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九星批未来五年运 推广


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Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Aries, Undercover. With the Sun winding down its monthlong tour of enigmatic Scorpio, you have five more days to dive into life’s seductive and alluring mysteries. Anything too obvious has probably bored you to tears since the Sun decamped to Scorpio on October 23. A cat and mouse game, on the other hand, probably held you enthralled. Figuring out puzzles too. But are you getting in over your head? Be warned: on Tuesday, stern Saturn will join the Sun at 25 degrees Scorpio, steering you AWAY from dangerous liaisons and complicated entanglements. Some people are simply too damaged for you to invest your time into. Got secrets? Don’t wait for the tabloid journalists to spew them to the world. Take command of the story and be your own spin-doctor. Better the confession should come straight from your mouth than via the grapevine. Sure, you may have to eat crow or even do some major recon work to regain trust. But being caught sneaking or withholding information would be far worse. Scorpio’s vibes do make you feel magnetic and sexy, but with Saturn in the frame, you’ll also be thinking about future security. Don’t unzip those J-Brands unless there’s some long-term promise afoot, Aries. A kiss is not “just a kiss” right now.Saturday’s stars will be a game-changer. With the Sun leaving Scorpio and moving on to Sagittarius until December, 21, you’ll transform from CIA agent to international superstar in the blink of an eye. Sagittarius governs your ninth house of travel, study and entrepreneurial ventures. All the world is your stage during this four week phase. It’s an optimal time for launching a business, trekking to a foreign port of call, or taking a figurative journey through a mind-expanding seminar or degree program. There will also be a new moon in Sagittarius on Saturday, which amplifies this solar powered expansion. This confab of the Sun and new moon will serve a hearty dose of truth serum. Anything you’re hiding or holding back could come rushing out in a candid confession. Honesty IS the best policy once Sagittarius season begins, but do apply some tact so your powerful message doesn’t get lost in translation.    Make sure you investigate any “truths” you discover this weekend too. The new moon also forms a tricky square (90 degree angle) to murky Neptune. Someone you THOUGHT was in your corner could reveal cross-purposes, or a dueling agenda. You could fall under the spell of a charismatic charlatan too — not something that happens often for Aries.  A key supporter may not be available to travel on this leg of your journey alongside you. Don’t grip so tightly to the past, Aries. This new moon could send you shuttling into a more independent status. By the same token, be careful not to leap before you look. With Neptune in the mix, there could be a few hidden curveballs to account for. When you’ve done your due diligence go ahead and take that calculated risk. A move from the comfort zone will bring rewards.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/aries-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.16BgrSu2.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


How deep is your love? That is THE question this week, as a cosmic cluster converges in your commitment zones. Your most important connections come into the spotlight and there could even be a status change in relationships. You’ll feel the weighty vibes first on Tuesday, November 18. That day, the Sun and structure-obsessed Saturn meet at 25 degrees Scorpio (a once-a-year event), insisting that you have the, “Sooooo, where are the two of us heading together next?” conversations. Awkward though those may be to initiate, a planner like you cannot rest in relationships without some sort of guarantee of security. This applies to both romance and finance. Are those joint ventures actually taking you in your desired direction (read: a profitable one)? You don’t have time to waste! But on the bright side, your courageous curiosity could lead to an exclusivity clause or finally get stalled plans in motion with your long-term love. Don’t forget: relationships are the ultimate mirrors. If you don’t like what’s showing up in your partner — or even your closest friends — look within too. What are YOU bringing to the table yourself? Are you being passive instead of speaking up for your needs? Putting up with unsatisfying behavior to “keep the peace?” Refusing to read the tea leaves when someone’s actions are not matching up with his words? It takes two to tango, so be the change you wish to see in your relationships. Your subtle adjustments can create a seismic shift that makes everything better. On Saturday, the Sun wraps up its monthlong tour of Scorpio and heads into Sagittarius until December 21. Although Sagittarius energy is far less obsessive, this sign happens to govern your playing-for-keeps eighth house. Are you in or are