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来自: 小赞博士
整个12月直至1月3日,火星将停于天秤座。天秤与水瓶高度兼容,支持你的梦想和愿望。因此,许多领域都会为水瓶而绽放:国际关系,移民,学术界,媒体,法律事务和法院,等等等等。太阳火星的甜蜜角度,让瓶子精力充沛又兴奋。 12月6-7号尤其开心。不管你在这个独特周末做什么,都会有很多笑脸相迎。
12月11日,新月在射手座19度,带来瓶子的重要时刻。这次新月会让你的社交生活变得更充满活力,比前面说过的那些天还要好。你的守护星天王星与新月呈理想的角度。自2011年3月,天王星就在瓶子的旅行区,给你可以随自己心意整装出发的机会。 (天王星将留在短途旅行的第三宫到2019年)随着这个能量的上升,你的社交生活将充满活动与机遇。
瓶子星盘这充满很大能量的部分亦掌管通信。电子邮件会爆满,QQ微信短信会响个不停,手机会不停地响,推送来自朋友和熟人的派对和晚宴的社交邀请和通知。本文转自星座运势网。水瓶座是个有爱心的星座,总乐于帮助那些受难的,被忽略的或者被社会边缘化的人们。瓶子可能会决定为慈善机构做志愿者工作,让人们意识到到社会中某一些人的痛苦。 参与慈善项目是个很好的方式,可以遇到志同道合的人,结交新朋友,如果是单身的瓶子也说不定会有一次浪漫的相遇。
瓶子也会有时间玩,因为职业生涯虽说忙起来,却不是现在,而是从2016年1月3日至3月5号。现在有时间就先好好休息充电。明年1月5号至25号水星逆行,所以整个月都会很安静 - 你会早在12月19日就感到水星的放缓。
也许你会说,“等等,我的职业发展机会和奖励一月开始升温,但同时水星逆行?” 是的的确,但首先,你的事业趋势将持续到3月5日。找找过去一直支持你的老客户就会利用好这个趋势,他们会给你带来财运。或过去和你一起工作的VIP忽然联系你,他/她对你的工作质量印象深刻。你可能会被提供一个名利双收的工作。像这样的事情可能会在瓶子身上发生!不要等别人给你打电话,你可以打给他们!2月份将是所有人最强,最幸福的月份之一,所以如果你准备好,从现在起两个月可以做很多事业上的发展,在二月份,尤其是2月8日水瓶座新月之后。
接近月末,星星闪烁! 12月24日,金星与木星呈神圣的角度。这很赞,因为柔软温柔的金星是水瓶两个太阳宫的守护者:家宅和家人的第四宫,和远途旅行的第九宫。这说明瓶子既可以在家过平安夜,给家人和朋友一个美丽豪华的派对,也可以飞去遥远的海岸,享受一个难忘的海外假期。可以去巴黎,柏林,罗马,或者瑞士阿尔卑斯山上的一个小村庄。只是给你些灵感,如果你喜欢海边,圣巴特怎么样?无论你去哪,都会有豪华的住宿,因为木星也会参与,你会受到热情真诚的服务。
金星进入荣誉第十宫,木星在财务第八宫,你的工作成绩被认可,你收到的钱也会进一步证明这一点。虽然这时候得到的钱可能来自各种来源,三妈更相信和工作有关,是用来奖励你的出色表现。瓶子并不物质,所以这个月关于钱的话题可能会让你迷惑。这是你可爱的一面 - 钱对你并不那么重要。对你最重要的是创意,与他人的关系,帮助弱者或者遭受痛苦的人。但是钱会给你更多选择,所以享受这奔向你的赏金吧。在过去的四五个月你可能已经挣了从前加起来都没见过的那么多钱,但如果还没,你到2016年9月9日都还有机会,看到宇宙对你多么慷慨。
瓶子的节日季将充满朋友,欢乐和美食。 12月11日的新月简直是为你订做。新月之前也会有几个美丽的日子,而这一天会让一切正式开始,12月11日之后几天瓶子会收到各种邀请。还有很多高级聚会的邀请,大部分会是惊喜,因为意外之星天王星与新月会呈甜蜜角度。火星也会参与,所以可能会有十二月上旬到中旬出行的机会。
不管你做什么,12月10日不要出行,火星和天王星将猛烈对抗,造成各种挫折,无论你是坐飞机还是火车,公交车,或自驾游。水瓶守护星天王星的参与,让这天对瓶子比别人阻力更大。 12月19-20号的周末也会麻烦,因为水星(旅游)与天王星角度僵硬。天气造成的延误可能耽误你几个小时,所以提前或拖后几天离开(小赞碎碎念:这周末是美国春运时间,国内小伙伴可以随便宅)。
本月工作,瓶子同时受上级和下属的喜爱。金星将滑过你的声誉和地位的第十宫,直至12月30日。这是2015年第一次,魅力将让你走的更远。你在给领导或者客户演讲中无需太用力,自夸,或有攻击性 - 你的魅力就会让贵人倾听并批准你的想法。轻轻一碰就完全足够。本文来自星座运势网。您在11月取得了很大的进步,而12月金星将帮你扩展竞争优势。
来自——阿七 已完成 注意翻页
——来自 阿七
当12月11日新月出现在射手座19度,你的重要时刻将会到来。这个新月会让你的社交生活比曾经有过的更具活力,甚至比我上面讨论的优雅日子更好。我爱天王星,你的主宰行星(在这个星相配置里指代你),将与新月有一个完美的角度。天王星自2011年3月以来在你的旅行宫,给你机会打包出发。(天王星将保持在你的第三宫,旅游领域附近,直到 2019年。)当这种能量大门打开,你的社交生活将爆炸,伴随着各种提议和活动。
