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九星批未来五年运 推广


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借用 熊神进 先生一句话:





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​☆☆☆白羊座 一一


☆☆☆金牛座  一一




本月双忙着参加各种聚会活动!你就是天生的社交动物,此外,年末某段人际颇引你注意。 若你和你家亲爱的想把关系更进一步,婚姻会排上日程。 还单身?本周金木将联手打开浪漫之门。初次约会的好日子。

☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座 clover
过去两年土爹盘踞天蝎宫,让你不敢偷懒,一直拼命工作。没错,你时常觉得筋疲力尽,但土星会在走时还你个超棒的状态,远好于他初到时。今天适宜随土星做最后的核查。你一直是如何履行着责任? 你兑现承诺了吗? 12月23日,土星将告别天蝎宫,开全新篇章。

☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆双鱼座 clover


Monday December 1, 2014 

 Aries March 21 to April 19 After working hard to make strides in your career over the last two months, you may finally see a reward today! This may come in the form of kudos from a boss or recognition for excellence and hard work. By Thursday, December 4, you will shift your attention toward friendships as well as groups for the next five weeks. This coming period will also be an excellent time to network, join a club, and get involved in a social cause.  

 Taurus April 20 to May 20 Get ready for a lucky week! With Venus teaming up with Jupiter into Thursday, December 4, you will start the month off right. In fact, you will be in a generous mood as well, especially as you shop for holiday gifts for your loved ones. Jupiter will help make sure that everyone will have just what they've been wanting. If you are in a serious relationship, your partner may receive good news about a raise or bonus this week.  

 Gemini May 21 to June 21 You will be quite busy with parties and events around town thi month! How could you not be, Gemini? You are the social connector of the zodiac. Additionally, you will finish the year with an eye on the relationships in your life. If you and a sweetheart have been thinking of taking the next step, marriage may be on the horizon. Single and looking? Venus and Jupiter will open doors to romance this week! This will be the perfect time for a first date.  

 Cancer June 22 to July 22  With the Sun shining a spotlight on work and projects, the next few weeks will be about tying up loose ends and crossing items from your to-do list. Good thing too, because a favorable connection between the Sun and Uranus may bring an unexpected windfall or a raise in the coming days. Think of it as a reward for all your hard work this year! In the meantime, you may be thinking of making a favorable change to the home or even redecorating.  

 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 It's been a lucky time to be a Leo! As you come to the end of a year, you will be in a carefree mood, especially with the cosmos lining up the planets in your sector of romance and play. If you go out this evening, you may have fun meeting and flirting with someone. You might also be keen to spend time with friends and go see a movie. You may even be thinking of traveling for the holidays.  

 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You may want to keep a notebook and pen next to your bed because the cosmos will be sending you messages via your dreams. If you don't usually remember your dreams, your intuition will be unusually strong today. This may arrive as an idea from out of the blue, or your may have a strong sense of knowing the answer. Trust whatever gut feeling you have. It will be right! Alternatively, this will be the perfect evening to stay in and watch a movie with a loved one.  

 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 As you enter the last month of 2014, you will be surrounded by a bounty of friends and will receive many invites to holiday parties around town. With Mars about to change signs, there may even be romance on the horizon. In all, a perfect place for any Libra to be. Come December 23, when serious minded Saturn will finally leave your money sector, you may want to celebrate! It's been two years of penny pinching and financial overhaul. You've learned the lesson.  

 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 With Saturn in Scorpio over the last two years, there's been little room to slack off, as you've been working hard. True, it has been exhausting at times, but Saturn will leave you in better shape than it found you. In fact, today will be a good time to check in with Saturn for one last review. How have you been handling responsibility? Have you been true to your commitments? On December 23, Saturn will say goodbye to Scorpio and commence a new chapter.  

 Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Make a birthday wish! Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in regal Leo will make sure that you will have nothing but the best - cake, presents, and good friends. If you are celebrating the big day this week, you will have a double dose of good fortune. In fact, the Sun and Uranus together will be cooking up a special surprise. You may even be thinking of making big, yet welcome, changes to start you off into the New Year.  

 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 A boost from Mars to Saturn will give you the energy to take command today! If you have a networking or career event planned, you will be in top form. In fact, with Venus in harmony with Jupiter into Thursday, you will have luck and money on your side. Note that any dealings and negotiations will take place behind the scenes and in secret. You may be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected bonus as well or an offer from a deep-pocketed investor.  

 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 If your career and ambitions have taken a backseat over the last month, keep an eye on Thursday, December 4, when Mars will arrive in Aquarius. This will begin a five-week period of action as well as taking the lead. In the meantime, friendships and humanitarian causes will take center stage over the next few days. You will have a bounty of opportunities to meet new people. You may even want to hang out with new friends you invite over for dinner.  

 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 A super lucky connection between Venus and Jupiter into Thursday will be the boost you need to get ahead in your career. Seeing how the end of the year will be the time to look your best in the eyes of your bosses, you will reap the rewards of your hard work. In fact, Saturn's arrival in your career sector starting December 23 will usher you into a two-year period of reaching toward the highest rungs of success and achievement 


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