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苏珊米勒2015年12星座运势精简版②ELLE HK



注:未经允许 严禁转帖





1月24-25日,你会度过一个充满乐趣的周末,如果你懒得再重复做那些单调、乏味的事,那就尝试找一些新鲜的,能让你产生兴趣的事来做。。1月27日,周二,由于水星和天王星之间的协作,你会有突然的想法,会是你大脑活力四射的一天,发表演讲,参加面试,你都会展现出自己最好的一面。星期五,把那些涉及到你财务的 税收报表、支付账单核对一下,做个统筹计划。如果有谈判的话,你会很有说服力。你的守护星水星仍在逆行,所以不要签署文件或口头同意任何重要的事情一直到2月11日。也许,2月26日水逆影响期彻底结束再开始一切会更好


☆☆☆巨蟹座—— 蛇七七 


☆☆☆处女座——译者: hades 

☆☆☆天秤座—— 蛇七七 
你看起来非常忙,一堆工作或家里的任务要完成。列个表出来,因为你不想遗漏任何一个细节、健康同样需要关注,火星正在到处折腾,有时候它会引起疼痛或炎症。火星,金星和海王都在双鱼座,掌管足部,这一区域很可能让你感觉不适。如果你在接受治疗,最好谨遵医嘱; 如果你还没有就足部问题就医的话,那现在赶紧做。假期接踵而来,你可能准备提出某个计划,它与家有关——1月30日,周五是个好日子来就住所问题做出决定。你需要娱乐,1月27日会是外出夜蒲的好时候。这天是工作日(周二)但同样是个特别的日子,看看能不能和朋友约了聚餐,带上你的哈尼一起去。 


☆☆☆射手座——译者: 小赌也伤神

☆☆☆摩羯座——译者: 过气女郎 






☆☆☆白羊座 一一

☆☆☆金牛座 一一

☆☆☆双子座 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上


☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 ​熊娇妞Hilda

☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一

☆☆☆天蝎座 clover

最近,蝎一直全神贯注于工作,因为你的日盘显示事业运高涨。鉴于你的真爱宫众星云集,你现在可是处于全年最适宜到处溜达,结识新人的时期。 单身的蝎,要时刻保持最佳状态——- 看上去,办公室不是萌发爱意的土壤,要想邂逅新恋情还是在工作之余,休闲放松时,比如爬梯、 或者职业圈沙龙。1月27日周二,意外接到旧友来信(或与之相关的消息)。这一天,水天双星成吉相,所以各方各面都很顺,包括出行旅游。 1月30日周五,你会感觉到内在的力量——你自信、有创意、想象力超群、适应力强、热情,各方面素质都会给重要人士留下深刻印象。蝎的两颗主星,火冥在这一天携手,若浪费掉那就太可惜了。与钱相关的事宜,你会处理的相当妥帖。别忘了,水星还在逆行,直到2月11号之前,千万别签合同。

☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 ​熊娇妞Hilda

☆☆☆水瓶座 ​熊娇妞Hilda

☆☆☆双鱼座 clover

​火星正在双鱼发光发热,现在的你比过去两年里,显的更有风度与影响力。火星给予你勇气、动力与动机,简直没有什么计划是不可实现的,没有什么目标是无法达成的。你愿意为了完美执行计划或维系人际而坚持不懈,而这通常也是伟业诞生的契机。 就该这么做!想想你的目标,看看为了将其实现,本周有什么能做的。古代占星师认为,火星在自己的日座里,是莫大的优待和竞争优势。 此外,1月27日周二收到的与钱财相关的消息让你乐的合不拢嘴,最棒的部分是,这“喜”从天降。到了周五,你可能想放松放松。火冥协力让你想见密友,他们想出来的消遣活动简直太有趣了。本周五,1月30日,一定出去晃晃!


