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九星批未来五年运 推广




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毋庸置疑的是,接下来你会有一个精彩的事业年。你可能现在就拿到了录用通知书,或者你可能已经入职了,并且会在在12月中旬公布你的新职位。我爱这个重要的新月的原因是从惊喜之星天王新传来的善意会此刻到达掌管你收入和工资的第二宫。如果你是个体经营户,一个新的高资项目将会到来;如果你为他人工作,一个工资更高的全职工作将会到来。火星也会和太阳呈现一个良好的角度,火星也会在掌管你其他资金 – 他人的钱 – 的部分发光发亮。这些资金会以年底的福利、佣金、专利费、首付、许可费或者其他的形式呈现给你(其中之一)。火星所掌管的费用金额不会像周薪一样那么少。 



接下来的12月8日是一个更加重要的日子。这也是一个关于你收入的好消息,与你地位的上升和来自你工作领域里的与日俱增的尊重和敬仰 – 可能大到全世界范围 – 息息相关。这一天,太阳(掌管你工作项目,但是现在落在了掌管高地位和专业的宫)和惊喜之星天王会一起在你的声誉和收入间建立直接的连接。 




谈到爱情,满月会在圣诞的那一天(25日)和巨蟹座3°发生。对你而言是多么美妙的一天啊 – 这个温柔地大满月会点亮掌管你真爱、怀孕和小孩的宫。亲爱的鱼鱼,这个一个非常浪漫的满月,对你而言也是今年里面最好最有爱的一天之一。唯一一个和这次的满月形成相位的是海王星 – 你的守护星,会产生一个神圣地美丽的共鸣。海王星在太阳系的职能就是教给我们同情和无条件的爱的价值。海王星会向这次的新月根据严谨的数据建立一个桥梁,让它变得非常的有效。让各种年龄段的家庭成员和朋友围绕着你,会让这次的假日变得像是胡桃夹子里面的一个场景。如果你不过圣诞节的话,你就会错过一个完全享受家庭氛围的机会。 








12月对你的事业而言是非常令人激动的,尤其在11日的新月出现后。这会是在2015年里,对于你在你专业领域里面的身份地位而言最重要的一个月。你可能会晋升,也可能会纳入一个知名度很高的客户如果你个体经营的话。这个月所做的努力会被一直观察着你稳定发展的人所注意到,并且会改变这个行业里面对你的天赋和未来的潜在能力的看法。这是一个重要的并且需要严肃对待的月份,所以请想尽一切办法对待一切可能发生的机遇。你的名字在这个月会在上层中一直提到 – 享受这次的小题大做。 


资金管理也会在这个月提上日程,因为12月6日,火星正穿过你掌管他人钱财的第八宫,这是一个你可能会得到奖金或者来自许多可能的来源之一的大量资金流动宫。也有可能的是,你需要签下一张非常沉重的支票,可能代表着你需要一大笔资金用于投资你自己的生意如果你是个体经营户。你的花费确实看起来比一般而言要高(甚至也包括这个月买礼物的钱),不过保持冷静 – 赚钱的机会将会纷沓而至。 

在10日这一天,有钱并不能使鬼推磨。 你可呢会在这一天收到一份意想不到的开支,或者合同谈不拢。19-20日的这个周末也会带来一些棘手的财务消息。这些日子可能意味着临时状况或者挫折是你可以修补的,但是你需要打开你的天线,所以你可以在事情发生的第一时间内解决它。在10日和19-20日通知重要财务决定的前后几天留一些空间。 


感谢在24日,优雅的金星和幸运之星木星之间的一个稀有的并且美丽的互动。你可能会因为你伙伴的行为和对你的关心感到惊喜 – 或是伴侣、或是合作伙伴 – TA的行为让你深深的感动。本文转自星座运势网。如果你没有伙伴,你也会收到金星和木星相合所带来的豪华礼物。你可能会有旅游的机会,也可能招待远道而来看你的,不管哪个都是喜事。 

圣诞节的满月,12月25日,落在水象星座巨蟹座,全力支持也是水象星座的双鱼。这个满月会让今年的节日温暖而欢乐。这次的满月会收到来自鼓舞人心的、你的守护星海王星的橄榄枝,因此,家庭、朋友,和这个季节的灵魂会给你带来精神上的感动,并且给你带来一段不一样的经历。与可爱的宝宝期待新生命的家庭成员互动就像是在蛋糕上撒上糖霜一样。水星和木星将会呈现精细的角度,所以你可能会收到来自远方的消息 – 远亲、亲家,或者商业伙伴 – 他们会清楚地向你证明你的福利优先于其他事情。制造另外一个在这个节日期间的感人的时刻。 




