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九星批未来五年运 推广





Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Bring on the power plays. This Monday, December 1, your cosmic ruler Mars is playing nice with Saturn. Together, they help you attract prestige and status; not to mention add some serious feathers in your cap. There’s one condition: You must focus, Aries, on the tasks that bring the biggest ROI. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by drama or demands. (Have you ever noticed that the people who give the least always expect the most? Theirs are the calls to ignore.) This Mars-Saturn merger could bring some heavy conversations about the future with a romantic interest. Ultimatums may be involved, never your favorite thing. Although you may feel a little backed into a corner, give the request some consideration. Letting a good one slip away because you don’t know EXACTLY how the future will play out is silly. If the chemistry is strong and your visions are aligned, take a step closer to each other. If you’re the one doing the pulling, drop the rope. Trust that your natural powers of attraction will draw the right match your way. You don’t have to work so damn hard!


On Thursday, collaborators start coming out of the woodwork when Mars moves on to Aquarius and your team-spirited eleventh house until January 13. Want to end 2014 on a high note? Stop trying to do everything by yourself. Seek synergies and ye shall find — in the unlikeliest places, at that. Offbeat matchups can really hit the mark. You might team up to host an event or sell products and skills as a package deal. Mars in Aquarius is also lighting up your technology zone making this an exciting time to develop an e-venture, create an app, or start a blog or your own YouTube channel. Get involved in communities, both online and in real time. The circumference of your social circle is due for a major expansion before the year is through, not with a bunch of randos, but rather with people who share your ambitious take on life. When you’re not busy filming a Kickstarter video or trying to dream up the next Google, get involved in a humanitarian project or the creation of a public art piece with a message. And do have fun for fun’s sake too. Mars can amp up stress levels so you’ll also need friends on hand who can interrupt your workaholic groove and pull you out for a night of dancing or karaoke.

One kindred spirit could really stand out in the crowd this Saturday, thanks to the full moon in Gemini. You are a true original, Aries, but this person has more in common with you than the average Joe. Rather than competing with each other, combine forces. This pairing has dynamic duo written all over it. If you’re still driving around town praying that your alternator won’t die (again), this full moon gives you a nudge to shop around for a more stable mode of transportation. Perhaps you simply need to upgrade your stereo so that you can Bluetooth it to your mobile phone and listen to edifying podcasts as you slog through rush hour traffic. A writing or media project could get some buzz in the two weeks following this full moon. Don’t be shy — use your words to promote your work! The full moon could also help you make a name on the local scene. Office wunderkind or Four Square Mayor, you have fans in closer proximity than you realized.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/aries-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.NzrTaJx9.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Tea for two? How about a finjan of Turkish coffee or a couple stems of Cotes Du Rhone? This Monday, December 1, lusty Mars in your travel sector makes a connection to Saturn in Scorpio and your seventh house of relationships. Spice up your romantic life by taking a detour away from anything traditional or “been there, done that.” If you can’t slip off for a holiday vacation prequel, start mapping your next romantic getaway. Peruse the travel blogs for ideas and price out cabanas. With savvy Saturn in the mix, you could have a plan in motion before you know it. Single Bulls could feel the sparks with someone from a different culture or background — if not for romance, perhaps a creative collaboration. For kicks, try being a tourist in your own hometown. Ascend the tallest building, take the historical tour, meet friends for dinner at a swanky hotel bar where you might flirt shamelessly with a sexy traveler visiting your neck of the woods.


Your ambition kicks into high gear on Thursday, when go-getter Mars moves on to Aquarius and your tenth house of success until January 13. Don ye now that business apparel. You’ll be rocking your powersuit and making major moves while most people are in a “holidaze.” Seize the opportunity to get a stockinged leg up on the competition and push to the finish line on an impressive end-of-year goal. That’s not to say you have to skip the holiday party circuit to burn the midnight oil. Instead, load your wristlet with business cards and go charm the influencers over brandied eggnog. The one downside of Mars is that it can bring stress and a bit of unwavering zeal. You run the risk of coming on a bit too strong in your business dealings so check people’s body language when you’re pitching ideas to make sure they are leaning in, not stepping back. Men will be an integral part of this professional chapter. Forget what you heard about glass ceilings. You’ll be a welcome addition to the good old boy’s club simply by being your strong, stubborn self. For the next five weeks, “no” is simply not a word in your vocab.

