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苏珊米勒2015年12星座运势精简版②ELLE HK



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水星呆在水瓶座,你可能决定搬家、或者对家居环境装饰 装修。如果决定了,哪怕是一个小小的项目,也要将你的美好愿望与现实预算结合起来,但尽量做到选择质量而不是数量。你可能会收到一个突然的邀请,也许它会与你的时间计划冲突,但这应该值得你考虑,特别是如果它涉及到教学,研究,或旅行





哈哈哈 托三妈的福 希望大家都能越来越好




☆☆☆白羊座 一一


☆☆☆金牛座 一一


☆☆☆双子座 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上


☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座 clover
水星行运水瓶座,蝎可能需要做与家装、迁居或装修项目相关的决定。 如果我说中了,就尽量找到你美好设想与现实预算间的最佳平衡点。尽可能现在质量上乘的,哪怕不是大工程。可能收到意外邀请,即便会改变已有安排也值得一去。特别是与教学、学习或旅行相关。

☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda



☆☆☆双鱼座 clover
 如果你能卸下点责任本周末就这么干吧,因为日海同在双鱼,你可能更愿意放松休闲。 最理想的状态就是跟着感觉走,不用刻意安排时间地点。木天吉相让工作或财务问题有突破。新技术或许是改进财务现状的秘密武器或是助你增加收入的关键所在。



Aries March 21 to April 19 A spontaneous suggestion will pay off in a dating or love situation. Jupiter and Uranus work together to add excitement to your love life. A close relationship may move forward quickly. Ignore romantic tradition and instead, create a unique but right-for-you relationship arrangement. Over the weekend, with Mercury and Jupiter at odds, you may need to make a difficult but honest choice about your plans. If so, be sure to under promise and over deliver and scale back an extravagant event you're putting together.  


Taurus April 20 to May 20 Tinker with an artistic pursuit, or make time to attend a play, concert, ballet, or popular movie. The Sun and Neptune continue to work together and will inspire you to unwind through your favorite hobby or past time. If you have lost touch with a dear friend, reach out to him or her this weekend. You may also have a breakthrough about a grand plan for your home as Jupiter and Uranus collaborate. You may make a spur of the moment choice to renovate, redecorate, or splurge on a luxury addition.  


 Gemini May 21 to June 21 Visit your preferred travel website or peruse the latest offerings from your favorite study institution. You may spend more than you planned on a holiday or a learning experience, but with Mercury and Jupiter at odds, you may be happy investing in a five-star opportunity. A trip that was delayed in January can be rescheduled, and it may turn out better than expected. On another note, a friend may offer insightful advice about a contractual matter, or you may receive happy news about a sibling.  


Cancer June 22 to July 22  If you can get away this weekend do so, for the lingering influence of the recent collaboration between the Sun and Neptune may inspire you to visit the ocean or spend time by your favorite lake. You may prefer to escape your usual weekend responsibilities. If so, opt for schedule-free relaxation where you can forget about time. Looking forward, next week's golden angle between Jupiter and Uranus can bring a positive development at work, especially regarding income or cash flow.  


 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 If you have a romantic partner, you may splurge on a decadent experience this weekend. You may spend more than you planned, but if you enjoy a new adventure together, the money spent will be worth it. A business partnership may need to be re-evaluated, and if so, take the weekend to get your thoughts together so that you can present your ideas in a clear frame of mind early next week. You might also possibly book a last minute getaway as Jupiter and Uranus begin to work together.  


Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 A small shift can make a big difference at work, so look for an opportunity to make your schedule more efficient, especially if it will mean saving time or money. In addition, you may be ready for a quiet weekend, so decline any unnecessary invitations. It's possible that someone close to you has been hard to reach, and you may now find out why. A show of compassion to a partner or family member may be called for. Offer support to those you rely on the most.  


Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 Your love life may blossom as a golden angle between Jupiter and Uranus may bring happy news for someone special. An impulsive decision in a close relationship can turn out better than you expect. A spontaneous gesture may be the secret to re-energize a stagnant partnership. In addition, an innovative mentor or expert may have a wild idea worth listening to. While the Sun continues moving through Pisces, you may be encouraged to try a new workout set to music or splurge on a healing massage.  


Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 With Mercury in Aquarius, you may have a decision to make about a home renovation, move, or decorating project. If that's your situation, try to find the sweet spot between your grand vision and a realistic budget. Where possible, choose quality over quantity, even for a small-scale project. You might also receive an out-of-the-blue invitation, which will be worth considering even if it will mean a change to a previously set schedule, especially if it involves teaching, study, or travel.  


Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 If you need to adjust a contract or make a change to a travel, study, teaching, or writing schedule, the results will be worth the effort. Jupiter in Leo may make you restless for adventure. If so, you may prefer to visit an exotic or unusual location or simply travel somewhere new, rather than revisit your usual holiday venue. On another note, the Sun in Pisces may inspire you to refresh the decor in your bathroom. If so, splurge on the best you can afford.  


 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 A fresh look at finances may reveal an overlooked opportunity for investment or an innovative way to improve cash flow. A sustainable strategy will be essential, so take the time to review and assess your many options. Ideas may emerge from conversations with people of all ages. Switching focus now, you may be ready to make a personal change, especially regarding health or your appearance. Pluto in Capricorn can help you replace a bad habit with a more nourishing one.  


 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 Heartfelt discussion will help you narrow your options in a relationship matter. With Mercury and Jupiter at odds, it may seem impossible to find a resolution, but through ongoing conversation you can agree on a middle road. Give a prominent partnership, either at work or in your personal life, your full attention. If you need to jump-start a relationship, a change of venue may help prompt a new idea or stimulate a fresh perspective. Consider a drive out of the city, or you may just prefer to escape through a visually appealing movie.  


 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 If you can reduce your responsibilities this weekend do so, for with the Sun and Neptune in Pisces, you may prefer to relax and unwind. Ideally you will have unstructured time in which you can follow your feelings, rather than have to be somewhere at a specific time. Switching focus, a lucky angle between Jupiter and Uranus can lead to a breakthrough with work or in an ongoing financial matter. New technology may be the secret to improving your finances, or it could be the key to help you enhance your income.  



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