you out? During this four-week phase, there’s no room for even a single shade of grey when it comes to commitment. The bedroom, however, is another story. With this seductive solar flare shooting through your libido, the Anastasia Steele or Christian Grey in you could rise up. Meow! If your mojo has been in slow-mo, here’s some happy news: Saturday also features a new moon in Sagittarius and your erotic eighth house, helping you get your “Fifty Shades” on…or at least reconnect to that slumbering side of your personality. Movement of any variety is always a good start. If you’ve been sedentary, just get up and go for a walk or take one cardio class (instead of worrying that you’ll never be able to fit a regular roster of workouts into your overbooked schedule). If you’ve been on the fence about a love interest, the Sagittarius new moon will bring clarifying beams. The truth will be self-evident. New moons herald fresh starts too, so you could kiss and make up after an intense-but-unavoidable argument. This is also a prompt to co-create. Teaming up with your sweetie on a long-term project (think: six months) could be incredibly satisfying. Single Bulls, pay attention to who crosses your path this weekend. An intriguing person could become an important figure in your life over the six months to follow. This is a money moon too. Rather than slogging through the 9-5 grind, keep your antennae up for passive income opportunities, such as investing in rental property, developing a product that pays your royalties, or selling other people’s goods for a percentage of profits. An investor could show up who wants to put dollars behind your dreams. One caveat: illusory Neptune will form a tense square to this new moon. If something (or someone) seems to good to be true, there may be a hidden clause. Find out what it is before you sign away ownership of your ideas or your heart.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/taurus-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.0MtMvtdW.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Structure. Order. Routine. That’s your trinity this week, Gemini — and no, it doesn’t have to be a buzzkill. As much as you love to be spontaneous, your free-flowing nature can leave you scattered and exhausted. This week’s stars help you bring some much-needed order to your court. On Tuesday, November 18, the Sun and stabilizing Saturn make their annual connection in your sixth house of efficiency. Grab the labelmaker and the Hefty bags. Cleaning your physical space is a great place to start. Give your daily agenda a serious once-over too, Gem. There are many ways you could be working smarter, not harder. If you’re zapping the lion’s share of your time on tiny tasks instead of the ones that bring a prosperous ROI, consider outsourcing. Hiring a virtual assistant for $15-20 per hour — even for a short shift each week — can take a huge weight off your shoulders and allow you to actually enjoy the work that you do. The Sun-Saturn merger could bring some weighty responsibility at work though. You may be in the position to make an executive decision; one that simply won’t please everyone you know. Saturn next to the Sun here can give you a sense of authority too. The VIPs are listening, Gemini, so if you have a well thought-out plan or proposal to pitch, deliver it on Tuesday. There should be no cutting corners with Saturn in the frame. If you are NOT ready to present at work, reschedule your meetings. Winging it could cost you big time. On Saturday, the workaholic vibes dissipate as the Sun heads into Sagittarius — your opposite sign — until December 21. Two is your magic number once again as relationships heat up during this solar-powered month. Forget about finding your twin in this search. Teaming up with a complementary force will be far more satisfying, whether you’re uniting for love, business, or a creative collab.  Independent Geminis could feel inspired to commit this weekend. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself attracted to the marrying kind instead the straight-up players, yes, even if the latter appeal to your mercurial nature. Existing relationships will progress at a more rapid clip too. Uh, do we hear bells? Open up about your vision of love. You have a hand in writing this fairy tale; you don’t just have to wait for The One to gallop up to your castle gate. There will also be a new moon in Sagittarius on Saturday, which could bring new partners into your orbit. Someone quite unlike your past loves could appear so keep an open mind. With global Sagittarius governing this new moon, this person could be from a different culture or corner of the world. A renewed chapter opens up for coupled Geminis. This new moon sets the stage for a harmonious discussion about your shared future and you’ll have an easy time speaking your truth. Legal matters get a boost from the Sun-new moon combo too. An exciting contract may be offered to you in the days ahead, or you could make a merger official with a co-signed document.