那听起来太遥远,所以这是12月应该会带来让你激动人心的职业消息的一天。12月17日,此时金星和冥王星会代表你协同工作。金星经过你的第十宫,代表荣誉、奖项、 成就,从12月4日至12月29日,并且在12月17日将会得到来自冥王星的帮助。这将转化为一个VIP想匿名帮助你。在工作中,很明显,你不会做错!
12月10日事情可能会变得乱七八糟,新月的一天前。在这一天,火星会与天王星相冲,这是一个非常火热、爆炸性的星相。火星(战争和冲突之星) 和天王星(代表不可预测事件的星球)将以180度对抗。你有两个旅行宫在你的星图上(和其他人一样),但是你的会亮起来。
无论你做什么,不要在12月 10日旅行,此时火星和天王星将以非常激进的方式对抗,引发各种各样的挫折,无论你是在机场或乘坐铁路、公交车或汽车。你的主宰天王星参与这个星相配置, 使得这天对你来说比大多数人艰难。12月19日至20日的周末也是困难的,因为水星(旅游)将与你的主宰天王星呈坚硬的角度。天气延误可能耽误你几个小时,所以在几天前或在本月晚些时候离开这个城市。
说到工作,你似乎有一个项目将碰到节日,因为12 月25日的满月将会落在你的日常宫。海王星会有一个漂亮的角度,所以你会喜欢被邀请,在项目上添加你的个性。你可能在深夜结束这一重要任务,所以在12月保持你的健康健壮将是至关重要的。你会希望有一个健康的身体去享受所有的乐趣的假期。
Aquarius Horoscope for December 2015
By Susan Miller
You will have a very merry holiday month, dear Aquarius. Planets that are stacking in your eleventh house of friendship will ensure that you have a lively social season, and that you'll be busy seeing and bonding with those you've not seen in a long while. You will also make a number of new friends, so all in all, this will be one of your happiest holidays in a long time.
The first inkling that your social life is about to get busy will occur over the weekend of December 6-7, when the Sun in your friends sector will reach out to Mars in your long-distance travel sector. You may be traveling to a beautiful event in a distant city, like an engagement party or wedding of a close friend, and it's sure to be vibrant and fun.
All month, until January 3, Mars will remain in Libra, a sign highly compatible with yours, and that supports your dreams and wishes. So many areas shine for you: international relationships, matters of immigration, academia, the media, legal matters and the courts, plus more. Mars in such a sweet angle to your Sun will have you feeling energized and excited. December 6-7 should be particularly happy. Whatever you do on this special weekend, it will likely put you amid a great many smiling faces.
Two days later, on December 8, you will have a romantic day. Your ruler, Uranus will signal the Sun with a thrilling electric beam, and surprises galore should come up. If you have a steady partner or mate, your other half may surprise you on this day with an idea or gift that you would never have imagined would be presented to you - and you will love it.
