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10月4日至25日,水星将在天蝎座逆行,你可能发觉自己一直在不停的核查细节,这很好!这是驾驭水逆的最佳方法。 放慢节奏可以避免找不到或丢失钥匙、眼镜、手机、和所有电子物件。要买电子产品最好等到11月——之后你会看到这样做是非常明智的。水逆期判断失准,但购买电子相关的物品则双倍麻烦,因为水星管辖所有机械运动的部分。10月3和4号,火星与天王成吉相位,你可能接到新的指派或业务,这将为你带来不小的收入,值得期待庆贺一番哦。

















































Aries March 21 to April 19 Mercury will retrograde beginning on October 4 until October 25, and because Mercury is in your financial sector, you may find that checks will start to arrive late, or that a credit card statement has an error. This would be a good time to check your credit report to make sure you have not been a victim of identity theft. On Saturday, October 4, Mars, your guardian planet, will make a surprise trip materialize for you quite suddenly, when Mars zings Uranus. Venus will glide through your opposite sign of Libra starting September 29 until October 23, making your interactions with a close partner smooth as silk. 


 Taurus April 20 to May 20 Your popularity with co-workers will rise when Venus enters your work sector on Monday, September 29 to stay until October 23. Over the next three weeks you can get the cooperation you need from teammates and those who report to you. With Mercury retrograde from October 4 to 25, you may need to go over an old concern that never quite was resolved with your partner. Don't wave off your partner's requests for a new and better answer - one can appear now. 


Gemini May 21 to June 21 Your daily routine may be thrown out into a spanner because Mercury will go retrograde from October 4 to October 25. This time Mercury will begin to retrograde in your workaday sector, indicating a project may have to be redesigned, fixed, or revamped to take on a new direction. In matters of health, if you get health results that seem odd or unusual. Ask to be retested to be sure the lab did not make a mistake. Venus in Libra is a divine influence, and will extend from September 29 to October 23. Circulate this week, for if single you may meet someone quite intriguing. Don't try too hard, either - you will have magnetism to spare, so let others come to you. 


Cancer June 22 to July 22  Mercury will retrograde now, from October 4 to 25, but it's never wise to come up too close to the start and end dates that Mercury turns. This week, avoid signing contracts, and by all means, buy no electronic items until you get to November. With Mars in superb angle to Uranus, you will have a shot of excellent career news on or near October 3. The fine performance you put on recently seems to have reached the higher echelons of the company, and a reward may come like lightning. You are moving up, dear Cancer - you will see proof of this soon. 


 Leo July 23 to Aug. 22 Your sense of adventure revs up as Mars triggers an opportunity to travel or study a fascinating subject that will enrich your life. And you are apt to meet exciting new companions on your journey as Venus enters Libra on September 29 until October 23. Domestic concerns go up for review as Mercury retrogrades from October 4 through October 25. You may want to rearrange the furniture or give the walls a fresh coat of paint. It's a great week to do home repairs you've put off and to browse stores for new accessories for your rooms that would give a fresh look. 


 Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Communication is about to get tangled or delayed, for Mercury will retrograde from October 4 through October 25. During this time it is important that you do not make commitments you cannot keep. Also, you can patch up a misunderstanding you have had with a sibling. It is wise to double-check appointments, for mix-ups are likely. If you are feeling especially high strung, you may want to make a deliberate attempt to slow down before bedtime, even if your bedtime is 2:00 AM because you work long hours. Save a 20-minute peaceful time each day for just you, at dawn or dusk. 


 Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 23 Pretty-me Venus will enter Libra on September 29 and stay until October 23. Consider getting a spa treatment that is luxurious and soothing this week, such as a facial, massage or seaweed wrap. You may want to investigate new technologies in skin care treatments now too that can have you looking your best. Money owed to you may stall while Mercury is out of phase October 4 to 25, so don't be shy about sending out reminder statements to those who owe you. 


 Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Now that Mercury is about to retrograde October 4 to 25 in Scorpio, you may feel that you are continually checking details. Good! That is the best way to handle Mercury retrograde. Slow down to avoid misplacing or losing keys, eyeglasses, cellphone, or electronic treasures. Do not buy electronics until November - later you will see why you were wise to wait. Judgment is off when Mercury is out of phase on all fronts, but electronics become doubly troublesome to purchase, for Mercury rules the moving parts in all machines. When Mars reaches out to Uranus in a friendly way on Friday and Saturday October 3 and 4, you may get a new assignment or new business that will bring you a handsome sum, and that's worth celebrating. 


 Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Your creativity will go into high gear later this week, thanks to a special alignment of Mars to Uranus that will allow you the perfect platform to display your ideas in a compelling, original way. If ideas come suddenly at night, have a pad by the bed so that you can list them. Now that Venus is about to enter Libra on September 29, you will socialize more, so you will want to look your best. A sudden attraction to one special person may have your heart beating double time. 


Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan 20 Now that Venus will tour your professional sector starting on September 29, to stay until October 23, you will find VIPs smile on you, and it will be easier for you to get your ideas approved. When Mercury retrogrades in your social sector from October 4 through October 25, you are likely to run into an old friend and it will be fun catching up. You may want to do a project together in the future - there may be reason you are seeing this person again. You are in an important career phase, so contacting colleagues from your past would be a smart idea too. If you need to make changes to your present home or find a new place to live, the aspects on Friday are sensational for hitting on the perfect answer. 


 Aquarius Jan 21 to Feb. 18 You can meet exciting new people by mixing and mingling at cultural events this week, and through most of the month. You may find that when Mercury retrogrades in your career sector from October 4 through October 25, business slows down or that you find executives indecisive or impossible to reach. Don't press, but rather let matters take their own course. In coming weeks, it will be best for you to revisit and polish current projects rather than begin new ones. If you didn't take a vacation in recent weeks, you may want to take one soon to rest and recharge. You will not miss anything earthshattering, but keep your cell phone powered up nevertheless. 


 Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20 You may want to review long-range plans and check your most basic assumptions, now that Mercury will begin to retrograde from October 4 through October 25. If you have been thinking about going back to the university to further your education, use this period to research different programs. If you do import-export or work in the international arena, make sure you understand what will be expected of you before you begin to avoid a miscommunication. Mars is still bringing your work to the powers at the top, so it will not be hard for you to get in to see VIPs. At the end of this week, you may get a surprise promotion, new client, or fantastic publicity. Wear your favorite outfits on Thursday and Friday, as all eyes will be on you. 



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