美衣上!要有型!本周你想要被更认真对待,巨蟹——在工作,爱情和生活中。周四,11月18号,太阳和健壮的土星在天蝎座相遇,你的第五宫,名誉,魅力和爱情。太阳掌管自我表达和你对世界呈现的形象。土星是关于成熟和高雅老练。穿得像巡回演唱会的摇滚明星很有趣,装束的改变井然有序,至少本周的部分是这样。穿上清爽的白衬衫,色彩明丽的运动上衣,以及经典踝靴——也许是为一个夜晚约会准备的精致小黑裙。形象决定一切,是或不是,我们是视觉人类。现在致力于整洁,低调的优雅。太阳和土星组队, 你的创造性工作会为你带来喝彩。或者你变成了一项工程,事业或团队中被尊敬的代言人。现在照相机会爱上你,即使你在镜头前感到谨慎含蓄。爱情中,你无法掌控一个模糊的关系状况。日土二重奏想要更清晰明确的角色。周四是处理你跟爱人之间重要主题的日子。你不必同意每一件事,检视清楚,看看你们的长期愿望是否真的一致。 如果你需要商谈折中方案,土星会忙。哎,这些谈话可能变得十分沉重。如果情绪变得忧郁昏暗,找个时间出去,做一些有趣的事。土星在架构中,单身的螃蟹可能会被某个相当年长的人吸引,或某个以更“成年人”的生活方式生活的人,跟你过去接触的类型不一样。你也有可能在职场找到爱情。嘿,迷离的界限并不总是坏事。周六,太阳离开了狂躁的天蝎,前往活力的充满能量的射手,你的第六宫健康生活宫直到12月21号。在这一点,你更有可能系紧你的耐克 Air Zoom鞋,而不是红鞋底的 Louboutins。回到跟身体合拍的节奏感觉超棒,即使你不得不通过几轮节假日的放纵沉溺。然而并不是要剥削自己,用富含维他命的食物排挤掉不是很好的东西。如果你用新鲜苹果和胡桃南瓜汤来填饱自己,那么吃南瓜派,用打泡生奶油作早饭,中饭晚饭的渴望会减小。开始查找以蔬菜为基础的食谱,为感恩节餐桌做准备,比如芽甘蓝加一点培根,山药,用枫糖浆增加甜味。周六也会有新月在射手,将会为你的身体维护任务带来深远动力 。保持你直觉天线开启,周末你可能偶然发现一个很棒的健身房课程,充满活力与乐趣。组织和系统化!随着太阳和新月在你的第六宫,预期会有一个效率任务。简化你的工作流程,这样可以更加富有成效,减少散乱将会是明智的举措。一些巨蟹可能在你的公司内得到新工作机会的通知,或在完全不同的办公室。如果你对当前的轨道感到很沮丧,学习的嗜好将会开始。新月跟海王星形成一个挑战性对冲,在你的旅行和高等教育宫位。不要做如此的习惯性生物,拒绝成长,伸展和学习。 本周那甚至意味着探视新城市,或探索一个远程学习计划,让你能够在线得到资格证。 



Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Wardrobe! Styling! This week, you want to be taken seriously, Cancer — at work, in love, in life. On Tuesday, November 18, the Sun and stalwart Saturn meet up in Scorpio and your fifth house of fame, glamour and romance. The Sun governs self-expression and the image you present to the world. Saturn is all about maturity and sophistication. While it’s fun to dress like a touring rockstar, a costume change is in order, at least for part of the week. Bring on the crisp white shirts, blazers, and classic ankle boots — and maybe the chic, little black dress for a date night. With image may or may not be everything, we ARE visual people. Aim for sleek, understated elegance now. With the Sun and Saturn paired up, your creative work could bring you acclaim. Or, you could become the respected spokesperson for a project, cause, or group. The camera will love you now, even if you feel reticent about stepping in front of the lens. In love, you won’t be able to handle a vague relationship status. The Sun-Saturn duo wants more clearly defined roles. Tuesday is THE day for tackling important subjects with your honey. While you don’t have to agree on everything, check in and see if your wishes for the long-term actually align. If you need to negotiate compromises, Saturn can help. Alas, these talks could become quite heavy. If the mood gets to somber, take a time out and go do something fun. With Saturn in the frame, single Crabs could be drawn to someone considerably older or someone who lives a more “adult” lifestyle than the types you been with in the past. You could also find love at a work function. Hey, blurred lines aren’t always a bad thing. On Saturday, the Sun leaves sultry Scorpio and heads into active, energizing Sagittarius and your sixth house of healthy living until December 21. At this point, you’re more likely to be lacing up your Nike Air Zooms than slipping into your red-soled Louboutins. Getting back in tune with your body will feel great, even if you have to pass on a few rounds of holiday indulgences. Rather than deprive yourself though, trying crowding out the “bad” stuff by filling up on vitamin-rich foods. The desire to eat pumpkin pie and whipped cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner might diminish if you fill up on fresh apples and butternut squash soup. Start researching vegetable based recipes for the Thanksgiving table, like Brussels sprouts with a little bacon, yams sweetened with maple syrup. There will also be a new moon in Sagittarius on Saturday, which will bring further motivation for your bodyloving mission. Keep your antennae up this weekend as you could stumble upon a great fitness studio with classes that are energizing and fun. Organize and systematize! With the Sun and new moon in your sixth house, an efficiency mission is due. Streamlining your workflow so you can be more productive and less scattered would be a wise move. Some Cancers could get word of a new job opportunity within your company or at a completely different office. If you’re frustrated with your current trajectory, the study bug could bite. This new moon forms a challenging square to Neptune in your house of travel and higher education. Don’t be such a creature of habit that you refuse to grow, stretch and learn. That might even mean checking out new cities this week, or exploring a distance-learning program that allows you to get certified online.