Your big moment will arrive when the new moon appears on December 11, in Sagittarius 19 degrees. This new moon will make your social life much more vibrant than it has been, even better than the elegant days I discussed above. I love that Uranus, your ruling planet (naming you in this configuration), will be in ideal angle to the new moon. Transiting Uranus has been in your travel sector since March 2011, giving you chances to pack and go at will. (Uranus will remain in your third house of nearby travel until 2019.) When this portal of energy opens up, your social life will explode with offers and events.
This part of your chart being energized so powerfully also rules communication. Your email will overflow, text screens will pop, pop, pop, and your phone will ring continually with news and social invitations for parties and dinners from friends and acquaintances. Your sign is a caring one, always interested in helping those who suffer and who have been overlooked or marginalized by society. You may decide to do volunteer work for a charity or get involved with a humanitarian effort to bring awareness to a part of society that is suffering. (Getting involved with a charity or humanitarian project is a great way to meet like-minded people, and not only might you make new friends, but you may also have a romantic meeting if you are single.)
If your birthday falls on February 8, plus or minus four days, you will feel the positive vibrations of the new moon December 11 more strongly than that of your Aquarian friends with birthdays that fall in other parts of the sign. You will also benefit if you have Aquarius rising, or a natal planet or moon in Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius at 19 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.
As you see, December will be a monumentally busy time for most people, and you too, but as they say, give a busy person more to do (you), and it gets done. You will be a pillar of efficiency in December.
You will have time to play, too, because your career will heat up, not now, but from January 3 to March 5, 2016. Take a chance to rest and revitalize now while you can. In January, Mercury will retrograde from January 5 to 25, so the entire month will be quiet - you will start to feel Mercury's slowdown as early as December 19.
If you are saying, "Wait, my career opportunities and rewards will start to heat up in January, but at the same time Mercury will be retrograde?" Yes, that's true, but first, realize your career trend will last until March 5. You can deal well with this trend if you go back to past clients who always supported you, for they will be fortunate for you. Alternatively, you may hear from a VIP you used to work with you, and who was always impressed with the quality of your work. You may get offered a wonderful, prestigious job. Things like this do happen! Don't wait for others to call you - you can call them! Keep in mind that February will be one of the strongest, happiest months of the year for everyone, so if you are organized, you can make a lot of professional progress two months from now, in February, especially after the darling new moon in Aquarius, February 8.
That may sound too far off, so here is one day in December that should bring you exciting career news. It's December 17, when Venus and Pluto will work collaboratively on your behalf. Venus will be transiting your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement from December 4 to December 29, and on December 17 will receive help from Pluto. This will translate into help from a VIP who wants to remain anonymous. At work, it's clear, you can do no wrong!
There will be one day when things will possibly go haywire, and that's December 10, a day that comes prior to the new moon. On this day, Mars will oppose Uranus, which is a very hot, explosive aspect. Mars (planet of war and strife) and Uranus (planet of unpredictable events) will be at 180 degrees from one another in confrontational aspect. You have two travel houses in your chart (as does everyone else), but yours will be lit up.
Mars will fill one house (your house of distant travel), cutting across your horoscope wheel directly to Uranus (in your short distance travel house). It's easy to see that December 10 would not be a day to travel using any means of transportation. If you drive, be careful not to cut off another driver, because you won't know if this person is quick to become angry in a road rage type incident. Uranus brings conditions that you would not expect, such as long delays in the airport or a flat tire on the road.
One other time this month that it would not be wise to travel is over the weekend of December 19-20. Mercury (travel) will be in hard angle to Uranus, which adds up to more unanticipated challenges.
My sweet daughter, dear Diana, lives in Los Angeles, and is flying home to New York City for the holidays to see her sister, father, and me. However, she has very little time, due to her work AND jury duty. She has delayed jury duty before, but now she has to go. As luck would have it, her jury duty is due at the end of December. She was planning to come home December 19 or 20, but I had to tell her to stay out of the airport at that time. I want as many days and hours with Diana as possible (in between her seeing all her friends here, of course), but this aspect will sharply reduce the time she'll have to be in New York. I tell you this because I want you to know I follow my own advice, even if it hurts to do so!