More good news for your career and finances comes on Saturday, when the full moon in Gemini lights up your second house of income. That holiday bonus or plum assignment could land in your lap as a result of your past six months of tireless work. If you’re ready to make some changes with regards to your career, keep your radar on. This full moon could bring word of a job offer or a position worth interviewing for. When it comes to your spending, double check your books. You could find a little extra cream to skim off for a “treat yo’self” indulgence. Aim for timeless elegance as this full moon sanctions the purchase of an investment piece that brings you bursts of happiness every single day.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/taurus-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.cfWwCABa.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Lean in, Gemini. Early this week, you could really make some strides for your career — but you’ll have to be attentive to the details. On Monday, December 1, go-getter Mars falls in step with structure-hound Saturn. It’s time to organize your game plan and be more strategic about where you spend your time and energy. Speak less, observe more. People will show their entire hand if you just let them talk. Asking the right questions helps too. There’s no one better than you at drawing people out of themselves. Don’t put any offers on the table until you’ve figured out what makes them tick. This Mars-Saturn mashup could bring developments for your love life too. Good things come to those who wait. Tease, seduce, tantalize, and enjoy the sexy build up but try to stretch out the courtship dance a little longer. This will only make people want you more. If you’ve been with your partner for years, don’t underestimate the power of a little mystery. Absence CAN make the heart grow fonder. Devote the week to unapologetic self-care (that massage Groupon awaits) and some time spent developing your creative gifts. Fill yourself up before giving to others so resentment doesn’t creep in.


Wanderlust strikes on Thursday when Mars changes signs. Until January 13, the red planet will be blazing a trail through Aquarius and your ninth house of travel, cross-cultural relationships and entrepreneurial ventures. Cast a wider net! Those game-changing opportunities could be found further from home than expected. If you’ve been in the market for a move, Mars could push you to relocate to an entirely different city. (Is that the London office calling?)You may hop more than one flight in conjunction with work or a job search before the year is through. Close to home, keep your ears perked for accents. With lusty Mars in this position sparks could fly with someone from a completely different background than your own. A four-day minication can help you get your groove back whether you’re scouting out the singles scene in a new city or taking a romantic getaway with your sweetie. You’re certainly feeling adventurous now which could inspire you to get working on a writing project, start your own business or sign up for a course of study. But please go easy on the truth serum! The ninth house has a candid, call-it-like-you-see it quality. With firebrand Mars simmering here your opinions could come down like a hammer, smashing people’s egos and leaving them in tears. That’s not the way you want to leave people, Gemini, so before you unleash a tirade — albeit an honest one — try to put yourself in the other person’s Choos.

Circle Saturday as a high point of the week. The annual full moon in Gemini lights up the skies bringing your hard work of the past six months to an exciting peak. All eyes on you! You could really make a name for yourself now, Gemini, so trumpet your talents on the proverbial loudspeaker. Modesty will get you nowhere; in fact, in the two weeks following this full moon you have planetary permission to brag and self-promote. Feeling stuck? These moonbeams will shine a light on new possibilities. You’ll be inspired to start fresh or pick up the reins on a stalled mission. A top dog position has your name written all over it. Let your trailblazing nature take the helm. Being the leader means being the first one to take a courageous step even if no one else follows for a while. Trust your gut.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/gemini-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.BjqRnb7S.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Early this week, you could have some insightful realizations about a partnership you’re involved in. With indie-spirited Mars and committed Saturn dancing cheek to cheek, you’ll crave a balance of autonomy and security. That’s a rather large order to fill, but it’s certainly not impossible. Let your own romantic side peek out between Monday and Wednesday. It will feel better to be authentic about your desires even if the person you WISH would meet them isn’t capable. But, you could be pleasantly surprised. Your willingness to be vulnerable may beget the same in return. Take a calculated risk and get real about what turns you on. And if you discover that you and the object of your affections are on different planes, it doesn’t have to be the end of the line. Perhaps you don’t have to be each other’s “everything” in order to have a solid relationship. But either way, get honest about it so you aren’t forcing a match that isn’t going to bring either of you long-term happiness.