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Family affairs take precedence early this week and the Sun syncs up with heavyweight Saturn in your domestic fourth house. This annual event takes place on Tuesday, November 18, and forces you to deal with some of the more annoying happenings back at base. A female relative — your mom, daughter, or sister, perhaps — could be feeling a lack of quality time. Conversely, this family member or a woman with whom you work might be making demands which are too great for your liking. Put your Choo down and let her know where your bottom line lies. On that note, do you have enough privacy and personal space under your own roof? Honoring your need for meditative solitude every now and again is important this week. If you’re feeling a bit glum or stressed out, it may be a direct result of you not having a proper RDA of “me time.” Go indulge in your favorite solo activity, pamper yourself with a salon treatment or massage, or lose yourself in a good book. You’ll have far more patience for your inner circle once you do. In extreme cases, you may even decide to rearrange your home or change your living situation so that you find your little patch of peace. On a brighter note, an important woman could come into your world near Tuesday, someone who can help you ascend the ladder of success. Keep your radar on for these “womentor” figures.While the workweek could feel like a bit of drag, don’t worry. The weekend’s interstellar outlook is the stuff dreams are made of. On Saturday, the Sun zips into fellow fire sign Sagittarius and your festive, flamboyant, romantic fifth house. All the world is your glitz pageant until December 21. And, hello, romantic renaissance! Where Cupid is concerned, this four-week phase is a bright spot on your 2014 calendar. Even better, the Sun’s move into Sagittarius corresponds with a new moon in the same sign. Saturday could bring single Leos in contact with a promising prospect, or stoke the embers of amour for the couple lions out there. Whatever your status, you’re getting your groove back. Don ye now your glam apparel! This Sun-new moon combo brings out the fashionista in you too. Just in time for the spate of holiday soirees, pull those party clothes to the front of your closet. Changing up your mane could revolutionize your look too, whether you’re dying your locks platinum blond or getting some funky layers cut in. A word of warning: the new moon will form a tricky angle to Neptune, the planet of illusions. You could easily confuse a strong sexual attraction with everlasting love this weekend. To avoid a distracting obsession, don’t put the cart before the galloping white horse. It takes time to tell who people truly are — and everyone has a shadow side. The question this new moon poses is: can you handle the “for worse” along with the “for better?”




