时间:2018-01-31 18:14 阅读:1244 点赞:0 收藏 分享

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来自: 碎片 


2月是一个很有力的月份,多亏了火星的福,它从上个月26日开始在射手座作客。火星每两年会光临一次,这次会一直呆到3月17日。这个其间,你会站在闪光灯下面,有讲台和麦克,其他人会期待你发表看法,会认同你。火星 会给射手带来很多好运。比方说,其他人会更倾向于支持你的看法 , 并且他们希望你过得好。火星掌管你的创造力,所以如果你要想要推动一个新的课题,这个月是很好的时机。所有射手座的孩子们都有要庆祝的事,好好规划,利用这少有的好运势。


1月31日,满月和狮子座呈12度。这个满月的月食会带给你到远方出行的机会,这简直就是美妙的音乐啊 ,射手们,因为你们本来就是旅行者。如果你们不去旅行,那么可能你会和远方的人合作,会通过远程电话还有信件的方式一起完成工作。

月食是很有威力的,2月上旬,有好的消息会慢慢的酝酿,你对即将出现的结果 会非常满意。月食会直接从火星的到指令,我的感觉是,任何事情在1月31后面几周都是顺顺的。


你要知道, 月食有一个长长的尾巴-它可以影响你长达6个月之久。75%的月食在几天内就可以告诉你它想要传达的消息,可是有些月食会提前一个月告诉你它的意图。想想12月或者1月初你是不是得到一些消息?如果现在没有特别的确新闻, 那等到 3月出吧。



2月15日的月食会带来给你很多能量,沟通。它也可能促使你签定法律合同。如果是这样的话,不要在2月15号左右签,你需要时间好好想想合同的确细节, 所以 2月25号(26号)签比较好。2月15日左右,你的兄弟姐妹可能会有好消息和你分享,他们可能涨工资了,或者得到了提升。或者你的兄弟姐妹要给你父母一个惊喜,所以会给你布置一些任务。有很多不同的可能性。

如果 你的确生日 在12月12日前后4天,那你就等着收获吧。

浪漫方面的话, 2月开始充满了激情。2月3/4周末尤其浪漫,如果你单身, 那2月6日也很特别,适合去见新的朋友,你会充满魅力,叫人挪不开眼睛 。


如果你是自己做生意, 那你会接到新的客户,并且这个客户会是你的贵人。如果 你要发行新的产品, 那么你会得到很好的网上评价。经过 这个满月后,你终于可以放松一下了。


2月是2018最好的确月份之一。你可能会去做长途旅行,或者和国外的客户合作。如果你要签定合同,请选择在25/26号签定。如果你不旅行,也没有和国外有合作。那么你可能在准备大学/研究生考试。 1月31日的月报食会助你一臂之力 的。职业上你会得到好消息,可能是得奖,升职,新客户,公众力提高。土星会确保你的新水提高的。





This is a strong month for you, for Mars, the great energy planet, is in Sagittarius, a once-in-two-year privilege that started last month on January 26 and will continue in your sign until March 17. You will have the spotlight, podium, and the microphone, and others will be eager to hear what you have to say.

Having Mars in your sign is considered a big advantage, for others will more likely approve your ideas and want to see you do well. Mars is the natural ruler of your creative sector, so if your goal is to advance a creative idea or artistic project, you will be doubly favored. All Sagittarians will have something to cheer about, so you must use this energy or let it evaporate into the ether. Think of ways you can get a competitive edge in any area of life.

Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde later next month from March 22 to April 15, a time of delays and mix-ups, so you while you have such a powerful advantage with Mars behind you, you have an even greater reason to act now. If you say, “I am not ready, I have more to do,” I say, it’s now or never! Show some of the plan or you will miss your superb moment to make an initiation on some level, when all conditions are right for you to shine.

A day before this month began, January 31, you had a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo, 12 degrees. That full moon eclipse centered your attention on foreign people and places, so you may have found yourself on distant shores, and travel is an activity that is always music to your ears, dear Sagittarius, You are the international traveler of the zodiac. Alternatively, you may have been doing a major project with people who are based abroad from your home city, working by phone or email. Your ninth house is lit up, so something involving the import-export of ideas, goods, or services seems to be on the agenda. If you are living in a country not of your original birth, then that country where you reside now might be correctly described as foreign to you, and lucky for you now, too.

An eclipse is very powerful, so something was coming to culmination in early February and it looks like you’ll be thrilled with the outcome. This eclipse received a direct message from Mars in Sagittarius too, indicating whatever goes on in the days and weeks that follow this January 31 eclipse will be deeply gratifying to you.