Pisces Horoscope for December 2015
By Susan Miller
Most of December will be your time to shine professionally. The Sun has reached the very pinnacle of your chart and is beaming light and joy into your prestigious career sector. So much of what you worked on over the past year will be being lauded and rewarded now. In many ways, your reputation will precede you, dear Pisces.
Your biggest moment of the year for your career will come at the new moon December 11, when an entirely new career chapter will form. Heavy gates that had been stubbornly closed for you will now open wide. Opportunity will come to you, even though you might assume that at holiday time, nothing happens. Not true! Your life will be so bright that at times you may wonder if you are dreaming this enchanting vision of all you can accomplish in your career.
One year ago, you had a new moon in your tenth house of career fame and honors, but Saturn, newly in your career house as of December 23, 2014, had his fingerprints all over that new moon, so it meant you were looking at a year of hard work where you'd have to prove yourself. You did that over the past year. Last year, Saturn was within than four tiny degrees of that new moon, which is a serious vibration that required you to concentrate on your job and hone your skills. That meant that 2014 to 2015, the one you just completed, would be a year that would test your mettle, often under trying circumstances. Now a brand new moon will arrive to replace and revitalize that old one and usher in a much more positive, elegant, and affirming career outlook.
No doubt about it, you have a wonderful career year ahead. You may get offers now, or you may have already recently accepted a job and in mid-December will announce your new position. What I love about this important new moon is its friendly beam from Uranus, the planet of surprise, now transiting in your second house of earned income and salary. A new well-paying assignment may come up if you are self-employed, or a better paying full time job may come up now if you work for others. Mars will also be in good angle to the Sun, and Mars is in your sector of other types of funds - "other people's money" will glow too. These types of funds might come to you (pick one) such as a year-end bonus, commission, royalty, advances and licensing fee, benefits, and so forth. The payment that Mars will be working on for you will come in one large chunk, not paid out in weekly payments like salary.
In terms of career and money, you will get glimmers of just how special things are about to get before you get to that gorgeous new moon of December 11. A case in point will be two special days.
The first day to watch will happen over a weekend, December 5-6, when the Sun and Mars will be well angled. Here you will be in line for exciting news about money, and when it arrives, you could not be happier.
Then, a more important date will be December 8, again for good news about your earned income as tied to your rising status and all the respect you are generating from those in your industry - possibly in the world at large. This day will have the Sun (which rules assignments, but is now in your high-status professional house) and Uranus, planet of sudden surprise, adding up to a direct link between your reputation and money you receive.
This month will prove to you that your financial situation is nowhere near as shaky as you feared it to be. Mars is now touring your eighth house, known to force up expenses, and you may have had to take out a bank loan or put costs on credit cards. It seems that you will soon be able to balance things out and repay loans, so stay calm. You will not lack opportunity this month!
The one day you do have to be careful about money will be when Mars and Uranus go at each other at a 180-degree tug-of-war on December 10. You may experience a loss, so keep track of your possessions.
This would be a terrible day to sign a contract. If you can, wait until December 24 to do so, and fax, Fed Ex, or scan it to send at some point in the morning. On Christmas Eve, December 24, Venus and Jupiter will form a beautiful aspect that will encourage a strong, supportive, and successful relationship between two people (Jupiter) in business or in love.
Speaking of love, the full moon will occur on Christmas Day, December 25 in Cancer 3 degrees. How wonderful for you - this big, tender full moon will light your house of true love, pregnancy, and children. It's a highly romantic full moon, one of the best and most loving of the year for you, dear Pisces. The only planet that will make an aspect to that full moon will be Neptune, your ruler, in a divinely beautiful vibration. Neptune's job in our solar system is to teach us the value of compassion and unconditional love. Neptune will send a tight mathematical beam to the full moon, making it very effective. Having family and friends of all ages near you, including children, could make this holiday seem like a scene from the Nutcracker. If you don't celebrate Christmas, you will nevertheless have an opportunity to fully enjoy family.
Neptune is the higher octave of Venus in that Neptune teaches us to love so deeply that we are willing to give up things for ourselves so that our romantic partner or children who we love can benefit. Neptune often asks for a willing sacrifice. When I say Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, I mean that Neptune takes the love and fun of Venus to a much deeper, closer expression of love. If you are single, you may meet someone who catches your eye at a festive, beautiful, small holiday party on Christmas Eve. Attached Pisces will have quality time to build a memory that neither of you will ever forget. In this world, the best gift you could ever give your partner or your child is the gift of full attention, without any distraction. You will be capable of that on December 24 and 25, and enjoy yourself to the fullest when you do.
