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第一天是9月8号,当火星,你的第二统治星,现在在你的名望宫,将会从天王星精灵中获取光亮,进驻你的事业。在这天,你手底下的课题会让你名誉飞升。你的年龄并不重要 - 你在向高处走。 






也许你想知道为什么你和你前面天平座的人如此不同,是因为你的统治星是冥王星,冥王星总是教导你将精力和专注集中于具体意图。另一方面,金星教天平座的人广结朋友,具有魅力和吸引力,调情卖俏地说,事实上,她是金星爱之星的孩子。 起源完全不同。你知道后面的星座会弥补前面星座的缺点吗?想想吧! 

从4月中旬一直退行的冥王星将于9月25日顺行,这对你来说是一个重要的消息,因为冥王星是你的统治星。将这段日子做个特殊记号,9月22号到28号,因为你可能会得到线索,一条你生活的某一部分会突然转好的线索。这线索可能微小或明显 - 如果你留意你会发现的。 



关于感情方面,你可能已经享受到了某种8月29号满月的社交大事,或见证到你与另一半的关系融洽至极(或突然形成)。回想满月附件那几天 - 你可能已经看到感情的发展,尤其是生日在10月29号附近。怀孕,孩子或某个特定的孩子在当时出现或许是可能的。占星学中,你手头上现有的创造性的课题由同一宫掌管,所以你可能已经看到你的事业发展至高潮,更多的机会会在几周后到来,亲爱的天蝎。 





总结(引用木小鸟童鞋 的微信) 




























Scorpio Forecast for September 2015


By Susan Miller


You have been under a lot of career pressure to perform lately, but you certainly have stepped up your game and exceeded the expectations of VIPs. You will continue to outsmart the competition with your amazing professional climb toward the top. As the month opens, Mars and Venus will be orbiting very close to your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, which is a fantastic development. Your performance is not only knocking the socks off influential higher-ups in your company, but in your industry as well. Moreover, clients and executives will find you endearing and charming, and say you are a joy to have around. You seem to be hitting all the right high points, dear Scorpio. Your off-the-charts popularity will last while Mars remains close to Venus from the very start of September until September 24. Make good use of this time.


You are being held in such high regard that you may be able to take a judicious career risk or two. Offer a new idea to a VIP that you aren't sure will be accepted but that you believe is forward thinking and that you believe in with all your heart - with your glittering aspects, chances are, once you voice your idea, you'll be hailed as a rock star.


There will be two sterling days this month that I would like you to circle in gold on your calendar.


The first will be September 8, when Mars, your secondary ruler, now in your house of prestigious fame, will receive beams from genius Uranus, now moving in your project sector. On this day, it will be clear that something you are doing as a project is adding to your growing reputation as a visionary. It doesn't matter what your age - you are on an uphill trajectory.


The second day that will sparkle for you this month will be September 22, when Venus in your tenth house of reputation will also receive electric beams from Uranus. You may be working with a collaborator at the time, and if so, your work partner will bring you part of your success. No matter if you do or don't work with an associate - you will find this day to be outstanding, when you will likely get positive praise, publicity, or a promotion. Your fine performance over the past year is adding up, and will again lead you up the ladder of success.


All this work and no play is starting to wear on you, however, and the universe is aware of your plight. That's why on September 12-13 you will experience a new moon solar eclipse of the Sun, in Virgo, a divinely compatible sign for you. That means it will be fairly easy for you to accept the messages of this eclipse. This eclipse will light your eleventh house of friendship, so friends, new contacts, and even acquaintances will be the area of big future growth for you, not only now, but in the future too. This will be the second eclipse in the Pisces-Virgo series, and more will come, until the last one arrives on February 26, 2017. This tells me that your social life is about to see encouraging growth and change, and that your circle of friends is about to evolve and grow. Like ripples in a pond after you've tossed in a stone, your contacts will ever-widen in the coming year.