On Thursday, December 4, Mars moves on to Aquarius and your lusty, intense eighth house. There’s no room for grey area in your life now — unless it’s the Fifty Shades variety, that is. With Mars in this zone until January 13, you’re playing for keeps. And you will demand nothing less than definitive answers from the people in your life. Your ultimatums could be a bit much for some folks to stomach, unless you deliver them strategically. Fortunately, Mars in the eighth house can bless you with charm, magnetism and serious sex appeal. Rather than haul out a laundry list of fears, telling your prospective partners in crime about all the things you DON’T want to have happen, try the opposite approach. Paint an enchanting picture of the future you’d like to co-create. Make it so compelling that anyone who turns you down is an obvious fool. If your mojo’s been in slow-mo, get ready for a sultry wakeup call. You might even sign up for an S Factor workshop or burlesque 101 to call forth the minx in you. Any kind of exercise will do though, Cancer. Moving your body gets you out of your head and into your own skin — ooh la la. This is a money-earning Mars phase too. Explore new routes for investing your cash like the real estate market or selling digital downloads. A commission-based job could pay you a pretty penny as the year draws to a close. Some Cancers could even get a windfall through an inheritance or royalty check. Recommended reading: Barbara Stanny’s Sacred Success: A Course In Financial Miracles (http://barbarastanny.com/books/sacred-success-a-course-in-financial-miracles/).

On Saturday, let it go, let it go. The full moon in Gemini lends its beams to your twelfth house of completions helping you surrender something that is just not serving you anymore.  You’ve known for a while (six months, even) that this just wasn’t hitting the mark. Whether it’s a toxic friendship, old set of beliefs, draining job responsibilities or a bad romance, there’s nothing noble about suffering through it, Cancer. Remember that “No.” is a complete sentence. The sooner you turn down the unworkable offer, the faster you’ll open doors to the opportunities that are in alignment with your soul.  Sure that might bring a nail-biting transitional period, but it’s better than zapping your joie de vivre by engaging in something you hate. A powerful mentor figure or healer could come into your orbit under this full moon. Finally! Someone who can help you sharpen up your game plan, or get your mind and body humming like a well-tuned machine.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/cancer-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.oNGNB3Gt.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Bye-bye grey area. Go on a fact-finding mission early this week, Leo and clarify situations that have been lingering in the nebulous zone. With assertive Mars well positioned to structure-hound Saturn this Monday, December 1, understanding the shape of things helps you to direct the flow of your life. You’re ready to make a plan of action and start producing tangible results. Yes, world, the SS Leo is taking off. The question is, are your so-called supporters on board or not? To get a straight answer, keep your tone neutral and your line of questioning non-accusatory. This can be hard for passionate Leos. Let’s be honest: restraint is not your sign’s strong suit. Yet, if people fear they may give you the “wrong answer,” they will clam up. Stay proactive and solution oriented. Even if you find out something that you wish weren’t true, it doesn’t mean that you can’t come up with a practical (and far superior) solution to fix it, and swiftly.


On Thursday, double down! Go-getter Mars moves into Aquarius and your seventh house of partnerships until January 13. Duos — the ones you belong in— become more dynamic. Follow the rule of opposites attract, whether for business, pleasure or a creative collaboration. A complementary force can help you shine brighter (and vice versa) without stomping on your toes. Relationships in general become more passionate under the Mars in Aquarius influence. Since Aquarius is the sign that governs technology, single Leos could prowl the Tinderscape or an online dating site to find true love. Warning: with warrior Mars in his position there will be a thinner line between love and hate. Sometimes a good argument is just what’s needed to clear the air but DO monitor just how combative you’re being. Mind-blowing makeup sex can’t be an every day thing so avoid pushing your sweetie’s buttons to get attention. Do you desire more from a particular relationship? Take the lead in those “where are we heading next?” conversations. It might even be you dropping on a bended knee or making some other sort of strong proposal to someone you want in your life for the long haul.

