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九星批未来五年运 推广




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你的活力高涨,但是你的注意力略有转移,从个人事务转向金钱,财产和回忆。周六/周一解决家务事和保护你的健康。最佳时间:周日下午3点到8点(太平洋时间)。周一黎明后维持常规。周日上午留意锋利的工具;下午留意水,管道和变质的食品。人际关系占满周二黎明到周四晚餐时间 – 世界似乎更坚定地让你改变人际关系或与之搏斗甚于给你一个美好的,流畅的前进道路。为什么会这样?这个间隔可以深深地改变人际关系,或创造一个新的。你可以“改变合作伙伴”。委婉些。直到2018年春天,白羊们认识到自己对异性非常有吸引力,特别是天秤和双子。今年秋天到2017年秋天,这甚至会带来婚姻或同居。周四晚到周六,生命的奥秘凸出。性,亲密行为,金融活动,研究或侦探工作 – 全部成功。你可能坠入爱河!(好吧,也许是肉欲。) 








ARIES March 21-April 19 

Your energy stays high, but your focus shifts slightly, from personal matters to money, possessions, and memory. Tackle chores and protect your health Sun./Mon. Best time: 3 pm to 8 pm (PDT) Sunday. Stick to routine after dawn Mon. Careful with sharp tools Sun. morning; with water, plumbing (and wilted food) this afternoon. Relationships fill Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime – and the world seems more determined to make you struggle with or change relations than to give you a nice, smooth way forward. Why does it do that, eh? This interval could deeply change a relationship, or create a new one. You could “change partners.” Be diplomatic. Aries, realize that until the spring of 2018 you remain very attractive to the opposite sex, especially to Libra and Gemini. This could even bring a marriage or co-habitation by this autumn to autumn 2017. Life’s mysteries swell up Thurs. eve through Saturday. Sex, intimacy, financial actions, research or detective work – all succeed. You could fall in love! (Well, perhaps into lust.) 




还有两天的平静和孤独,金牛。周二开始为期一个月的魅力增加、能量增加、影响力(和有效性——至少直到5月28日,这段时间水星逆行并且有优柔寡断的影响)。即使这两个安静的日子(周日/周一)也将充满美丽的梦想、快乐和一个浪漫的暗示,可能会超过一个。(虽然有一个轻微的暗示表明性可能会面临封闭,由于信仰、哲学或宗教的概念)。周二黎明到周四晚饭时间处理家务。在这个间隔时间小心对待尖锐的工具、机械、电力、伦理和爱。对他人保持耐心。明智地饮食穿衣(周四坚持日常家务)。周四晚上到周六关系繁荣。你可能陷入热恋之中,或者别人爱上你——或者你可能让一个分歧升级为敌意(只是周四——周五 /周六是灿烂的)。新鲜的视野、机会、突然的吸引和突然的见解到达。一个秘密的盟友、公务员或管理发展可能弹出一个惊喜给你。

TAURUS April 20-May 20 

Two days left of quietude and solitude, Taurus. Tuesday starts a whole month of heightened charisma, increased energy, clout (and effectiveness – at least until May 28, when Mercury goes retro and indecision enters). Even those two quiet days (Sun./Mon.) will be filled with beautiful dreams, pleasure, and a hint of romance that might turn out to be more than a hint. (Though there is a slight hint that sex might face a closed door that is constructed of belief, philosophy or religion.) Tackle chores Tues. dawn (PDT) to suppertime Thurs. Take care during this interval with sharp tools, machinery, electricity – and ethics, and love. Be patient with others. Eat and dress sensibly. (Stick to routine chores Thurs.) Relationships blossom Thurs. night through Saturday. You could fall madly in love, or cause someone else to fall for you – or you could let a disagreement escalate to enmity (Thurs. only – Fri./Sat. are splendid). Fresh horizons, opportunities, sudden attractions and sudden insights arrive. A secret ally, a civil servant, or a management development might spring a happy surprise for you. 




