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苏珊米勒2015年12星座运势精简版②ELLE HK



注:未经允许 严禁转帖





































你与他人的关系将是本周重中之重。可能是你的商业伙伴给你带来好消息,也有可能是你和你的另一半准备大婚确定了良辰吉日。如果你已婚,也会收到让你兴奋 快乐的好消息。处女座满月发生在3月5日,前后5天,各种合作好像施了魔法,非常和谐顺畅。财务上,即将完成的某个项目,会为你带来大量的现金惊喜。这是你本该得到的奖励,很快就来,让你猝不及防。也或者,一个挣钱的机会找上你,会帮你赚得不少银子(太实惠了吧,呵呵)



年度最佳满月发生在3月5日,你会回到正确轨道,制定规划来改善你的健康。预约看医生,参加一年一度的体检。如果最近你一直在致力于此,那3月5日的满月会给你带来动力。你的守护星 火星,现在在白羊座,让你精力充沛,充满激情,活力四射。你的爱情生活也会随之浪漫闪亮,尤其在3月3日,代表爱的 金星、带来惊喜的 天王星、代表幸福的 木星,三星联袂,让你的社交生活熠熠生辉,机会难得,出去嗨皮吧——







可能大馍馍正在为改变及冒险而坐立难安。如果你可以远渡重洋,你现在可以拥有千载难逢的机会这样做,如果不能,也可以计划出去渡周末。换个环境可以让你在精神及视野上重元气复原。3月3号,木星与天王成极佳相位,如果你需要抵押贷款或是家庭改善贷款,钱就在那妥妥的等着你呢,去银行聊聊。 本周,因为太阳跟摩羯里的冥王合作,使得大馍馍可能想要改善外观,你会看到让人愉悦的进展嗒。




☆☆☆白羊座——译者: 一一



☆☆☆金牛座——译者: 一一


☆☆☆双子座——译者: clover

​感谢3月5日满月效力,与搬迁、翻修或装修相关的计划如今终于胜利实现。 若你想把家变变,本周满月效力可以助你从现实角度做出选择。如你准备签合同、或者在合同谈判上取得突破或尚需时间的协商现在成行。3月3日周二木天合力,这是开发布会、做演讲或交手稿的完美七天。你善于沟通的天赋总能让你脱颖而出,特别是未来一周。

☆☆☆巨蟹座——译者: 幻觉








☆☆☆天秤座——译者: 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座——译者: 天蝎 clover

达成提升名望的成就让蝎喜出望外,3月3日周二前后或露端倪,但此前一点迹象没有。完完全全的意料之外,多亏木星(幸运大师)与天王(突意外事件)鼎力合作。本周非常适宜追逐职业抱负,特别是与构建新人际或选择新方向相关的。为了平衡这'个以职业主题开场的一周,3月5日周四你会被笑脸环绕。即将参加的活动非常隆重——比如朋友的婚礼、生日派对、会议或贸易展。也包括3月5日前后4天。 该活动让你与诸多成功人士得以相见,虽然你此行意在玩乐,但却得到不少有用的行业信息。记得带名片哦。








☆☆☆双鱼座——译者: clover

本周与他人的关系都很重要。可能生意伙伴要带来好消息或你和你的Ta准备确定结婚日期了。 已婚的会收到让你兴奋快乐的消息。各种合作进行顺利,需要做承诺的,会在3月5日处女座满月及前后5天许下。财运方面,某个项目发展至关键阶段,因你的出色工作会意外有现金入账。 这是你辛苦赚来的,不是靠好运赢来的,来之迅猛犹如闪电。当然也可能是突然出现的赚钱机遇——本周工作上的邀约都要认真对待。





 Aries March 21 to April 19 You have the finest full moon of the year, March 5, to improve your health, and you may get back on track with your resolutions to get fit. Make an appointment to see your doctor for the annual exam you promised yourself you'd do. If you have been working out or training for a competition, you may see a personal best on this week's full moon, March 5. Mars, your ruler, is now in Aries, making you energetic, passionate, and very magnetic. Romantically, your love life will sparkle brightly, especially on March 3, thanks to the collaboration of Venus (love), Uranus (surprise), and Jupiter (happiness), a rare aspect and a big feature of 2015. Socialize this week! 


 Taurus April 20 to May 20 The Virgo full moon on March 5 will be your friend, for it may bring a love relationship to fullness. This will be an ideal full moon under which to make a bold or generous gesture in a close relationship or reveal your true feelings to someone special. In your career, a mentor or well-connected industry insider may provide a potentially profitable connection. You may be able to expand your influence on the job through an expanded job description (ask for it), or you may receive an invitation to study, lecture, or publish, possibly in an international market, an area that holds much potential for you now. As the Sun and Pluto work together, your prospects for success will improve. If you are seeking a new apartment to rent, or a space to buy or sell, the rare and special collaboration between Jupiter and Uranus on March 3 may bring a sudden opportunity, so be ready. The same is true if you'd like to buy new furniture or other items to update your space - you may find a gorgeous option on sale.  


 Gemini May 21 to June 21 A decision regarding a move, renovation, or decorating project can be finalized now, thanks to the energy of the full moon, March 5. If you want a change at home, this week's analytical full moon can help you assess your options and make a practical choice. If you are getting ready to sign papers, a breakthrough in a contract matter or regarding a negotiation that has taken time to conclude can now be crystalized. This is a fantastic week to meet with the press, give a speech, or hand in a manuscript, as your work will be well received as Jupiter and Uranus join forces on Tuesday, March 3. Your natural talent for communication will make you a standout always, but especially this coming week.  


