionate supporter. It can be helpful to talk through the worst-case-scenario. IF that were to happen (a long shot for sure), how WOULD you handle it? Allow yourself to play this out with a keen listener. You’ll be amazed at just how resilient and solution-oriented you are—and how unlikely your fears are to manifest. For more on the Pluto-Uranus square, read our post here: http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares.

From Tuesday until April 11, loveplanet Venus gets cozy in Taurus and your heartwarming fourth house. Your nesting instincts are awakened—both for home decor (Venus rules styling) and for cuddling through those final days of winter with a special someone. You’ll enjoy more private time behind closed doors, cooking or enjoying your family, if you have one together. Single?  Give the boy- or girl-next-door type a chance to win your heart. What felt boring last week could make you swoon over the next three. Let your close friends, even your mom, play matchmaker. They might know you better than you know yourself.

On Friday, a solar eclipse in Pisces rocks your second house of money. A fresh stream of funds could flow in quite unexpectedly. Have your resume ready if you’re looking for work! Eclipses open up hidden windows and doors, but you also must act fast to capitalize on their offerings. You could have a white light realization about what you’re meant to do with your life. Who knows? This could be something markedly different than what you studied in school or ever planned on when you were younger. If your budget needs a once-over, the eclipse will bring a wakeup call. Tighten that belt and get on an austerity plan. Having savings in the bank just brings peace of mind.

Later on Friday, the Sun heads into Aries for a month, awakening the social butterfly in you. Life gets livelier until April 20, so use the next four weeks for catching up with all your key contacts—and just having fun for fun’s sake, too. The local scene delivers! Wander through your ‘hood with a fresh pair of eyes. If there’s nothing exciting going on, get the scene started yourself. A neighborhood business might be keen to collaborate on a weekly event. Be a dabbler before signing on for a huge endeavor, though. Your tastes and interest may blow with the wind until late April and you’ll want to be free to explore it all. Variety is the spice of life!



☆☆☆双鱼座——译者: psycho 






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