你的狂欢结束了双子。周二开启了为期一个月的宁静,疲倦,乐善好施,精神层面的活动,和充分休息后的容光焕发。你会处理一些和公务员,大型企业和机构相关 的事项。都处理得挺不错,甚至会有莫名的好运相伴,或者至少让你处理完成后觉得心安了很多。事实上,整个月都会让你觉得舒服,温暖和安全。现在不是投资的 好时机,但你如果为了其他需要,比如爷就是喜欢等,可以考虑买个房子或者其他财产。未来13个年头里最适合投资的时间是在今年的7月到9月上旬。周日周 一,虽然理论上说,你应该还处于上阶段那种充满希望,喜庆和受欢迎的影响里,但家务事在渐渐变得重要,而你的步子已在渐渐放缓。对家庭友好些,拥抱你的娃儿们,你可能会在周日觉得有些失望或者引起一些争执,但是最终这一切都会好的。周二凌晨到周四晚餐时间,你被浪漫的念头和感觉淹没,但是最好只是幻想,不要行动,不然要么命运,要么你喜欢的那个人会阻碍你。就好好享受YY嘛。从周四到周六,处理琐事。合理饮食和打扮。你会完成很多任务,当这种平静的好运气一 直持续伴随。一个新的或者要好的朋友也许是你周五下午最好的惊喜。 


GEMINI May 21-June 20 

Your revels now are ended, Gemini. Tuesday begins a month of quietude, weariness, charitable and spiritual activities, and restful rejuvenation. You’ll deal with civil servants, large corporations or institutions. These dealings should go very well, could even hit you with the magic wand of luck, or at the very least leave you feeling more secure. In fact, this whole month can make you feel comfy, warm and secure. It’s a great time to buy a home/property for enjoyment, but NOT for investment. (Investing in property is best June to early September – one of your best times in 13 years.) Sunday/Monday, though “technically” still part of prior weeks’ celebratory, hopeful, popular influence, brings domestic matters to the fore, and already begins to slow you down physically. Be kind to family, embrace kids – you might feel some argument or disappointment Sunday, but all’s well that ends well, and this does. Romantic notions and feelings surge Tues. dawn (PDT) to Thurs. suppertime – but dreams are better than action, as either fate or that sweet person seem determined to thwart you. Just enjoy, w/o acting. Tackle chores Thurs. eve through Sat. Eat and dress sensibly. You’ll accomplish a lot, as smooth good luck flows constantly. A new, or good, friend could be Friday afternoon’s happy surprise. 




周日或者周一,你需要去解决一些差事,电子邮件,沟通,文书工作和小的日常业务。周日到下午三点,有点热衷于辩论,虚伪。周一早上以后要维持你的常规工作(比如,不要开始一个新的电子邮件程序。)虽然看起来很诱惑,但是不要购买任何工具和机器。周二会开始为期一个月的社交活动,受大众欢迎,乐观,娱乐,调情和友好的浪漫。你会很开心。但这个月开始,你要准备休息,从周二黎明到周四晚饭时候。善待你的家人,好好休息,去花园吸收大自然的精 华。你会面对一个选择,在你的配偶和职业之间——你会选择哪个呢?如果你是做维修,绿化等工作的,周三的时候,要小心那些锋利的工具和电器。周四晚上到周六,浪漫,激情,美丽,快乐,创造力的井喷和冒险的欲望 -- 伴随着如此的好运,你不需要我的建议 -- 向前冲吧!你会疯狂地陷入热恋的! 


CANCER June 21-July 22 

Tackle errands, emails, communications, paperwork and small daily business items Sun./Mon. Sunday’s a bit argumentative, deceptive to 3 pm (PDT). Stick to routine tasks Monday after dawn. (E.g., don’t start a new email program.) Though tempted, don’t buy tools nor machines. Tuesday begins a month of social delights, popularity, optimism, entertainment, flirtation and friendly romance. You’ll be happy. But start this “month” with a preliminary rest, from dawn Tues. to suppertime Thurs. Be kind to family, rest, garden, soak up Mother Nature. You might face a choice between your spouse and your career – which do you cave to? If doing repairs, landscaping, etc., watch sharp tools and electricity Wed. Romance, passion, beauty, pleasure, creative surges and risk-taking urges come Thurs. eve through Sat. – and with such good luck, you don’t need my advice – just charge forth! You might fall madly in love. 






