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借用 熊神进 先生一句话:





注:未经允许 严禁转帖



你的人气在直线上升。你的社交日历现在已经排的满满,12月4日,那天晚上将是本周最浪漫的夜晚,太阳将会从呆在白羊座的天王星接收到一个可爱的光束,带给你意外和惊喜,在聚会中,你很可能遭遇爱情哦。星期五,12月5日,将是太特殊了,天王星会连接水星,旅行,通信,和商业(包括购物!)(据说商家在准备双12呢,呵呵 )你有没有计划来一次快速的旅行,或者你也可能会收到你期待很久的某人消息。满月也会鼓励你打包出发,如果真的出行,很可能是豪华住宿哦。 




你的爱情生活可能会持续升温,代表交流的水星、美丽的金星、和强大的太阳在你的真爱宫齐聚,将共同支持你的浪漫生活。无论你是单身或者有了另一半 ,12月4日,周四,都会是一个浪漫的夜晚。这将是一个四星级的夜晚(为嘛不是五星级的呢?呵呵)。火星将会增加你和你的伴侣的亲密关系。你会得到对方超乎寻常的热情。周五,12月5日,将传来一系列充满乐趣的新闻和许多的活动。周六,12月6日,双子座满月,将照亮你的友谊宫,所以你可能要参加一个聚会。如果没有,约请朋友一起出去吃顿大餐,也是庆祝满月祈福的一个方式哦。 















☆☆☆白羊座——译者: 一一


☆☆☆金牛座——译者: 一一



未来一周吉运高照。 12月4日周四,行运于射手的金星接到木星的美意,鼓动你带着爱人在12月6到7日这个周末出游。去个既隐蔽又有趣的地方吧。日天和谐共振,所以你也有可能接到邀请在周四或周五参加爬梯。 12月5日,周五,水星,你的主子,从天王那里得到鼎力支持--怡然自得,心情愉快,同时思路清晰,口齿伶俐。意外接到电话或短信,不管什么消息,总之让你兴奋不已。12月6日周六,迎来双子座满月,对你相当重要的一个问题终于要解决了。木天会携手带来各种好消息“哇,这周真是棒棒哒!”  


☆☆☆巨蟹座——译者: 幻觉


☆☆☆狮子座——译者: 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座——译者: 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座——译者: 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座——译者: 天蝎:clover

本周木星仍旧在扩大蝎的交际圈,紧密朋友间的联系,故各种社交邀请让你忙不迭。你恨不能把所有的邀请照单全收,但显然有些邀请开销太高了,还是有的选择性吧。 若你觉得手头很宽裕,刚才说的都不叫事儿,但若你想给某位家人买个特别的礼物,那你就得放弃部分参与社交活动的机会,去逛街。12月6日的满月会让某金钱问题最终落幕。你可能得付账单,也可能是有不菲的收入,比如佣金或红利,都是突如其来。如你所见,钱财进进出出,不过下周还是能剩点的。  

☆☆☆射手座——译者: 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座——译者: 熊娇妞Hilda



☆☆☆水瓶座——译者: 熊娇妞Hilda



事业上取得认可排上鱼的日程,你可能收到升职的喜讯或从竞争公司那意外获得工作邀约。 也可能这得时期,人气格外的旺或得到行业嘉奖。这次突然的职业飞升要感谢12月4日周四木金吉相。拜日天互动所赐,财务方面也有意外消息。家也是鱼心心念念的地方,也有望收到喜讯哦。你可能会在新年之际买卖资产,或准备装修厨房或浴室。 如归你想买家具,下月大促销对你来讲颇具吸引力,但要在1月21日水逆前下手。你会从家人那里得到积极支持,所以如果你需要建议或借钱,别羞于对你的父/母说,你视若父母的人也行。  




Sunday November 30, 2014 

 Aries March 21 to April 19 Your popularity is on the rise. Your social calendar may be full now, and it's possible that romance may blossom at a party or social gathering on December 4. That evening promises to be the most romantic evening of the week, as the Sun will receive a lovely beam from Uranus in Aries, the planet of serendipity and surprise. Friday, December 5, will be special too, for Uranus will reach out to Mercury, the planet of travel, communication, and commerce (shopping included!) You may be taking a quick trip that you had not planned, or you may get an exciting text from someone whom you are happy wrote you. The full moon will also encourage you to pack and go, and if you do, the accommodations are likely to be luxurious. Finally, at week's end, be in touch with your sister.  