If your birthday falls on November 12, plus or minus five days, you will be especially touched by this bright and beautiful eclipse, and you will see upbeat changes and opportunities come up. The same would be true if you have your natal chart and know you have a natal planet within five degrees of 20 degrees of Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer, or Pisces - you will benefit too.


You need to be prepared for the possibility that one close friend may gently fade from view as you discover that the two of you have less in common. This happens - it is the normal life cycle of attrition, but it can be painful when it occurs. The new people who will pour into your life will be very stimulating and introduce you to even more new people. Aside from the eclipses in your eleventh house of people / events / contacts / friendships / charities, you will also have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, supervising this area of potential personal growth for you, which is an almost guarantee that you will find the coming two years to be quite exciting. You may want to consider joining a social or professional club, or a humanitarian effort, or support a political candidate you believe in. There is not a club on the planet that could not use an extra pair of hands to help out. This would be the month to send your application.


As a Scorpio, you enjoy your privacy, for you are not at all like Libra, the sign that falls prior to yours on the horoscope wheel. Libra will always enthusiastically socialize at the drop of a hat, but you will always look forward to closing the door of your apartment behind you at the end of a day. You prize quiet time to think, but this propensity, of staying alone most of the time will work against you if you don't make a concerted effort to socialize more in the coming twelve months. If you are hoping to meet someone special to love, your horoscope shows that in coming weeks and months, friends will help you by making introductions, but not if you stay home most weekends. In fact, while you may assume that all this socializing will take away from your career progress, the opposite will be true. Jupiter governs your natural second house of earned income, so while in your house of friendship and events, you will be helped by getting out and about.


In case you are wondering why you are so different from Libra, the sign that comes before yours, is that you are ruled by Pluto, the planet that teaches you to conserve energy at all cost and to control all elements in your life. You are taught by Pluto to laser your energy and intent to a specific purpose, always. Venus, on the other hand, teaches Libra to be open to always forming new relationships, to be charming and magnetic, and to flirt, for indeed, she is Venus' child, the planet of love. The orientation is very different. Did you know that each sign that stands on the wheel next to the other makes up for what the sign before it lacks? Something to think about!


Pluto has been lagging in retrograde since mid-April and will turn direct September 25. This is important news for you, for you are ruled by Pluto. Take special note of the days that surround this date, from September 22 to 28, for you will likely get a clue of what part of your life is about to suddenly bolt forward! The clue may be subtle or loud - if you pay attention you will see it.


This month Mercury will go retrograde from September 17 to October 9, a time you may come in contact with a person from your past, quite by accident. You might run into someone on the street or at a convention - the possibilities are endless. That is always the fun part of Mercury retrograde. You may find something in your closet you presumed you lost, or you may hear from a former boss. Don't, however, under any circumstance purchase a car, electronic, or any machine with moving parts while Mercury is out of phase. Your judgment will be off and you won't enjoy your purchase later.


You are probably already feeling the slowdowns that are the hallmark of Mercury retrograde, so sit tight and see what news comes in. You know there will be changes - go with the flow. It is already too late to sign a contract in September - wait until late October or, better, early November to make a binding commitment.


When it comes to love, you may have already enjoyed some sort of social event that occurred at the August 29 full moon, or saw your love relationship culminate (or form suddenly) at that time. Think back to the days surrounding that full moon - you may have seen a development in matters of the heart, especially if your birthday falls on or near October 29. It is alternatively possible that the word "pregnancy," "baby," or the name of a certain child came up at that time. In astrology, a current creative project that you might be working on is also ruled by the same house, so you may have seen your creative project now come to a climax. Much more opportunity will come to you in weeks ahead, dear Scorpio.