LEO July 23-Aug. 22 

A month of intellectual focus changes Tuesday, to start four weeks of career pressure, ambition, prestige relations, and worldly standing. You’re in good shape this go-round, as your ambitious efforts should yield a large, solid earnings reward. You might step onto a new income plateau any time between now and September, one that could last years. Earlier, Sunday/Monday emphasize earnings and money anyway – with problems and luck mingled. Be astute, aware. Best times to act: Sunday, 3 to 8 pm (PDT) and Monday 1 am to 7:30 am. Tuesday dawn to Thurs. suppertime brings errands, communications, travel, paperwork and details. Tuesday’s fine, although the day could feature a dilemma between work and ethics/religion (or love). Be honest, but favour work. Wed.’s full of surprises noon into deep night. You could meet new love around supper time and later – or you could face a break-off, a slammed door. Be flexible, smile. Stick to routine Thurs. Home, family, kid/parent relations, security, food, Mother Nature, home repairs, landscaping, gardening – and securing or expanding business territory – all these bless you Thurs. eve through Sat. Again, love could “ping” your heart. (A love started now – Friday – would be filled with security and intimacy – and maybe more sex than even you can handle!) 






VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 

A month of mystery, lust, exploration, financial actions and changes ends Tuesday, as you commence four weeks of mellow understanding, love, compassion, far travel and/or international affairs (small: attending as foreign movie; large: demonstrating at the Kremlin) cultural and social rituals, religion, philosophy, higher education, publishing, fame, and statistics. It’s time to see the big picture, to make sense of God and the World, to reveal to others what you learned in the dark month just passed. You might elevate a love to another plateau (e.g., dating to wedding) or discover that someone loves you. Earlier, Sunday/Monday boost your energy and charm. Good and bad luck mingle, so be nimble, be quick. Chase money, new clients, a pay raise, new possessions, casual sex (if you really want it) and “memory games” Tues. dawn (PDT) to Thurs. suppertime. This interval isn’t easy nor smooth, so don’t attempt big things. (Stick to routine Thurs.) Wednesday might offer you a choice: daily money, or an investment; perhaps a sexual liaison. Be wise, but be ready to live, also! Errands, communications, paperwork, details, casual contacts and travel fill Thurs. eve to Sat. – and in a lucky, happy way! Again, you could fall into lust with someone, or say yes to an investment, debt program, or lifestyle change. All good! 



☆☆☆天秤座——译者:要死的人 (消失。) 

日常,周日 / 周一。

LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 

A month of opposition and challenge, of potential partnership, of exciting new meetings and new horizons, of opportunities and rejections, ends Tuesday. For the following four weeks, you’ll veer into depths, mysteries, commitments and consequences. What was an opportunity now becomes a “put up or shut up” situation. Funding arrives, or is demanded. Note: now to June 1 is NOT a good time to start a business, nor to invest (especially not in health products, sanitation/waste industries, forestry, plates and cutlery, gardens and land, retreats and spas). Instead, use your financial urges to reduce debt, and to explore, research – so you’ll know what to invest in after May. Sexual urges will also demand attention. That’s fine, but remember: an Aries (or other man) will be a bit “unassertive” in the two months ahead; and your best partners will tend to arrive after late September, not before. Daily, Sun./Mon. nudge you to rest, avoid competitive situations, contemplate and plan. Your energy soars Tues. dawn (PDT) to Thurs. suppertime – you’re the leader, your charisma’s strong, but realize major obstacles still exist, most of them domestic. (E.g., you live in a house that freaks out potential dates.) You might see this clearly Tues. afternoon, or Wed. afternoon. Wed. night could bring a sudden, surprising attraction. Friday’s similar. Some Librans might meet and marry within a week. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients (and/or your boss) Thurs. eve to Saturday – excellent luck accompanies you. A health problem solved. If unemployed, find a job Friday afternoon (despite popular wisdom). 







SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 

Tuesday begins a month of relating: partnerships, public dealings, fame, possible relocation, negotiations and contracts, litigation, fresh horizons and new opportunities. Be co-operative, realize others hold the aces now. (If you act independently you could either “come up empty” or engender opposition, even enmity.) Earlier, Sun./Mon. technically belong to a now passing work and health phase, but the main thing you’ll notice is: rising hopes, popularity, sweet expectations, social joys, and, well, happiness. Luck is a bit mingled, so sidestep the bad (Sun. morning and late Sunday night) and embrace the good (Sun. eve, Mon. pre-dawn). Retreat Tues. dawn to suppertime Thurs. – find a quiet place to contemplate, examine your progress thus far, and plan for the future. Deal with civil servants, agents, warehousing, manufacturers, charities and institutions. Above all, maintain a restful pace. Your energy, clout and charisma soar Thurs. eve to Saturday, and your good luck is evident. Usually, I’d advise starting significant new projects during this interval, but a slow-down, a period of indecision, delay and false starts begins April 28, so only start what you can finish soon. Instead, use this time to impress others, cap off ventures with a flourish. Friday could bring true love, also a co-worker romance, maybe an unexpected by welcome work/health agreement. 