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Sparklepony alert! Are your partners in crime stepping up to the plate? Or are they traipsing around town, failing to make good on their promises? This Tuesday, November 18, the Sun merges with take-no-prisoners Saturn. Much as you adore the aforementioned sparkleponies (The VIP guest lists! The dancing ‘til dawn!), when it comes to building your empire, you’re better off buddying up with the more practical, productive types. With the Sun and Saturn aligned, the varnish comes off and you’ll be forced to see people for who they truly are. Perfection isn’t the goal here — a little well-worn personality patina has its appeal. Just remember that folks who walk their talk are the true diamonds, whether polished or in the rough. Have you been the fickle or unreliable half of the team here, Virgo? Perhaps your heart really isn’t into a particular pairing or a shared activity. If you’re sticking around out of guilt or obligation, this is the week to gracefully bow out. With the room you open up in your schedule, you might become more deeply engaged in neighborhood or workplace happenings. Some Virgos could even run for office or a leadership role under the responsible influence of the Sun-Saturn confab. Another must early this week? Put up boundaries with demanding friends or a sibling who keeps treating you like the bossy big sister or annoying younger bro. If your neighbor’s been bumping Beyonce’s Drunk In Love at all hours, forget about tapping the broom on the ceiling. Go have a little chat or contact the landlord if your kind requests are being ignored. The family friendly vibes wash over you this weekend, just in time for the holidays. This Saturday, the Sun decamps to Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house until December 21. The emphasis is on your personal life during this four-week phase, Virgo, and the people who inhabit it. With a new moon in Sagittarius also going down on Saturday, the time is ripe for making fresh starts with the ones you love. Don’t let Thanksgiving plans flounder into ho-humdom. Tie on the apron strings and give signmate Blake Lively a run for her newly minted domestic doyenne status. Your perfectly crisped turkey and exquisitely fluted piecrust will command applause. Does you home need a little sprucing up? This new moon could prompt a renovation or redecoration mission. Start pinning inspiring interiors, collecting fabric and paint swatches, and analyzing the configuration of your home according to a feng shui bagua map. If you’re in the market for a move, that dream listing could appear over the weekend. An important woman could come into your life with this new moon, but brace yourself. Her presence could threaten another female friend or relative. Balancing their needs will take some sensitivity, but don’t hold back your social expansion because you’re afraid of making someone “feel bad.”- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/virgo-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.mMg55x0C.dpuf



Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Ready, set, simplify. This week, less is absolutely more, Libra  — a principle to which your bells-and-whistles loving sign may struggle to adhere. But with the Sun and stern Saturn hosting their annual meet-and-greet this Tuesday, November 18, you are advised to pare down any complex missions so that you can actually pull them off.  This cosmic conjoining takes place in Scorpio your second house of financial foundations and practical planning. Show people that you mean business by coming prepared to meetings, researching any data that you present, and backing up all assertions with empirical statistics. You could interview a few experts, just to make sure you’re trekking down the most sensible path for yourself. If you’ve been developing your skills to the point of mastery, the Sun-Saturn merger helps you speak with authority. Share the knowledge. Some people could even pay for a consultation with you. Working 9-5? You could be rewarded with a raise or fancy new title before the week is through.  When it comes to your spending, invest in quality, perhaps from a luxury brand. If the funds aren’t there yet, set up a special savings account so you can squirrel away cash for the upgrade. It’s better to buy something once that will stand the test of time than to waste money on a neverending series of cheap replacements.  Some Libras may be in the grips of job dissatisfaction this week. Before you tender that resignation letter, have a sit-down with your boss or clients. Creating a new role for yourself or mapping out a new strategic plan can bring back your momentum. On Saturday, the social butterfly in you comes fluttering out of the cocoon. That day the Sun will enter Sagittarius and your garrulous, curious third house. People will be your primary passion until December 21. Try to glance at your watch while you’re chatting up strangers — you could easily lose track of time and leave your tried-and-true crew in the lurch. Action heats up on the local scene now too. Don’t just zone out in a podcast while you’re walking around your ‘hood. Instead, pay attention to the flyers posted on telephone poles and bulletin boards.  Notice the new studios, cafes and restaurants that have cropped up. Opportunity could lie behind their doors. Do you have designs on starting a business in your zip code, or collaborating with a neighborhood haunt to co-host a seasonal event? Carpe diem! Saturday will also feature a new moon in Sagittarius, which could bring some new BFFs and collaborators into your orbit. Partner up on projects, even if they are just short term. Or, just get out and find your kindred spirits. Someone you meet this weekend could achieve BFF status in the six months ahead. Warning: the new moon arrives at a square (tense 90 degree angle) to foggy Neptune in your health zone. While you’ll be excited to play and join the party, you could exhaust yourself if you forget to take care of your well being. Pop the vitamins, get your proper shuteye and don’t let workouts slip off your schedule.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/libra-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.gJGtQt59.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


