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苏珊米勒2015年12星座运势精简版②ELLE HK



注:未经允许 严禁转帖




☆☆☆白羊座 一一


☆☆☆金牛座 一一


☆☆☆双子座 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上

今天你很健谈,状态再好不过了。你最大的天赋之一就是沟通并与他人分享你的想法。当那些意外的想法神奇地展现出来,你那忙碌的小脑袋非常喜欢这种时候。 如果你能把思考用在正确的方向,想法自然流畅地形成,简直太棒。今天你可能为他人的反馈感到惊喜。


双今天特别健谈,这简直太棒了。能言善谈,让他人了解你的想法是双最出色的能力之一。 说话时双总是思维敏锐,总能语出惊人。 如果你能把想法做正确引导,这就会成为本能。今天他人对你的认可令双大为震惊。

☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座 clover


☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 熊娇妞Hilda



☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆双鱼座 clover

鱼发现今儿是开始想想马上要交税这档事儿的好日子。你可能相当有条理地把所有想法和文件组织到一起,令局势转向于你有利的一面。 你做的研究越多,找到正确信息的几率越大。你会发现今天过的特别顺遂,尤其是你按照自己的想法另辟蹊径干工作之后。




Friday February 27, 2015 

 Aries March 21 to April 19 You may want to take advantage of the buoyant ability to create something large and meaningful today. This may be just the right time to be innovative, revolutionary, and daring. All of these characteristics may suit you quite well, Aries, as you are fearless in your pursuit of all things new and different. Charge on, courageous Ram, and see what unfolds, as you combine the energy of innovation with the expansion of being a creative spirit. There may be no stopping you now.  

 Taurus April 20 to May 20 You may find that decisions you have made in the past are finally coming to fruition. With all of that in mind, it may be the perfect time to make a move that settles the score once and for all. Domestic ideas that bring new and unusual plans to the forefront may appear much differently as you weigh out your options. One thing is for certain: You are ready for change, and a welcome breath of fresh air it may be if you open the window and let it blow.  

 Gemini May 21 to June 21 You may be abundantly communicative today, and that could not be better. One of your greatest gifts is your ability to speak and let others know your thoughts. That busy mind of yours does well in such times, when the unexpected simply pours out of you in the most fabulous manner. Spontaneity can be a marvelous characteristic if you can channel your thoughts in the right direction. Today, you might be surprised how others receive you.  

 Cancer June 22 to July 22  This may be the day you receive word of a monetary bump. Perhaps you have been working hard to achieve a promotion or new role within your organization, and the news finally arrives. You may be unexpectedly surprised at what comes your way, so try to keep an open mind about what to expect and what might arrive. Financial matters may be one of your top priorities, and the news may be just what you wanted to hear.  

 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 One of the most effective methods for you to be true to your creative self may be to learn new skills. Today might be just that day. New and innovative techniques may prove to be extremely rewarding and fulfilling and allow your creative ideas to soar. With this type of influence, you might be highly motivated to try something very different. Stepping outside of your comfort zone may feel a bit awkward, but the thrill may be well worth it.  

 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You may find that a spiritual connection comes to you quite by accident today. When you least expect it, you may finally discover something about your deeper self that you had not previously known. The same might be said for older relatives who may impart some new wisdom to you or shed insight about another relative. This may be quite an enlightening experience overall and one worth remembering. You may find a whole new beginning that has a great deal of promise.  

 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 Expect a vibrant and lively day with lots of surprises and unexpected connections. You may be out and about and run into old friends, or better yet, bump into some new ones. You may be especially motivated to get around and connect with both friends and business associates. Your good vibe may be attracting a great number of people into your inner circle, and you may simply be enjoying the attention. This may just be the right day to get out and mingle.  

 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 As the week wraps up, you may find yourself scrambling to make deadlines and fill orders. One of your ruling planets may be the motivating force behind your success today, so you may want to pay attention to any and all ideas or suggestions for improvement that come to you. Whether you generate them or they simply come to you, you may find that the process actually works for you. When you get home at the end of this day, you may feel as if you accomplished a lot.  

Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Expect a buoyant and fun day as you stumble upon new and exciting things to do. With that in mind, you may decide to get out and see what the world has in store for you. Of special interest may be the aspect of travel. Since you have a natural proclivity to keep moving, you may decide that this is just a day to hit the road without looking back. Fun may be what drives you today, but it will look like you're just being creative.  

 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 This could be a very motivating day for you and your entire clan. You may be particularly motivated to get things done around the house or work on projects with siblings and other family members. Sorting and scanning through old photographs might be one way you can bring along your past and bring it into the future. However you decide to spend this time, make sure you do it connecting to family and your special place of home.  

Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 Expect a busy and fruitful day with the possibility of unexpected phone calls and text messages coming your way. It may seem as if the world is looking for you today, as the incoming communications seem to fill your head with a flurry of activity. You may actually enjoy the repartee and respond with just as much enthusiasm. Relationships may also figure heavily in the dialog, so keep an ear tilted toward those who matter most to you.  

 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 You might find today is a good time to begin thinking about your upcoming taxes. You may be so well organized that you are able to pull together ideas and documents that tip the scales in your favor. The more you research, the greater your odds are for finding just the right information. You may also find that your day goes particularly well, especially as you get some of this work under your belt and out of the way.  


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