【保加利亚 嘉珊一周运势2014.11.24-11.30】
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九星批未来五年运 推广

保加利亚 嘉珊一周运势2014.11.24-11.30



来自: ABC 


★ 白羊座 ------ 译者 :David 

★ 金牛座 ------ 译者 :David 

★ 双子座 ------ 译者 :过气女郎 

★ 巨蟹座 ------ 译者 : 

★ 狮子座 ------ 译者 :阿七 

★ 处女座 ------ 译者 :小喵喵 

★ 天秤座 ------ 译者 :长乐未央 

天蝎座 ------ 译者 :金眼睛 

射手座 ------ 译者 : 

摩羯座 ------ 译者 :青椒 

水瓶座 ------ 译者 :阿七 

双鱼座 ------ 译者 : 

-------- 原文 : 

This will be a difficult week in which a conflict can destroy a friendship, a family relationship, or a business partnership. In some cases it may even go to a lawyer or court case. 
It is better to control your emotions now and watch what decisions you make. 
News will come to you related to trouble in the life of a man over 35 years old. 
Difficulties and other disasters will occur in the life of a friend or neighbor. There will be times in which you will find it difficult to give positive words and encouragement to those around you who may be in some kind of trouble. 
News will come from afar, probably from / or associated with a man. 

This week, you will need to pay more attention to financial matters, the budget for the month of December, the expenditure plan for the upcoming holidays and more. 
Be honest and share these things with other family members; do not to fall into a difficult situation due to lack of proper communication and consistency in your actions. 
Surprise, which in some cases may be associated with an interesting proposal, makes it important that you think seriously before giving an answer. 
This week may be remembered because of an important trip or success / luck that will have a connection with people or an institution at a distance from you. 

Joyful news, visits and events will come to you related to a young woman from your friend / colleague's family. You may have a party in your home, or be invited to a gathering somewhere else associated with a young woman. 
Gemini women may be glad of someone's generosity, gift, invitation or offer. 
Luck and success in your home can give hope to young men. It may come in the form of a new home, lodge, or a new improvement for the home, etc.. 
The birth of a boy or a personal celebration of a boy in your family will be something to be celebrated. 
You can expect, successful and promising developments at work, in education or in business. 
Although it is nearly the end of the year, it is possible to begin something new in one of these areas. 

Finally you can finish with a commitment, fulfill a promise, or help someone in need. 
Soon you will be able to deal with missed events, cases, hopes so that everything is concluded in a proper way 
You will soon expect with a sense of urgency some money, a financial document, or credit to meet important obligations. 
You may need to spend some money to address the needs of your personal health or the health of a loved one. 
You will experience sadness or anxiety associated with a young woman, who could be your daughter, granddaughter, niece. 
Cancer women will have difficult communication with a child or misconceptions, a manifestation of stubbornness and other issues. 

● LEO 
Weekly Horoscope Leo 24 - November 30, 2014 The week can be remembered for the failure of a child or young person who, because of immature or uncontrollable emotions will fail something important and precious in their lives. There is the possibility of a separation / divorce for a child or young person from your family. 
Women perhaps should be sensitive to any gynecological ailments. Beware of colds, and take precautions against unwanted pregnancy. 
Expect delays, obstacles and other adverse situations related to money, or expect that you will need to spend money on something. 
Women over 35 years can experience panic associated with your health or about teh health of a loved, or about their emotional or mental condition. 

A week during which the young ladies Virgo is better to maximize the realization of their plans and projects. 
Some of you can expect extra money or a new job opportunity, to express themselves. 
Men Virgo will be willing to invite guests in home or an old friend with whom to spend a pleasant evening in interesting conversations. 
News related to the beginning of a new life, engagement or wedding in the lives of your friends / neighbors. 
Be very careful this week, what people come in your home or whom you share your family problems and concerns. Now you are very vulnerable to anyone to benefit from your credulity, gullibility, personal drama. 

This week the good news and events will be related to study, work, career and everything that has to do with travel, people or institutions from afar. It is possible to implement a successful business trip or a business and get a proposal for such. 
In your personal life and love can arise unpleasant conflict scene of jealousy, ignoring the wishes of the partner and others. In general, your personal life will be a little unstable, unlike your professional life. 
Gatherings and meetings that will give you useful information, contacts with interesting people, organizations, clubs and more. 
Call for an important gathering related to your current or future act . 

This week you will try to finish a financial problem, payment agreement with a relative / friend or business partner. Now financial affairs will be your priority. 
Many will consider the possibility to make a larger purchase before Christmas and New Year holidays. You will search for a better deal, better price and the opinion of experts. 
Surprise could come from a man who could be a father, brother, uncle, father-in-law and others. 
Scorpio men will have to change their plans because of an unexpected event on a personal level. 
Receiving money from afar. 

This week, the surprising events will come of a financial aspect. For some will be happy, but some will be exactly the opposite. 
Week of strong contrasts in terms of your financial affairs. 
For men over 35 years an opportunity may occur for better income from work / business, additional commitment, etc. 
Receiving money from a man or a male relative. 
Some of you will devote a lot of hope and emotion in upcoming events, actions related to home, housing, property of parents and others. 
May sell or move out of your home unnecessary items to free up resources and space for something new. 

The last week of November will be a deadline for you to complete certain problems and troubles. It will not be easy, but you will need to mobilize and finish these things before the end of 2014. Do not allow the year of 2015 to start with a variety of emotions, lack of ambition, with old problems and unpaid bills. 
Women over 35 years will take serious commitment or any other activity related to the child or grandchild. It will need to engage in additional responsibilities and obligations of any kind. 
Many will experience this week event with a daughter or granddaughter who lives separately. 
This week will be a strong and beneficial for those who will roll up their sleeves to put their lives in order. You will have opportunities, but they will not be realized by itself. 

A great week for love, romantic adventure, conquest and development of already established connection, which stands on the threshold of a serious commitment / cohabitation. 
May surprise you a confession or an invitation to meet. 
The important news for you will come from a short distance. Can get a little money by document, bank transfer or postal order. 
Before you will arise the need to take an important decision after a conversation or suggestion by a friend, colleague, but not relative. 

Conflict in your home, which will be connected to the organization or realization of something good in your home or for home. Possible emotional dispute and subsequent sweet / nice reconciliation. 
News from afar that you will not like or will upset for some reason. 
You may need to travel and have no desire for this or guest's arrival from afar, who are not so nice / annoying people. 
In a conversation during the week will unravel an old obscure history associated with some mystery, intrigue, gossip. You will receive a consolation for something that bothered all the time. 


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