Saturday’s full moon in Gemini and your communal eleventh house will revive your team spirit too. Stop struggling, Leo, and enlist other people to share the load. That doesn’t just mean delegating menial tasks to them. Releasing some of the creative control may be necessary in order to bring a mission to the finish line in a reasonable amount of time. The two weeks following this full moon will illuminate qualified candidates for your dream team. Make sure you’re celebrating the milestones you’ve reached with an existing group too. This full moon could bring a shared victory worthy of champagne flutes. Even if it’s the progress you’re toasting, there’s no one better than you to spark the celebratory vibes. Got some great blog posts or videos sitting on your personal PC? Hit the post button. You could be well on your way to becoming the next Smashwords or YouTube superstar before 2014 is through.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/leo-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.YESrI9cP.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


The muse is in the house! This Monday, December 1, motivational Mars sways cooperatively with make-it-happen Saturn blessing your creative endeavors with a dose of productivity. Pull out that half-finished painting, the song lyrics you started writing, the photos you earmarked for a scrapbook. This masterpiece is meant to be completed, Virgo, even if its final form is “perfectly imperfect.” Romantically, the Mars-Saturn configuration could bring some heavier talks about cooperation and compromise. Although you may not be in the mood to budge, try to look at the big picture. Digging your heels in over a smaller issue might give you a sense of control but it could also damage the relationship. Choose your battles. And, are you really hearing each other? As you engage in these negotiation talks, let one person speak at a time. You might even call in a mediator to make sure you’re actually hearing each other’s point of view. Remain proactive and solution focused and a surprising win-win will emerge.


On Thursday, pull out the cross trainers and renew your Pilates pass. Energizer Mars blasts into Aquarius and your sixth house of healthy living until January 13. While everyone else is hibernating, warm your bones with invigorating cardio workouts. Find a better line between hedonist and health nut this holiday season. While you don’t need to forgo every sip of brandied eggnog be sure your plate is also piled with green vegetables and vitamin rich foods. Make self-care a priority once again, Virgo, and you’ll keep your body in balance. You’ll be a busy bee for the next five weeks as Mars in Aquarius picks up the pace at work too. Be more assertive about taking on assignments, getting contracts signed or closing deals. Time is money! How can you become more efficient with your daily workflow? This is a great time to systematize and rework those color-coded files and Excel spreadsheets Virgos are so famous for. Be more demanding of the people to whom you delegate. If you’ve been tying up loose ends for them, don’t let them keep dumping their work on you. Hold them accountable before resentment kicks in.

A major career coup could arrive under the light of Saturday’s full moon in Gemini and your tenth house of success. This will be a big one, Virgo, a goal you’ve been working hard to achieve all year. You could be tapped for a more executive position, one that gives you a good deal of authority and leadership. Got designs on starting your own business? The two weeks following this full moon are golden for registering your LLC, putting up the first pages of your website or setting up a Kickstarter page. This full moon could also bring a milestone moment with a man in your life. Give the guys you adore priority this weekend, especially if they’ve been getting pushed to the back burner for a while.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/virgo-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.3zi9Yd0s.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Sturdy those shoulders, Libra. Early this week, you’ll be called upon as support for your inner circle. With powerhouse Mars in a friendly angle to stable Saturn, this is your chance to really be there for them. One rule: empower, don’t enable. While you might feel compelled to rush in for the rescue or do the heavy lifting, that really won’t do much but make them more dependent upon you. Instead, lend a sympathetic ear until your peeps are in a calm, rational state. Then, talk them through to practical solutions — ones they can apply themselves. In many cases, simply reminding people of their own power and potential will be enough to get them back on their game. If you’re in need of a little wind beneath your wings, don’t try to lean on the people who need you to be their rock. They’re just not strong enough to be in the flow of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” This Mars-Saturn configuration sounds the call for some savvy financial planning. Make sure you’re tucking enough away for your future, especially if you have a larger life event looming.


