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苏珊米勒2015年12星座运势精简版②ELLE HK



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☆☆☆白羊座 一一

☆☆☆金牛座 一一

☆☆☆双子座 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上



☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一

☆☆☆天蝎座  clover

☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆双鱼座 clover

你需要在工作上拼尽全力,个人计划可能因为要交活儿或临时需见重要人士,不得不调整。 若你想在工作上有所进展,面对额外职责你需要灵活应对,才能让你留下好印象。若你想换工作,现在可以认真找找有没有合适的机会。 专业方面会有进步,你也确定了方向。


Thursday January 29, 2015 

 Aries March 21 to April 19 A conversation with a friend may spark a bright idea, or help you find an unexpected solution to a personal concern. If social plans change unexpectedly, extend a spontaneous invitation to someone with whom you have been meaning to connect. A networking event may lead to an exciting opportunity. On another note, collaboration between Mars and Pluto may bring powerful or influential support regarding a professional project. A show of leadership will help you make a timely and favorable impression.  

Taurus April 20 to May 20 Venus in Pisces can help you catch up with a friend, make time for that charitable cause you have been thinking about, or expand your professional network. During the next four weeks your efforts to connect with a wider circle of creative people within your industry will bear fruit, and any networking event may be especially lucky or lucrative. You may benefit from the generosity of a friend or be inspired to treat a close friend to an indulgent night out.  

 Gemini May 21 to June 21 Between now and late February you may negotiate an extra perk or new luxury at work, or you may be invited to contribute to a potentially lucrative project. It will also be a lovely time to refresh your online image or update your work wardrobe, thanks to Venus in Pisces. A female colleague or boss may offer insightful advice worth taking. Extra commitment may be required to meet an end of week deadline, but the long-term pay off will be worth it.  

 Cancer June 22 to July 22  Collaboration between Mars and Pluto may inspire renewed focus and commitment in a close partnership, either at work or in your personal life. A teamwork approach can help you hit a new high or move toward a lifelong dream. Travel may be featured in plans for the future in a romantic relationship. In the business arena, an international opportunity will be worth considering. You may have the opportunity to work with a powerful, influential, wealthy, or well-connected partner.  

 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 Saturn in Sagittarius will encourage patience, especially in a dating or relationship situation, or regarding plans dealing with children. If you can, give yourself extra time to allow for maximum security and stability. On another note, a proactive approach at work can lead to progress on a large-scale project. You may need to work intensely on a private or low profile task, but doing so with discretion can lead to a bonus or increased pay in the future.  

 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Conflicting plans for the weekend may mean you need to make a choice about what - or who - will be top priority. Whether you decide to put a domestic project or family event first, or you prefer to make a close partnership your priority, a decision will help clarify expectations for those around you. Make things easy by limiting your options so you do one or two things well, rather than spread yourself thin.  

 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 This weekend Mars will support Pluto in Capricorn, which in turn may boost your confidence to commit to a large-scale home improvement. You may otherwise finalize your decision about a move, renovation, or redecoration project. Progress regarding any domestic dream will be possible, including a maintenance or do-it-yourself project. The advice or knowledge of an expert, like a tradesperson or real estate associate, will be invaluable, especially if you have a radical or permanent change in mind.  

 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 As Mars and Pluto work together, progress in a romantic situation will be likely. An honest or revealing conversation can help you better understand each other. On another note, budget considerations may lead you to cut back on extravagant plans. With Venus and Saturn at odds, it will pay to consider meaningful but lower cost options for leisure. Prioritize quality time with people whose company you enjoy over splurging on a five-star experience.  

Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 A personal commitment may interfere with or delay a family event over the weekend. There may be factors outside your control that limit your time. If so, be honest with others about what you can - and can't - do. With Venus in Pisces until late February, you will have another opportunity to spend time with family. In addition, a male relative may offer insightful advice regarding a financial plan. Where possible, incorporate his suggestions, as they may help you create lasting change.  

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 You may have extra energy and drive, especially regarding a personal project or wellbeing goal. Mars and Pluto work together, which will help you push forward with something you really want to do. Mars may gift you with confidence, which will help you put yourself first, so let your dreams be top priority. Others may enjoy you taking charge, so boldly express your desires. You might be inspired to make a brave choice about a change to your appearance, style, or image.  

 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 A friend in a tight spot may appreciate your generosity. That said, if a friend has taken advantage of your generous nature recently, it may be appropriate to set a limit on what you're prepared to give or do for them. With Saturn in Sagittarius, a genuine friendship will deepen, but you may also come to the realization that you have outgrown someone you have known for a while. If so, adjust your expectations and reorganize your social calendar.  

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 Your best effort will be required at work, and your personal plans may need to change to accommodate a deadline or a last minute meeting with a VIP. If you want to move forward in your career, a flexible attitude toward extra responsibility will help you make a favorable impression. However, if you dream of a different career, it may be time to seriously explore an alternative opportunity. Professional progress will be possible, and you get to set the direction.  


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