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天秤座  小赌也伤神

​既兴奋又紧张的变化可能发生在家里,如果你正处在一段紧张关系中,不管是因为家庭责任还是 因为家庭装修什么的,给对方一定的自由度,听听对方的意见,你肯定也有收获,对完成任务也有帮助。如果你的另一半有能力自行处理,那更好了。如果你还单身(昨天已经单过了,呵呵)你会发现,因为处理家庭关系上的改变让你有可能打开一段新的关系。








水瓶座  小赌也伤神







☆☆☆白羊座 一一

☆☆☆金牛座 一一

☆☆☆双子座 clover


☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda

☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一

☆☆☆天蝎座 clover


☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座  熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆双鱼座 clover



Tuesday December 30, 2014 

Aries March 21 to April 19 
Powerful forces have been coalescing in your career sector. While you might be excited about the developments, the challenges of the past year may have made you reluctant to commit to any new position. Those in authority might exert a great deal of pressure, but do your best to keep your options open without causing offense. Rushing in too fast without knowing all the facts may have led to previous difficulties. The next month will be a good time to gather information behind the scenes, before making a major move. 

Taurus April 20 to May 20 
The year's end may bring unforeseen developments in the areas of travel, legal proceedings, or higher education. It's possible that something that was lost comes to light. Changes to an institution may throw plans or expectations into disarray. You may be tempted to take these disruptions personally, but the more you can ride out the storm, the better. Look at any delays or detours as a challenge to develop your flexibility, so that you can quickly grab opportunities as they occur in the New Year. 

Gemini May 21 to June 21 
A conflict between power and ideals will weigh on you as New Year's approaches. You'll need to do a little soul searching to decide which alliances and values are most important to you. This may mean giving up financial sponsorship or support in order to align with your social conscience, or it might mean letting go of a friendship that holds you back from making powerful changes in your life. If you are very clear about your own choices and standards, you may be able to reconcile seemingly incompatible forces. 

Cancer June 22 to July 22 
Although the holidays have offered pleasurable time in your relationship sphere, you may see disruptions occur due to career considerations. This might include a sudden opportunity to consider, or changes to your partner's profession. Spend the next few days discussing how to juggle the demands of work and the commitment to your relationship. Whether single or partnered, don't allow erratic behavior on the part of your boss to interfere with your personal life. Nevertheless, practice diplomacy in all your dealings. 

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 
As the year comes to a close, your mind may be teeming with ideas for how to proceed with your job. In particular, you may feel challenged to broaden your horizons. The next few days might offer opportunities or obstructions to doing so. With erratic Uranus challenging your work sector, you will need to keep your ego out of the fray. No matter how personal an acceptance or rejection feels, keeping a detached perspective will help diffuse any future surprises. Remain confident and focus on honing your own skills. 

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 
You may feel a lot of pressure to decide where you stand on a variety of questions. In particular, choices about having children or pursuing creative passions might loom especially large. You will need to sort out your own deepest desires from those that emanate from other powerful sources, whether spousal, familial, or societal in nature. You're being challenged to liberate yourself from influences that primarily serve other people's agendas. The next three months will be a time to claim the power over your own happiness in life. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 
Changes occurring on the home front may be both exciting and stressful. If you're in a relationship, it may be strained at this time, due to family commitments or a home renovation. Give your partner plenty of freedom without resenting his or her different priorities. You'll find that there's less resistance to helping with important tasks if your partner can set his or her own schedule. If you're single, you may find that making a major domestic change opens the door to a new relationship. 

Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 
Your talent for gathering and processing information has been strong of late, but an unexpected job development may take you by surprise and leave you scrambling. Although you might be tempted to exert a measure of control over the situation, be very careful to avoid any appearance of obstructing change. It would be too easy for a co-worker to misconstrue your words or misrepresent your position. You have a tremendous power of strategic thinking, so use it well to navigate through tricky waters. 

Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 
As the New Year approaches, contemplate which aspects of your life demand security and which require risk taking. Over the next three months, this will be one of the major conflicts that you'll need to face. There will be those who advocate for absolute safety, especially of the financial sort. But you instinctively know that some risks, especially of the heart, are worth taking and necessary for advancement. At the same time, responsibilities must be met. Begin thinking of creative ways to meld the two. 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 
A transformative change that you've made in your life or that you contemplate making in the New Year may cause anxiety for your family. Someone who has seemed supportive in the past might change his or her tune in ways that surprise you. As the holiday season draws to a close, do your best to rise above any quarrels or erratic behavior. Trust your instincts in knowing what's best for you, and remember that even a positive change can seem threatening, especially to those who have little control over it. 

Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 
The holiday season heralds not only the end of the calendar year but also the last month of your personal year. Generally, this is a time for you to reflect on what you achieved over the last eleven months, and ponder what you wish to accomplish in the coming year. Over the next few days, however, you may find it difficult to relax, retreat, meditate or prepare, as unexpected news and information puts plans into disarray. Still, any surprises may spark new dreams for the New Year. 

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 
A deep commitment you've made to a group or cause may be challenged by fluctuations in your income. Whether an increase has made you consider new options, or a shortfall has cut back your giving, you will question what constitutes the best use of your resources. It's possible that as the year comes to a close, you will realize that you're feeling drained or that your interests have shifted. Look at finding new ways to contribute in the New Year, especially ones that draw on your unique skills. 


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