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☆☆☆白羊座 一一


☆☆☆金牛座  一一



☆☆☆双子座 clover


☆☆☆巨蟹座 幻觉



☆☆☆处女座 幻觉


☆☆☆天秤座 一一


☆☆☆天蝎座 clover


☆☆☆射手座 幻觉


☆☆☆摩羯座 王小亚


☆☆☆双鱼座 clover

今天,鱼的信用与职业道德遭受考验。 虽然略有不顺,但此后你的名望就会如你希望般的好。同辈/同事可能因你的学识受益, 这于你极为有利。若你已充分准备,并确定好话题,很可能赢得同事们的支持,你的付出必有所值,并且营造长期良好印象。


Wednesday November 26, 2014 


Aries March 21 to April 19 

Responsibility can be a marvelous motivator, and you always have been an inspired individual. With Saturn and Mercury moving through your sector of other people's money and influence, however, you may be particularly driven to seek outside resources. These outside resources may appear as a direct result of your career and events that are unfolding there. Your ruler, Mars, may prompt you to be more aggressive at work than usual, but you may be quite creative in your approach, and that may put the spotlight on you.  


Taurus April 20 to May 20 

Your primary relationships may come under deeper, more personal scrutiny as you discuss your options together going forward. Much of the dialogue may revolve around education and travel and how to implement that in your time together. You may exert your opinions in an effort to persuade your partner to be more responsible regarding your future. You may be more convincing if you focus on the responsibility aspect of making your life better, rather than trying to use force.  


Gemini May 21 to June 21 

Conversations that come your way may be challenging and somewhat demanding. Of course, you may be quite capable when addressing these types of exchanges, but the time required may draw your attention to seeking outside assistance. If you are able to gain access to large sources of support, you might find yourself quite successful and ultimately relieved. The hard work that you put in may be rewarded with a complimentary nod from an associate who recognizes your abilities while you are under duress.  


Cancer June 22 to July 22  

Your creativity may be in the spotlight today, as events and conversations turn toward finding a clever solution to a financial situation. While you may have some ideas tucked away, you may need to persuade others to your point of view, and that's where the challenge may lie. Your significant relationship may be a key motivating factor in coming to terms with successfully developing a plan, and you may be motivated to enlist your partner’s help and encouragement. Ultimately, the results may be fruitful, and you may have an innate confidence that all will be well if you do the right thing.  


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 

Yes, it is good to be you and have the auspicious planet of Jupiter in Leo .At the same time, however, your home may require your attention. The home means your family and your physical domicile, so heed the notice and put time in there. Your efforts may be well worth it the long run, and of course you can't ignore your foundation. This may be a time for real action and results.  


Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 

Your nimble mind may be particularly active and for all the right reasons. You may be on the edge of something new or simply wrapping up a major initiative. This fruitful period may be about tying many loose ends together so that you come to completion and are geared up for a new start. Since the activity is so real, you may be motivated and creative. This may feel like an electric kind of energy that triggers your most innovative thoughts and ideas and then brings them to fruition.  


 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23

 You may be singularly focused on finances and how they pertain to your home and family. With that in mind, you may be substantially motivated to set things right once and for all. There may be a certain permanent quality to what you do, so it may be important to move slowly and with a sense of precision and accuracy. Take the time to do things correctly. You'll be happy you did when the pieces all fit into place.  


Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 

You may have been under the gun lately to deliver a finished product, and you may have the tenacity to pull it off quite nicely. This may be an opportune time to get the facts straight. Details may be the secret ingredient, so if you can take the time to review, revise, and redo, your correspondence may carry more weight. When the facts are right, people will notice, and that may put you in a very good light.  


Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21

 Of all the signs in the zodiac, you may be most visible currently. With four influential planets all hovering right around you, you may be a very active player in any game in which you are involved. You may be wrapping up a few new clients or putting the finishing touches on long-term contracts. You might do well to be overly diligent when it comes to facts, figures, and financials, since the real value may come through for you in monetary form. You may possess great influence now, so use it wisely.  


Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 

Pay attention to all group efforts, for you may see the greatest effort in your daily work. Your strong work ethic may reveal itself there as positive and substantial steps. It may be wise to exert and assert yourself into all group matters. If you are confident and self-assured, your team may recognize that quality and it may have a powerful reflective benefit that serves you quite well.  


Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 

Your career may have your full attention lately. With Saturn in that sector of your life, you may actually see great results as you work out the details of your job. Diligence, responsibility, and being accountable are characteristics that may be nice by-products of that type of effort. You may be driven to accomplishment, and your actions may leave a long-lasting impression that sets permanent changes in place. This may feel rewarding, and your drive to achieve may be admirable.  


Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 

Your credentials and professional stature may be under scrutiny today. While that may appear a bit ominous, rest assured that your reputation is as good as what you generate. Peers and co-workers may benefit from your knowledge and that may serve you quite well. If you are well prepared and sure of your topic, you may gain the support of your fellow workers, and that may be worth the effort, as it may leave a long-lasting impression.  


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