But do leave some room in the budget for entertainment. On Thursday, December 4, Mars heads in Aquarius and your fifth house of glamour, romance, and fame until January 13. It’s showtime, Libra! The spotlight is beaming on you so use these five weeks to promote a creative project, make a bigger name for yourself or get your talents onto the main stage. Life could feel like one long party with Mars in your fifth. Yep, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas — and that includes the dangling mistletoe. This passionate Mars phase could kickstart a romantic renaissance for Libras or a hotter chapter in your love life than you’ve had in over two years.  Mars energy is not for the faint of heart — this IS the aggressive warrior planet, after all. Gentle Libras run the risk of coming on a bit too strong now, or even treading dangerously close to the drama queen or demanding diva label. Make sure you aren’t asking the impossible of the one you love, even if it WOULD be nice to have rose petals scattered at your feet every time you walk in the door. Baby fever could strike during this fertile Mars phase; or, you could become consumed with a creative brainchild and spend hours developing away.

Saturday’s full moon in Gemini brings lights up your ninth house of travel, expansion and cross-cultural connections. Pull out your passport and check the expiration date. An opportunity to hop on a flight could pop up out of the blue over the two weeks to follow this full moon. A weekend getaway — even if it’s just a one-day road trip — does wonders to revive your soul. No matter where you find yourself physically located, make a point of talking to people from different backgrounds. Sparks could fly with a tourist rolling through your hometown. Enterprising Libras could make an auspicious connection to someone you meet online. Who says you can’t hold a weekly staff meeting via Skype? Cast a wider net to find those pearls.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/libra-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.lYPvVamN.dpuf




在周四,你共同掌管之星火星向前移动至水瓶座,你有关家庭友好的第四宫,直到1月13日。这会是一个完美节奏的假期。或者它可能成为紧张的源头。这取决于你怎样玩耍和跟谁玩耍。当你想象你理想的庆祝,谁是在你身边的狂欢者,和在你客人名单上谁会是你除去的喜欢的前任?老实说,天蝎,你不必与醉醺醺的叔叔或者唠叨的老姐围着圣诞树摇晃。在这个假期,火星会缩短疯狂制造者的导火线。获得创意策划。或许做一些更加活跃的事情,象买一堆圣诞节电影票或者布置一个游戏房,可以消除不易相处的个性。在生动的一面,过年之前,有些天蝎会得到机会,去解决家庭装饰风格或者改造项目。如果这是个时间去改变,火星会加速你的搜寻。You could be loading up the U-Haul right after the ball drops on 2015.(在2015年,球掉下后,你可以去卸载卡车上的货物。%>_ 周六的双子满月和你欲望的第八宫帮助你用一个火辣的注解去包装这一周。过去6个月建立的一个性感迷人的关系会在一个情色小说制造部分爆发。在周末喧闹的社交聚会,单身的蝎子会遇到某人,他会触动你精神灵魂体的层面。或者在这个满月后的2周内。如果你跟你的伴侣已经停留在“老夫老妻”的模式,带回性感的重点可能是在给你自己更多的时间放松。也要更多活动你的身体。一些锻炼可能是要重振天蝎的风情。在这个满月的光辉下,谈话可能变得丰富。无论是商务还是快乐,某人可能希望倾注所有,和投资你,真的难以置信。一个大赚一笔钱钱的机会,支付佣金或者也提供特许使用经费。 



Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Tell them how you REALLY feel, why don’t you? This Monday, December 1, stolid Saturn in Scorpio gets friendly with feisty Mars in your communication house. If you’ve been afraid to reveal your truest thoughts for fear of “making people feel bad,” set that aside. Under this raw-as-a-naked-bulb celestial light, you have permission to assert yourself without trying to please other people in the process. While this might create some tremors within your social circle, it will tear down anything that is false. That doesn’t mean you should name names or publicly humiliate anyone. Use your best judgment, as you want these conversations to be productive. In some cases a searing timeline post or tweet could be the perfect way to raise awareness. But we’re betting you’d be better off meeting face to face with people so that your dialogues can yield creative solutions. As hard as this may be for you, Scorpio, assume that people are innocent until proven guilty.