 Taurus April 20 to May 20 You may have reason to celebrate, thanks to an abundance of planetary support this coming week. Mars will heighten your ability to interview for a new career spot, and thanks to a rare beam between the Sun and Uranus, you may be tapped for a promotion or new position. You will have competition for that enviable job, but your aspects are so strong that it seems as though you will be the standout candidate. The Gemini full moon on December 6 will light your income sector and bring closure to one or more financial matters. If you asked for a raise some time ago, you will likely get news that it has been approved now. This gives credence to the saying, If you don't ask, you don't get. Ask! Romance will be best on Friday, December 5, when Mercury, the planet that rules your house of true love, will cook up fun with surprise-a-minute Uranus.  

 Gemini May 21 to June 21 You have a good, strong week ahead. On Thursday, December 4, Venus in Sagittarius will receive a golden beam from Jupiter and will coax you to travel with your loving partner over the weekend of December 6-7. Go to a pretty setting for privacy and fun. The Sun and Uranus will also be in perfect sync, so alternatively, you may be invited to a party on Thursday or Friday. On Friday, December 5, Mercury, your ruler, will also receive outstanding support from Uranus - you will be spontaneous and lighthearted, and at the same time, articulate and sharp. You may receive a text or phone call you'd never expect, and all the news will make you excited. Saturday, December 6, brings the full moon in Gemini, and all systems are go, and you will get closure on a matter dearly important to you. Jupiter and Uranus will bring all sorts of good news ��" wow, what a week you have!  

 Cancer June 22 to July 22  Thursday, December 4, will bring unexpectedly good news about your career. It would be an ideal day to meet with your boss or client. If you are in sales, you will come home with the order. On Friday, Mercury in Sagittarius, the planet of communication and travel, will be beautifully oriented toward Uranus in Aries, so all sorts of happy circumstances will surface at the office. You may suddenly travel a short distance to see a client or receive a superb message in email or text. Saturday's full moon falls in Gemini and the most private area of your chart, this coming weekend, treat yourself to quiet time or a soothing spa treatment.  

 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 Your love life may heat up, as talkative Mercury, loving Venus, an the mighty Sun in your true love sector will work together to support your romantic life. Whether you're single or attached, a romantic evening could be in store for you on Thursday, December 4. On that evening, Mars will increase your passion for your partner. You will get lots of attention from your one-and-only, so this will be a four-star evening for you. Friday, December 5, will bring a flurry of news, and much activity, all of it fun. The full moon in Gemini on Saturday, December 6, will light your house of friendship, so you may be going to a party. If not, round up friends for a big dinner out together, a perfect way to celebrate the full moon.  

 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You have a hub of activity at your home, so you may be busy decorating your space for guests that will be on the way to see you soon. You appear to be in the mood to celebrate but have been concerned over money. An electric beam between the Sun and Uranus on Thursday, December 4, may bring you an unexpected infusion of cash just when you can use it the most. Mercury, your ruler, will also be contacted by Uranus making for a dazzling day, when all news should make you want to do a happy dance. On the full moon, December 6, something big is almost ready to pop in your career. You may get fabulous publicity, a major promotion, special praise, or an offer from a competitive firm. December 6 is a weekend, but all full moons have an area of influence of plus or minus four days. This may be your big moment!  

 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 Thursday will be a special day, for your ruler, Venus will be in conversation with good fortune Jupiter. No matter what you attempt on December 4, you will do well, so forge ahead with confidence. Travel and communication will be especially favored. Saturday's full moon, December 6, will fall in your sector of distant places, so you may learn that out-of-town relatives or friends plan to visit you during the holidays. It may be some time since you saw them, so you may want to plan a small reception or special dinner. Alternatively, you may be getting ready to board a plane to visit them. If you are in college or graduate school, you may be taking an exam or defending your thesis. No need to be tense - your timing is ideal. Do some practice sessions with a friend, and you will be fully prepared to ace your tests.  

