时间:2015-09-01 19:21 阅读:1050 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广



这个跟我们网站里面的所谓 13-14跨年运 类型是一样的 

说白了 就是轮到那个寿星老 就给他预测一下
放到苏珊年运版块里 以后每个生日月更新一次

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处女 (2015.8-2016.8) 


2015.8.25 苏珊 米勒 




你新的黄金时期在2015年8月刚刚开始,它会一直到2016年9月9日---- 近13个月的一段时期。一些有影响力的人可能会费尽心思来帮助你获得成功,并且在接下来的几周和几个月里,你会建立许多重要的新的联系和友谊---- 其中一些将成为你未来许多年里生活的根基。 








土星正安坐在代表你家庭的第四宫,并且土星经常会要求在它所拜访的宫位追求更高目标时做出牺牲。土星教导我们,没有决心和干劲是不会成就任何有价值的事情的---- 我们生命中所赢得的事情要靠我们最大的努力去实现。尽管土星是一位严厉去爱的老师,严格要求克制欲望,但你与土星一起获得的东西将会一生陪伴你。 

在你的职业生涯中,你可能会看到一系列幸运的突破。你现在种下的种子可能会在一年内发芽,这将标志着这一趋势的第二次孕育---- 开始于2016年9月,并将持续一年的时间。在你的预测期内,你职业生涯中最美好的时间可能在2015年感恩节前后,因此要在那时对决策者提出你的想法。虽然并不是你所有的新想法都会结出果实,但其中的许多会梦想成真!



Horoscope: Happy Birthday Virgo!

AUGUST 25, 2015


Susan Miller



Mother Nature creates the harvest around the time of your birthday, and many more fruits and vegetables in September. It’s a time of abundance.

You are naturally inclined to be useful and productive, and to that end, you often put others’ interests before your own. This birthday year, from now until September 2016, you will enter your most gratifying period in more than a decade. You will likely be rewarded for all your hard work, sensitivity and compassion over the past years. It’s time to think about you for a change and to enjoy all the goodies of the universe. It’s been a long time since you’ve been chosen to be the celestial favorite, and now you might increasingly find yourself at the right place at precisely the right time.

The universe could be showering you with good fortune in many areas of your life. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is now orbiting in Virgo for the first time since mid-2003 and mid-2004.

Your new golden epoch started recently, on August 11, 2015 and will continue until September 9, 2016—a period of nearly 13 months. Influential people might go out of their way to help you get ahead, and in the coming weeks and months, you will make many important new contacts and friendships—some of which will form the foundation of your life for many years to come.

Emilio Pucci zodiac dress, Valentino golden Virgo zodiac necklace and Ippolita sterling silver Virgo charm, all available at neimanmarcus.com

If you are single, you are likely to be surrounded by friendly faces during this time, including one or two intriguing people you will want to know better. According to ancient astrologers, the year that Jupiter tours one’s own sign (for you, that’s Virgo) is the very best year for meeting your one true love. If you are attached, this could be an ideal year to make a deeper commitment.

You might travel to at least one important, awe-inspiring city overseas, for Jupiter will want to broaden your horizons. If you hope to go back to school or live, work or study in a foreign country, focus on that goal, for in your extraordinary upcoming 12 months as “celestial favorite,” you will soon discover that almost nothing will be beyond your reach.

Your health is likely to become more robust. If you have artistic leanings, this year your creative output will blossom beautifully, so take the time to nurture your talent. Soon you will feel exceptionally optimistic and excited, and rightly so—you will have so much going for you. It may be tempting to agree to all the opportunities that may be presented this year, but you will need to remain choosy or you will spread yourself too thin.

You may have received a glimpse of the fantastic things to come at the end of August, when planetary activity was very strong and positive for you. The new family of eclipses will be in Virgo and Pisces, coming by every six months for two years. These cosmic events are always in a hurry to sweep out all that is old and outworn in your life so that you can replace those elements with something or someone more suitable for your future.

Big moments in your timeline, when important changes or breakthroughs will surface, will be the dates of the following eclipses: September 13, 2015 and next year, March 8, September 1 and September 16, 2016. If your birthday falls near one of these dates (or oppose March 8, on September 8), you will be strongly affected by the eclipses, and they may trigger events that rapidly move you from one realm of life to another. Changes will suit your evolving level of maturity. Steps that you were not ready to take just a year or two ago may seem right for you now.

If your birthday falls on September 22, then you may have already felt the first eclipse in the series, March 20, 2015 in your opposite sign of Pisces, spotlighting your closest partnership. This year, your longing to stabilize your life will be strong, and your faith in your ability to handle bigger responsibilities will grow steadily.

With eclipses in Virgo-Pisces now coming by for the first time since 2006 and 2007, life won’t bumble along, but rather speed up, and you may feel as though you are living life on fast-forward. The productive side of your Virgo nature always wants to see progress, so this trend will please you.

Saturn is now ensconced in your fourth house of home and family, and Saturn often asks for sacrifice in pursuit of a higher goal in relation to the house it visits. Saturn teaches that nothing of value comes without determination and drive—we prize the things in life that we worked the hardest to achieve. Although Saturn is a tough-love teacher, demanding much with delayed gratification, what you gain with Saturn will stay with you forever.

In your career, you could see a series of lucky breaks. The seeds you plant now will likely sprout in a year, which will mark the second gestation of this trend—due to begin September 2016 and continue for a year. The finest time for your career in your forecast period could be near Thanksgiving 2015, so present your ideas to decision-makers around then. While not all of your new ideas will bear fruit, many will!



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