The month will have another eclipse, as they come in pairs. The next one will arrive September 27 in Aries, 6 degrees, and light your house of workaday projects. It also covers your assistants and the tools that you use to get your job done. Eclipses almost always bring news of needed change, but the news usually comes on suddenly and unexpectedly. Your trusted assistant might suddenly quit, or a client may announce she's leaving to go to a competitor. These things happen, and they can't always be helped. Eclipses keep us flexible and show us that we have other options, even if we assume we don't. Often we don't see the full array of possibilities we have in front of us until one is taken away.


The shifts that come up will surely benefit you, as Saturn will be in the perfect position to help you. You may be skeptical to hear this, but it's clear Saturn will be in the ideal place to have you benefit, possibly financially. Saturn will move into your second house of earned income on September 17, to stay two years, until December 2017. During that time, you may amass quite a bit of money, as you sacrifice spending on less important items in your life (like eating out) to save up for a house or other major financial goal.


The same area of your chart that will receive the Aries eclipse 6 degrees on September 27 also rules your health. If not much happens on the job front, you may find that something will come up that has been latent, or get a much needed diagnosis on something that has troubled you There are many other ways things could play out, say if you come to the end of your physical therapy treatments, or finally take the time to fix a tooth that your dentist has been asking you to do. Eclipses are famous for moving events forward very rapidly, and also for bringing a floodlight of truth to a situation.


You have a busy month, dear Scorpio! It will start getting VERY busy after the eclipse of September 12-13, so hold on to your hat!







If you were a stock on the Stock Exchange, the evening news anchor would be reporting that your stock is currently climbing through the roof. Your outlook is positively spectacular and everyone, of every sign, probably wants to be you. Your career has been going gangbusters, and now, with the meeting of Mars and Venus in your tenth house of fame and honors, you will be even MORE popular with VIPs and subordinates than before the month began. You are hitting one home run after another at work, dear Scorpio. Venus is still retrograde, a holdover from July 25, but will go direct on September 6, a time your popularity will rise into the stratosphere. Over the past three years, you were under a severe testing period in regard to your career due to Saturn's position in Scorpio, but those days are almost behind you. Saturn will leave Scorpio on September 27, not to return until November 2041 (!), so you are looking at a very different, much improved professional picture.


You may have discovered the last week in August to be delightfully social, but what you have not yet been able to detect is that the joyous change you may have experienced is simply the tip of the iceberg. More gratifying social life developments are due for you, not only this month but in the many months to come. You have spent a lot of time on your career, but happily. Now the horoscope wheel will turn to allow you to create a more balanced life, one with more time for friends and romance.


Plan to see pals you've not seen in a long time after the new moon solar eclipse, September 12-13. While it is true that one friend may leave your direct environment because she is moving away or getting married (among a host of other possibilities), you are about to make a number of powerful new friends too, possibly due to introductions made by your sibling or cousin. You will see this trend begin in the days following the solar new moon eclipse, September 13.


Mercury will go retrograde in a gentle part of your chart (twelfth house, the area of privacy) from September 17 to October 9. Get all your agreements, major decisions, and purchases done well in advance of the onset date of the retrograde. Do not buy an electronic item, appliance, car, or any machine with moving parts during the retrograde, and allow plenty of days' space prior to the onset of the retrograde, September 17.


The total eclipse of the moon in Aries, September 27, a full moon, will bring changes in your office headquarters or in regard to your health. Although at first you may feel a little startled by news, with Saturn friendly, your income will be protected, and if it should be that your health is the topic at hand, health insurance will likely cover costs. At work, you may discover your trusted assistant is about to leave, leaving you feeling left high and dry. It may be a jittery moment, but Pluto, now in your communication sector, will be very helpful, and it seems well-connected friends or even a neighbor may bring valuable clues of how to find a new recruit, with names of possible candidates to investigate. Don't fret, because positive aspects are glowing, so you may find someone better - you have every reason to remain optimistic.


For Dates to Note: Please watch my September TV show broadcast.


Here is the link to use: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol


About Eclipses: A Guide for Coping With Them




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