On Thursday, your co-ruler Mars advances to Aquarius and your family-friendly fourth house until January 13. This could be a perfect beat for the holiday season — or, it could be a stressful one. It depends on how you play it and with whom. As you envision your ideal festivities who are the revelers you’d like by your side and who would you love to ex off your guest list? Honestly, Scorpio, you don’t HAVE to rock around the Christmas tree with the drunk uncle or nagging older sister. Mars will shorten your fuse for crazymakers this holiday season. Get creative with planning. Perhaps doing something a bit more active like buying a block of tickets to a Christmas Day movie or setting up a game room can keep the difficult personalities at bay. On a lively note, some Scorpios will get the momentum to tackle a home décor or renovation project before the year is through. If it’s time to move, Mars will speed your search. You could be loading up the U-Haul right after the ball drops on 2015. If you have the hankering to play host for any seasonal gatherings, this Mars phase will give you plenty of energy to do just that. Plans could balloon quickly, so try not to make them overly complex. You want to enjoy yourself too, right? Since Mars influences your career, this phase could prompt you to set up a home office or find a great group of women with whom to collaborate.

Saturday’s full moon in Gemini and your erotic eighth house helps you wrap the week on a spicy note. A sultry connection that’s been building for the past six months could explode in a bodice-ripping makeout session. Single Scorpios could meet someone who touches you on that mind-body-soul level at a weekend shindig, or in the two weeks to follow this full moon. If you’ve been stuck in “old married couple” mode with your mate, the key to bringing sexy back might lie in giving yourself more down time to relax. Also, move your body more. A few workouts may be all it takes to revive the Scorpio minx. Talks could turn to permabonding under the light of this full moon. Whether for business or pleasure, someone may wish to go “all in” and invest in you, fabulous you. A big money opportunity, one that pays in commission or royalty could be in the offing too.

- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/scorpio-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.N7GHdslM.dpuf




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Details, details! As much as you’d rather speed right through to the finish line, slow your pace and fine-tune.  As make-it-happen Mars falls in step with structure-hound Saturn this Monday, December 1, pull out your to-do list and check it twice. Have you forgotten to pay a bill, file paperwork, get a permit, or finish the final edits on a project? Roll up your sleeves and get ‘er done. Try to make this process enjoyable too. In between running errands, stop for a decadent cold-pressed juice or a treat from your favorite French pastry shop. Play music or listen to audiobooks while you’re balancing your checking account transactions. Also, independent Archers, don’t forget to reach up the ladder for support. Tap your fabulous network of influencers for advice when you hit a wall. A powerful mentor figure could step in before Wednesday, giving you the short code that solves your problem in a snap.


On Thursday, don those social butterfly wings! Driven Mars changes signs, heading into Aquarius and your garrulous third house until January 13. The old adage about it being “all about who you know” is ringing with clear truth. This five-week phase is all about finding synergies and partnering up with kindred spirits for success. People want YOU for their dynamic duos, Archer. Warning: you could easily spread yourself thin during this extroverted phase, so don’t just say yes to everything that comes your way. Be selective, ensuring that you sign on for win-wins. Remember: getting adequate rest and down time (even if it’s just an extra disco nap or a few hours of screening calls on the weekend) can help you stay vital and energized. The third house governs communication and Mars here brings momentum to a writing, podcasting or media project. You could be inspired to design a workshop, teleseminar or e-course; or attend one that helps you sharpen one of your hidden talents.  The local scene is abuzz with activity. Get out and mingle with the neighbors and the business owners in your ‘hood. Plans could quickly develop to host a one-time (or ongoing) event hat makes the scene in your zip code ever livelier. Siblings, coworkers, and neighbors are the stars of this Mars phase and the ones you might team up with for a killer collab. Watch your words! There’s a tendency to speak too quickly with rash Mars here. Don’t let your mouth write a check that your arse can’t cash. Put your promises and agreements in writing too so as to avoid future misunderstandings — and also to be clear about what YOU just said you were going to do.