With a full moon in Cancer, the sign of the child that grows within, you may find out that you both are expecting a baby (or have been approved to adopt a child), or the baby may actually be delivered within four days of Christmas Day.
This full moon will touch you deeply whether or not you celebrate Christmas, of course - this one is made for you, dear romantic Pisces, no matter where in the world you happen to live, or what religion you practice. This will be a very happy time for you.
If your birthday falls on February 22, plus or minus four days from this date, you will have a double dip of pleasure coming to you, for this enchanting full moon will speak directly to the mathematics of your natal Sun. The same will be true if you have Pisces rising, or a natal moon or natal planet of 3 degrees Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer with a tolerance of a plus or minus four degrees.
On New Year's Eve, the transiting moon will be in your opposite sign of Virgo (that is, the sign found exactly six months away from your sign on the horoscope wheel). Virgo rules your committed partner, so those Pisces who are attached will benefit most. What is so exciting about this full moon is that it will conjunct generous, happy planet Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. Both the transiting moon and Jupiter will be based in your marriage house and be bewitchingly positive and hypnotic.
This year, let your partner decide precisely how you will ring in the New Year together. Jupiter will remain in your marriage house until September 2016, making the year ahead one of your favorites, and certainly one that may work out to be quite unforgettable. Many Pisces will get engaged or even wed in the last days of December. Enjoy this month, dear Pisces. It seems like a month that is designed just for you.
December will be an exciting month for your career, especially after the new moon appears, December 11. This will be your most important month of 2015 to advance your status in your profession. You may get an offer for a promotion or bring in a new high profile client if you are self-employed. All that you do this month will be noted by those who have been watching your steady progress in your career and change the way the industry views your talents and future potential. It's an important month, and one to take seriously, so leave no stone unturned when it comes to career opportunities that may come up. Your name will be buzzed about among the upper echelons of power this month - enjoy the fuss.
When Venus enters your career sector on December 30, to stay until January 23, it means the popularity and the good will you are generating in December will ratchet up to another, more sophisticated level next month. This trend will not end anytime soon. Venus' position suggests that a soft touch will work best in all interviews and negotiations, for you won't have to be too forceful or assertive to get your point across. Venus always teaches to sit back and let the power of your ideas magnetize others to you.
Money management will also be part of your agenda, for Mars is moving through your eighth house of other people's money, a sign you may be getting a bonus or large influx of cash from one of many possible sources near December 6. Alternatively, you may be required to write a very hefty check, perhaps representing a large investment in your business if you are self-employed. Your expenses do seem to be running higher than usual (even in a month that includes shopping for gifts), but stay calm - you have plenty of money-making opportunities coming to you soon.
A day when money talks won't go well will be December 10, when you may be given news about an unexpected expense, or when contractual negotiations will take a strange tone and send talks in the wrong direction. The weekend of December 19-20 will also be troublesome for financial news too. These dates may represent a temporary situation or setback that you can fix, but you will need to keep your antenna up so that you can mobilize to address things as they arise. Keep space of a few days before and after December 10 and December 19-20 before announcing a key financial decision.
By contrast, December 8 will bring exciting, positive financial news, thanks to a beam between the Sun and Uranus. As you see, this month will bring all kinds of news, so you may feel, at times, that you are on a roller coaster. If you need to raise venture capital or get a line of credit from your bank, make your pitch on December 8.
Thanks to a rare and very beautiful interplay of graceful Venus and good fortune Jupiter on December 24, you may be pleasantly surprised by your partner's actions and care for you - this person may be your partner in love or business - and his or her actions may touch you deeply. If you don't have a partner, you will still feel the gift of luxury that Venus in aspect to Jupiter will provide. You may have an opportunity to travel, or you may decide to play host to those who have traveled far to see you, a joyous occasion.
The full moon on Christmas Day, December 25, in Cancer, a water sign that fully supports Pisces, will make this year's holiday season especially warm and festive. This full moon will receive a tender beam from inspirational Neptune, your ruler, so family, friends, and the spirit of the season should touch your heart and bring on an enchanting experience. Interacting with adorable children or news that a family member is expecting a baby may be the icing on the cake. Mercury and Jupiter will be in fine angles, so you may get news from afar - a distant relative, in-law, or a business associate - who will clearly demonstrate that your welfare is their priority, making for another touching moment that may mean all the difference this holiday season.


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