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☆☆☆白羊座 一一


☆☆☆金牛座 一一


☆☆☆双子座 clover
水星,代表短途旅行、商业、沟通,管辖双子座。这赋予了双子博爱与大智慧的特点,因为典型的双子总是消息灵通。 随着水星在射手行运两周,双子的対宫,你可能嗅到不远处有桩划算的买卖。如赐给你个超棒的购物搭档,让你从眼花缭乱的商品中买到优质货。

☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉

☆☆☆狮子座 熊娇妞Hilda


☆☆☆处女座 幻觉

☆☆☆天秤座 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座 clover


☆☆☆射手座 幻觉

☆☆☆摩羯座 王小亚



☆☆☆水瓶座 熊娇妞Hilda

跟三五好友聚在一起商量网上血拼大计,你未来几个月就会为这几分钟的畅爽埋单,被各种账单束缚。星星里的销冠—水星进入射手宫,大胆探险、乐观的宫位。严重警告:本文转自星座运势网 呵呵 。水星被智慧的土星看管着。有节制地买,听人劝,吃饱饭。如果购买电子产品务必确保其质量上乘。是,提高生活水平是很爽,但钱也花的爽

☆☆☆双鱼座 clover


Friday November 28, 2014 

 Aries March 21 to April 19 Adventure will likely be on your mind as Mercury takes a two-week tour through Sagittarius. You may be enticed by a long winding road, photography exhibit, parade, or museum tour. If you decide to hit the streets in search of a sale, you may be on the lookout for the best deal for a flat screen TV or state-of-the-art stereo system. Quality will override over flash, so if the features look great, you'll want to make sure you'll put them to good use.  

 Taurus April 20 to May 20 Your credit card balance may fatten up as Mercury takes a two-week journey through Sagittarius, the sign that loves to splurge. However difficult, be sure you keep all receipts and log your expenses. A slew of department store cards can be instantly discarded, once you commit to your very own new and improved fiscal policy. As the zodiac's first earth sign, Taurus is a dependable money manager. Do what you know is best, and you'll be ahead of the game.  

 Gemini May 21 to June 21 Mercury, the planet of short distance travel, communication, and commerce, rules Gemini. This cosmic governance is what gives Gemini its love of variety and true wit, for a classic Gemini is always in the know. As Mercury travels for a two-week journey through Sagittarius (Gemini's complimentary sign), you'll smell a good deal from a mile away. This will make you a fabulous shopping partner who will guide your pal through a maze of hype straight to a quality deal.  

 Cancer June 22 to July 22  Relax your mind with a yoga class or scenic drive, and you'll be well prepared for optimum performance. As the wheel-and-deal planet Mercury makes its two-week visit to Sagittarius, your lifestyle will be enhanced by self-nurturance. Try to keep your schedule flexible and open, as you'll likely have to attend to many errands. Stay in the moment, and you may fall into the hands of a wonderful masseuse, travel agent, or wellness expert who will selflessly share a world of knowledge with you.  

 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 Games, children, and romance will likely light up your pocket book as Mercury travels through Sagittarius for a two-week stay. If you need to purchase gifts for a little one, a toy that stimulates learning in a fun, playful way will be a good choice. Hit the department stores with your sweetheart, and you'll likely get a head start for the perfect gift. If you're single, a flirtatious comment at the checkout line may offer a golden opportunity.  

 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Glassware, bedding, or a new culinary set may catch your eye as you stroll through a department store sale. You may be inspired to liven up your home with a touch of culture and sophistication. Stretch your taste, and you'll likely find a perfect match for a new and improved domestic haven. Mercury's two-week journey through Sagittarius will spread warmth and joy as you catch up with family. Take care to listen for hints, and you'll perfect your gift list for the ones you love.  

 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 Start your day with the news or a neighborhood stroll, and you'll likely be uplifted by a happy story or kind stranger. Mercury's two-week journey through Sagittarius will get you up to date with world events and the latest trends. You'll also be drawn to bargains. A new car, iPad, phone, or bicycle will likely be a smart purchase if you're certain about what you want. Valuable tickets for a holiday getaway can be found in a flash, if you look.  

 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Keep tabs on your expenses, and you'll be a smart shopper. You may feel divided between a lengthy wish list and your most recent bank statement. If you have a special gift in mind, you may benefit from a savings plan, which will give you peace of mind. An adventurous journey through a celebrated shopping arena will likely put you in a great mood. Your conservative approach to spending will allow you the freedom to focus on what you value most.  

 Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Mercury, the planet of sales and commerce, will continue its journey through Sagittarius with the guidance of Saturn, the planet of responsibility. This will likely make you money conscious - for your own good. You'll also be busier than usual, and you may try to do five things at once, when two would do fine. If a major purchase is on your mind, a thorough study of the pros and cons will be helpful, but ultimately, if it makes you happy, you'll have the answer.  

 Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 Avoid the hustle, and you'll sit pretty as you enjoy a day full of relaxation and peace. You may want to catch up on the latest international news or enjoy a playlist of your favorite songs. If your heart is set on a door-buster deal, you'll likely come across a rare bargain in an unexpected place. A warehouse, thrift store, or garage sale will make fine use of your time. Old movies may entice you, and you may be magnetized to a classic you've always wanted to see.  

 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 Gather your friends for an online shopping spree party, and you'll rake in the deals. Mercury, the salesmanship planet, will fly through Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and optimism. The caveat is that Mercury will be carefully watched by Saturn, the planet of wisdom. Buy responsibly, take the advice of a friend, and if you buy anything electronic, make sure its quality is supreme. As long as what you purchase truly enhances your life, your money will be well spent.  

 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 Purchases that improve your productivity will catch your eye as Mercury travels through Sagittarius. You'll be serious about what you buy, and this will ensure you get more than a fair deal. You may have your mind on a business trip or professional endeavor that will require you to multitask and stretch your focus. If you need to stay in the office, attend a meeting, or finalize an agenda, go for it, and you'll make great use of your time.  


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