It’s getting serious in Scorpioville. This Tuesday, November 18, the Sun makes its annual connection to status-and-structure-loving Saturn. You’ll want to be seen as masterful, diligent, an expert in your field — or, if you’re still a newbie, as the brightest up-and-comer on the block. If you KNOW you’re ready for your big reveal, let it rip. You could make a big impression on the powers that be. Not feeling one-hundred-percent confident about your work? Polish up your presentation; or just pare it down a bit. There will be other times to rock the purple go-go boots and well-worn leather jacket. Early this week, saying, doing and wearing anything too edgy could backfire. It’s sad but true: human beings can’t help but judge a book by its cover. The “Saturnian” types who hold the keys to opportunity for you this week will respond best to classic elegance. (Come on, Scorpio, you can do it.) In everything you do, the Sun-Saturn merger brings gravitas. Life could feel somber and weighty in some ways, especially if you’re spending too much time alone. Be a leader, not a recluse and engage people in joining your reindeer games. And don’t forget to schedule time with the brightest and most inspirational people in your contact database. Early this week, they’ll help keep your mood bright and show you how to turn lemons into sweet lemonade. On Saturday, recycle the champagne bottles and sweep up the cake crumbs. Your birthday season officially draws to a close as the Sun moves on to Sagittarius and your second house of financial foundations and practical planning. The fun doesn’t have to end, Scorpio, but truth be told, you’re ready to start turning some of those brilliant visions (the ones that came to you since October 23) into a tangible reality. The devil is indeed in the details though. Pop on the project manager’s fedora and start crunching numbers, mapping out timelines and figuring out exactly how much people power you’ll need to pull off your schemes. Once you have a real deal plan in place, you’ll feel more confident moving forward on these ideas. But there’s more to life than just work, work and more work. With the Sun in your second house, take time to stop and smell the roses — and savor each moment. Barreling ahead at warp speed means missing out on the joy of the process, not to mention rushing right past some truly romantic details. Luxuriate. And, enjoy a bit more luxury within your means. While you don’t want to overspend on status symbols, could you upgrade to something nicer and better made here and there? Saturday also arrives with a new moon in Sagittarius, which could herald news about a moneymaking opportunity. If you’re ready to embark on a new path or rise through the ranks, a six-month window has opened for your career. Roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to ascend. If the word “budget” makes you break out in a cold sweat, enlist a financial planner who can help you make sense of your dollars. Gaining command over your spending and savings can bring major peace of mind over the next four weeks.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/scorpio-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.UedRTAEH.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Early this week, there’s only one principle to remember: “No.” is a complete sentence. With the Sun and stalwart Saturn convening in Scorpio and your twelfth house of boundaries, it’s time to set a clear, hard limit. Your desire to be helpful and supportive may have taken you into codependent territory. Are you enabling someone’s bad behavior by picking up the pieces? Is a relationship starting to feel more like a rescue mission where you’re doing all the heavy lifting and not getting your own needs met? You simply won’t be able to bear a dynamic like this after Tuesday. That said, don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. You’re responsible for spoiling the people you love and letting them think it was “fine” to dump on you as you cheerily agreed to be helpful. Enough with the martyr mode! A read of Gary Lundberg’s I Don’t Have To Make Everything All Better could bring some helpful techniques in navigating the choppy seas of conflict: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8190813-i-don-t-have-to-make-everything-all-better. You could feel majorly burnt out if you keep going there. In some cases, you may indeed need to cut toxic ties. Does a friendship, love affair or client relationship feel more draining than exhilarating? Ditch people who are constantly critical or flaky; or at least STOP giving them the lion’s share of your time. Trying to win them over or prove that you are good enough is really the big joke here. The truth? They aren’t qualified to receive your devotion, Sag. Move. On. What’s equally important to remember is this: when you say no to the wrong things, you free yourself up to utter a resounding, “YES!” to the right ones. And the right ones could come rushing on in this weekend! On Saturday, the Sun moves into Sagittarius until December 21, officially igniting your birthday time. You’ll feel lighter, freer and ready to take on daring new adventures. Your independent spirit is back at the helm too — energy vampires, step off!  