Full moon lunar eclipses finish things, and this time, you seem to be able to sit back, survey what you’ve done, and be proud of what you achieved so far. If you say, wait, a new project is just starting, up not finishing, it means that the long negotiation that you were involved in is finally done and you are ready to start and map out what must be done next. This, too, fits the description of the full moon lunar eclipse of January 31.

Keep in mind that an eclipse has a long tail – it will affect you for six months or more. Most eclipses (75 percent) deliver their news and set their themes within days after an eclipse arrives. A few (5 percent) deliver their news one month almost to the day before the eclipse arrives, bringing you to late December or early January 2018, so think back to that time. If nothing is going on now, look to the first week of March, one month to the day after the January 31 eclipse, plus or minus five days, bringing you to the time between February 28 to March 4. Astrologers look at time differently than most people, for astrologers use bell curves to discern trends.

If you are not about to travel (or not about to return home from a long trip), and foreign people and places are not prominent in your life this month, you may be focused on a broadcasting or publishing project, or an academic matter. In the latter case, you may be having an important interview for admission to a university, taking an important test to prove your credentials or getting ready to defend your thesis. If so, your timing is perfect. If you had put in an application for a grant, you will get an answer now, and it is likely to please you.



The ninth house that is so favorably lit up for you in February also rules immigration and all related matters, involving citizenship, passport, visa, and green card. If you have any talks involving these topics, you should find that things go in your favor. I cannot see all in your chart, for each chart is unique, but I can say that you have powerful help from the universe in terms of the January 31 eclipse.

Now let’s turn to the month’s second eclipse, February 15, which will also increase the likelihood that you will travel, only this time to a location closer to home. We only typically get four eclipses in a year, always two weeks apart. (This year we will have five eclipses, but those will arrive mid-year in July and August.) Eclipses move up our timetables and push us forward, sometimes in new directions. This February 15 eclipse will open a new path for you that you should find very exciting, and when opportunity knocks, the message will be completely unexpected.

Love is in the air too, in a month that seems to be tailor made for you. Your best time for love will be during the first ten days of February – put a gold star on February 3 and 6.

The reason I love the February 15 eclipse so much for you is that it will receive a strong and friendly electric beam from Uranus, making for all kinds of surprises. This is a solar eclipse in Aquarius, and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, so the fact that Uranus, of all the planets, is taking the lead at this eclipse is significant, and suggests a wonderful outcome to actions you take mid-month.

The February 15 new moon solar eclipse will bring in a blast of energy, with much communication, and you will also have the option to travel. This would be an ideal time to launch an advertising campaign, a publicity campaign, a speaking tour; or sign the work order to start developing an app, design or redesign a web page, or investigate different forms of social media to get involved in. It is also a superb time to design your company logo.

This eclipse may present legal paperwork for you to sign. If you are given a contact, don’t sign it near the February 15 eclipse (or any eclipse) because you will be subject to so much information overload. You will need time to sort out your options and decide how to craft your agreement.

I suggest you sign a contract on Sunday, February 25, and then scan your paperwork to the other party and send the document immediately by email. On this day, February 25, the Sun and Saturn will be in perfect sync, giving you a perfect solid foundation on which to build your relationship. If you can’t sign on February 25, you can still do so on Monday, February 26, when this aspect will still have some glow, and you will have the benefit of the transiting moon conjunct good fortune Jupiter, your ruling planet.

Also mid-month, on or just after the solar eclipse of February 15, your sister or brother, or cousin, may also be in the news in your life, so you might want to check in to find out all the details. Your sister may have been given an important promotion, or your brother may have been written up in the press. Whatever it is, it seems like welcome news. You may be doing something for your sister, such as planning to go into a business together, or with your brother, such as buying property together. Or your siblings may be planning a surprise party for your parents’ anniversary, and you will have tasks to do too to make it special. There are many possibilities.

If your birthday falls on December 12, plus or minus four days, you will be in line to gather up many benefits from this February 15 eclipse. This also is true if you have Sagittarius rising or the natal moon in Sagittarius at 21 degrees. If you have had your chart done, look to see if you have a natal planet in Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 21 degrees, plus or minus five degrees – that planet will be lit up and bring you a breakthrough in an area of your life.



Romantically, you will do best in the first days of February, while Venus tours Aquarius, a holdover from last month that will continue until February 10. Within the first ten days of February, you have two standout days. It seems that when it comes to love and fun, it looks like Valentine’s Day will come early.