Aries March 21 to April 19 
This weekend, January 24-25, will be made for you - the transiting moon will be in Aries, and you may feel like doing something active. Hit the gym, or if you live in a warm climate, hike, run, go bike riding, or play tennis or golf. Next, keep your eye on Tuesday, January 27, when Mercury will be in ideal angle to Uranus, and all kinds of good news that should thrill you will reach you out of the blue. It's an ideal time to travel too. Mars in perfect angle to Pluto will make you powerful on Friday, January 30, for you'll say what you mean and mean what you say. You may find you have a friend, colleague, or casual contact that helps you quite a bit this week. Or, you may belong to a professional group or attend a convention, and when you rub shoulders with others, good things will happen for you. 

Taurus April 20 to May 20 
Special things are happening in your career, so keep your eye there, for the first quarter of 2015 will be your most important period of 2015 to make impressive progress. You are still within the new moon period, and that new moon lit your house of career beautifully. Confidential news that reaches you on Tuesday should come like lightning and be very helpful to your career. Also on that day, Venus will move into Pisces and your eleventh house of friends / new people / events / fun, indicating you are about to see a much more active social life in weeks ahead. On Friday, January 30, you will be strong and confident, perfect for scheduling an interview for a new job or with the press, or fo making a client presentation. 

Gemini May 21 to June 21 
You'll have a fun-filled weekend January 24-25, and you seem not to want to do same-old activities - try something new and fresh. Sometimes doing something a little out of character can be refreshing. On Tuesday, January 27, you will burst with ideas, thanks to collaboration between Mercury and Uranus. It's a day to brainstorm, give a speech, or have an interview. You will be articulate and at your best. On Friday, you may take hold of your finances, do some tax preparation, or pay off bills. If you have to negotiate a deal, you will be persuasive. Mercury, your ruler, is still retrograde, so don't sign papers or verbally agree to anything important until well after February 11. I like February 26. 

Cancer June 22 to July 22 
Good news should arrive suddenly on January 27, when Mercury and Uranus work together to create amazing news about your career. If you have any important meetings coming up, schedule a key one for this day. Later, on Friday, January 30, Mars will work with Pluto and bring benefits from a romantic or business partner. Mars is still in your travel house until February 19, so if you'd like to take a break, whether a romantic vacation or a quick, long weekend away, go now. Mercury is still retrograde, but you can take time off - the office will miss you! To be kind, keep your cell phone powered up, as those at the office may need to reach you. If you are considering going back to college, the road is opening for you. Immigration, legal matters, and assignments with the media shine. It's a very positive week. 

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 
Money matters will occupy your time this week, perhaps in an effort to ready your tax information for your accountant. You have three planets filling your financial house. Or, you may send out checks, or bills to those who owe you. Work will be flowing in, and if self-employed, you will find clients beating a path to your door this week. On January 27, a Tuesday, you will get news from your sweetheart, spouse, or business partner that will thrill you. Jupiter is still in Leo, so if you are soon to launch a venture, or a new romantic relationship, if single, your timing will be ideal in late February and beyond. I want you to move away from Mercury retrograde January 20 to February 11. The exception is if this is a project or relationship you started a long time ago, for in that case, proceed. Luck will be on your side. 

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 
You still are oriented toward thinking about your partner, and this trend will continue through March. You may be working hard on a collaborative project, with many things to discuss. If so, you'll be very productive, and after the solar eclipse March 20, you will see things move forward quickly. This week you will love having Mercury, your ruler, in ideal angle to Uranus on Tuesday, January 27. With your ruler involved, it means while everyone will love this day, you will love it more, for you will benefit more. This aspect is weighted in your favor (and Gemini's, the sign you share with your ruler, Mercury). Financial news should be excellent. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 
You seem to be very busy, with many tasks to complete at work or at home. Make lists, as you won't want to have even one detail fall through the cracks. Your heath may need attention too, as you have Mars stirring the pot, and sometimes Mars can cause pain or inflammation. Mars, Venus, and Neptune are in Pisces, ruling the feet, the likely area of your discomfort. If you are getting treatment, follow doctor's orders to the letter, and if you are not getting medical advice about your foot, you may want to do it now. Now that the holidays are behind you, you may be ready to institute a plan for your home - Friday, January 30, would be a good time to make a decision about your residence. You need fun, and January 27 would be perfect for a night out. It's a weekday (Tuesday) but special, so see if you can arrange a dinner with friends, and bring your significant other along too. 

Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 
You've been very wrapped up in career concerns, because your chart shows you are going gangbusters in your career. With a crowd of planets in your true love sector, you are in the year's best phases to circulate and meet new people. If you are single, look your best at all times - you seem to meet your new romantic interest not while at the office but during off hours when you are relaxed, at a party, or at a professional mixer. You may hear from a friend from your past, quite out of the blue, on Tuesday, January 27. This is a day when Mercury and Uranus will cooperate beautifully, so it should be happy on many counts, including travel. On Friday, January 30, you will feel the power you hold within - you are confident, creative, imaginative, adaptable, and intense, all qualities that will impress a higher up. Both your ruling planets, Pluto and Mars, will collaborate, and so on this day, it would be hard to imagine you'd even be capable of a misstep. If the topic is money, you'll do exceptionally well. Keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde, so sign no papers until after February 11. 

Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 
Mercury is still retrograde, so take things slow, and don't be tempted to push talks or projects forward - that won't work. Delays will benefit you anyway, so look at this phase as more time for yourself, to use as you please. Your schedule will open up, and you will find you can breathe. Mercury retrograde is ideal for attending to projects you had loved, but dropped due to lack of time, at home or at work. Romance may be very special on Tuesday, January 27, when a text may come in and have your heart beating double time. If you are working on a home-related matter with a bank, such as for a mortgage or a refinancing plan, or a home improvement loan, see your banker on Friday, January 30, when you will be in a strong position to get a pleasing result. 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 
Financial news concerning property or family should be just what you hoped to hear on Tuesday, January 27, but feared would never come. News will seem to come out of the blue - be prepared! Friday, January 30, may be a perfect day to take a drive into the country for a long weekend. Capricorn is an earth sign and generally enjoys the mountains, so perhaps you'll want to ski, or go to a sumptuous spot to enjoy the scenery and the view. You'll be bubbling over with news to share and ideas for things to do with your partner or friends. Mercury is still retrograde, so avoid making final commitments until well after the day Mercury goes direct. If possible, sign on February 26. Next week you have a dazzling full moon in Leo, February 3, and it appears a stash of cash is heading your way. 

Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 
Many people focus on finances at this time of the year, and you should too. Do your tax prep now, and be free when the weather is sunny and you’ll want to go out. With several planets in Pisces, brightening your financial picture, you will be motivated to get it done. The news from your accountant may be better than you had hoped. On Tuesday, January 27, your ruling planet, Uranus, known to bring surprises of all kinds, will work cheerfully with Mercury. Money news may again be sensational. Mercury rules travel, so you may also take a spontaneous trip. January 27 is so good for you; consider it a cosmic gift card to use as you choose, in other areas of life too. More good financial news may come on Friday, January 30. Certainly by the second half of 2015, after mid-August, you will enter one of your most financially lucrative periods in over a decade, and this trend will continue into a large part of 2016 too. Keep in mind that Mercury is currently retrograde, so don’t sign anything important, and certainly don’t buy an electronic item or appliance. It would be best to avoid purchasing all expensive items and do your best not to agree to an important venture. Mercury goes direct February 11, but wait until February 26 to make commitments for best results. 

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 
You have enormous presence and clout now, more than you’ve had in the past two years, now that Mars is zooming through the constellation of Pisces Mars is giving you courage, motivation, and drive, and almost no project or goal will seem too big to tackle. You will be willing to go the distance to make your project or relationship the best it can be, and that’s when great things begin to happen. Way to go! Think about your goals, and see if you can take steps this week toward accomplishing one goal that you hold dear. Ancient astrologers always felt that having Mars in one’s own sign to be a great privilege and competitive advantage. On another note, news you receive about money on Tuesday, January 27, will make you jump for joy, and the sweetest part about this news is that you won’t see it coming. By Friday, you’ll want to let your hair down and let go. Mars will work with Pluto to make sure that you see your closest friends, and the activity they’ve created will be filled with fun. Be sure to go out this Friday, January 30! 


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