周二开始为期一个月的工作和苦差、关注健康、就业问题、维修和机械使用。不妨积极工作,缓慢前行。周日/周一你的野心、事业、社会地位和威望都会得到强调。雄心勃勃,但要意识到会遭遇拒绝或挫折——这与你的进步而言微乎其微。周二黎明到周三下午美好的休憩:社交乐趣、人气、乐观,也许还有调情。这来之不易,但没有什么会破坏你的乐观情绪。爱情是甜蜜的,但可能会遇到金钱问题,或嫉妒。周三下午,会发生同样的事情,但这天晚上你可能会遇到惊人的吸引对象, 虽然不一定持久。周四到周六——适合休息、考虑和计划。意识到你有一大堆的工作要解决:这些天适合准备、规划你的行动、把家务排在首位、安排好忠实的老盟友、休息聚集能量。再次吸引爱是可能的——家庭也会和谐 (如家庭聚会、房屋维修等) 。 


SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 

A month of work and drudgery, of health concerns, employment issues, service personnel and machinery utilization starts Tuesday. Might as well just plunge in and plod along. Earlier, Sunday/Monday accents your ambition, career, worldly standing and prestige relations. Be ambitious, but realize there are some rebuffs or setbacks – these will be less than your progress. Tuesday dawn to Thurs. afternoon brings sweet relief: social joys, popularity, optimism, perhaps a flirtation. This interval isn’t an easy one event-wise, but nothing will den your upbeat mood. Love is sweet these days, but it might run into a money snag, or a bit of (valid) jealousy Tues. The same occurs, to a lesser degree, Wed. afternoon. But this eve and night you could meet a stunning new attraction, though not necessarily a durable one. Retreat Thurs. eve through Sat. – rest, contemplate and plan. Realize you have a huge pile of work to tackle: these days are excellent for preparing, planning your attack, putting chores in priority, lining up (old, faithful) allies, and resting up to gather your energies. Again, a sudden love attraction is possible – so is a domestic success (e.g., knitting the famiky together, home repairs, etc). 




从周二开始将开启为期一个月的浪漫、强烈的创造欲、富于冒险精神、可爱的孩子,奇遇和寻欢作乐。早些时候,周日/周一,你的头脑打开了新的视野,新的思路。你的哲学思想会获得称赞。不过,周日的白天会有一些刺激、误解(不太显眼的原因可能是你的某个秘密)。那晚你将受到安抚(如果你在第二天之前仔细思考 过),那是你应得的,去探索吧,去爱吧。周二黎明到周四晚饭时间雄心勃勃(周四要为日常事务留出时间)。你的运气不太好,前途受阻。你的愿望和职位之间有些差距,或者你可能发现家庭状况不适合你的野心。所以,工作要仔细、谨慎和讲策略。周四黄昏到周六,幸福降临——你的人气飙升,快乐地社交和娱乐。你对你的未来充满乐观(正确的),友好的浪漫可能会出现。这几天都是好运气,所以不要犹豫,去做吧!信息如箭,命中靶心。一个意外解决了家庭或房产问题,或带来了一个幸福的“团圆”。 




周日/周一:对新视野、新想法敞开心扉。小魔们的哲人心理会帮助到爱情。周日白天可能有些刺激、误解(你的某个秘密可能就是那个不明确的原因) 。周日晚会让你再次确信自己确实值得、也必将会找到爱情(尽管明天你又会再三思考)。

周二黎明——周四晚饭:保持雄心勃勃(周四要留给常规行动)。小魔们不是太幸运,未来貌似你的希望和位置中间有鸿沟,抑或是你发现自己的现实况跟自己的野心不相符。 所以,小心工作,慎重且手腕灵活。

周四晚——周六:幸福来临——受欢迎,成为社交之星,各种娱乐, 对未来积极乐观(正解), 还可能出现友好的浪漫火花。这些日子充斥着好运,所以,不要犹豫——投身其中!交流正中靶心。包括家人或地产的惊喜解决了某个问题或是带来一次幸福的“”重聚“。


CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 

Tuesday begins a month of romance, creative urges, risk-taking, charming children, adventure and pleasure. Earlier, Sun./Mon., your mind opens to new horizons, new thoughts. Your philosophical mood aids love. Still, Sunday daytime can hold some irritants, misunderstandings (a secret of yours could be the not-obvious cause). This night can reassure you (as you mull it over the next day) that you do deserve, will find, love. Be ambitious Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime (reserve Thurs. for routine actions). Your luck isn’t high, and the future seems to snag on the gap between your hopes and your position, or you might find your domestic situation doesn’t agree with your ambitions. So work carefully, with discretion and diplomacy. Happiness arrives Thurs. eve through Saturday – your popularity surges, social delights and entertainment come, you’re optimistic about your future (correctly so) and friendly romance might arise. These few days are packed with good luck, so don’t hesitate – dive in! Communications are like an arrow that hits a bullseye. A surprise involving family or real estate solves a problem, or brings a happy “reunion.” 






AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 

Tuesday brings a domestic month, Aquarius. You’ll feel a bit tired at times – nap without guilt, as this is your natural “hibernation” month. Embrace the family, re-introduce yourself to your kids; garden, repair, and handle security, retirement and (children’s) education concerns. (DON”T invest in a new home before June.) At your job, you might be asked to work on expanding or maintaining your company’s sales territory. Sunday/Monday highlight the depths, and bring your subconscious to the surface. Lust, for sex and/or power and/or wealth, drives you. Act on this between 3 pm and 8 pm (PDT) Sunday, or (better) before dawn Monday. Mental expansion, compassion, and a mellow, philosophical mood visit you Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime. International travel, cultural and social rituals, publishing, higher education and all intellectual pursuits appeal to you – but few of these are free from obstacles. Don’t gossip, and don’t reveal your own secrets or vulnerabilities. You could meet a new, rather significant friend Wed. eve, night. Be ambitious Thurs. eve through Saturday – a splendid luck rides with you. Again, you could meet an exciting person, probably Fri. daytime. 




双鱼们,周日和周一你会处在人际关系中。幸运掺杂其中,如果你打开自己、合作或者跳上别人的花车,你就能获得。所以,这样去做。命运之轮将会运转,可能会带领某些人或者某些机会进入你的视野。如果你在合作事宜上达成共识,现在就开始行动。因为从下周到五月,事情的进展都会缓慢并充满困惑,这会使得人们改变他们的主意。本周二你会开始一整月的“轻巧工作”——出差、文书工作、远行、电话、电邮、快递、偶尔的朋友问候等等。收益通常不会太高,所以你可以忙中偷闲。周二傍晚到周四晚餐时间,适合去探寻生活的秘密:调查、像个侦探一样。关注亲密的电话和财务行为。听着,双鱼们,六月前不要调查得太深入。这段时间包含异化的暗示,比如跟钱相关的意想不到的消息(在周三晚上),也许是好的消息,会让你微笑与放松。一种成熟的哲思会充盈你的周四,甚至持续到周六全天。掌控一场长途旅行、国际事物、高等教育、出版、媒体、知识和文化上的追求——都会有强烈的好运伴随着你。再说一次,周五可能会在金钱上有意想不到的事情发生——也许会出现一个更好的 、激励人心的、新的赚钱的方法。 


PISCES Feb. 19-March 20 

Relationships fill Sun./Mon. Your luck is mixed here, but you will ultimately gain if you reach out, co-operate and jump on another’s band wagon. Do so. “Destiny” seems to operate in bringing certain people or opportunities into your view. If you have an agreement to tie up, do it now, as next week into May slows and confuses, causes people to change their minds. Tuesday starts a whole month of “light duties” – errands, paperwork, trips, calls, emails, delivery, casual friendly contacts, etc. The stakes generally will not be high, so you can “relax within your busyness.” Delve into life’s mysteries Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime; research, be a detective. Intimacy calls, so do power moves (be honest, ethical) and financial actions. Listen, Pisces, DO NOT invest heavily before June. This mid-week interval holds hints of alienation, as well as money surprises (Wed. eve/night). (Probably good ones; you might laugh with relief.) A mellow, philosophical mood flows through you Thurs. eve through Saturday. Charge ahead with far travel, international affairs, higher education, publishing, media, intellectual and cultural pursuits – a splendid luck accompanies you. Again, a possible money surprise (Fri.?) – or even better, an inspiration, a new idea about how to make money. 


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