But that’s not all: on Saturday, the annual new moon in Sagittarius will activate your cosmic New Year. Forget about waiting until January 1 for wishes and resolutions. Saturday is prime planting time for your seeds of genius. The ground is fertile for their development with this new moon. Circle June 2, 2015 — the date of the corresponding FULL moon in Sagittarius — for your harvest. This new moon could bring a few challenges to the surface however, as it squares crisis-junkie Neptune in your sector of home and family. How to align your vision with the needs of your inner circle? Erm. There may be some negotiating and compromising in order to figure out a plan that doesn’t leave you making yet another depressing sacrifice. And….location, location. Living in the ideal zip code is tantamount to developing your dreams. Perhaps you’ll set up a second residence in order to be in the right place and the right time, but some Archers could even pull up the stakes and relocate over the coming six months. Don’t rule out the U-Haul rental just because you’re “comfortable” where you are.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/sagittarius-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.mOdDLBTf.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Membership has its privileges, Capricorn, but it can be a royal drag if you’re involved in a group for the wrong reasons. This Tuesday, November 18, the Sun and stern Saturn meet up in your eleventh house of teamwork prodding you to assess your involvements. You’re as loyal and capable as they come, Cap. Alas, that often means people dump the heavy lifting on your sturdy shoulders. Your “need to be needed” is not enough to stick around with a crew, or stagger under the weight of THEIR albatross. It’s time to ask yourself: What am I getting out of this? With status-obsessed Saturn (your planetary guardian) in the picture, aligning yourself with a prestigious new crowd could pay dividends both for your career and your personal life. This is the week to fill out the application to be involved in a noteworthy club or society. Having a common purpose and shared values is critical here. You’ll come to life around people who just get you, no extra explanation needed. Seek out your tribe this week, Capricorn. You could find them online or IRL near Tuesday. If a project is slogging along, it may be time to upgrade your technology plan. Search for software, apps, or even an IT person who can help you “futurize.” If you need to learn a new program, download the tutorial and parse through the lessons this week. Geek out, don’t freak out. On Saturday, grab the white flag — and the rubber gloves too. It’s time to surrender as the Sun heads into Sagittarius and your twelfth house of transitions and release until December 21. This is the final phase of your annual solar cycle (the month before your birthday), a time for taking stock of your life overall. What do you want to bring into your next year and what are you so over? Downsizing and decluttering will be big missions in the month ahead. You won’t have your usual get-up-and-go energy either, so don’t push yourself too hard; in fact, this is an optimal window to slip off on a spa weekend or for a four-day trip to a sunny beach resort. Some Capricorns may have a loss or disappointment to grieve. Instead of squaring your shoulders and facing it alone, swaddle yourself in support. You could come across a great group of amazing healers in the coming four weeks, from therapists to shamans to holistic practitioners — even doctors who practice functional medicine, a blend of traditional and naturopathic modalities.




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Take off the fairy wings, light-up Muppet fur vest, and floor-length hippie skirt. Boho-slash-sci-fi Aquarius must go on hiatus this week to make room for your more professional side to step forth. On Tuesday, November 18, the Sun meets up with prestige-obsessed Saturn in your tenth house of career, demanding that you cater to the more conservative types in the bunch. We can feel you start to panic, Aquarius, but deeeeeeep breaths. You don’t have to sacrifice your originality or innovation. But don’t let outré style create a barrier between you and some truly staunch supporters. They might not get how serious you are at first glance, but they will truly have your back once you entice them with your vision. Think of this wardrobing swap as “inverse cosplay,” if you must. Of course, the outfit won’t matter one bit if you aren’t able to back up your grand schemes with a solid plan. Saturn’s cautionary beams warn against rushing to pitch, present, or try to pull of a mission when you’re feeling unprepared. Better you should reschedule the big meeting than attempt to wing it. Job dissatisfaction could hit some Water Bearers hard during the workweek. Don’t just turn on your heel and bolt. First try having a serious talk with the boss or that difficult client. You might just be due for a raise or promotion, or in need of more challenging assignments to keep you from slipping into ennui. On the personal front, it’s time to face the music with a particular man in your life. If your relationship with him has become somber, heavy, or filled with obligatory vibes, a talk is in order. You may need to make a sacrifice near Tuesday to support a goodfella who has had your back through thick and thin. But if he’s not pulling his weight in your team effort, call him to the carpet. On Saturday, “lonely-at-the-top” is no longer your hashtag du jour. The Sun bursts into Sagittarius and