 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Social invitations may keep you busy this week as Jupiter continues to expand your circle of friends and contacts. You may want to accept all of the invitations that you receive now, but it appears that some of the activities may be expensive, so be discriminating. If you feel flush with cash, you will not need to be concerned, but if you have a special gift to give a family member, you may want to beg off some invitations and go shopping instead. The full moon, December 6, will bring a culmination to financial matters. You will be paying bills, but you may also be getting a generous check, perhaps a commission or bonus, and you seem not to expect it. As you see, money comes in, and money goes out, but it appears you will stay ahead, and have a surplus of cash by next week.  

 Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus currently in Sagittarius, this is a good time to think about your own needs. A very special full moon, December 6, may bring greater closeness between you and your sweetheart. Some Sagittarians will decide to proclaim that they'll be exclusive to one another, while others will move in together. Still others will get engaged. It that's you, you'll enjoy keeping the secret - at Christmas, you can share it! Already wed? Your mate may have a special surprise for you. This same full moon will help you form a serious business relationship instead. You may make a business partnership official, or you may hire an expert to collaborate with you to get ahead. Your best days this week will be Thursday, December 4, through Sunday, December 7. Mercury will receive fine beams from Uranus, making you ultra-creative on Friday, December 5. You should hear good news about how impressed VIPs are with your consistent performance on the job - reward will come in 2015. In romance, Thursday, December 4, is your day, and if invited to a party, go - you will glitter and glow, and someone special will want to meet you.  

 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 You will love this week. First, Thursday, December 4, may bring you news of a hefty check on the way to you, thanks to the interplay of Venus to Jupiter, perhaps as a bonus or commission. If you made an application to a bank for a loan or mortgage, you are likely to get the funds you need too. If you need a new place to live, or want to renovate, you can get things set up now - December 4 brings the Sun in perfect angle to Uranus, a great time to view spaces, put in bids if looking to buy, and to interview movers and contractors. At work, you'll be working up a deadline all week, as a major project will need to ship by Friday, December 5, or at the very latest, Monday, December 8. If self-employed, you'll make money from this project, and lots of new assignments will stem from the good work you did on this one.  

 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 Shortly after Mars enters Aquarius on December 4, your energy will surge, and you will be ready to courageously storm the gates to launch a venture dear to you. Mars visits each sign for six weeks every two years, so this is a rare privilege, and one to take seriously. You have an open road to push forward an important project. Friends may help you by offering contacts and advice. On Friday, December 5, you may receive a surprise gift or check, quite out of the blue. Financially, things will be looking up. On another note, the most romantic and tender full moon of the year will appear on Saturday, December 6, and with support from your ruling planet, Uranus, the enchanting events could take your breath away. Plan a romantic dinner for two on this extraordinary evening. If you have no one, give a party or go to one, for your chances of meeting someone new are outstanding.  

 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 Career recognition is now on the agenda, and you may hear spectacular news that you're getting a promotion or will receive a surprise offer from a competitive firm. Alternatively, you may get unusually positive publicity at this time or an industry award. This sudden and very welcome uptick to your career will come thanks to a fine communication between Jupiter and Venus on Thursday, December 4. Financial news should be exceptional too, thanks to the interplay of surprise-a-minute Uranus and the Sun. Your home will also be on your mind, and you seem to be subject to fantastic news on that score as well. You may be buying or selling property, or getting ready to renovate your kitchen or bath in the New Year. If you need furniture, sales will be attractive next month, but shop before Mercury goes retrograde January 21. This would be a fine week to collect estimates from home-related professionals you will need to help you achieve your goals. You will receive very positive support from your family, so if you need advice or a loan, don't be shy about speaking to your mother or father, or a person you think of as a parent.  




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