 Cancer June 22 to July 22  This should be a brilliant week for your career with Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, all in Aries, glittering in your tenth house of fame and honors. Aries is an entrepreneurial sign, so if you are in your own business, you could easily see a major victory. If you work in sales, you may bring in a very large order. The full moon this week, March 5, is an exciting one, brimming with good news. You may travel a short distance this week to see a client. If so, it appears you will be able to gain substantial financial benefits from talks. All of March will be an important time to concentrate on your career, so put socializing on the back burner - this is a month to make tracks and get ahead of the competition.  



 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 If you'd like to increase your cash flow, the positive new moon on March 5 will allow that to happen. Think of new ways to bring in income, and pitch ideas to influential people who might hire you on a full-time or project-by-project basis. If you work for others and had previously asked for a raise, the answer - most likely a positive one - would come to you now. On any full moon, answers come quickly. You may also find you are paying several bills that have been on your desk, and one of them might be a hefty one. Earlier this week, on March 3, you will have an extraordinary day, for in an exceedingly rare aspect, Jupite (good fortune, happiness, financial growth) will be in contact with Uranus (surprise) in your ninth house of long-distance travel, relationships with those overseas, and academia. This same house also rules legal matters, as well as publishing and broadcasting industries. One of the areas listed will bring an exciting sudden breakthrough for you or a spontaneous opportunity on or near March 3. What a week!  


 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 This will be a gratifying week, with surprises and happy news. The full moon in Virgo will occur on Thursday, March 5, bringing something highly personal to culmination. It may involve developments in a love relationship, a matter concerning your child (or a pregnancy), or the finish of a creative project that will make you proud. News should be very positive, for transiting Pluto will be at the ideal angle to this full moon to bring Pluto's considerable support. You might be getting ready to travel a short distance or buy a car. Financially, you are due for out-of-the-blue luck on March 3, when Uranus (planet of surprise) will receive a golden beam from Jupiter (giver of gifts and luck). This aspect is very rare - you should notice the benefits!  


 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 You can make a stellar impression at an industry or high profile social event in the coming week. A golden angle between Jupiter (luck, money) and Uranus (surprise) will form mid-week, which will be a lucky time to form a new partnership or network within a circle of high net worth clients. In addition, a spontaneous choice about the future may be made in a personal relationship. Focusing on another subject, you have the perfect full moon on March 5 to take a break or reduce your workload. Delay what you can and aim for an early night or two. Consider a day at the spa to rejuvenate.  



 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 A prestigious achievement will have you jumping for joy, and when it hits, on or near Tuesday, March 3, you won't see it coming. It will be a complete surprise, thanks to a very rare collaboration between Jupiter (good fortune) and Uranus (unanticipated events). This will be a wonderful week to pursue a career passion, especially one that will involve your making new contacts, or striking out in a new direction. To balance out this highly career-oriented start to the week, the full moon, Thursday, March 5, will bring you amid many smiling faces. The event you will go to may be populated by many people - you may be attending a friend's wedding, a birthday party, or a conference or trade show. Allow a plus or minus four days from March 5. This event will have you rubbing shoulders with many successful people, and although you will be attending mainly for fun, you may pick up juicy industry news you can use. Be sure to attend and take business cards. 


Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 You have the finest full moon of all of 2015 for professional success, and it will occur on Thursday, March 5, influential for a plus or minus four days. You may connect with the elite in your field, or receive outstanding publicity for a recent achievement. If you have interviewed for a job, your happy answer may now arrive. Full moons bring matters to a crest. Also, at home, are you working on a remodeling project? If you need to move, do a kitchen renovation, or a landscaping or massive repair, you can now get the money you need to move ahead, so meet with your banker this coming week. The best aspect of the month comes first: March 3, when Jupiter and Uranus will trade signals - you may get amazing news involving people abroad, an upcoming trip, academia, or from the courts. One of those areas is likely to light up and bring exciting news.  



Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 You may be restless for change and adventure. If you can travel overseas, you have one of the best moments to do so, but if not, you can still plan a weekend getaway. A change of scenery can rejuvenate your spirit and your outlook. With Jupiter in such fine angle to Uranus on March 3, if you need a mortgage or home improvement loan, the money will be there for you, so see your banker. You may want to improve your looks this week, for with the Sun working with Pluto in Capricorn, you can see pleasing progress.  



Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 This is sure to be a big, positive week. It starts with a rare collaboration between Uranus (surprise) and Jupiter (good fortune), one of the big feature aspects of 2015 on March 3. A partner in business or in love will be a gem for you this week, bringing you luck you could not find on your own. See what comes up. (Romantically, you might get engaged or married this week too.) The full moon this week is March 5, operative for a plus or minus four days, suggesting you will get your taxes done to send to your accountant. It will feel good to get that all done, allowing you to enjoy life without that chore tugging at you. Money may come in and may go out at the same time, but you seem to stay ahead of the game and have some left over for yourself.  



Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 Your relationship with others will be important this week. It may be that a business partner will bring good news, or it may be that you and your significant other are ready to set the date to wed. If you are already wed, you may get news that will make you excited and happy. Collaborations of all kinds will work magic, and if you need to make a commitment, it will happen by the full moon in Virgo, March 5, plus or minus five days. Financially, you are about to culminate a project that will bring you a surprise bundle of cash for work well done. This won't be money you win, but money you earn, and when it comes, it will come quickly, like a thunderbolt. Alternatively, it may be that an opportunity will come up unexpectedly that will help you make quite a bit of money - look at offers seriously this week.  



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