your eleventh house of teamwork until December 21, heralding a much lighter, brighter phase. Collaborators come out of the woodwork — and yes, you can don your sparkly, unicorn-themed apparel once again. Your original, outré, and outright eccentric leanings will be in demand — and the stuffy types will be far more accepting of your march to this beat too. Holiday hall pass! Having fun for fun’s sake is actually good for your career, so play as hard as you work. You could make a killer connection at one of the industry bashes you attend; but please draw the line at snogging the CEO under the mistletoe. Geek is chic during this solar-powered phase. Update your digital devices, software and apps. The blogosphere beckons, and this would be a fine time to learn the fundamentals of WordPress or even shoot your own YouTube series to share your expertise.    Take out a giant piece of paper too. On Saturday, a new moon in Sagittarius and your eleventh house sets the stage for your most important wishlist of the year. The eleventh house rules future hopes and dreams. Let your imagination run wild. If you’re longing for a semi-permanent second residence in the French countryside or to develop an award-winning, profitable app, write it down. Place your list somewhere special, like on an altar or taped to your mirror. Your dreams deserve a sacred treatment. Head’s up: Neptune, the planet of subconscious fears will form a tricky angle to this new moon, triggering some “I can’t afford that!” worries. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, so don’t let considerations about money stand in the way of you logging your deepest desires on that list. A creative financing plan may emerge between now and the corresponding full moon in Sagittarius (the manifestation date) on June 2, 2015. Hello, miracles.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/aquarius-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.ToCgzMYN.dpuf




Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd


Talk is cheap unless you can back it up with some action. This week, the planets put you to the test. Which of those promises are you willing to pull off, Pisces, and which do you need to bow out of, STAT? On Tuesday, November 18, the Sun aligns with sober Saturn in your ninth house of truth. People will expect you to step up or step off. Either choice is fine as long as you are clear about your intentions. It takes courage to cry uncle if you’re overburdened. At least that way, people can draft a Plan B instead of waiting for you to stop dodging their calls. Of course, if you ARE ready to move forward on a mission, the Sun-Saturn merger helps you move ahead with a solid plan. Saturn likes to amble along at a slow and steady clip, knowing that the tortoise CAN beat the hare. So, pace your progress, Pisces. The journey doesn’t have to send you spiraling into the stress zone. Saturn’s weighty influence can help you get serious about one of your long-term ambitions. You might decide to go back to school or a teacher-training project, or open up shop on your own entrepreneurial venture. Relocating is also in the stars for Pisces ready to pull up the stakes. Saturn could bring a solid place of residence, one that feels like your ideal family home. Or, if you’re happy with your current address, get serious about planning a pilgrimage to another corner of the world. It may take time to save up for this, but Saturn’s planning powers are here to help. Earmark a special account and flow funds into it from each paycheck. Before you know it, you’ll be trekking to the Taj Mahal or visiting John Of God in Brazil. On Saturday, drop off those silk button downs and blazers at the dry cleaner. A monthlong solar-powered cycle opens up for your career as the Sun heads into Sagittarius and your tenth house of ambition and success until December 21. Holiday season brings the perfect excuse to take clients and colleagues out for a drink or a concert to nurture those key business relationships. Don’t say no to any important industry invitations, even if you’d rather be lounging by your roaring fireplace with a glass of brandied eggnog in hand. You could make THE business contact of the year while out feting the season. Turns out it’s a lot easier to steal facetime with the CEO in a festive environment than it is to book an appointment through his or her secretary.    Saturday also features a new moon in Sagittarius, which kickstarts a promising six-month path for your professional ascension. That’s all the more reason to surround yourself with VIPs this weekend, even if that means sacrificing some social time to attend a seminar or trade show. If you have designs on opening up Pisces, Inc. the momentum will build for six months, starting with this new moon. You could be signing your own paychecks by the full moon in Sagittarius on June 2, 2015! Important men come into your orbit now too, as the tenth house is the masculine zone. The new moon could bring one fella in particular to the foreground, someone who will play a significant role in your future. The only bummer of this new moon is that it forms a challenging square to your ruling planet Neptune. A crisis of confidence could occur just when you need to project your most powerful self. Don’t let doubt in your abilities creep in, or hold yourself back with an “I’m not ready” internal monologue. This new moon wants you to leap into a new league AND a leadership role. Embrace the learning curve instead of expecting yourself to know everything before you’ve taken the first step.- See more at: http://astrostyle.com/weekly-horoscopes/pisces-weekly-horoscope/#sthash.Jcmy9GvZ.dpuf


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