February 3 stands out in a big way, when Venus and Mars, the two lovebirds, will dance a dance of love. Venus will be in Aquarius, and Mars is in Sagittarius, so this weekend, February 3-4, should be remarkable. The transiting moon will be in Libra too, making for a perfect date night, or for going to a party where you might meet someone new and intriguing. If you are attached, you won’t be left out – plan a romantic evening that you will both long remember.

Tuesday, February 6, will also be special for you, especially if you are single and hoping to meet someone new. Venus in Aquarius will be playing tag in the heavens with Uranus in Aries, bringing out your charms to an all-time high. Things will go your way no matter what you do. For example, February 6 would be an ideal day to present a creative idea.

Now let’s turn to your career, which is apparently rising like a shooting star.

The full moon due on March 1 will fall in Virgo 11 (it is not an eclipse) and by month’s end this full moon be building strength in your house of fame and honors by time you reach month’s end. This is a wonderful full moon, for it will receive excellent support from Saturn, the great stabilizer, from your second house of earned income.

This suggests your rising popularity with higher ups will translate into higher pay for you. That doesn’t always happen for any of us as sometimes we have fame but not more money, but this time, this full moon will see to it that you earn more. If you have been interviewing for a job, don’t make a lateral move (doing the same job as you did before); ask for more responsibility, power, and pay, for all conditions are right for you to get it. You will get your final answer within four days of March 1.

If you are self-employed, the new client you take on in the days that are near the full moon of March 1 will be prestigious, and your own reputation will rise too as a result. Or, if you release a new product or service, you will likely get fine reviews, and that move will add to your reputation and see profits grow.

After this full moon has waned, you will feel more settled and secure, thanks to Saturn’s efforts to help you. We only get one full moon a year in our house of fame and honors, and the fact that it is coming at a time when Mars is in Sagittarius tells me you can capture the attention of influential people and will be able to persuade them to help you. You have everything you need this month to raise to an entirely new level. How exciting is that?


This should be a happy month and become one of your favorites of 2018. As you enter February, the full moon lunar eclipse will have just occurred a day earlier on January 31. That eclipse might have either sent you on a distant trip abroad, or had you ending a journey and found you returning home during the first days of February. Alternatively, you may have finished up a major project that involved international people or places abroad, and it is likely to have gone very well. A legal matter may be about to finish too, much to your relief.



If you need to sign an agreement, do so on February 25, or second choice, February 26. In early February, where so many things are going on, it will be hard to sort facts and options. If you sign on February 25, you will have Saturn and the Sun in supportive agreement, laying the groundwork for a long and productive alliance between you and the other party. On Monday, February 26, you will still benefit from Saturn’s good attitude to the Sun, and the transiting moon will be conjunct Jupiter, another solid day that you can use. These are your best days of the month to sign your name.

If you are not traveling or working with people abroad, then the house that was lit at the January 31 eclipse, your ninth house, also covers academia. In this case, you may be preparing to choose a college or graduate school, and if so, this eclipse – a full moon lunar eclipse – may find you sending in an application for entry or an application for financial aid. This January 31 eclipse will have the power to greatly improve your outlook for more income and a happier life. If you are ready to defend your thesis, your timing is ideal. The force is with you, dear Sagittarius.

At the new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius, February 15, you may have an important contract to sign. Talks will hark back to the previous eclipse in Aquarius, August 7, or the solar eclipse of August 21 last year (2017). You can now advance the talks to a new level of sophistication. You are seeing progress now, and that has to be a gratifying.

You will be very busy in the days that follow this February 15 eclipse, with many details to organize, with a plethora of phone calls, emails, and meetings. There is strong indication you will need to travel, too, but this time, mid-month, you’d go only a short distance. Uranus will bring an unanticipated twist, and a large measure of luck, so stay alert.

You are very fortunate that you have Mars in Sagittarius now too, which puts you in the lead, You have been tweaking plans on a long-term personal or professional project that will fill your days. Finally, you can show others what you’ve been up to, and hear the responses, which will be quite encouraging. You finally have something you’ve sorely lacked for months – full control – so the moment is at hand for you to forge ahead with all your might on projects dear to your heart.

Love is in the air too, in a month that seems to be tailor made for you. Your best time for love will be during the first ten days of February – put a gold star on February 3 and 6.

Your home will become a more important area of focus next month, in March, but you will see a focus on this area of your life as soon as February 13, when you have a surprise opportunity that you might want to take advantage of regarding your residence or other property you may own or rent.

As you get to the final days of this short month, you will feel the energy of the March 1 full moon, and you will likely reach a pinnacle poi

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