Saturday’s full moon in Gemini brings more seal-the-deal energy to the week. This lunar light is beaming in your seventh house of commitments. Do we hear bells? Some Archers could receive a proposal: the on-bended-knee kind or the type that lands in your inbox on official, corporate letterhead. This won’t come out of the blue though: the connection has been building over the past six months and you’ll feel ready to dive in all the way now. Or not! If you can’t get over your cold feet, perhaps there’s a genuine reason. This could be the moment where you pull out, freeing yourself and the other party involved to find a better fit. Legal matters come to a resolution under this full moon too. Sign on the dotted line or settle up: it’s time to forge ahead or just move on.




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Who needs a backup plan? Not you, Capricorn. The start of this week is all about focusing on exactly what you DO want and flying full speed in that direction. On Monday, December 1, your ruling planet Saturn locks into a powerful flow with ambitious Mars in Capricorn. Hello, #cantstopwontstop momentum! You’ve only got the red planet in your sign until Thursday so it is truly game time. Who are the people you most want to reach, wow, and win over? Fire up the social media posts to promote your big ideas and draw attention to a project or cause of import. Holiday parties double as networking events so stuff your pockets with business cards and go charm the masses. You could make a killer contact or be ushered into an elite group before the week is halfway through. Don’t worry about ironing out the details. Have an elevator pitch ready instead. The goal is to dazzle people but also give them something they can sink their teeth into. The question you want to ask yourself when devising your pitch is this: what’s in it for THEM?


On Thursday, go-getter Mars moves on to Aquarius and your second house of planning and firm foundations until January 13. Although not quite as exciting as Mars in Capricorn, this grounding, five-week phase will come as a relief. You’ve had some major life developments since Mars hit your sign on October 26 but sitting down to actually FOCUS on tangible results? Not so easy. Mars made you feel a bit TOO keyed up, as if you were jumping out of your own skin. As Mars flows through Aquarius until mid-January, you can actually settle down and get some work done. Scale back and simplify. Trying to pull off every wild idea at once will only take you to Burnout Boulevard. That said, you’re in a great position for moneymaking now. Harness that Martian drive and be more assertive about hunting down client leads, closing sales or positioning yourself for a raise and promotion. The squeaking wheel gets the oil — and the pot of gold. Do watch your spending though. Your lust for luxury is amplified but you could go broke trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Saturday’s full moon in Gemini and your sixth house of healthy routines will also bring some law and order back into your life. If you’ve been grabbing sweets, burgers and coffee on the go — or skipping meals because you’re “too busy to eat — your body will revolt. Spend the weekend restocking your cupboards with healthy fare and researching easy, warm-your-bones recipes that use fresh ingredients instead of processed ones. (And hey, a few pieces of bacon DO make those roasted veggies sing.) Schedule a massage and start taking vitamins again. Think of it as preventative medicine to keep your energy high and those seasonal sniffles at bay. News about a work opportunity could come within two weeks of the full moon too. While you’re cleaning out your closets and building bookshelves this weekend, listen to audiobooks that help you sharpen your financial acumen or spawn great business ideas like Seth Godin’s Linchpin or Purple Cow.




fleeting time


准备好,开始制定作战计划吧!本周初,火星和土星形成了一个有利的角度,会帮助你制定取得成功的长期计划。为了达成你的“必做清单”中的一等目标,你可能需要作出一些牺牲。周四之前都把重点放在需要作出的牺牲上,因为只有修剪掉了坏死的部分,才能看到森林里的大树。什么才是真正的“能发挥你聪明才智的领域”?(作家Gay Hendricks在The Big Leap一书中有所描述,本周读读这本书吧,会对你很有帮助)请不要再拖延了!!即使拿不到酬劳你也愿意做的一些事,会为你下次的事业变动打下良好的基础。准备好了吗?火星和土星的这次交谈,会促使你发挥自己的专长,比如你可能会发表演讲,可能成立工作室,可能会成为导师,指导新人。 


Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Ready, set, strategize. Early this week, Mars and Saturn lock into a simpatico angle helping you map out a long-term plan for success.  In order to achieve the loftiest goal on your must-do list, you may need to make some cuts. Put your focus there until Thursday because some dead weight needs pruning before you can see the forest for the trees. What is your true “zone of genius,” as author Gay Hendricks describes your sweet spot in The Big Leap (a powerful read for you this week)? Stop procrastinating with half-baked plans. Something you would do even if no one paid you for it could be the foundation for your next career move. Already on your path? The Mars-Saturn confab prods you to share your expertise. You might give a lecture, create a workshop or step in as a mentor for someone greener than you.


The biggest news of the week for Water Bearers comes on Thursday, December 4. Mars switches signs that day, and blasts into Aquarius until January 13! You only host the mojo-boosting red planet every other year, a time of major progress, drive and momentum. Shift into warrior pose! You may have to fight for your dreams against some doubter and haters. But easy does it, Aquarius because Mars in your sign CAN make you a bit more combative than is necessary. You’ll be insanely self-focused too, which might irritate people who are used to you racing around and picking up the pieces for them. For the next five weeks, you have planetary permission to put yourself, YOUR projects and YOUR passions first. Anything else would be a waste of this rare power period. Ready to break off on an independent path? Mars in Aquarius will make it impossible to stay in confining partnerships. Haste makes waste though, so at least TRY to work out a compromise before you slam any doors shut. You’ll feel quite wired too, almost as if you’re jumping out of your own skin. Remember to pause and take some deep breaths, and maybe hit a yoga class as you speed along the Autobahn of Mars in Aquarius.

On Saturday, step into the limelight! The full moon in Gemini electrifies your fifth house of fame, glamour and romance. Forget about waiting to be discovered. With both Mars AND the full moon pushing you onto center stage, this is a time for shameless self-promotion. Tout your talents, especially anything you’ve created over the past six months. Romantically, the full moon brings a watershed moment. Dramatic relationships could come to a timely crash and you’ll spend the two weeks to follow getting back to your own center (hallelujah!). For Aquarians in the throes of true romance, this full moon could mark a high point of your 2014. Are you ready to put a ring on it? There could be a proposal before December is through or talks of babymaking, love nests, and other sweet serenades. Take the lead if the object of your affections is ambling along at too slow a pace. Single Water Bearers, call in wardrobe and styling. This full moon will shuttle you back into the dating game and looking your best only buoys your confidence.




Monday December 1st - Sunday December 7th


Is the more REALLY the merrier? Early this week, don’t be so quick to lift that red velvet rope and invite people to your reindeer games. Mars is hanging out in your teamwork zone for four more days, but on Monday Saturn sends a stern warning to be more selective with your recruiting. One rotten Pink Lady can spoil the whole barrel of apples. Also, you’ve worked hard to build your contact database. While you love to hook people up remember that your name is also on the line. If you’re going to give people a recommendation make sure you can truly stand behind their work. The Mars-Saturn mashup can help you find the right amount of involvement in a group that excites you. While you’re no stranger to sacrifice you’ll burn out quickly if you drain your time and energy. Pull back and say no to requests that cause the rest of your life to fall out of balance.

On Thursday, December 4, Mars changes signs, slipping into Aquarius and your twelfth house of completions. Are you still “soldiering on” through an unworkable situation? With Mars in this final phase of its two-year trek around the zodiac wheel, the time has come to release what no longer serves you. Letting go is never easy for you, Pisces, but the red planet buoys your courage and speeds the recovery process. Remember that a clean break heals the fastest. The urge to declutter your space could turn into an outright obsession. As you ponder the ease of a minimalist lifestyle, don’t let the rash energy of Mars overtake you. Sending grandma’s china tea set to the Goodwill

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