As you get closer to month's end, the stars sparkle! On December 24, Venus will be in divine angle to Jupiter. This is great, because soft, gentle Venus is the natural ruler of two solar houses of your horoscope: your fourth house of home and family, and your ninth house of distant travel. This tells me you can spend Christmas Eve at home, giving a beautiful, luxurious party for family and friends, or you can fly off to distant shores and enjoy the holiday overseas for a truly memorable holiday. You might opt to visit Paris, Berlin, Rome, or a tiny village in the Swiss Alps. I mention these wonderful cities just to get you thinking. If you prefer the beach, how about St. Barts? Wherever you go, you will have luxurious accommodations, for when Jupiter is involved, you will feel pampered and adored by the staff.
Also on December 24, you may also be told that you are about to receive a generous check. It may be a large year-end bonus, insurance payout, advance on a book, commission or licensing fee payment, cash court settlement, venture capital investment in your business, a valuable gift, or cash from your parents.
With Venus transiting your prestigious tenth house, and Jupiter in your financial eighth house, you are clearly valued at work, and the money you receive will prove it. Although the money you get at this time may come from a variety of possible sources, I suspect the check will be work related, as reward for your excellent performance. You are not a materialistic sign, so all this talk of money this month may bewilder you. This is one of the most loveable sides to you - to you money is not that important. Creativity, relationships with others, and helping those who are too weak or suffering to champion their own cause will always be number 1 with you. Yet money will give you choices, dear Aquarius, so enjoy the bounty that seems destined for you. The past four-five months should have brought you more money than you've ever seen, but if not, you have until September 9, 2016, to see just how generous the universe is about to be with you.
New Year's Eve seems to be an evening that you would enjoy spending with your partner. Although you love crowded parties, this won't be one of those nights to go to one. Aquarius is known to have a great many friends - and you do - but on this night, you might opt to spend all your time, and direct all of your attention, to your partner. The transiting moon will be in Virgo and Jupiter will conjoin the moon. It is a perfect vibration for privacy and expressions of love. What a wonderful way to ring in the New Year!
Your season of festivities will be filled with friends, fun, and fabulous foods. The new moon of December 11 seems to have been made for you. Although you will have several beautiful days prior to the new moon, this day will get the ball rolling and a flurry of Invitations will start to come in the days that follow December 11. Most of the invitations you will receive to A-list parties will be a surprise, for Uranus will be sweetly angled to the new moon, and Uranus always does what you'd never expect would happen. Mars will get in the act too, so you may have the option to travel in early to mid-December.
Whatever you do, do NOT travel over December 10, when Mars and Uranus will confront one another in a very aggressive way, causing all kinds of frustrations whether you find yourself at the airport or traveling by rail, bus, or car. Your ruler, Uranus, is involved in this configuration, making it a harder day for you than for most. The weekend of December 19-20 will also be difficult, for Mercury (travel) will be at hard angle to your ruler, Uranus. Weather delays could sideline you for hours, so leave town a few days earlier or later in the month.
At work, this month, it appears you are as popular as can be with both higher ups and those reporting to you. Venus will glide through your reputation and status sector (tenth house), until December 30 for the first time in 2015, indicting charm will get you far. You need not be too forceful, assertive, or aggressive in your presentations to higher ups or clients - your charisma will have VIPs listening to what you have to say and approving your ideas. A light touch will work best. You made a lot of progress in November, and now Venus will help you extend your competitive edge throughout December.
Speaking of work, you appear to have a project that will come up against the holiday, for the full moon, December 25, will fall in your workaday sector. Neptune will be nicely angled, so you will enjoy being invited to put your stamp of individuality on the project. You may be putting in late nights to wrap up this important assignment, so it will be vital that you keep your health robust throughout December. You will want to be healthy to enjoy all the fun parts of the holiday season.
On December 24, just as the world is quieting down for a winter's nap, you will likely get very good news about your career, as Venus and Jupiter will work together in lovely aspect. It appears a bonus, royalty, licensing fee or approved loan, payment you've been expecting (or not), say, from a client or insurance company, will come through in one large bundle on or this date.
This year, it seems you will want to spend a quiet, private New Year's Eve with the ones you love. You will have done enough socializing to feel you've had a happy time with friends, and by December 31, you will want to give quality time to the ones that mean the most to you. As the snow falls, and as cold winds blow outside, you will be happy to be in a cozy place, enveloped in the warmth of those who matter most to you.
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