时间:2015-02-07 22:57 阅读:431 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广



来自: 过气女郎(执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 


ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) 
Cash flow could cause problems over the coming seven days, which is sure to see you under more stress than you would like. Don’t rule out asking for help from people you’ve already talked to. Much has changed since last month thanks to the helpful hand of Saturn. Lies in work will come back on you so don’t even think about telling them. Call to hear why your career is so lucrative now. 

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) 
You’re really digging your heels in at the moment, which is making it hard for your close ones to get any sort of sensible answers from you. Don’t let pride stop you from admitting what and who you really want. This could be your last chance to lay your heart on the line after last month’s dramatics my friend, so think before you act. Ring to hear how Mars reveals a liar in the family. 

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) 
Events from over the New Year come into play and you start to find out what did or didn’t really happen. News from family gives you reason to get excited about an upcoming event which gives you the chance to mix with close ones you care for. Mercury hands you the power to work miracles in business on Friday, so plan around this date. Ring now to hear why you’re more psychic in February. 

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) 
I know you’re not feeling as confident as you would like, but if you stopped for a moment and looked at the person who has been ruling your emotions lately, then you’d see that you’re far stronger and cleverer than they are. Time to take control. Starting from Tuesday you see what needs to be done to show you can’t be walked over. Ring now to hear how education beckons this month. 

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) 
You speak without thinking over the coming days which could see you letting all sorts of secrets out of the bag. Not everything is as it seems in relationships, so be careful of accusing your close ones of things they may not have done. A great week for single Leos to go on dates or meet compatible partners. Ring now to hear which sign would be your match made in heaven. 

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) 
This week is all about you investing your time and belief in your close ones and their dreams. Oh, there will be time for you as well, but making your loved ones a priority can prove to them how serious you are about your feelings for them. Buy a back up gift, you’re going to need it before this week is over for an event you’ll want to attend. Ring now to hear how Saturn can heal family rifts. 

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) 
If you’re not careful then family differences could end up getting out of control due to third parties who seem to think it’s their right to get involved and to speak on your behalf. Older faces need more of your time, for reasons which will become apparent by Tuesday. A good week to sort out any debts and to find compromises in business and contractual matters. Ring now for more insight. 

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) 
It’s all too easy for you to say the first thing that comes into your mind, but it won’t be so easy to clear up the mess which can be caused by such actions. Try to think how others will feel about your words before you act. A new face is sure to catch your attention and stir your heart. In fact, this is the week in which many of your sign fall hard and fast. Ring me for clarity. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) 
You’re discovering so many new sides to your character, both strengths and weaknesses, and I think you’ll feel altogether more able to control your life and the decisions you make in it. Careful what you promise on Friday when you’re liable to make several arrangements instead of one. Certain friends are growing tired of your recent unreliability. Ring now to hear how you can nip it in the bud. 

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) 
This is a really important week for relationships. You’re able to see and feel clearly what you do and do not want. No longer will you be accepting second best, but you want to live a life that makes you happy. Pay attention to the written word, it’s worth your while paying for a second opinion or even a legal one. Ring now to hear why it’s worth dressing in your best this weekend. 

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) 
It’s time to cut ties with the past issues which have been holding you back. You’re stronger than you think and only you can allow what happened to interfere with your current plans and happiness. Talking things through on Tuesday and Thursday draws a line in the sand. Don’t be late on Monday. Your professional reputation demands you’re punctual. Ring now to talk about love. 

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) 
Your personal life in recent weeks has been, in a word, messy. You’ve been putting up defences instead of dealing with what was on your mind. You’ve also been using a third party instead of going directly to the source. Family commitments you made must be adhered to. Stick to plans, you’ll be glad you did when you see what a positive effect it has on close ones. Ring now for answers.







































































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